1、全国 2007 年 1 月高等教育自学考试现代语言学试题全国 2007 年 1 月高等教育自学考试现代语言学试题课程代码: 00830 .Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C, orD in the brackets.(2%× 10=20%)1 The study of how people use their spe
2、ech organs to produce speech sounds is ofgreat interest to those working in the area of()A phonologyB articulatory phoneticsC auditory phoneticsD acoustic phonetics2 The vowel u: in English has all the following features EXCEPT()A longB roundedC closedD central3 The stress of the compound noun“ armc
3、hair” falls on()A the second syllableB the first syllableC both the first and second syllablesD either thefirstor the secondsyllable4 When we move a noun phrase from the object position to the subject position inpassive transformationinEnglish,we are () the noun phrasetothe left.A rewritingB postpos
4、ingC maintainingD preposing5 Of the views concerningthestudy ofmeaning,theone in which meaning isexplainedin terms of observable stimuli and responses made by participants in specificsituations is referred to as()A contextualismB behaviourismC conceptualismD the naming theory6 The illocutionarypoint
5、ofthe () istocommit the speaker tosomething s being the case, to the truth of what has been said.A representativesB commissivesC expressivesD directives7 Abbreviations of longer words or phrases may become lexicalized, for example,gymforgymnasium. This process is sometimes called()A blendingB abbrev
6、iatingC clippingD compounding8 The differences between standard and non-standard, on the one hand, and between high and low language varieties in a _ situation, on the other hand, areparallel but not identical.()A diglossicB bilingualC linguisticD sociolinguistic9 The view that the brain is the sour
7、ce of human language and cognition goes backover () years.A 10000B 5000C 2000D 100010() motivationoccurs when the learner desires to learn a second languagein order to communicate with native speakers of the target language.A InstrumentalB FunctionalC IntegrativeD Social. Directions:the firstFill le
8、tterin the blank in each of the following of which is already given as a clue.statements with one word, Note that you are to fillin ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%10=10%)11.Traditional grammarians tried to tell people what was good usage and what wasbad usage b
9、ysetting models forlanguageusers to follow. Thus their approach tothe study of language was p.12.The fintonation in English usually indicates that there is an impliedmessage in what the speaker says.×13.Theaffix“ hood ” isa n-formingsuffixthatcanbe added tothe end ofstems, such aschild, etc.boy
10、man14.X-bar theory referstoa generaland highlyaschemathatcan reduce theredundancies of individual phrase structure rules and may well capture certainbasic properties shared by all phrasal categories across the languages of theworld.15.In the semantic analysis of a sentence, the basic unit is called
11、p.16.The basic difference between pragmatics and traditional semantics is thatpragmatics considers meaning incand traditional semantics studiesmeaning in isolation from use.17.Language changes can be associated with major social changes caused by wars,invasions, colonialization and colonial settleme
12、nt, cultural and economicadvances, or socio-economic s.18.A personaldialectisreferredto as idiolect.Itshows idiosyncraticvarietiesand combines aspects of all the elements regarding regional, social, and svariation, in one form or another.19.Itis known thatspecializedlinguisticand perceptualskillsare
13、eachlocalizedin a particular hemisphere of the brain . The localization of cognitive andperceptualfunctionsina particularhemisphereofthebrainiscalled l.20.TheCAnalysisapproachwas founded on the beliefthat itwas possible,by establishingthelinguisticdifferencesbetween thenativeand targetlanguagesystem
14、s,topredictwhat problemslearnersofa particularsecondlanguage wouldface and the types of errors they would make. .Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false.Put a T for true of F for false in the bracket in front of each statement. Ifyou think a statement is false, yo
15、u must explain why you think so and give thecorrect version.(2%× 10=20%)21.()With their respective distinction between langue and parole, andcompetenceand performance, bothSaussureand Chomsky presentthe viewthatonlytheabstractstructureof languagecan be studiedsystematically,but not itsuse.22.()
16、If a Chinese speaker pronounces the /l/ sound in the wordfeelnot as adark, but as a clear l, he will be misunderstood by a native speaker as sayingsomething else.23. ()A logical subject may have different positions in a sentence.24.()The subordinator only marks the beginning of an embedded clause, a
17、nd itdoesn t indicatethe grammaticalfunctionof theembedded clause in thesentence.25.()Englishisrichin synonyms for historicalreasons butcompletesynonyms,i.e.synonyms thataremutually substitutableunder all circumstances,arerare.26.()The utterance meaning of a sentence remains the same in all contexts
18、.27.()In Old English the main negation element was“ne” .Like Modern English“ not ” ,the “ ne”usually occurred after the auxiliary verb.28.()Apidginis ordinarilya simplifiedversionof one of the languages,usuallyEuropean,such as English,modifiedin the directionof the otherand characterizedby an absenc
19、e of any complex grammar, and its vocabulary is also very limited.29.()The nerve cells that form the surfaceof the brainare calledthe cortex,which serves as the intellectual decision-maker, receives messages from thesensory organs, and initiates all voluntary actions.30.()Childrenlearnlanguage by simplyimitatingthe speech of the people aroundthem. .Directions: Explain the following terms, using one or two examples forillustration if necessary.(3%
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