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1、大学英语四级历年作文范文Topic 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Reading Classics or Popular Books? following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 1. 书在我们生活中起着重要作用 2. 有些人认为应该读经典著作,有些人则认为应该读畅销书 3. 在我看来 Readin

2、g Classics or Popular Books? Books are good companions in our lives. Every time we are bored or down, we can always turn to a book at hand, which instantly opens a new world to us, where we can lead different lives and experience various adventures. Peoples view differs with regard to whether to rea

3、d classics or popular books. Some claim that we should read classics as they offer us an access to the great wisdom of the literature giants at home and abroad. Reading these books enlightens us and makes us think about our lives. In contrast, other people believe that we should read popular books a

4、s they are easy to understand and can relieve our pressure from a burdened life in such a hustle and bustle world.As far as I am concerned, we should read both kinds of books. Classics help us form our values and outlook on life, while popular books make our lives more colorful.(译文) 读经典著作还是畅销书?书是我们生

5、活中的好伙伴。每当我们感到无聊和失落时,我们总能向手边的书寻求帮助。它们即刻就为我们展开一个全新的世界,在那里我们可以过各式人生、经历各种冒险。关于应该读经典著作还是读畅销书,人们的看法各异。有人声称我们应该读经典著作,因为经典著作为我们提供了一个学习国内外文坛巨匠伟大智慧的途径。阅读这些书使我们得到启迪,也促使我们对人生进行思考。相反,另一些人认为我们应当读畅销书,因为畅销书易于理解,能够为我们在这熙熙攘攘的世界里的沉重生活减轻压力。在我看来,两种书我们都要读。学习经典著作能帮助我们形成价值观和世界观;而畅销书则使我们的生活更多彩。Topic 2 Directions: For this p

6、art, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How Should College Students Spend Their Spare Time? You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.How Should College Students Spend Their Spare Time?College is a place where students arrange their own studies and take p

7、art in all kinds of activities as they like. Thus, plenty of time is left at college students disposal.How should college students spend their spare time then? Firstly, it will be very beneficial to brush up a foreign language, so going to an English corner or taking some language courses will be a

8、good way of spending the spare time. Secondly, developing personal interest could also be a good after-school activity. For instance, learning to play some musical instrument or learning painting can bring fun to ones life and help enlarge ones circle of friends.College years are very precious, for

9、we are young enough to pick up new skills quickly and old enough to face many challenges. Therefore, it is very important and meaningful to make good use of the spare time in college.(译文) 大学生应如何利用课余时间?大学是一个学生自由安排学习和参与各种活动的地方。这样一来,学生就有了许多空闲时间可以自由支配。大学生该如何利用课余时间?首先,提高外语水平十分有益,因此,去英语角或者选修一些语言课程是利用课余时间的

10、好方法。其次,发展个人兴趣也是很好的课余活动。比如,学习弹奏乐器或绘画,这些都能为生活带来欢乐,并且有助于扩大朋友圈。大学时代是非常宝贵的,因为我们正青春年少,能够快速学习新技能,也足够成熟以迎接许多挑战。因此,好好利用大学课余时间非常重要并且很有意义。Topic 3Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay commenting on the remark, “Not to know is bad; not to wish to know is worse.” You can giv

11、e examples to illustrate your point and then explain how people can develop curiosity. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.On the Importance of CuriosityThe saying that “Not to know is bad; not to wish to know is worse” best illustrates the importance of curiosity, a desir

12、e to know, a hunger to explore and a delight to discover. Without curiosity, human beings would never reach the civilization today.Curiosity motivates us to uncover the truth about nature and life. It takes a curious mind to look beneath the surface and discover new worlds and possibilities. Were it

13、 not for curiosity, Newton would never have developed the law of gravitation, nor would the continents of America or Australia be discovered. Being curious allows us to engage in activities that will stretch the boundaries of our mind and naturally broaden our horizons.Fortunately, curiosity is a ha

14、bit that can be nurtured and developed. To be more specific, we need to approach the world with a child-like habit of asking questions. With practice, we are sure to transform everyday tasks into enjoyable experiences and lay the ground for future discoveries and opportunities.(译文) 关于好奇心的重要性引言“无知是悲哀

15、的,无意求知更可悲”很好地阐述了好奇心的重要性。好奇心是一种求知的欲望、一种探索的渴求以及一种发现的喜悦。如果没有好奇心,人类绝不可能达到今天的文明水平。好奇心激励我们揭开关于自然和人生的真理,需要一颗好奇的大脑才能透过表象发现新的世界和新的可能。如果不是好奇心,牛顿绝不可能推出万有引力定律,美洲和澳洲大陆也不可能被发现。好奇心使我们积极参与能够扩展我们大脑界限的活动,自然也就扩展了我们的视野。幸运的是,好奇心是一种可以培养和养成的习惯。具体来说,我们需要带着孩子般爱提问的习惯来接触这个世界。加以练习,我们一定能将日常的任务变成有趣的经历,为未来的发现和机遇打下基础。Topic 4Direct

16、ions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Regional Unbalance in Educational Development following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.1. 中国沿海和内陆教育不平衡2. 产生教育不平衡的原因3. 提出建议,如何促进教育的均衡发展On Regional Unbalance in E

17、ducational DevelopmentAlthough education in China has been greatly developed in the past decades, there is a big gap of education qualities between coastal and interior regions.Why is education in our country so unbalanced? There are two major reasons. From a general perspective, economic condition

18、affects the regional education development. Poor regions cant afford advanced teaching facilities or attract excellent teachers. Besides, people in those poor areas dont think education is very important and tend to send their children to work rather than study.In light of the seriousness of this pr

19、oblem, effective measures should be taken immediately. First of all, it is crucial that our government should allocate more budgets to develop education in those interior regions. Second, it is necessary to greatly publicize the advantages of receiving good education.(译文) 关于区域教育发展不平衡虽然在过去的几十年中国的教育得到

20、极大的发展,但是沿海地区和内陆地区的教育质量存在着很大的差距。为什么我国的教育如此不平衡?主要有两方面的原因。总的来看,经济状况影响地区教育发展。贫困地区买不起先进的教学设备,也吸引不了优秀的教师。除此之外,那些贫困地区的人们不认为教育非常重要,他们倾向于把孩子送去工作而不是读书。鉴于这个问题的严重性,我们应该立即采取有效措施。首先,政府拨更多的资金用于发展内陆地区的教育是至关重要的。其次,有必要大力宣传接受良好教育的好处。Topic 5Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay en

21、titled On Seizing Opportunity by referring to the saying, “Chance favors the prepared mind. ” You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.On Seizing OpportunityHistory has taught us that opportunity is essential to success. Napoleon Bonaparte said “ability is of little account wit

22、hout opportunity.” Many people believe that all men are equal before opportunity, in other words, “every dog has his day”. But reality once and again tells us that chance favors the prepared mind.It is true that the prepared mind is more likely to seize an opportunity, which perhaps only knocks once

23、. First, he/she is “mentally” prepared like a watchful leopard waiting for its prey. Once the opportunity shows up, he/she can swiftly grasp it. Otherwise, he/she who hesitates is lost. Second, he/she is “physically” prepared like a veteran athlete who trains hard. Once the chance presents itself, h

24、e/she is able to seize it.Since chance is rare and fleeting, anyone who desires success should always be ready to seize the opportunity when it appears. For one thing, he/she should constantly sharpen his/her skills to be “physically” prepared; for another, he/she should have his/her eyes open for o

25、pportunity to stay “mentally” prepared.(译文) 论抓住机遇 历史教育我们,机遇对于成功至关重要。拿破仑曾说过:“没有机遇,再有能力也没用。”许多人认为机遇面前人人平等,换句话说,即“凡人皆有得意日。”但是,现实一次又一次地告诉我们,机遇青睐有准备的人。确实,有准备的人更有可能抓住机遇,有些机遇也许人生就一次。首先,他/她做好了“心理准备”,就像一只警惕的猎豹在等待它的猎物。一旦机遇出现,他/她就能迅速抓住它。否则, 犹豫不决,只能落得两手空空。其次,他/她做好了“身体准备”,就像一位经验丰富、训练有素的运动员。一旦机遇降临,他/她有能力抓住。既然机遇难得

26、、骤然飞逝,任何渴望成功的人都应该时刻准备着,当机遇一旦出现,就能迅速抓住它。一方面,他/她需要不断提升自身技能,以做好“身体准备”;另一方面,他/她需要关注机遇,以做好“心理准备”。Topic 6.Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to a friend, advising him not to give up the Computer Rank Examination following the outline given below. You should write at le

27、ast 120 words but no more than 180 words.你的朋友李明打算放弃计算机等级考试,写信劝说他不要放弃。信中应包括以下内容: 1希望他再三考虑并说明此次考试的重要性 2给予鼓励,并表示愿意提供帮助 A Letter to A FriendDear Li Ming, How are you doing? I heard you have been confronted with a lot of difficulties in your computer study lately and you are thinking about giving up the

28、Computer Rank Examination next month. I hope you can give it a second thought. This exam is very important for us because the certificate is highlyvalued by most of the employers in job recruitment. Besides, later in our jobs, it is inevitable to use some basic computer skills. It is normal to have

29、barriers in the road of learning. But they are not impossible to overcome as long as you keep trying.There is still one month left. Dont give up! I believe you have the ability and courage to catch up and pass the exam at last. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to tell me. Im always th

30、ere supporting you. Yours, Xiaogang(译文) 写给朋友的信亲爱的李明: 你过得好吗?我听说你最近在电脑学习过程中碰到了很多困难,并且正在考虑放弃下个月的计算机等级考试。 我希望你再考虑一下。这个考试对我们非常重要,因为大部分的雇主在招聘中非常重视这个证书。此外,在我们以后的工作中,不可避免地需要使用一些基本的计算机技能。在学习的道路上碰到困难是正常的,但是只要你坚持尝试,这些拦阻并非不可跨越的。现在距离考试还剩一个月时间,不要放弃!我相信你有能力和勇气赶上来,并且最终通过考试。如果你有任何问题,请立刻告诉我。我永远支持你。 你的朋友 小刚Topic 7Dire

31、ctions: For this part, youre allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of reading literature. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.(审题:本题的漫画反映的是一个社会现象。在漫画中,老师把

32、一本厚厚的书交给学生,并对他说:“Just think of it as if youre reading a long text-message.”结合题目中的写作指令(express your views on the importance of reading literature),考生可以得出这幅漫画所反映的社会现象:随着新的电子媒体的出现,文学阅读日渐式微。需要提醒考生的是,漫画中的text- message象征着当代层出不穷的新媒体,这里并不需要对其做过于狭隘的理解。)From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there

33、is a teacher and a student standing in the classroom. When receiving a literature book given by her teacher, the little girl seems to be quite nervous and unwilling. Having observed her students response, the teacher tells her that “Just think of it as if you are reading a long text-message.”The car

34、toon aims at informing us of the phenomenon that quite a few students or youngsters are reluctant to read literature nowadays. With the Internet and electronic communication tools such as micro blogs, mobile phones and QQ becoming increasingly widespread, quite a few people are more used to reading

35、short context. They hold that, compared with long contents such as literature, these short ones are more convenient and timesaving. Whats more, many students refuse to read literature because they believe that literature is boring and of little use in modern society.However, no one can disclaim the

36、importance of reading literature. It enables people to enrich their knowledge and expand their horizons. Moreover, reading literature also inspires people to think critically and independently. Last but not least, by spending time in reading literature, we can also develop and perfect human personal

37、ity such as being patient and optimistic. Hence, why not just get out of the reality temporarily and spend some time on literature ? (译文)如图所示,我们可以观察到有一位老师和一个学生正站在教室里。当这个女学生收到老师给的文学书本的时候,她显得紧张而又不情愿。观察到女学生这种反应后,老师告诉她:“你只要把它想成是正在读一条很长的短信就可以了。”这幅漫画告诉我们一个现象,那就是,相当多的学生,或者是年轻人如今都不太乐意阅读文学作品。随着诸如微博、手机和QQ这样的互

38、联网或电子通讯工具变得越来越普及,相当多的人更加适应于阅读短小的信息内容。他们认为,比起文学这样的长篇内容,这些短小内容更加方便和省时。再者,相当多的学生拒绝阅读文学作品是因为他们认为文学作品非常枯燥,并且在现代社会没有什么用处。然而,我们不能否认阅读文学作品的重要性。它能使我们丰富知识,拓宽视野。而且,阅读文学作品可以激发我们批判性地、独立性地思考问题。最后,通过花时间在阅读文学作品上,我们也可以发展和完善我们的人格,比如变得有耐心、乐观。因此,我们为什么不可以暂时的远离现实而花一些时间在文学上呢? Topic 8Directions: For this part, you are allo

39、wed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Learning Through Theory or Practice? following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.1. 有人认为应以理论作为学习渠道,有人则认为应以实践为渠道2. 理论与实践作为学习渠道各自的优点是 3. 在我看来 Learning Through Theory or Practice?Nowadays there has been

40、 a heated discussion about the best learning method. Some people argue that priority should be given to studying theories, while others believe that practice is the best way of learning.On the one hand, previous experience and authoritative views in textbooks are regarded as reliable, thorough and s

41、ystematic knowledge which prevents us from making mistakes. On the other hand, practice provides a down-to-earth learning experience. Such a method enables people to get some valuable practical first-hand information which they will never find from textbooks.From my point of view, the combination of

42、 the two works out the best way. In fact, I believe acquiring theories in books and putting them into practice is the most efficient learning method.(译文) 应以理论还是实践作为学习渠道?如今,何为最佳的学习方式已经成为了热点话题。有些人认为应该优先学习理论知识,另一些人则认为实践才是最佳的学习方法。从一方面来看,课本中有许多前人的经验与权威的观点,人们认为这些知识可靠、全面、系统,可以使我们避免犯错。从另一方面来看,实践为我们提供了一种切实可行

43、的学习体验。这种方式使人们有机会获得珍贵又实用的第一手信息,这些信息在课本上是找不到的。在我看来,结合两者才是最佳的学习方式。事实上,我认为从书本中获得知识,并运用到实践中去,才是最有效的学习方式。Topic 9Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On the Importance of Teamwork following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no

44、more than 180 words.1. 在现代社会,人们都很强调团队合作2. 团队合作如此重要的原因是3. 我认为应如何加强团队合作 On the Importance of TeamworkTeamwork, as the mainstream way of doing business, cannot be emphasized more in the modern world. There are programs designed to improve ones teamwork ability; team spirit is deeply engraved in the min

45、d of each social man.Why does teamwork become so important? Two major reasons are listed as follows. To start with, only through effective teamwork can we achieve success. Behind each business miracle or each successful man, there is a big team supporting and contributing. The huge success of Apple

46、products should be attributed to teamwork rather than the personal accomplishment of Steve Jobs. The importance of teamwork is not only reflected on achieving success, but also on the issue of survival. In modern society, we know very well that no one can survive by himself. Every loaf of bread, eve

47、ry article of clothes, every house or apartment is the product of cooperative efforts.To sum up, teamwork is such an essential ability that we college students should seize every chance to develop. At least , do not keep silent during group discussion in class next time.(译文) 关于团队合作的重要性在现代社会中,人们非常强调团


49、环节不要再沉默不语了。Topic 10Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On More Attention Be Paid to English than Chinese following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.1. 在中国,英语明显比中文更受重视2. 人们对这一失衡现象各持己见3. 我的观点是On Mo

50、re Attention Be Paid to English than ChineseIn China, English has clearly gained much more attention than Chinese, which is rare in other countries in the world. Anything with connection, even a remote one, to English is bound to flourish, such as bilingual summer camp.This phenomenon has been in th

51、e spotlight for some time. Some people argue that the unbalanced situation will put Chinas traditional culture in danger since language is the medium of culture. However, according to a different view, more emphasis put on English is not necessarily a bad sign. To those who hold this view, English i

52、s exactly what we need to know and learn from western countries, which is crucial to Chinas rise. From my minds view, recognizing the importance of English should not hinder us from pursuing more understanding of our own language and culture. Therefore, we should devote as much time and energy to Ch

53、inese as to English.(译文) 关于英语比中文更受重视在中国,英语明显比中文更受重视。这种现象在世界上其他国家非常少见。任何与英语有关的事物,即便只有一点点关系,都会兴旺发达,例如双语夏令营。这一现象已被关注了一段时间。部分人认为这种不平衡的状况将使得中国的传统文化堪忧,因为语言是文化的媒介。然而,另有观点认为重视英语不一定是坏现象。在此此种观点的人看来,英语正是中国了解和学习西方国家所需的,这对中国崛起至关重要。在我看来,认识到英语的重要性不应阻碍我们增加对本国语言和文化的了解。因此。我们应该在中文上投入跟英语同样的时间和精力。Topic 11Directions: For

54、 this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Limit the Damage Caused by Natural Disasters? following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.1. 目前自然灾害不断增多,造成巨大损失2. 减少这类损失的方法包括3. 作为一名大学生,我能做什么How to Limit the Damage Caus

55、ed by Natural Disasters?Due to either cyclical changes or human interventions, there has been an increase in natural disasters in recent years. Earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes have taken numerous lives throughout the world.What can we do to prevent damage and minimize loss? First and foremost,

56、people should by all means take measures to protect the environment. Methods such as recycling and using renewable energy should be advocated to help us save resources. Secondly, advanced technologies in disaster prediction are of great importance. Precise forecast ahead of time is crucial for people to survive. So the government


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