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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 Unit 3 A taste of English humour学习目标总预览 单词、短语、句型概括 知识目标单词 和短语重点掌握overcome vt.& vi.战胜;克服ordinaryadj.普通的content (adj.)adj.满足的;满意的;n.满足;vt.使满足slide vt.& vi.vt.& vi.使滑动;n.滑动;幻灯片Entertainvt.& vi.使欢乐;款待occasionn.时刻;场合convincevt.使信服humourn.幽默;滑稽directvt.& vi.导演;指示;adj.直的;直

2、接的;whispern.耳语;低语vt.& vi.低语;reactvi.作出反应;回应gesturen.手势vi.做手势fortunateadj.幸运的;吉利的amusev使愉快识记理解chewvt.& vi.嚼碎;咀嚼(食物)budgetn.预算;开支outstandingadj.突出的;杰出的;显著的throughout prep.遍及;贯穿;adv.到处;astonishvt.使惊诧performer n.表演者;演出者worn(adj.)用旧的;用坏的explanationn.解释;讲解;新学掌握to be honest说实在的,实话说break up打碎,解体atta

3、ch.to.认为.有意义、重要above all首先,最重要的up to now直到现在pick out挑出;辨别出star in在担任主角;主演badly off穷的;缺少的温习巩固cut off切断;断绝worse off境况更差feel/be content with对满足句型1.as引导非限制性定语从句时2leave的复合结构3as引导时间状语从句4 as if从句第一板块 单词集释1content adj.满足的;满意的 n内容;目录;容量;满足vt.使满足教材原句He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so

4、they could feel more content with their lives.在人们感到沮丧的时候,他可以使他们开怀大笑,于是人们就对自己的生活感到比较满足. 高考链接:That rich man is tired of city life, so he is content to live (live) in the country.那位富人厌倦了城市生活,于是他愿意生活在乡下。Those who are content with their present situations will surely make no difference in life. (2015

5、3;厦门质检)那些满足于现状的人在生活中一定不会有大的作为。 完成句子:As the TV is broken, youll have to content yourself with listening to the radio.电视机坏了,所以你只好满足于听收音机了。She dropped her purse and the contents (content) fell out on the floor.她把钱包扔在地上,里面的东西散落一地。 重点搭配 (1)to one's heart's content心满意足地,尽情地with content满意地, 满足地(2)b

6、e well content (不用very)be content to do sth. = be willing to do sth.乐意做某事be content with对满足/满意(3)content oneself/sb with满足于;使(某人)自己对感到满足写作佳句True happiness comes when we learn to be content with what we have.真正的幸福感会在我们学会对我们拥有的感到满足时来到。2convince vt.使人信服;使相信教材原句 The acting is so convincing that it makes

7、 you believe that it is one of the best meals that he has ever tasted. 高考链接:高考佳句He is the only one you have to convince, and he cant hear you in the back of the room.(2014·浙江高考完形)他是唯一一个要被说服的人,他在教室的后面听不见你。 完成句子:用所给词的适当形式填空/介词填空Oscar convinced the manager to look (look) in the record of advance t

8、icket sales.(2012·浙江高考完形)奥斯卡说服经理去查看票务预订记录。Youll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job.你要使他们相信你殷切希望得到这份工作。There is now convincing (convince) evidence that smoking causes lung cancer.现在有令人信服的证据证明吸烟导致肺癌。 重点搭配 (1)convince sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事convince sb.

9、that . 使某人相信(2)be convinced of 确信;相信be convinced that . 确信(3)convincing adj. 令人信服的;有说服力的写作佳句The picture convinces me that it is even more important to be a good daughter than a good student.(2011·江苏高考书面表达)这幅图画让我深信做一个好女儿甚至比做一个好学生更重要。3direct vt.& vi. 导演;指挥;指示adj.径直的;直接的;直率的adv.直接地教材原句Charlie

10、Chaplin wrote, directed and produced the films he starred in.查理·卓别林自编、自导、自制他主演的电影。 高考链接:写出下列句中direct的含义The United Nations Organization (UNO) could undertake to direct the distribution of aid.(2013·江西高考阅读B)指挥I like to make friends with anyone who is open and direct.直率的The film directed by Z

11、hang Yimou is popular with young people.导演Giving direct help by giving materials may be effective in the short run and must continue to be given in the event of emergencies.(2013·江西高考阅读B)直接的 完成句子:用所给词的适当形式填空/介词填空He directed that we (should) keep (keep) calm in face of danger.他指示我们,面对危险要保持冷静。At

12、the sound of the gun, the birds flew in all directions.听到枪声,鸟儿四处飞去。 重点搭配(1)direct sb.to do sth. 指示(令)某人做某事direct that .(should) do sth. 指示做某事(2)direction n方向;方位;指点;指示;说明书in the direction of 朝方向under the direction of 在的指导下in all directionsin every direction朝四面八方名师指津directly adv.“直接地;立即”,也可作连词,引导时间状语从

13、句,表示“一就”。Directly/Immediately/Instantly the teacher came in, everyone was quiet.老师一进来,大家都静了下来。4particularly adv.尤其;特别地;特殊地教材原句Children particularly would burst into laughter at his behaviour.孩子们尤其对他的表演报之以大笑。 高考链接:用所给词的适当形式填空/介词填空The hotel wasnt particularly (particular) good.But I had stayed in many

14、 worse hotels(2008·北京高考单选)这家旅馆不是特别好,但我曾住过很多更差的旅馆。She has already tried her best. Please dont be too particular about her job.(2011·江西高考单选)她已经尽力了,请不要太挑剔她的工作了。 完成句子:The young in particular are willing to accept this concept because at heart every child wants to grow into a happy, healthy, co

15、ntributing adult.(2014·安徽高考阅读E)尤其是年轻人,更愿意去接受这种观念,因为每一个孩子打心底里想成长为一个快乐、健康而又乐于奉献的成年人。 重点搭配(1)particular adj.特殊的;特别的;挑剔的n. 细节;细目be particular about/over sth. 对讲究/挑剔be particular to do sth. 特地做某事(2)in particularparticularly 尤其;特别;格外写作佳句As is known, the British are rather particular about table manne

16、rs.正如大家知道的那样,英国人非常讲究餐桌礼仪。【易混辨析】especially/specially/particularly(1)especially指某事超乎一般的重要,强调“超过其他”;常用于一些强调需要特别注意或特别对待的场合,含有对比的意味。(2)specially多指为了某一特定目的而专门做某事。(3)particularly表示“特别地,尤其地”,可以与especially互换,但particularly还可作“详细地,细致地”讲,侧重指从同类中把特例选出,强调在某一方面表现尤为突出。5 ordinary adj . 平常的;普通的教材原句 .the fool doing or

17、dinary everyday tasks.区别ordinary/common/normal/usual/regularordinary普通的,每日可见的,即:无特殊可言common常见的;普遍的,众所周知的normal常态,正常的usual通常,常常,一般与as搭配(as usual)较多regular定期的,有固定时间(段)的 完成句子:练习 用usual ordinary common regular填空1 Mr.Smith is one of our restaurant's _ customers. Regular2 Yesterday morning he got up e

18、arlier than _,for it was not a(n) day. 3It is a _ bag, and you can fing it in every store.答案 Regular Usual ordinary common1whisper vi.& vt.低语;小声说;把(秘密等)悄悄传开n.耳语;低语 归纳拓展whisper to sb.与某人耳语in a whisperin whispersin a low voice耳语地;低声地 例句展示:They sat at the back of the room, talking in whispers.他们坐在房

19、间的后面低声谈话。2. occasion n.时刻,时节;大事;节日;场合应试指导(1)on no occasion位于句首时倒装的考查;(2)作先行词时定语从句引导词的考查 归纳拓展on occasion偶尔,有时on the occasion of在时候on this/that occasion在这个/那个时候on no occasion绝不,不会occasionally adv.偶尔地 例句展示: (1)It is an occasion for all the family to celebrate.这是个值得举家庆祝的时刻。(2)What will they say when the

20、y meet on a formal occasion?在正式场合见面的时候,他们会说什么?特别提醒occasion作先行词,其后跟定语从句时,如果引导词在定语从句中作状语表示时刻,则应用关系副词when;表示场合时,应用关系副词where。I can remember very few occasions when he had to ask for leave because of ill health.Its a happy occasion where people feast on tasty mooncakes.3entertain vt.& vi.使欢乐;款待 归纳拓展e

21、ntertain sb. with sth.用使某人快乐entertain sb. to sth.用招待/款待某人entertainment n. 娱乐;文娱节目;表演会.entertaining adj. 愉快的,有趣的; n.招待,款待.entertainer n. 款待者,表演娱乐节目的人,演艺人员. 例句展示:The old man often entertains the children with funny expressions.这个老人经常用滑稽的表情逗孩子们玩。This Saturday I will entertain my friends to dinner.这个星期六

22、我将请我的朋友吃饭。 His entertaining silent movies are still popular today.他那逗乐的无声电5 fortunate adj.幸运的;吉利的 n. 财富;运气 归纳拓展make a fortune 发财致富 be fortunate in.在方面幸运be fortunate to do sth.幸运地能做某 unfortunately ad. 不幸的是 例句展示:He was fortunate in having such supportive parents.他有这样支持他的父母,真幸运。He was fortunate enough

23、to escape unharmed.他真是幸运,逃了出来,没有受伤。第二板块 短语集释1badly off 穷的;缺少的 教材原句Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off, so Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother.不幸地是他的父亲去世了,使得他的家境更加艰难,因此,卓别林童年时期都在照顾他生病的母亲和弟弟。 完成句子:Even now some universities are badly o

24、ff for qualified English teachers.即使是现在有些大学也缺少合格的英语教师。I lost my way in the forest, and to make matters worse, it became dark.我在森林里迷了路,更糟糕的是,天开始黑了。The refugees are badly off for blankets, and even worse (badly) off for food.难民需要毯子,更需要食物。 重点搭配:(1)be well off 境况很好;富裕be better off 境况较好be worse off 更穷的;处

25、境更差(2)go from bad to worse 越来越坏;每况愈下to make matters worse (and) what is worse 更糟糕的是写作佳句There is no denying that the quality of environment is going from bad to worse.不可否认环境的质量正在每况愈下。2pick out挑出;辨别出;挑选;领会;理解 教材原句Then he picks out the lace of the shoe and eats it as if it were spaghetti.然后他挑出鞋带来吃,像是吃意

26、大利面条一样。 高考写出下列句中pick out和pick up的含义A competition was held to pick out the best table tennis players.挑出It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly pick out my friend.辨别出Having read the passage many times, I finally picked out its main idea.领会I am wondering whether you can pick him up at the airp

27、ort.(2013·新课标全国卷书面表达)用车接某人Its surprising that your brother picked up Russian so quickly he hasnt lived there very long.(2012·四川高考单选)偶然学会My friend began to pick up after staying in hospital for several days.恢复;好转 重点搭配:pick up拾起;捡起;收拾;整理;(偶然)学会;用车接某人;收听到;身体好转pick off 摘掉;摘下来pick ones pocket 扒

28、窃;掏包 拓展 区别比较pick up/ out/ off/on up捡起/开车接人/偶然获得/学会/恢复好转/收听到out精选/认出来off掐下/摘下/摘掉(水果,花朵等) 完成句子:It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly make my friend out.It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly recognize my friend.第三板块 句型集释1As Victor Hugo once said, “Laughter is the sun that drives w

29、inter from the human face”, and up to now nobody has been able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin.维克多·雨果曾经说过:“笑容如阳光,能驱走人们脸上的冬天。”关于这一点,直到今天也没有人能比查理·卓别林做得更好。关系代词as既可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句,as在从句中作主语、宾语或表语。(1)as引导非限制性定语从句时,有“正如”之意,常放于主语之前,有时也可放在主语之后或主语之中。As is known to all, the Peoples R

30、epublic of China is the biggest developing country in the world.(2011·陕西高考单选)众所周知,中华人民共和国是世界上最大的发展中国家。As the saying goes, “A good beginning is half the battle.”(2014·江西高考书面表达)常言道,良好的开端是成功的一半。(2)as引导限制性定语从句时,先行词常被the same, such, as, so等修饰。The explorer took only such men and things as he rea

31、lly needed into the jungle.这个探险者进入丛林时仅仅带了这些他确实需要的人和物品。辨析比较which与as引导非限制性定语从句的区别whichas位置上只能放在先行词的后面位置灵活,可位于句前、句中,也可置于句后搭配上无动词的限制谓语动词通常是表示感觉或心理活动的动词,如see, hear, know, expect, remember, guess, hope等句意上意为“这一点”表示“正如;正像的那样”选用as和which填空The air quality in the city, as is shown in the report, has improved o

32、ver the past two months.(2012·福建高考单选)正如报告所显示的,在过去的两个月里,这个城市的空气质量已有所改善。After graduating from college, I took some time off to go travelling, which turned out to be a wise decision.(2010·四川高考单选)大学毕业后我抽出一部分时间去旅游,事实证明这是一个明智的选择。名师指津在such . as .结构中,as引导限制性定语从句,而such . that .结构中that引导结果状语从句。This

33、is such a difficult question as nobody can work out.This is such a difficult question that nobody can work it out.这是一个那么难的问题,没人能解决。2Unfortunately his father died, leaving the family even worse off, so Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother.不幸地是他的父亲去世了,使得他的家境更加艰难,因此

34、,卓别林童年时期都在照顾他生病的母亲和弟弟。leaving the family even worse off 为现在分词短语作结果状语。The news shocked the public, leading to great concern about students safety at school.这条新闻使广大民众感到很震惊,引起了人们对在校学生安全的担忧。Carbon burns in oxygen or air, thereby forming carbon dioxide.碳在氧气或者空气中燃烧,因此形成了二氧化碳。名师指津现在分词作结果状语常表示意料、情理之中的结果,而不定

35、式作结果状语常表示出乎意料的结果。They reached the company out of breath only to be told they were fired.他们上气不接下气地赶到公司,不料被告知他们被开除了。3. 教材原句 3 As_time_went_by,_he began making films.随着时间的推移,他开始拍电影。句中as引导时间状语从句,表示“当的时候,一面一面,随着”。用作连词时它还可以引导原因状语从句,译为“因为”;引导让步状语从句,译为“尽管”;引导方式状语从句,译为“按照,像那样”。he peasants sang songs as they

36、were doing farm work.那些农民一边干活一边唱歌。As she grew older, she became less patient with housework.随着年龄的增长,她对家务活越来越没有耐心。As he wasn't ready in time, we went climbing without him.因为他没及时做好准备,我们没等他就爬山去了。Young as he is, he knows some of the family secrets.尽管他很小,但是他也知道一些家里的秘密。The teacher asked us to watch ca

37、refully and do as he showed.老师让我们仔细观看,然后按照他教的那样去做。即境活用15Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot in Canada,as this was a memory she especially treasured.4. Then he picks out the lace of the shoe and eats it as if it were spaghetti.,接着他挑出鞋带来吃,像是吃意大利面条一样。句型公式:as if从句(1)as if/though可

38、引导表语从句和状语从句。若表示与现在事实相反的假设,从句谓语动词用过去时;若表示与过去事实相反的情况,从句谓语动词用过去完成时;若表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用“would/could/might动词原形”。(2)如果as if/though引导的从句所表示的内容与事实相符,则使用陈述语气。(3)as if/though引导的从句可用省略形式,后面直接跟名词、不定式、形容词、介词短语或分词。(1)It looked as if it had been spray­painted.它看起来好像是喷过漆的。(2)They treat me as if I were a stranger.

39、他们待我如陌生人。(3)He opened his mouth as if he would say something.他张开嘴好像要说什么。单句语法填空(1)The patient opened his mouth as if to say(say) something.(2)He stared at me as if seeing(see) me for the first time.(3)Jackie looks after his younger sister as if he were(be) an adult.(4)He talks about Hong Kong as if h

40、e had been(be) there before.1 .阅读理解I have heard having a good sense of humour often helps in breaking the ice.Also people remember you because of your humour.But I think I dont have a very good sense of humour.Could you suggest how to build on this?Radha KarnikThis is a great question that is unfort

41、unately difficult to answer.I can only give you my views on this topic,which may or may not be correct.I know that my sense of humour developed over time.When I was younger I was not funny at all;now I can easily make people laugh.At the same time,sometimes I say things that I think are very funny b

42、ut others do not.Improving wit and humour,I believe,is an ongoing process.Now,there are various forms of humour and everyone has their individual style.Overall I believe being fluent in a language is very important for being witty or funny.The way we play around with words adds the “funny” tag to an

43、 otherwise normal sentence.Also,seeing irony is very important.I think humour is often the link between two unrelated things.In my experience,laughing frequently and appreciating other peoples jokes and wit are very important.Within these,finding humour in everyday normal situations is the key.I oft

44、en notice what is going on around me and say funny things in my head and laugh to myself.That serves almost as practice for when I am in a group.I watch comedy shows and movies and I am sure that has some effect on helping me improve my sense of humour.And last,having confidence that you are witty i

45、s important.There will always be someone wittier or funnier than you,which is fine.Just work on building your own style.Remember,if you are trying to be funny and witty in order to break the ice at a business function,be careful.In those situations,humour has to be mild and politically correct.Yours

46、,Brad1Radha Karniks problem is that he doesnt _Ahave friendsBknow the functions of humourCunderstand others humourDhave a good sense of humour2In order to improve our sense of humour,Brad believes that the following are important EXCEPT _Agood language ability BloyaltyClearning from life Dconfidence

47、3Radha Karnik is warned _Anot to be funny improperly Bnot to be funny frequentlyCnot to be funny naturally Dnot to be funny differently【解题导语】本篇是一篇议论文。文章由咨询者的问题引出作者对幽默的看法。作者给咨询者提供了很多好的建议,你看看哪一条对你有帮助。1解析:选D。细节理解题。由第一段中的“But I think I dont have a very good sense of humour.”可以得出答案。2解析:选B。推理判断题。文中并没有提及忠诚

48、。3解析:选A。细节理解题。最后一段中布拉德提醒:幽默一定要根据情况合理运用。BSongs that make our hearts happy can make them stronger too,US researchers reported on Tuesday.They found that when people listened to their favorite music,their blood vessels (血管) dilated in much the same way as when they are laughing,or taking blood medicati

49、ons.“We have a pretty impressive effect,” said Dr Michael Miller,director of preventive cardiology(心脏病学) at the University of Maryland Medical Center in Balitimore.“Blood vessel diameter improved,” he said.“The vessel opened up pretty significantly.You can see the vessels opening up with other activ

50、ities such as exercise.” A similar effect is seen with drugs such as statins.When blood vessels open up more,blood flows more smoothly and is less likely to form the clots(凝块) that cause heart attacks and strokes.“We are not saying to stop your statins or not to exercise but rather to add this to an

51、 overall program of heart health,” said Miller,who presented his findings to a meeting of the American Heart Association in New Orleans.Millers team tested 10 healthy,non­smoking men and women,who were told to bring their favorite music.They spent half an hour listening to the recordings and ha

52、lf an hour listening to music they said made them feel anxious while the researchers did ultrasound tests designed to show blood vessel function.Compared to their normal baseline measurements,blood vessel diameter increased 26 percent on average when the volunteers listened to their joyful music.Lis

53、tening to music they disliked,blood vessels narrowed by six percent,Miller said.Miller said he came up with the idea after discovering that laughter caused blood to literally flow more smoothly.“I asked myself what other things make us feel good,besides calories from dark chocolate of course.Music c

54、ame to mind.It makes me feel really good,” he said.Most of the volunteers chose country music but Miller said the style is not so important as what pleases each individual.4The underlined word in Paragraph 2 is the closest in meaning to “ _”Awidened BmovedCchanged Dincreased5According to the passage

55、,which of the following will NOT cause blood vessels to open up?ATaking exercise.BListening to unpleasant music.CBursting into laughter.DTaking drugs like stations.6It can be inferred from the passage that _Ablood clots are caused by heart attacks and strokesBmusic is better than chocolate for your

56、healthCdifferent music has different effects on different peopleDa persons overall health is more influenced by how much exercise he gets7Whats the best title of the passage?APleasant Music CuresBResearch into Blood VesselCMusic and Heart AttackDMusic and Happiness【解题导语】本文讲的是音乐与人类健康的关系。4解析:选A。词义推测题。从文章第二段、第四段可以看出,当人们在欣赏自己喜欢的音乐时,血管扩张就像人们大


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