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1、1 / 9江苏省盐城地区2020 届九年级上学期期中英语试卷精选汇编:单项选择(包含答案)单项选择射阳县、单项选择 (15 分)()21.-What_lasti ng value classic music has!-Yes. But I like folk music better because it has_ strong local colour.A. a; aB. /; aC. a; /D. / ; /()22._ the ni ght of October 27, all the stude nts in Sheya ng Experime ntal Middle School w

2、atcheda fireworks show.-Oh. It is a good way to improve your liste ning and speak ing.did the heavy rain last?-Un til the midni ght.red-crow ned cranes fly to Yan che ng Nature Reserve to spe nd the win ter.-Yes. That s why Mencii 孟子的 (mother moved house three times.)32. -Hey, Jenny. I am afraid Iwi

3、ll forget to atte nd the meet ing. -D on t worry. You)33. -I promise I will work harder this term, Mr Wu.I do hope that.you will act soon.A. OnB. InC.AtD. /)23.-Mum, we are always told todialogues duri ng our En glishclass.A. make upB. put upC. cut upD.set up)24. Millie told usan interesting story.

4、And we all think she is a good storyteller.A. soB. suchC. tooD. very)25.A. How soonB. How oftenC. How muchD. How long)26. The lights are on in the classroom. There must bein it.A. nobodyB. everybodyC.anybodyD. somebody)27.A. A nu mber ofB. The nu mber ofC.A great deal ofD. A bit of)28. -The environm

5、enta childs personality and quality.A.recordsB. marksC.shapesD. represe nts)29.-Qianhe Lake Park is well worthto.-I can t agree more.A.travelB. travellingC. visitD. visiting)30. Spud Webbs story tells us that wedoalmostA.canB. mustC. shouldD.need)31.you cant work out the problem by yourself, youd be

6、tter ask others for help.A.Un lessB. ThoughC. SineeD. Untilone day before the meet ing.A.remindB. will remindC. are remin dedD. will be remin ded-Well, just as the say ing goes2 / 9江苏省盐城地区2020 届九年级上学期期中英语试卷精选汇编:单项选择(包含答案)A.acti ons speak louder tha n wordsB. many hands make light workC.it n ever rai

7、ns but poursD. a friend in n eed is a friend in deed()34. -Ca n you tell me_ .-It s hard to say. If it is rainy,will be put off until next week.A. will the sports meeting be held this FridayB. if the sports meeting will be held this FridayC. that the sports meeting will be held this FridayD. where t

8、he sports meeting will be held this Friday()35.-I think it takes a lot of practice to play the guitar well.-_ . Practice makes perfect.A.That s a good idea. B. That s all right. C. That s the case. D. That s easy.一、单选CAABD DACBA CDABC东台市七校二、单项选择(共 15 小题,计 15 分)21. -What_fine weather it is! Shall we

9、go hiki ng?-Yes. What_ useful suggesti on it is!A. a , aB. / , aC. the , aD. a ,/22. Frie ndship is_ wine. The Ion ger we keep it, the tastier it will be.A. as soon asB. as good asC. as well as D. as long as23. There s something wrong with my computer. I ll have it_.A. repairB. to repairC. repairedD

10、. repairi ng24. There are fewer and fewer tigers in In dia. The situati on will continue_ huma ns stop hun ti ng them fortheir fur and bon es.A. ifB. uni essC. because D. since25. -The food here is very nice. Thank you for inviting me.A. soB. suchC. so anD. such an28. -It seems that your cous in Mar

11、y is talk ing with her daughter over there.-I dont think so. It_ be her because she called me from her home just now.A. cantB. mus tntC. canD. must29. He worked_a teacher first, but later he is famous_his acting tale nt.A .as ; for B. for ; forC. as ;asD. for ; as30. - Can Mr. Ki ng spare some time

12、for the charity show?-If he_ , he will try his best to make it.A. will be in vitedB. is in vitedC. i nvitesD. i nvited3 / 9江苏省盐城地区2020 届九年级上学期期中英语试卷精选汇编:单项选择(包含答案)31. Audrey Hepburn, one of the greatest actresses, was_ to take on challenges in her life.A. eno ugh brave B. brave eno ugh C. stupid eno

13、 ughD. eno ugh stupid32. My people,My country is a wonderful film_by seven directors, who are all famous .A. is directedB. was directedC. directedD. directs33.My sister is quiet and doesnlike to talk, but her study_ .A. worksB. playsC. shouts D. reads34. - Would you like some coffee?-Yes,a nd please

14、 get me some milk too. I prefer coffee_milk.A. toB. ofC. withD. than35. .-1 won der if she_ in the dancing toni ght.-1 believe if she_her homework , she will jo in us.A . will join, will finishB.will joi n, fini shesC. joi ns, fini shesD. joi ns, will fini sh.二.单项选择21 25 BBCBA 2630 CDAAB东台市第二联盟二、单项选

15、择(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,计 15 分)()21.Do you know the boy who is playing_ guitar?- He is my friend and he is_uni versity stude nt.A. the; aB. the ; anC. / ;a D. / ; an()22. It s known to all that a year is divided into 12 star sig ns_ .A. i n allB. i n factC. i n gen eralD. i n place()23.Jane Austen ,the wr

16、iter of Pride and Prejudice _ single(单身的)all her life although shewrote many stories of love.A. realized B. required C. remin ded D. rema ined()24-Oh , a number of people are waiting outside the theatre,_ will the performanee start ?- -nine o clock.A. How soon ; Not un tilB. How long ; Not untilC. H

17、ow soo n; Un tilD. How long; Un til()25-You can hardly swim,_ you?- - . But my dad promises to teach me this coming summer holiday.A. can; Yes B. can; NoC. can t; Yes D. can t, No()26. I won der_ there will_tomorrow.A. that; be snowy B. whether; have snow C. that; have snow D. whether; be snow()27 .

18、-There is something wrong with my bike.ni have it _ tomorrow.31 35BCCCB江苏省盐城地区 2020 届九年级上学期期中英语试卷精选汇编:单项选择(包含答案)4 / 9- Why not have Uncle Liu _ it?A. repaired; repairB. repairi ng; repairedC. repair; repairedD. repaired; repairi ng()28.The girl is so helpful that she devoted all her spare time she h

19、ad_ others .A . to helpingB. helpingC. to helpD. helped()29. _ the students _ the teacher was waiting for me when I arrived at the school gate.- What a pity!A. Neither; norB. Either; orC. Both; andD. Not only; but also()30. Without her glasses, Millie was_bli nd.A. as good asB. as well asC. as much

20、asD. as many as()31.-Excuse me, could you wake me up if my frie nd_here?-Of course. But we still don t know when your friend_.A. comes; will come B. comes; comes C. will come; comes D. will come; will come()32. -What do you thi nk of the white dress?-I_its style, but I_ not choose it because of its

21、price.A. would rather; preferB. prefer; preferC. would rather; would ratherD. prefer; would rather()33. -great progress she s made in the past mon th!-Exactly. It s to my_ , too. She s really changed a lot.A. What, surprise B. What a, surprise C. How, surprised D. How a, surpris ing()34.- Could you

22、tell me_? I must find him.-Sorry. I have no idea. But he was here just now.A. where Tom wasB. where Tom has goneC. where can I find TomD. where has Tom bee n()35. -Do you mind ope ning the win dow? The air in side is not so fresh.-_ . Mr. Smith is sleep ing. He might catch a cold.A. Im sorryB. Certa

23、i nly not C. Sou nds good D. Yes, I do二、单项选择(共15题,每小题1分,计15分)21 -25 AACAB 26-30 DAAAA 31-35 ADABA东台市第四联盟二、单项选择(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,计 15 分)()21. Visages,Villages脸庞, 村庄,_European documentary(纪录片),is _great success.5 / 9A. an,/B. a, /C. the, aD. a, a江苏省盐城地区 2020 届九年级上学期期中英语试卷精选汇编:单项选择(包含答案)6 / 9江苏省盐城地区2020

24、 届九年级上学期期中英语试卷精选汇编:单项选择(包含答案)()22. A smart mobile makes_easier to stay in touch with others.A. it sB. itC. that sD. that()23. I hope my advice is of great help when you are having difficulty_ a decision .A. makeB. makes C.to makeD. mak ing()24. World Warn _in Europe in 1939 and ended in 1945.A.broke

25、 up B. broke intoC. broke offD. broke out()25. Being_ , the novel The kite runner追风筝的人written by Khaled Hosseini sells well.A. very worth of being readB. well worth to readC. well worth readi ngD. very worth readi ng()26. I don t doubt_ she can do it well, but I doubt_she is wilrhg to do it.A. that;

26、 thatB. if; ifC. that; ifD. if; that()27. - The doctors in this hospital devote all the time they have_for the patients.-I thi nk so, they are so great.A.to careB. caredC. to cari ngD. cari ng()28.China,_one of the great four countries with ancient civilizations(文明),is best-known_ itsgreat developme

27、 nt in all the fields over the years.A.as.;asB.as;forC.for; asD.for;for()29. There have been_ excellent films directed by Ang Lee in the past fewyears, including the latest hit one Gemini Man双子杀手A. the large nu mber ofB. a great deal ofC. a large nu mber ofD. a great deal()30._of Mo Yan s works were

28、 written in his_ .A. Two-thirds; fortiesB. Two-third; fortiesC . Three quarters; fortiethD.Three-fourth;forties()31.Excuse me, sir. You_ use your mobile pho ne at the gas stati on .It s very dan gerous.A. mustntB. couldnt C. shouldnt D. mightnt()32.“ _you have made! But you should still work harder.

29、” the teacher said to the boy.A. What great progressB. How a big mistakeC. What a big mistakeD. How great the progress()33- Excuse me, could you tell me_ ?-Yes. It s about twenty minutes walk.A. how long it takes to go to the parkB. how far it is from here to the parkC. how does it take to go to the

30、 parkD. how far is it from here to the park()34. -It s said that wcan lose weight easily by taking a kind of medicine.-_. Remember that any medici ne does some harm to our health.7 / 9A.Thatnst the caseB. Sounds goodC. I hope soD. Believe it or not()35.- I think we should launch( 发行)our new product

31、(产品)as soon as possible.-I agree with you._.A.Practice makes perfectB. The early bird catches the wormC.Every dog has its dayD.Act ions speak louder tha n words二、单项选择(15 分)21 25 DBDDC26 30 CCBCA31 35 AABAB永丰初级中学二、单项选择(共15题,每小题1分,计15分)()21.Ithinkitsimpossibleforustoworkouttheplaninjusttwodays.ItYou r

32、e rightWe cant be_careful and hard while working on it.A. soB. veryC. tooD. more()22.Its creative_ you_ this good idea.A. of; to come up with.B. for; to come up with.C. of; thi nk of.D. for; to thi nk of()23. My best friend Alex failed in the maths competition. Id like to_A. dress him up B. pick him

33、 up C. cheer him up D. get him up()24.My cous in is good at all his subjects at school, but he n ever_.What a_ boy! We should lear n from him.A. gets off; thoughtful.B. takes off; en ergetic.C. shows off; modest.D. puts off; curious()25.We all know that well meet all kinds of difficulties in our liv

34、es in the future.We should lear n to be_ any challe nge!A. con fide nt eno ugh to take onB. active eno ugh to take upC. eno ugh careful to try onD. eno ugh patie nt to try out()26.My pare nts want me to get further study to be_ an engin eer_ a scie ntist,_ I would like to be a famous surge on doctor

35、.A. neither; nor; and.B. either; or; but C. not only; but; so.D. both; and; or()27.Its cessary and important for students at school to join the Clean Plate Campaign(光盘行动).Its good for them to form good habits.Sure. We should try to_all the food that weve ordered.A. give up B. eat upC. tur n upD. sho

36、w up江苏省盐城地区 2020 届九年级上学期期中英语试卷精选汇编:单项选择(包含答案)8 / 9()28. I hear they will built an in tercity railway to_Hon gze_ the cites inNanji ng9 / 9江苏省盐城地区2020 届九年级上学期期中英语试卷精选汇编:单项选择(包含答案)Delta (长江三角洲)in the following years.A. conn ect; to B. conn ected; with C, conn ects; to D, connecting; with()29. The fire

37、me n in Tianjin explosi on sce ne devoted their lives_the spread of polluti on.A. to preve nti ngB. to preve ntC. for stopp ingD. to stop()30. Pink doesn t look good_Eddie, he looks good_ blue.A. in, onB. on, inC. at, forD. on, like()31.There is a sign there. It_ ,“No smoking.”A. writesB. saysC. tel

38、lsD. works()32. I am afraid theres_with my bike. Can you come and have a look?A. wrong any thi ng B. any thi ng wrong C. wrong somethi ng D. someth ing wrong()33.lt was Li Ming_ saved the boy.A. whichB. whomC. whoD. what()34.Not only the childre n but also their mother_ abroad before.A. have been B.

39、 has beenC. have gone D. has gone()35.I thi nk Millie is careful eno ugh to be an acco untant in the future._.She makes mistakes at times and she does nt like worki ng with nu mbers.A.Thats the casB. Exactly C.I canagree with you D. Not at all.二、单项选择(15分)21-25 CACCA 26-30 BBAAB 31-35 BDCBC建湖县江苏省盐城地区

40、 2020 届九年级上学期期中英语试卷精选汇编:单项选择(包含答案)10 / 93 L 孤 siudents _ a topic on how to protect die earth when I entered (he classroom.L wer preparingB. will prepareC. has preparedD. are preparing32. r(,.,inanyadvertisemeiiis A. 5 her Foment 朋友圈)every day and 13 decided to block her,A, is posted注沁讯賦CD呻33出耳 y followed the map, they couldnH find the small village easily.,B. WhenC.UntilD. While34 E J:爲 Day pade wins high praise from the public. I think the documentary is well、肌项选捋(共典血-从佥皺:毎题 S 计咔Au


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