



1、沙特拟建世界第一高楼本拉登集团参与建造The worlds biggest tower is to be built for $1.2billio n in Saudi Arabia by the Bin Ladens。沙特阿拉伯欲花费12亿美元打造世界第一高楼,本拉登集团将参与工程建设。Prince Alwaleed bin Talal said he had sig ned a deal to build the 3,280ft high Kin gdomTower north of the Red Sea city of Jeddah。沙特王子阿尔瓦利德本塔拉尔表示他已经签订合同在红海边

2、的吉达市建立约3280英尺高(约1000米)的王国大厦。The sprawli ng mega project, first announced in 2008, will cover two square miles atits base. It will sta nd a kilometre high and is the first in a sprawli ng mega project for a pla n called Kingdom City。这项浩大工程最先于2008年提出,占地面积50万平方米,这座高楼预计高1000米,该高楼是一项名为王国城”计划的第一步。It will

3、in clude a hotel, serviced apartme nts, luxury flats, and offices occupy ing around 852square miles。这座高楼将包括一个酒店、酒店式公寓、豪华公寓及办公室,这些场所占地面积852平方英里。Origi nally, the inten ti on was to build the tower a mile high - a feat that would mea n a12-minute journey in a lift to get to the top - but there were fea

4、rs that the soil would not support its foundati ons。原本该计划是打算建一座高5280英尺的高楼,乘坐普通电梯从楼底到顶层要12分钟,但因为担心地基不足以支持这样的高度而降低了建设高度。Con structi on compa ny, Saudi Bini ade n Group has bee n give n the con tract to buildthe structure, one of seve n ambitious projects in the kin gdom which is OPECs top exporter of

5、oil。承建公司本拉登集团已接到该项工程的合同。作为欧佩克组织的头号石油输出国,该高楼计划是该国七大项目之一。The work is inten ded to diversify the economy from the crude oil that has fuelled the kin gdomsgrowth for years。该工程是为了使该国的经济更多样化,近年来原油开发已经使沙特的经济得到高速发 展。It also reflects a con ti nuati on of the un stated race betwee n the oil rich Gulf n ati on

6、s that arealso pump ing tens of billio ns of dollars into job creati on and hous ing for their lower in come residents。这也反映了海湾石油大国的贫富差距问题的继续, 元用于创造就业机会和为低收入家庭提供住房。In June 2009, KHC sig ned a deal with Dubai-based Emaar Properties to develop and overseethe con struct ion of Kin gdom City and Kin gdom

7、 Tower。早在2009年6月,KHC与总部位于迪拜的艾玛尔地产公司就开发和监督王国城”和 王国大厦”的问题签订了协议。Emaar, which is partly owned by Dubais gover nmen t, is the developer of the Burj Khalifa, currently the tallest buildi ng in the world。艾玛尔集团部分由迪拜政府掌控,该集团是哈利法塔,即当今世界第一高楼的开发商。Alwaleeds proposed skyscraper would shatter the record for Burj K

8、halifa, which ope ned inJanuary 2010. That tower has 160 liveable floors and rises 2,717 feet, making it not only the tallestbuildi ng but also the tallest free-sta nding structure in the world。阿尔瓦利德王子提到,该摩天大楼将打破于2010年开放的哈利法塔世界第一高楼的记录,哈利法塔有160层,高2717英尺,该建筑不仅是世界第一高楼,而且是世界上最高的 独立建筑物。By comparis on, th

9、e tallest buildi ng in the Un ited States, the Willis Tower in Chicago, sta nds at1,451 feet, although counting its antenna towers it rises to 1,729 feet。与之对比的是美国第一高楼一一芝加哥的威利斯大厦,高1451英尺,如果加上屋顶天线的话总共高1729英尺。Prince Alwaleed wants the tower to se nd a message of stre ngth in tough econo mic times。阿尔瓦利德

10、王子希望这栋高楼能给现下严峻的经济状况带来力量的信息”。While Jarmo Kotila ine, chief econo mist at Jeddah-based Nati onal Commercial Bank, said: To asig ni fica nt exte nt these types of projects are con fide nee and image-buildi ngmeasures. They are used to enhance the ide ntity of a city and to dem on strate a stro ng, boo

11、mingecono my.吉达国有商业银行首席经济学家Jarmo Kotila ine说道:在很大程度上,这类建设计划是增强信心和形象的措施。它们能提高一个城市的身份,并展示强劲、繁荣的经济。这些海湾石油出口国投入了数十亿美The One World Trade Cen ter tower being built in New York on the site of the twin towersdestroyed on September 11,2001, will measure 1,776 feet with its antenna spire. It is due forcomplet

12、ion in 2013.在2001年911事件发生的纽约双子塔原址上开工建设的世贸中心一号工程算上天线和 尖顶有1776英尺,预计将于2013年完工。Dubai developer Nakheel had pla nned to build a tower more tha n 0.6 mile high in the city-state,but shelved those pla ns in early 2009 as the global econo mic crisis soured dema nd for real estate inthe emirate。迪拜开发商棕榈岛集团计划在该城市建造一个高度超过0.6英里(约3168英尺)的高楼,但2009年初世界性金融危机爆发,给阿联酋楼市造成巨大打击,该计划被搁置。The Kin gdom Tower deal was sig ned betwee n Jeddah Econo mic Co., a KHC affiliate,and the Bini ade n Group, a con struct ion gia nt. Bini ade


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