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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上高中英语学习材料madeofjingetieji江苏省启东中学高一模块三综合卷 Unit one I. 根据首字母和句子的上下文完成句子:1. The radio w_ said the wind this afternoon would reach 170 miles per hour.2. My key is n_ to be found. I dont know where on earth I have left it. 3. Do you dare to walk in a _(空无一人的) street at night?4. The President

2、_(亲自)answered her letter.5. When she saw the snake, she was f_ with fear.6. When Mary went out, I had a g_ at my watch. It was 7:00 in the morning.7.When I asked him if he would be able to pass the exam, he said “Yes” c_(自信地). 8. The organization needs more v_ to do the work for free.9.We often do c

3、hemical e_ in the lab.10. The airplanes _(目的地) is Paris.11.-Can you see a little bird in the d_? - Im afraid not. Its too small.12.Do you like _(珠宝)?13.He jumped into the water to save the boy from d_.14.As we all know, cancer is a d_ disease, which cant be cured.15.Joan and Jane are sisters. The fo

4、rmer is a pianist; the l_ is a singer.16.She is still under t_ in hospital.17.The tall tree was struck by l_ and broken off.18. He _ (将-刺入) his fork into a big piece of meat.19. The fire caused a p_ in the theatre.20. She worked _(暂时地, 临时地) in the company at that time and left later .II. 选择可以填入空白处的最

5、佳答案:1. I have done much of the work. Could you please finish _ in two days?A. the rest B. the other C. another D. the other2. No progress was made in the trade talk as neither side would accept the conditions of_.A. others B. the other C. either D. another3.With a lot of difficult problems _, the ne

6、w president is having a hard time.A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled4. The murderer was brought in, with his hands _ behind his back.A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied5. Sometimes it was a bit boring to work there because there wasnt always_ much to do.A. such B. th

7、at D. more D. very6. Then there are always people to _ if you feel like a chat.A. talk to B. talk C. speak about D. speak7.When _, one cant be _ careful.A. driving, too B. driving, enough C. driven, quite D. driven, very8.He said that he was young _ he couldnt carry the heavy box.A. and B. that C. a

8、nd that D. so that9. When they got to the South Pole, they found the Norwegians had _ them in the race to be the first ever to reach it.A. hit B. fought C. won D. beaten10.I am moving to the country because the air there is much fresher than _ in the city.A. ones B. one C. that D. those11. The man f

9、led aboard, trying to avoid _.A. catching B. being caught C. to catch D. to be caught12.It is _ that people will not agree with what the president said at the meeting.A. certainly B. sure C. certain D. surely13.They observed him _ the bank.A. to enter B. enters C. entering D. entered14. He was obser

10、ved _ her closely.A. to follow B. follows C. follow D. followed15. Nowhere else in the world _ cheaper tailoring than in Hongkong.A. a tourist can find B. can a tourist find C. a tourist will find D. a tourist has found16. He is _ interested in English. He often works at it until _ into the night.A.

11、 deep, deeply B. deep, deep C. deeply, deep D. deeply, deeply17.I have read the material several times but it doesnt make any _ to me.A. meaning B. importance C. sense D. significance18. The manager has got a good business _, so the company is doing well.A. idea B. sense C. thought D. thinking19.-I

12、wish I would see you again. -_.A. So would I B. So do I C. So did I D. So had I 20. The serious flood is reported to have _ more than 30 people dead and about 200 hurt.A. remained B. kept C. left D. had21. They took the _ man, who received a _ cut, to hospital.A. dead, dead B. deadly, death C. dying

13、, deadly D. died, dying22. _, I dont like the film at all.A. To tell the truth B. Told the truth C. Telling the truth D. To tell a truth23. I am not quite sure about the use they_ the materials.A. make of B. take of C. make up D. take up24.The noise outside is so loud that it _ our teachers voice.A.

14、 drowned B. ignored C. avoided D. stuck25.I am sorry to say that we have so far made _ in this field.A. little progress B. much progress C. few progresses D. no progressesIII. 完形填空: Elizsbeth Clay decided to go home and spend the holiday with her parents . The next day she drove her old car home alo

15、ng the road. 1 she found she got a flat tire(没气的轮胎). The 22-year-old student 2 to stop her car by the side of the road in the winter night and opened the trunk(汽车的行李箱) .No 3 tire. At this time ,a car 4 .Paul and Diane told Clay to 5 them to a service station near their 6 . They arrived to see that i

16、t had no suitable tires to 7 with her car. “Follow us home,”said Paul. The couple called around to find a tire. No 8 .They decided to let her use their own car.“Here ,”Paul said ,handing Clay a 9 of keys ,“Take our car . We 10 be using it over the holiday.”Clay was 11 .“But I'm going all the way

17、 to South Carolina, and I'll be gone for two weeks,”she 12 them. “We know, ” Paul said. “Well be 13_ until you get back. Here is our number if you need to 14_ us”. Unable to believe her eyes ,Clay watched as the 15 put her luggage into their car and then 16 her off .Two weeks later she 17 to fin

18、d her old car cleaned inside and out with three new tires and the radio 18 . “Thank you so much,”she said .“How much do I 19 you?”“Oh, no,”Paul said,“we don't want any money. It's our 20 ”. Clay realized that while it might have been their pleasure , it was now her duty to pass on their“do i

19、t to others”spirit.1A.SuddenlyB.finallyC.ImmediatelyD.Fortunately2A.affordedB.wantedC.allowedD.managed3A.spareB.freeC.fullD.empty4A.passedB.stoppedC.pausedD.started5A.helpB.pushC.takeD.follow6A.garageB.houseC.shopD.hotel7A.agreeB.matchC.goD.deal8A.wayB.message C.successD.luck9A.setB.numberC.pairD.ch

20、ain10A.can'tB.shouldn'tC.mustn'tD.won't11A.satisfiedB.worriedC.astonishedD.disturbed12A.persuadedB.advisedC.remindedD.promised13A.happyB.hereC.awayD.busy14A.get in touch with B.keep in touch withC.be in touch withD.put in touchwith15A.repairmenB.cleanersC.friendsD.couple16A.sentB.sho

21、okC.watchedD.drove17A.shockedB.happenedC.returnedD.came18A.loadedB.fixedC.tiedD.rebuilt19A.oweB.lendC.giveD.offer20A.wishB.jobC.dutyD.pleasureIV.阅读理解 A. LONDON - The tiny, distant and frozen planet Pluto, for 30 years believed to have just one moon, has suddenly been found to have two more satellite

22、s. Only discovered in 1930 because of its vast distance from Earth, Pluto has remained a largely mysterious object ever since. Some three billion miles from the Sun, Pluto, the ninth planet, is the only one not yet to have been visited by a spacecraft. Its first known satellite is called Charon. Wit

23、h a diameter (直径) of 1,200 kin, it is half that of Pluto w unusually large for a moon in relation to its primary. But now, using images from the Hubble Space Telescope, scientists-from Johns Hopkins University, Southwest Research Institute and the Massachusetts Institute of, Technology say they have

24、 found two more tiny orbiting satellites, PI and P2. Both are traveling outside the orbit of Charon and are tiny by comparison, the scientists wrote in the journal Nature. P 1 , the more distant of the two from Pluto, has a diameter of between 60 and 165km while P2 is 20 per cent smaller. "Alth

25、ough definitive orbits cannot be obtained, both new satellites appear to be moving in circular orbits in the same orbital plane (平面) as Charon with orbital periods of about 38 days for PI and 25 days for P2, they wrote. The discovery of the two new members of Pluto's family makes it the only obj

26、ect in the Kuiper Belt a vast region of rock and ice beyond Neptune which contains debris (岩屑) from the formation of the solar system - known to have multiple satellites, the scientists said.1. It is implied (隐含) in the passage that _ . A. Charon was not discovered until the late 1960s B. Charon is

27、the largest satellite in the solar system C. all the other planets are better observed than Pluto D. Pluto may have some more moons to be discovered2. The underlined word "primary" in Paragraph 4 refers to _ . A. size B. shape C. planet D. Earth3. Which of the following shows the possible

28、orbits and positions of Pluto's satellites? 4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Pluto: smallest in the solar system B. Pluto: two additional moons found C. Pluto: tiny, distant and frozen planet D. Pluto: two moons formed in 30 years B Decreasing grain prices along wi

29、th growing costs of production means Chinese farmers are unlikely to see a significant rise in income next year. China's economic planning chief Ma Kai expressed the concern as the government undertakes an ambitious program to improve rural people's lives. Grain prices have been dropping sin

30、ce April; and prices of wheat, corn and rice fell 5 per cent from August to October compared with the same period last year, Ma, minister of the National Development and Reform. Commission, told an annual meeting on development and reform held over the weekend. Meanwhile, prices of production materi

31、als rose 9.1 per cent year on year during the first 10 months. The situation makes it difficult to achieve a "new socialist countryside," which was last week highlighted(引起注意) as a new concept and "common action" of the whole Party and nation. Vice-Minister of Agriculture Yin Che

32、ngjie also said China's entry to the World Trade Organization also creates hurdles for income rises for the country's "780 million farmers. Farmers' income is expected to increase by 8 per cent this year, hitting the target set by the central government at the beginning of this year

33、. Last year, per capita net income (个人平均纯收入),of Chinese farmers reached 2,936 yuan (US$362), up 6.8 per cent year on year, and the highest increase since 1997. Ma also said China would continue to seek fast, steady economic growth in 2006 but more efforts 'will be made to deal with the challenge

34、s brought about by overheating in some industrial sectors (区域). (from China Daily, December 5, 2005)5. The writer thinks it difficult to achieve a "new socialist countryside" because A. "new socialist countryside" is a new concept B. grain prices decrease and production costs gro

35、w C. prices of production materials rose 9.1 percent D. many farmers are working in industrial sectors6. The underlined word "hurdles" in Paragraph 6 means A. promotion B. difficulties C. fear D. possibility7. From 1997 to 2005, the highest increase in farmers' income was achieved in t

36、he year_. A. 2002 B. 2003 C. 2004 D. 20058. Which of the following statements is true? A. Grain prices in 2004 were a bit lower than those in 2005. B. The development overheats in all industrial sectors. C. A big income rise for farmers is unlikely in 2006. D. China expected to increase farmers' income by 6.8% in 2005.V. 书面表达中学生是否有必要带手机去学校 文体:议论文题目要求现在, 很多学生带手机上学。为此, 某英语报在你校组织了一场讨论。 讨论的主题:中学生是否有必要带手机上学。 请根据下表提供的信息,给报社写一封信,客观的介绍讨论情况。大多数同学认为大多数老师认为 你的观点可方便与家长、同学联系,是一种时尚中学生年龄尚小,还不能自控;用手机玩游戏,发短信浪费时间;容易引起攀比;如需打电话,学校里有公共电话可供使用追求时尚可以理解,但学习是首要任务生词提示:攀比:vie vi.追求时尚:follow the fashion模块三 Unit on


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