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1、22飘中女主人公斯佳丽性格分析论点:小说飘中女主人公斯佳丽复杂性格源于父母及其成长的环境,同时,这些性格特征对她的爱情观人生观产生了决定性影响。提纲引言一、小说飘的简介1、小说内容及作者简介2、女主人公斯佳丽二、作品中女主人公的性格分析1、斯佳丽复杂性格(1)斯佳丽遗传了父母聪明、慷慨的性格特征(2)内战前斯佳丽的性格既骄纵、自私又处事圆滑 (3)斯佳丽在经历战争中和战后成熟、坚强的性格 2、斯佳丽的爱情与婚姻(1)斯佳丽与初恋对象阿洗礼(2)斯佳丽与表姐玫兰妮(3)斯佳丽与第二任丈夫瑞特三、女主人公性格形成原因1、斯佳丽的生活环境2、残酷的战争3、新旧亚特兰大结论An Analysis of

2、 Scarletts Characters in Gone with the WindThesis Statement: In the novel Gone with the Wind, the heroine Scarletts complicated characters originated from her parents and growth environment, at the same time, these characters on her view about love and life philosophy had a decisive influence.Outlin

3、eIntroduction. The Introduction of Gone with the WindA. A Brief Introduction to the Author and NovelB. A Brief Introduction to the Heroine Scarlett. An Analysis of Scarletts Characters in the NovelA. Scarletts Complicated Characters1. Scarlett Inherited Smart and Generous Personality from her Parent

4、s2. Scarlett Was Arrogant, Selfish and Diplomat before the Civil War3. Scarlett Became Mature and Strong during and after the Civil WarB. Scarletts View about Marriage and Love1. Scarletts First Love-Ashley2. Scarletts Sister-Melanie3. Scarletts Second Husband-Rhett. The Reasons for the Formation of

5、 Scarletts CharactersA. Her Living Circumstances B. The Stern War C. The Background Atlanta Conclusion飘中女主人公斯佳丽性格分析摘要:1937年,美国女作家玛格丽特·米切尔创作的描写美国南北战争的小说飘获普利策奖。飘中,作者成功塑造了性格鲜明生动的女主人公斯佳丽的人物形象:对待爱情,她热烈而执着;对待生活,她勇敢而坚毅;对待利益,她不折手段。本文将以“美国深刻社会变革时代南北战争时期”这一故事的历史背景为基础,结合斯佳丽的成长经历对其性格以及性格形成的原因展开分析。全文分为三部分,其


7、情An Analysis of Scarletts Characters in Gone with the WindAbstractThe author Margaret Mitchell was an American, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 for her immensely successful novel, Gone with the Wind. The author successfully created a vivid heroine Scarlett in the novel: towards love, she is passi

8、onate and devoted; towards life, she is brave and fortitudinous; in dealing with the interest, she resorts to all means. This paper will combine the historical background of "American profound social change - the Civil War" with Scarletts growth experiences to analyze her characters and fo

9、rmation thereof.The present paper concentrates on an analysis of Scarletts characters in the novel Gone with the Wind. The main characters are Scarlett, Rhett, Ashley and Melanie. There are three parts of the paper. The first part gives a brief introduction to both the author and the novel. The seco

10、nd chapter analyzes Scarletts personality from the aspects of her parents, growth environment and experiences during and after the Civil War. The third chapter analyzes the reasons for the formation with Scarlett's characters, and causes of her change from Scarlett's living environment, brut

11、al war, destruction and reconstruction of old Atlanta and other aspects. Here comes the conclusion: The influence of families, growth environment and American Civil war are closely linked for the formation of her characters which led Scarletts complicated characters on her view about love and life p

12、hilosophy a decisive influence. Key words:Scarlett; analysis of the characters; formation of the characters; American civil war; loveAn Analysis of Scarletts Characters in Gone with the WindIntroductionGone with the Wind, first published in May 1936, is a romance novel written by Margaret

13、Mitchell, who won the Pulitzer Prize for the book in 1937. The story is set in Clayton County, Georgia and Atlanta during the American Civil War and Reconstruction. The novel depicts the experiences of Scarlett O'Hara, the spoiled daughter of a well-t

14、o-do plantation owner, who must use every means at her disposal to come out of the poverty that she finds herself in after Sherman's March to the Sea. The book is the source of the 1939 film of the same name.Margaret Mitchell began writing Gone with the Wind in 1926 to pass t

15、he time while recovering from an auto-crash injury that refused to heal. In April, 1935, Harold Latham of Macmillan, an editor who was looking for new fiction, read what she had written, and saw that it could be a best-seller. After Latham agreed to publish the book, Mitchell worked for another six

16、months checking the historical references, and rewrote the opening chapter several times. Mitchell and her husband, John Marsh, a copy editor by trade, edited the final version of the novel. Mitchell wrote the book's final moments first, and then wrote the events that lead up to it. As to w

17、hat became of her star-crossed lovers, Rhett and Scarlett, after the novel ended, Mitchell did not know, and said, "For all I know, Rhett may have found someone else who was less difficult." Gone with the Wind is the only novel by Mitchell published during her lifetime.

18、 This paper gives three parts to analyze the main characters, in the first chapter; there is the introduction to the novel. The second part makes an analysis of Scarletts characters. The third part tells the reasons for the formation of her characters. In the conclusion it tells the influence of her

19、 families, growth environment and American Civil war. The Introduction of Gone with the WindA. A Brief Introduction to the Author and NovelMargaret Mitchell was born in November 8, 1900 in Atlanta, Georgia, the daughter of an attorney who was the president of the Atlanta Historical Society. From her

20、 childhood, she began to learn the Civil War while her father was talking about it with his friends, At the age of fifteen she wrote in her journal: “If I were a boy, I would try for West Point, if I could make it, or well I'd be a prize fighter - anything for the thrills.”She was once educated

21、at Washington Seminary and Smith College, Massachusetts. After her mother died, she had to leave school in order to manage household affairs at home. She began with her early writing career as a journalist for Atlanta Journal. In 1925 she married John Marsh, who was the director of Advertisement Dep

22、artment of a company. In 1926, she had to quit her job from the newspaper because her leg got injured. Encouraged by her husband, she devoted herself to write and in the following ten years she put all the stories she had heard about the Civil War on paper. During the near ten years, Margaret seldom

23、 mentioned her manuscripts to her friends. The work Gone with the Wind was first published in 1936. Its sales broke many records in publishing history. She died in 1949 in a road accident. During World War II Mitchell was a volunteer selling war bonds and volunteer for the American Red Cross. Gone w

24、ith the Wind was a love affair in the American south during the Civil War and Reconstruction. The story began in the eve of the Civil War. It was Old South, which is no more than a dream remembered today. People once there were living with the high strong slave songs in the quarters in security, pea

25、ce and eternity. B. A Brief Introduction to the Heroine ScarlettScarlett was a daughter of a rich plantation owner of Irish immigrant in Georgia. She was a beautiful girl in her sixteen. But she bore the character of rebellion, willfulness and wildness in her Irish blood. She became heartbroken when

26、 she confirmed the rumor that Ashley Wilkes was going to ask his cousin Melanie to marry him in the party at Twelve Oaks. Scarlett believed Ashleys true love was herself and she was more excellent than Melanie on all sides. She could easily persuade Ashley to elope with her. Scarlett confessed her l

27、ove to Ashley but Ashley refused her tactfully.In the summer of 1864, the Yankee Army started to attack Atlanta and everyone was fleeing the city. Rhett asked Scarlett to be his lover and run away to Mexico with him. But Scarlett refused him, because Melanie was pregnant and Scarlett promised Ashley

28、 before to look after Melanie. The siege of Atlanta was on in earnest. Melanie went into labor, but Scarlett couldnt find a doctor for her. Scarlett had to deliver a child herself. The Yankees were coming. In desperation, she had to find Rhett for help. Rhett found a broken cart and sent them outsid

29、e the burning city. They were hurry on with their journey to Tara in darkness. Rhett left them to join the war.The scenes along the road frightened Scarlett. Many familiar plantations had been damaged by fire. Finally they reached Tara after the hard journey. To her surprise, the white house of Tara

30、 was still there. The person who welcomed them was only her father Gerald. He was mad. Her two sisters were caught a heavy sick. The burden of raising the whole family was fallen down on the shoulder of Scarlett an only 19 year-old widow. The miserable life trimmed Scarlett and made her cruel. She v

31、owed her famous line, “As God as my witness I will never be hungry again.”¹ One day, a Yankee straggler riding on horse broke into the plantation. He tried to steal whats left of their money, but Scarlet killed him with pistol. She got a horse and all of his looted money. All of these saved her

32、.The War was finally over. Ashley came home. Scarlett confessed her love again and asked Ashley to run away together, Ashley admired her fearlessness, but disagreed with her, because Scarlett had too much honor to leave Tara. The new government had raised the tax for Tara or got auction on Tara for

33、the tax payment. In desperation, Scarlett decided to see Rhett in Atlanta. If he was willing to save Tata, Scarlett would rather to marry him or be his lover. Her plan failed. But she met her sisters fiancé Frank on the street who was now the owner of a shop. In order to save Tara, Scarlett mar

34、ried Frank. When she found out Frank was not a good businessman and took no advices of others at all, Scarlett bought a wood mill and managed it herself. That was big news in Atlanta that a woman earned money like men.Rhett again asked Scarlett to marry him and this time Scarlett agreed in despite o

35、f the protest of her relatives and friends. They lived a luxurious life and built a mansion in Atlanta. Soon their daughter Bonnie was born. But Scarlett never forgot Ashley. One night when she was talking with Ashley in the mill, she could not help putting herself into Ashleys arms. It was known by

36、 Rhett and Melanie. Scarlett went for Melanie to apologize, Melanie stopped her and emphasized loudly in public that Scarlett was her closest friend. Rhett left home with Bonnie. Soon Scarlet found her pregnant again. She began to miss Rhett. When Rhett reached home, Scarlett welcomed him at the end

37、 of the stairs specially. When Scarlett saw a sneering look on his face, she was so angry that she felt down stairs. Scarlett lost the baby and Rhett got regretted very much. Before Melanie died, she asked Scarlett to look after Ashley. Ashley was more afraid than Scarlett owing lost of his mainstay

38、. Only at this moment, Scarlet understood the words that Rhett had said to her all the years that Ashley was not worth her love at all. She didnt love Ashley in the real life. Her real love was Rhett! But it was too late because Rhett had made up his mind to leave Scarlett forever. Scarlett believed

39、 that she needed to get him back “After all”, she said to herself, “tomorrow was another day.”² II. An Analysis of Scarletts Characters in the NovelA. Scarletts Complicated Characters 1. Scarlett Inherited Smart and Generous Personality from Her ParentsScarlett O'Hara is not beautiful in a

40、conventional sense, as indicated by Margaret Mitchell's opening line, but a charming Southern belle who grows up on a Clayton County, Georgia plantation named after Tara in the years before the American Civil War. She is the oldest of three daughters. Her two younger sisters are the lazy and whi

41、ny Susan Elinor ("Suellen") and the gentle and kind Caroline Irene ("Carreen"). Her mother also gave birth to three younger sons, who were all named Gerald Jr. and died as infants. Selfish, shrewd and vain, Scarlett inherits the strong will of her Irish father Gerald O'Hara,

42、but also desires to please her well-bred, gentle French American mother Ellen Robillard, from a good and well respected Savannah, Georgia family. “Scarlett was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm. Her eyes were green without a touch of hazel, starred with briskly black

43、 lashes and slightly tilted at the ends. The green eyes in the carefully sweet face were turbulent, willful and lusty with life, distinctly at variance with her decorous demeanor. Her manners had been imposed upon her by her mothers gentle admonitions and the sterner discipline of her mammy; her eye

44、s were her own.”3At sixteen, she looked sweet, charming and giddy, but she was, in reality, self-willed, vain and obstinate. She had the easily stirred passions of her Irish father and nothing except the thinnest veneer of her mothers unselfish and forbearing nature. Her mother Ellen and Mammy taugh

45、t her all a gentlewoman should know, but she learned only the outward signs of gentility. “There was no such conflict as frequently raged in Scarlett bosom, where the blood of soft-voiced, over-bred Coast aristocrat mingled with the shrewd, earthy blood of an Irish peasant.”4 Scarlett wanted very mu

46、ch to be like her mother. The only difficult was that by being just and truthful and tender and unselfish, one missed most of the joys of life, and certainly many beaux. In addition, she was fiery like her father and somewhat rebelled. 2. Scarlett Was Arrogant, Selfish and Diplomat before the Civil

47、WarBefore the Civil War, her life was full of parties, beautiful clothes and love. Despite her shortages, she had a large quality of excellent qualities, such as courage, vivacity, strong sense of responsibility, integrity and virtuousness.Scarlett OHara, the daughter of a Georgia plantation owner.

48、Her new green flowered-muslin dress spread its twelve yards of billowing material over her hoops and exactly matched the flat-heeled green morocco slippers her father had recently brought her from Atlanta. The dress set off to perfection the seventeen-inch waist, the smallest in three counties. This

49、 is the first glimpse we receive in the book of the Southern Belle Scarlett OHara. She is sixteen years old and her only concern in life is to look beautiful and attract lots of beaux. Being beautiful and attracting beaux was what Scarlett was raised to do. According to Scarletts mother “the first d

50、uty of a girl was to get married” 5. Minor emphasis was placed on Scarletts education outside of what would be practical for her to know in marriage. Ellen and her Mammy instilled in Scarlett all the traits that a gentlewoman must know to behave like a lady in front of a gentleman. “Most of all she

51、learned how to conceal from men a sharp intelligence beneath a face as sweet and bland as a babys” 6. There is much talk of war around Scarlett. America is at the cusp of civil war, Pa talks war morning, noon and night, and all the gentlemen who come to see him shout about Fort Sumter and States Rig

52、hts and Abraham Lincoln till I get so bored I could scream!. All of this war talk is cutting in on Scarletts fun. She has been groomed to dance in beautiful dresses at parties and balls with lots and lots of beaux. She is at her social peak. There is nothing that concerns Scarlett except for what is

53、 immediately happening in her social circle:Im mighty glad Georgia waited till after Christmas before it seceded or it would have ruined the Christmas parties, too. This sounds a bit harsh in lieu of what was really happening in the southern states, but Scarlett was completely sincere. The character

54、 Scarlett is not that concerned with war. War was a distant reality in her eyes. A conflict, that if it were even to happen, would be over before it even started because as everyone knew: “Why, one Southerner can lick twenty Yankees” 7.3. Scarlett Became Mature and Strong during and after the Civil

55、WarThere are drastic changes to Scarlett OHaras life once the war commences. Scarlett realizes that the man she wants to marry is going to marry his cousin, so in a fit of jealousy she bats her eyelashes at the next available beau and becomes a war bride within two weeks of the barbeque. This marria

56、ge does not last long because Scarletts husband dies of pneumonia before ever seeing battle. Sixteen-year old Scarlett is now a widow. She has to wear black dresses and she has to be grave and aloof.At one point of the war, the fighting was right at Atlantas doorstep and most of the townspeople trie

57、d to flee to safer places. Scarlett can not go as a refugee to a safe place like the other citizens of Atlanta because she has promised Ashley Wilkes that she would take care of his bride and cousin Melanie who was too heavy with child to be able to travel. Scarlett is very tired of the war and she

58、longs to be home at Tara in the safe arms of her mother and Mammy. She is also afraid because she knows the Union Army is fighting close to Tara and her sisters are ill with typhoid.In order to save Melanie who was expecting her baby soon, Scarlett stayed to look after her at the risk of her own lif

59、e. In order to keep Tara plantation and raise the whole family, she tried every means even at the price of her own marriage. Although it looked like that she stopped at nothing to get what she wanted in some peoples eyes. In fact, all these were due to strong sense of responsibility. She was full of energy, brave and talented. She despised all the outmoded regulations and irrational practices. She was bold in making innovations. In order to earn more money, she took risk to shu


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