1、湖北省第十七届外语翻译大赛英语专业笔译组初赛试题正题满分共100分。加试题满分10分。如果正题得分达到85分,加试题有效,一、选出最佳译文,每题一分。共 80分01) The house cost him an arm and a leg.(A)这套房子花了他很多钱。(B)这套房子让他赚了不少钱。(C)这套房子差点让他丧命。(D)这套房子让他的胳膊和腿都受了伤。02) Tom was given the axe.(A)汤姆得到一把斧头。(B)汤姆获得赏识。(C)汤姆被解雇了。(D)汤姆挨了狠揍。03) We live out of cans.(A)只要活着就总有可能。(B)我们从不吃罐头食品。
2、(C)我们靠罐头食品过活。(D)我们生活毫无希望。04) He went to bed with the chickens.(A)他睡得很迟。(B)他的作息时间和鸡一样。(C)他和小鸡一起睡觉。(D)他很早上床睡觉。05) It's time to put on the feedbag.(A)上班时间到啦!(B)吃药的时间到了!(C)吃饭时间到啦!(D)睡觉时间到啦!06) Please give me a bottle of Adam' s ale.(A)请给我一瓶水。(B)请给我一瓶墨水。(C)请给我一杯茶。(D)请给我一瓶酒。07) It's your baby,
3、 not mine.(A)那是你的任务,不是我的。(B)那是你的责任,而不是我的。(C)那是你的作品,可别说是我。(D)那是你的最爱,我可没有份。08) Her re-election is in the bag.(A)她正为改选四处拉票。(B)她在改选中败下阵来。(C)她在进行暗箱操作,争取再次当选。(D)她在改选中已稳操胜券。09) He is a ball of fire.(A)他极富感染力。(B)他精神萎靡。(C)他精力充沛。(D)他乐于助人。10) The story happened before the Flood.(A)故事在洪水之前就已经发生。(B)故事发生在远古时代。(C)
4、故事发生的时候正好发洪水。(D)事已至此,无法挽救。11) I don't know the ABC of computers.(A)我对电脑很在行。(B)我对电脑一窍不通。(C)我看不懂电脑的英文说明。(D)不我太了解电脑的复杂结构12) His parents are going bananas at him.(A)他爸妈快被他气疯了。(B)他爸妈对他言听计从。(C)他爸妈对他严加管教。(D)他爸妈正给她买水果呢。13) Don't pass the baby to me.(A)不要伤害我的孩子。(B)不要把责任推卸给我。(C)不要为难我了。(D)别让我来给你收拾残局。14
5、) She employed a tender foot to help her.(A)她请了个干活快的人帮她。(B)她请了一个新手帮她。(C)她请了一个律师帮她。(D)她请了一个有经验的人帮她。15)玛丽是个马屁精。(A) Mary is a ladder holder.(B) Mary is an apple polisher.(C) Mary is a knowing card.(D) Mary is a baby-kisser.16) Don't make yourself in the shit.(A)你别惹是生非。(B)你不要贪得无厌。(C)不要自讨没趣。(D)不要自认倒霉
6、。17) Mike is a lady killer.(A)麦克专门谋杀女性。(B)迈克有恋母情结。(C)迈克不喜欢女人。(D)迈克是个师奶杀手。18) Ok, let ' s talk turkey.(A)好吧,让我们谈谈事后赔偿的问题。(B)好吧,让我们开诚布公地谈谈。(C)好吧,让我们谈谈怎样吃火鸡。(D)好吧,让我们谈谈土耳其问题。19) He led a dog's life.(A)他过着衣食无忧的生活。(B)他过着放荡的生活。(C)他过着受人摆布的生活。(D)他过着穷困潦倒的生活。20) This music in the film is easy on the e
7、ar.(A)电影里的音乐通俗易懂。(B)电影里的音乐很难听。(C)电影里的音乐很动听。(D)电影里的音乐很古典。21) We held a back-street meeting.(A)我们并未大肆渲染此事。(B)我们举行会议的地点比较隐蔽。(C)我们这次会议没有让外人参加。(D)我们开了一个秘密会议。22) That boy never says uncle.(A)那个孩子从不叫叔叔。(B)那个孩子说话时从来不提他的舅舅。(C)那个孩子的嘴特硬。(D)那个孩子不爱和舅舅说话。23) I will put my back into this program.(A)我将对这个项目全力以赴。(B)
8、我对这个项目很有信心。(C)我不参与这个项目的研究。(D)我对这个项目不报希望。24) Meg is the apple of her father's eye.(A)梅格将爸爸的眼睛比作苹果。(B)梅格是她爸爸的掌上明珠。(C)美格吃的苹果和他父亲眼睛般大小。(D)梅格是她爸爸的亲生女儿。25) This is an apple of love.(A)这个苹果用来示爱。(B)这是一个西红柿。(C)这是一个爱情果。(D)这是一个火龙果。26) The fat is in the fire.(A)事情搞定了。(B)事情很难说。(C)事情搞砸了。(D)肥肉掉火里了。27) She'
9、s a knowing card.(A)她是个精明鬼。(B)她是个糊涂虫。(C)她是个吝啬鬼。(D)她打牌爱出老千。28) Everyone has been under the gun.(A)每个人都被迫干活。(B)每个人都顶着巨大的压力。(C)每个人都打过仗。(D)每人都扛过枪。29) He lived from hand to mouth.(A)他住的地方只能容纳一个人。(B)他从头到脚一身名牌。(C)他过着勉强糊口的生活。(D)他浑身上下充满活力。30)玛丽在殡仪馆工作。(A) Mary is funeral home.(B) Mary is in funeral parlor.(C)
10、 Mary is at mortuary house.(D) Mary is an undertaker.31) This novel can't be less interesting.(A)这部小说不可能没意思。(B)这部小说无聊极了。(C)这部小说不见得有什么意思。(D)这部小说非常有趣。32) I have the deed to the house.(A)我有这套房子的房契。(B)我有这套房子的钥匙。(C)我在这套房子住过。(D)我参与过这幢房子的修建。33) You must hold your horses.(A)你一定要镇静。(B)你一定要改变自己。(C)你一定要终止行
11、动。(D)你肯定不应轻易表态。34) Tom is good at winning girl's ears.(A)汤姆很能够博得女人的好感。(B)汤姆喜欢做女子的针线活。(C)汤姆擅长欺骗女孩子。(D)汤姆最会说女人爱听的话。(B)你能适应环境吗?(C)你了解自己的地位吗?(D)你能找到自己的脚印吗?35) Nobody can say I put on airs.(A)谁也不能说我这个人专讲空话。(B)谁也不能说我这个人泄露秘密。(C)谁也不能说我这个人摆架子。(D)谁也不能说我这个人喜怒无常。36) These transactions are aboveboard.(A)这些交易
12、是超越了权限。(B)这些交易是光明磊落的。(C)这些交易没有经过董事会的同意。(D)这些交易没有通过第三方。37) I won't buy your story.(A)我不会买你的帐。(B)我不信你那一套。(C)我不敢肯定你的小说能卖钱。(D)我不买你写的小说。38) Has the cat got your tongue?(A)你为什么生气?(B)你为什么哭?(C)你怎么这么唠叨了 ?(D)你的舌头让猫给咬掉了?39) Old Green is a real card.(A)老格林是不见兔子不撒鹰。(B)老格林喜欢玩牌。(C)老格林真是个活宝。(D)老格林对人非常诚恳。40) Jim
13、 is the black sheep of our class.(A)吉姆是我们班的一匹黑马。(B)吉姆是我们班最聪明的学生。(C)吉姆是我们班最愚蠢的学生。(D)吉姆是我们班的害群之马。41) David carried the ball in the firm.(A)大卫负责公司里最机密的工作。(B)大卫负责公司里最困难的工作。(C)大卫负责公司里最轻松的工作。(D)大卫负责公司里最主要的工作。42) I have a crush on you.(A)我挨揍是你造成的。(B)我要把你碾碎。(C)我要抽你。(D)我迷恋你。43) Can you find your feet?(A)你能找到
14、回去的路吗?44) Cut out your banana oil.(A)别这么啰嗦了。(B)节约使用你的香蕉水吧。(C)脾气别那么坏。(D)收起你的花言巧语。45) Can we get around this issue?(A)我们能报道这个问题吗?(B)我们能避开这个话题吗?(C)我们能上交这个问题吗?(D)我们能讨论这个话题吗?46) This kind of dress sells like hot cakes.(A)这种蛋糕裙很好卖。(B)这款裙子销量不好。(C)这款裙子很畅销。(D)卖这裙子就像卖蛋糕。47) Where is the john?(A)洗手间在哪里?(B)约翰在哪
15、里?(C)熟人来了吗?(D)蒋家人在哪里?48) He was born to the purple.(A)他出身时身体不好。(B)他出身皇族。(C)他出身贫苦。(D)他出身名校。49) Is he a Jonah?(A)他也愿意帮助人吗?(B)他是个像约拿一样的人吗?(C)他是带来厄运的人吗?(D)他也是叫约拿吗?50) You can't beat that.(A)你不能抽打它。(B)你不能打败它。(C)再没有比这个更好的了。(D)你不可以与其抗衡。51) Why don't you belt up?(A)你怎么不系安全带呢?(B)你干吗口是心非?(C)你干吗还不住口呢?(
16、D)你怎么不用皮带抽打。52) The black dog is over Jim now.(A)吉姆被一只黑狗压着。(B)吉姆现在意气消沉。(C)吉姆现在心理阴暗。(D)吉姆信迷信中了邪。61) I don ' t know you from Adam.(A)亚当没有介绍我认识你。(B)我根本就不认识你。(C)我认识你不是亚当介绍的。(D)我从来就不认识亚当。53) He is a blue nose.(A)他是个伪君子。(B)他是个严谨的人。(C)他是个马屁精。(D)他很高傲。54) Nick was run off his legs.(A)尼克破产了。(B)尼克中奖了。(C)尼克
17、腿摔断了。(D)已经再没有人支持尼克了。55) The escaped prisoner is still at large.(A)在逃犯数量仍在增加。(B)那个逃犯罪行仍然很大。(C)那个逃犯仍逍遥法外。(D)那个逃犯胆子仍然很大。56) Those pretty girls are easy on the eye.(A)那些靓女真调皮。(B)那些宝贝真不好惹。(C)那些美女很容易见到。(D)那些漂亮的女孩子真是赏心悦目。57) The book is as good as a play.(A)这本书可以改编成剧本。(B)这本书非常有趣。(C)这本书就像一出戏。(D)这本书的情节与剧本有得一
18、比。58) He will help you, as likely as not.(A)他是否会帮助你,这很难说。(B)他可能会帮助你。(C)他不可能帮助你。(D)他会尽力帮助你的。59) She has been canned.(A)她受伤了。(B)她被解雇了。(C)她被骗了。(D)她遭人诬陷。60) These youths are full of animal spirits.(A)这些年轻人充满动物精神。(B)这些年轻人非常狂暴。(C)这些年轻人思想混乱。(D)这些年轻人充满活力。62) I will trust you when pigs fly.(A)我绝不会相信你。(B)我无论如
19、何都会信任你的。(C)我以后或许会相信你。(D)我绝对相信你。63) Colin is absent in Shanghai.(A)科林去上海了,没在这儿。(B)科林失踪的地点不是在上海。(C)科林在上海失踪了。(D)科林现在不在上海。64) Sam is a baby kisser.(A)山姆是个圆滑的政客。(B)山姆有恋童倾向。(C)山姆欺负小孩。(D)山姆是个婴儿杀手。65) A cat may look at a king.(A)动物和人的差别有那么大吗?(B) 一只猫和国王对视。(C) 一只猫也可以看到国王。(D)小人物也有权利。66) My husband and I led a
20、cat and dog life.(A)我和我丈夫过着平凡幸福的日子。(B)我和我丈夫过着猫狗不如的日子。(C)我和我丈夫过着衣食无忧的生活。(D)我和我丈夫过着争争吵吵的日子。67) The boss hit the ceiling.(A)老板剥削员工。(B)老板打扫卫生。(C)老板大发雷霆。(D)老板心情郁闷。68) She is a fox in a lamb's skin.(A)她黄鼠狼给鸡拜年。(B)她总是一意孤行。(C)她的伪装并不高明。(D)她是个口蜜腹剑的人。69) Carrie never changes her mind at pleasure.(A)凯莉从来不会高
21、高兴兴地改变主意。(B)凯莉从不随意改变主意。(C)凯莉高兴时从不会改变主意。(D) 一不高兴凯莉就改变主意。70) He made a pass at Mary.(A)他对玛丽暗送秋波。(B)他对玛丽恶语相向。(C)他对玛丽不理不睬。(D)他向玛丽招手致意。71) He has made a real dog's breakfast.(A)他为狗准备早餐也很认真。(B)他把事情搞得一团糟。(C)他做事井井有条。(D)他做事磨磨蹭蹭。72) Her opinion is all my eye.(A)她的观点我完全同意。(B)她的想法,我十分清楚。(C)她的观点都是胡说八道。(D)她认为
22、我一直在看她。73) Mike carried the can for his son.(A)麦克替他儿子办其不会的事情。(B)迈克替他儿子值班。(C)迈克替他儿子去开会。(D)迈克替他儿子背黑锅。74) Bill is an American China trader.(A)比尔是一个美籍华裔商人。(B)比尔是一个从事对华贸易的美国商人。(C)比尔是一个华籍美国商人。(D)比尔是一个从事中美贸易的商人。75) Gary spoke at length about the bridge.(A)最后,加里终于谈到了这座桥梁。(B)加里详细地讲述了有关那座桥的事。(C)加里讲了大桥建设的进度。(D
23、)加里绘声绘色地描述那座桥的长度。76) Bath Festival is just around the corner.(A)巴斯音乐节邀请的人并不太多。(B)巴斯音乐节就在街头拐角附近举行。(C)巴斯音乐节即将到来。(D)巴斯音乐节地位并不重要。77) Why is Mary like April weather?(A)玛丽为什么会喜欢变幻无常的气候?(B)为什么玛丽喜怒无常?(C)为什么玛丽就像四月的天气?(D)为什么玛丽喜欢四月的气候?78) I wore my Sunday clothes.(A)我穿着祈祷时的衣服。(B)我穿着休闲服。(C)我穿着我最好的衣服。(D)我穿着正装。79
24、) She is in her birthday suit.(A)她的穿着很朴素。(B)她穿着生日的服装。(C)她盛装出席了生日晚会。(D)她什么都没有穿。80) Tom asked after you.(A)汤姆问候你。(B)汤姆在背后打听你的消息。(C)汤姆在后面叫你。(D)汤姆是在你后面提的问。二、以下每题两分,10题,共20分。(81)和他们在一起我们觉得最舒服,自然而然我们也愿意和这样家境相仿,门当户对的人结交。(A) We tend to be most comfortable with them, and therefore we tend to link up with peo
25、ple whose families are often much like our own.(B) We enjoying staying with them, so naturally we would like to make friends with such people with similar family background and so as to be well matched for marriage.(C) We feel very cozy with them, therefore, we involuntarily are willing to associate
26、 with people well matched in family financial situation and social status.(D) We feel most comfortable with them, and naturally we are wiling to get associated with people of similar family conditions in finance and status.(82) 一个忠实的朋友在众口银金之下也能保持忠实。(A) A loyal friend will stay loyal under enormous a
27、mounts of thoughtless abuse.(B) An Achates is always trustworthy even in circumstances where the public clamor has confounded right and wrong(C) A faithful friend can never sway from fidelity even in face of numerous slanders from all directions.(D) A devoted friend remains faithful and loyal even w
28、hen faced up with overwhelming unreasonablescoldings.(83)届时必有一人代他兴起,续其王位,使横征暴敛者遍行国内华丽之地。然而该王不多日驾崩,却不因忿怒、亦不因征战。(A) And there shall stand up in his place, one most vile, and unworthy of kingly honor: and in a few days he shall be ruined, not in rage nor in fight.(B) Then in his place one will arise wh
29、o will send an oppressor through the Jewel of his kingdom; yet within a few days he was shattered, though not in anger nor in expedition(C) Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he was destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.(D) In hi
30、s stead another one shall arise by then who will send a fierce tax collector through the glorious places in the kingdom ; but the new king shall soon meet his demise, though not in ire nor in crusade.(84)我爱的人名花有主,爱我的人惨不忍睹,不是在放荡中变坏,就是在沉默中变态。(A) The person I fancy is a already a well-known flower that
31、 has a master, the person that loves me is horrible to look at, worsening in dissipation or turning abnormal in reticence.(B) I love the person is a precious flower that has the host, the person who loves me is in a messy state, if not going bad as a profligate, is rather becoming a pervert in silen
32、ce.(C) The girl I love is the one that has got a fianc; th%girl that loves me is so ghastly miserable, eitherdeteriorating in profligacy, or becoming morbid in quietitude.(D) The woman I am fond of belongs to another man, the woman who is fond of me is not an amiable lamb, either turning sour as a d
33、issolute relict or becoming a pervert in tedium.(E) )统治缅甸的军人执政团,不顾上周的台风肆虐,全国满目疮痍,哀鸿遍野,周六仍然举行预定的新宪法 公投。(A) The army group that reigns Burma, still held on Saturday the public voting as planned earlier, totally ignoring the devastated scene everywhere in the country with swarms of victims of the disas
34、ter caused by the gale.(B) In spite of the soring effects with widespread hunger across the whole nation caused by the violent typhoon last week, the military junta that rules Myanmar still carried out on Saturday the referendum of the new constitution as scheduled.(C) The Burmese military rulers he
35、ld a planned referendum on a new constitution Saturday despite the widespread devastation caused by last week's fatal cyclone.(D) Regardless the Typhoon s devastation last week, the military junta that reigns Burma would still carry out the referendum for the new constitution set on Saturday, in
36、 spite of the tragic scenes of the national devastation, and the vast wilderness filled with sufferers.(86)她会学动物的叫声,能惟妙惟肖地模仿马嘶和狗吠。(A) She can imitate the calling of animals to fine resemblance, especially the whinny of the horses and the bowwow of the dogs.(B) She is good at imitating animals, and c
37、an hit off horses and dogs perfectly well.(C) She is able to imitate animals ' sound, remarkably true to life, especially horses' neighing and dogsbarking.(D) She imitates animal calls well, especially that of horses and dogs.(87)求职者对研究员职位,临时职位和博士后项目机会都饥不择食;(A) All the job- seekers are hanke
38、ring after every opportunity for getting a researcher' s position, aprovisional post and a post-doctorate project.(B) Job-hunters are now not able to be choosy about positions such as temporary posts, research fellows 'and post Ph. D. programs.(C) The applicants are grabbing any opportunity
39、to win a position of research fellow, a post-doctoral project, and even a temporary position.D D) Ph. D. recipients often cobble together fellowships, temporary positions or postdoctoral programs.(D) )欲望过多,必然穷苦不足;恬不知耻,必然贫贱卑微;疑心太重,必然受人轻视;姿态太高,必然遭人排 挤。(A) If you have too much unjustified desire, you w
40、ill certainly always be in poverty; if you die to shame, you will certainly in straitened and humble circumstances; if you are over suspicious, you will certainly be disdained; if you are showing too high a profile, you will certainly be banished and squeezed out.(B) Overwhelmed by too much lust one
41、 is doomed to feel poverty-stricken; bereft of a sense of shame one is doomed to be contemptible; heavily loaded with suspicion one is doomed to be disdained; with too much conceit one is doomed to be exiled.(C) Desire leads to poverty. Loss of conscience leads to humiliation. Suspicion leads to con
42、tempt. Arrogance makes you unwelcome.(D) Too much demand allures enough poverty; shamelessness leads to lowliness; too much suspicion in mind suffers contempt; too high a posture invites banishment.(E) )她们都擎着黑伞以躲避灼人的阳光,但对同样灼人的路边站着恬不知耻的观客的目光,她们毫不在意,从 容走过。(A) Those women hide themselves from the scorc
43、hing sun under their black umbrellas, whereas they would not give a damn to the same scorching stare of those shameless onlookers standing at the roadside.(B) Every one among those women took a black umbrella to shade themselves from the scorching sunbeams, but they remain so calm and poised at such
44、 an ease before the brazentourists stareand glare when they were passing by.(C) The women protected themselves from the burning sun with a black umbrella and were quite oblivious to the effrontery of the people who watched them pass by.(D) These females held umbrellas to shun away from the burning s
45、un, but they did not give a damn to the roadside onlookers ' impudent glare fixed on them when they went past.(90)强制安装过滤软件完全是无聊的瞎折腾。”武汉晚报的编辑这样评论。(A) "The compulsory installation of filtering software is a whole lot of useless flopping about, " said an editorial in The Wuhan Evening New
46、s.(B) It is commented editorially in The Wuhan Evening News that“The compulsoryinstallation offiltering software is totally bromidic foolery.(C) “The compulsory installation of filtering software is totally an action of taking good pains for nothing, “ commented in an editorial carried in The Wuhan
47、Evening News.(D) “The installing of filtering software on computers in an compulsory way is absolutely senseless futile labor, “ says the editor working with Wuhan Evening News.加试题10分:每题5分。共2题。(正题得到85分及以上者,加试题得分有效。)(E) 赛后新闻发布会上,丁俊晖右手托腮、两眼直勾勾地望着天花板,显得万般无奈。(A) At the post-game press conference, with h
48、is chin in the right hand, Ding Junhui gazed at the top ceiling seeming so helpless and desperate.(B) During the news conference after the match, chin on the right hand, eyes looking straight to the ceiling, Ding appeared to be driven to despair.(C) At the news briefing after the game, fixing his eyes on the ceiling, with his cheek supported by his right hand, Ding Junhui
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