



1、Un it 3 Travel journalI. 词汇知识1. (n.)运送;运输(vt.)运输;运送2. (n.)不利条件;不便之处t (反义词)优点,有利条件3. (vt.)说服;劝说4. (vi.)毕业(n.)大学毕业生t (n.)毕业5. (adv.)最后;终于t (adj.)最终的;最后的6. (adj.)喜爱的;慈爱的;宠爱的7. (adj.)顽固的;固执的8. (vt.)组织; 成立t (n.)组织;团体t (n.)组织者9. (vt.)决定;确定;下定决心t (adj.)坚决的;有决心的t (n.)决心,决定10. (vi.)缓慢而行;踱步(n.)步;速度;步调 11. (n.

2、)弯;拐角(vt.)使弯曲(vi.)弯身;弯腰12. (n.)态度;看法对.的态度 海拔高度 在海拔的高度13. 预报,预测14.可信赖的,可靠的15.在下面16.寺庙,庙宇17.洞穴,地窖 18.更喜欢,选择某事物19.时间表,时刻表 20.旅行,旅程 日记,杂志,定期刊物21 '、.保险n .重点短语1. the faretransport 交通费用2. ever从那以后后句子用 时态3. dream / 梦想,梦见 + 4. change one' s 改变主意5. persuade sb.do sth./persuade sb.doing 说服某人做某事 说服某人不做某

3、事6. after graduatingcollege 学毕业之后After graduati ng from college, we fin ally got the cha nee to take a bike trip.7. care 关心;忧虑;惦念 care for 8 . make one' s mi nd 下定决心;决定9. an altitude of. 在海拔的高度 10. give投降; 让步 give up11. be fond 喜爱;喜欢13. 相反,代替15. 照常18. 在午夜川.必背句型12.支起,举起,张贴,悬挂14. 放弃;停止16 . 醒着 仃.19

4、. 留下20. 举起,张贴,悬挂穿着1. middle school , my sister Wang Wei and I havetaking a great bike trip.从高中起,我姐姐王薇和我就一直梦想做一次了不起的自行车旅行。1) Ever since后用时态自从那以后,我再也没看见过那个教授。2) dream of/about + 我梦想要成为 2. Although she didn ' t know the best way of getting to places , she insisted that she organize the trip properl

5、y. 虽然她对去某些地方的最佳路线并不清楚,她却坚持要自己把这次旅行安排得尽善尽美。insist + that从句 坚持认为某人应该,从句中用虚拟语气,即should +动词原形,should可以省略。坚持说一事实。从句中该用什么时态就用什么时态。e.g. They in sisted that the boy(go) with them, because they know the way to his home.The man in sisted that he( n eversteal) the mon ey.3. She gave me the kind that said shech

6、ange her mind.她给了我一个坚定的眼神一一这种眼神表明她是不会改变主意的。determined adj. be determined to do 决心要做 他决心要成功。She left him,n everfoot in that house aga in.A. determ in ed; to setB. being determ in ed; to put C. determ ining; to setD. determ in ed; place4. Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too.王薇很快使他们也对骑自行车感

7、兴趣了。5. she has, nothing can change it.她一旦下了决心,什么也不能使她改变。Once用于否定句、条件句等 They meet each other once a year.He once live in Shan ghai.6. When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold , she said it would be( 一次有 趣的经历).主语 +be+ adj. + to do (学习英语很有趣 )It is +adj.+to do sth.7. It

8、 was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.这是句型.可对句中 进行强调。He did his homework at home yesterday evening.(对句中能强调的部分进行强调)8. It will make wide bends or meanders through low valleys to the plains where rice grows.make He will make a

9、 good mornitor.9. A determined person always tries to finish the job ,.不管困难有多大,一个有决心的人总是尽力完成工作在让步状语从句中 no matter how=however , no matter what =whatever no matter who=whoever.但在名词性从句中,只能用 whatever, whoever, whichever (无论你说什么 ),he won' t believe you. (无论你是谁 ),you must obey the rules. You can takey

10、ou like.I ' m afraid I have to give it up.Don ' t be discouraged. Remembersticksto (坚持)his work will succeed one day.A. anyone B. who C. no matter who D. whoever10. To climbe the mountains was hard work but as we looked around us , we were surprised by the view.上山很艰难,但是当环顾四周,我们惊讶于眼前的景色。此句中作主

11、语。还可以做主语。眼见为实。 他说的话是正确的。11. At one point we were so high that we found ourselves cycling through clouds.find sb. doing 当他醒来时,发现他自己正躺在地上。find sb./sth. done when he came to himself, he found himself surrounded by a group of boys.find sb.(to be) adj./n. I find the Chin ese people to be happy and cheerf

12、ul.A cook will be immediately fired if he is foundin the chicke n. A. smoke B. smok ing C. to smoke D.smoked12. There was almost no wind only the flames of our fire for company.for compa ny他将陪我一起来。keep sb. company 陪伴某人,给某人 做伴 我将呆在这里陪你。13. We can hardly wait to see them!我们迫不及待地想要 见到他们。can hardly/not

13、wait to do语法:现在进行时现在进行时 表示说话时正在发生着的一个动作;表示现阶段但不一定是发生在讲话时;表近期特定的安排或计划;It is raining now.He is teach ing En glish and lear ning Chin ese. 下歹y动词 come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return等现在进行时可以表示将来。例如:rm leavi ng tomorrow. 明天我要走了。Are you stay ing here till next week? 你会在这儿呆到下周吗? 现在进行时与always, con

14、sta ntly, forever等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。Youyour mind. 你老是改变主意。 课时训缘I .品句填词1. The mother put her baby on a soft p, and then the baby slept soundly.2. From the top you can get a wonderful v of the city.3. Do you like my new wcoat?4. They found the body buried b a pile of leaves.5. Can you

15、 tell us something about the history of the (寺庙)?6. We are look ing for some one who is(可信赖的)and hardwork ing.n .完成句子1. (像往常一样 ),I slept late that Saturday morning.2. Rose likes singing , but her sister Mary (喜欢)drawing.3. After supper he went to sleep quickly but I(清醒).4. (半夜里)the sky became cleare

16、r and the stars grew brighter.5. A new theater will be (建造)where there used to be a temple.6. 我迫不及待地想毕业,这样我就可以找份工作赚些钱了。I , so I can get a job and earn some money.7. 当他醒过来时,发现自己躺在医院的床上。When he woke up , he on the bed in hospital.&早起是有益于我们的身体健康的。is good for our health.IV 阅读理解Travel is fun and exci

17、ting , but it' s not if you get sick. You may think , “ Not me, I won ' t get sick on my vacation. ” But, for many people , that is what happens.Of course you don ' t want to spend your vacation sick in bed. So what can you do to stay in good health ? There are three things you should re

18、member when you travel : relax , sleep and eat well.A vacation is supposed to be a time for relaxing. But very often it is not. Think about what you do when you are a tourist. There are so many places to visit: museums, shops, parks and churches. You may spend most days walking around these places.

19、This can be very tiring. You may have a terrible headache after a few hours. If this is the way you feel , you shou ld take a rest. Don' t ask your body to do too much. A tired body means a weak body. And a weak body gets sick easily. So sit down for a few hours in a nice spot. I n good weather

20、, look for a quiet park ben ch. Or you can stop at a cafe. You can lear n a lot by watch ing people while you rest.Sleep is also importa nt. If you want to stay healthy , you n eed to get eno ugh sleep. You may have trouble sleep ing at ni ght when you travel. Your hotel room may be noisy or the bed

21、 may be uncomfortable. If this is true , don' t be afraid to change rooms or hotels. Or you may not get eno ugh sleep for ano ther reas on. You may want to stay out late at ni ght. In many cities the nightlife can be very exciting. Then you should plan to sleep for an hour during the day. The ex

22、tra hour can make a big differe nee.Fin ally , if you want to stay healthy , you must eat the right kinds of food but you n eed to be careful about how much you eat. Lots of food is not good for you.So, remember this. If you want to enjoy your vacati on , take good care of yourself. Give your body s

23、ome rest.Get eno ugh sleepand eat good, healthy food.1. This passage is about.A . what you eat when you travelB.how exciting travel is C.relaxing when you travel D.how to stay healthy when you travel2 .3.4.Sightsee ing is.the best way to relax B . very tiring C. never fun D. unhealthyYour body n eed

24、s sleep to during your travel.enjoy the nightlife B. change hotels C. stay strong and healthy D. learn a lot about a new place According to the passage, which of the following is a good way to relax when you t ravel?Stopping at a cafe. B. Visiting museums , shops and churches. C. Sleeping in a hotel

25、. D. Eating a lot of food.I .词汇知识I.tra nsport 8.orga ni ze;n .重点短语 川.必背句型2.disadvantage ; advantage3.persuade 4.graduate ; graduation5.finally ; final6.fond 7.stubbornorga ni zati on; orga ni zer 9.determi ne; determ ined ; determ in ati on10.pacel.for 2.si nee 3.of/about 4.to do 5.from 6. mi nd 7.about 8.up 9.atI.Ever since ; dreamed about ever since, I haven 'tseen that professor.2.11.be nd 12.attitude10.i n 11.of 12.makeorganiz


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