1、2020年贵州铜仁市中考英语试题卷铜仁市2020年初中毕业生学业(升学)统一考试英语试题姓名:席考证号一注意事正L事期就粉处持衬帚.市寿孤号地写在珞处卡垠堡晌过更,2.答,时.惑1 多出器)郊奇必兼险冏2B融兆*fcH卡上的舂罐;* M( A 地覆并分,处“传用OJ毫米的X也妥字选籽苒靠书写于军勒卡上小小通也吃的性苴-&斫有题目必顼在乐风卡现父昉目五作辞否则七就.4.收述妻JtH页.肃行1SG牙,*注1号闾1加分+K3T述站 也桔,将制超位和苔血P并上免.听力测试工30分温施示P听力I共四个部分,金翔听完肱四那廿的时向后P先精再部分的试理汴花I I-. 建性由来.峰包括听力I在内的听力
2、材料全能靖束店.用将答题仪上写客小 题的所选答案对网的特题掘琮黑一所为I (3U分|I.所?;个旬子卜选择用所断句子内容相符的图声i,外在雷腾R的棚X:付肯物K字母序“滞轼b年个句子诬西汨.(5分)AB11】L 听五小句子分剂揖抻耳和南的鹿芹酒.捋布杵题"的幅应位灰埒其字母序号徐晟峰十句侦阳阻.r”)出 4 My plt-jiM,irf7. A Take cane!M. A. I we«it la ihd Great Wall.V A Its T*"ni1iv.JO, A Ife Ls cr kind.士 Mci'er mindH. r K-h1 Mc-r
3、t1H I'm playih: gjiitUF, Ef.8. He lil(cgkdin已L .1皿血 >cib nil the anie.( Ttwink viiifU I warn to visit Minail Fmi)h«l9. ti*s Jun? 22lrf.C. Ke “ acimkUI-听五段电话,限押其内容取苦k密叼可越为岸正痴逸,丸 怔0*滋两遍1V分)A. At12. A. klwh26,com11. A. i14 A. A &L-h匕r4 A. IiiryrZHiB M H 3(1B Mana 7i 16 t.torn.B.立K -dLlf
4、hTB. C.viTir.L.< Al LJ:OU.C Muri占grQQ/WTVC A 二wjsirC U叫in将英”优题第 1 页(夫虹)EV.听篇海文,程据鼾文内容和所提问题近算上画若笔J6文展两CS分) 16. Whal doei 山亡 Liuthcr always say when the girl Ws ibr help?C. |hrt 川Ltr% 'IfC wwiorr*rsA.肾t'oi ji力i.l A%k yotir kucIkt1 7. Ttic Lrl invilrd ncr tt* hvr linw one iky.A. friendsU. cL
5、sxniaio18, Who did ihe doming for div j ill iliat ih;'A Hcr friends.H. Tile girl hcfbcl 11i . 1 let failid.191 Who BwiKS i he ii i devtr ud hard work iag?A. Hcrn»UKr.UL Jkr 佰件MU HerMwr就I wl a iii'tiihc k:.rl diink of lier nwiher17B. A itililIki.本部分久岛在接11X. 'k had FiMTlbcr.温事提示,听力11
6、HU分)螳合适用40分)k单项述择<1S#)以卜列芬1ft麻蛤的堰塘A工& C<。"I选杯他城人和底立门处的Jtfluft/,井也待通将 的相凤传得都璃顼豫照.21. hm m i? yuu jjuui 3b± whfn >hli gmw up”fm ciirir w 卜眦 (Iticior like Ztwng Nansl riA. aU. 4inU theD,22. Mil ih. huw tin y»u like Jtnrmey M the ore of I he Cour dlUiC tOVflU OCldj"j<
7、 liU'raii iFk<.r】like very iruuch.八 WKH ilimmC. ii15, its2工一Y<mjt luindenting is bctiubii JTixiikyuujw 相, dun bcfepc.A mmfulH. more carrfiJ C. HheriE%I" ». tarviully24. - - To keep our city cicun iind bcinitiM. iht!are Uwayi v«y busy in a Umi.1 hev RhiMjld tw icpccted hy a t
8、hr peopleA. driversH. jxhimiMiC. finrmefiII than亡曲25. Arc 版re jiny notebooks or门TIE 渐过M把我毒in ymirschoot? 一 They tell g Haw to ptotdct 心umlvcd in IhiM big cvisii.A. Tg UK, uk K Yet, nrc C YrsjhervisH. Yun, ii is2f>. How long 11jv youhjkd the crHptiyfl% 艮 in即向弟'I'$ hid il TZ'V 血 卜 Idpfi
9、 W a lOLA_ forg sumC. inD, <?D27, Englinli pmr. C'duM vuuhdp 11fMi1h it'A Thank 5x)uB. Fr tonC. Na pfiibSm” Sea yuu族语哝理第芝* “miO25, Hi wthe rnc;il is1 Did Kfljijckan$"s mnlwT coak it?hbe her. These chys &he hiK been in « poor vtlhflc to help the peupk there.A. tan*lB. wuti iC
10、. mustn'tD. ngh门29. Wmk Iwrd, yourdrcimi will iwrc irut,Well I will do my besLA. saB. butC 温MD or10, You'd Miiur iuh eut ton iroich sale, h s Kid " youg|ihD. That'll OKIJ helpA. Yuu'it wrLvrnt!H, T加ink" I<<1C. N<i< jI jII51. LlkM!心咚心里 Jhll M man is crossingCMMWi
11、lLhknj kl,» liiift.A. helpsH J口G helping.U.China is gening sirutiycT Jtid sLrhici.Yes. X Chinese by inure ahjE itmijc fcncipKrs.曲 JumK. learnedC. is kamedJS. I'Fng口u* nIijU 冒6 联 hi film fitl Ssillilda?Si-itTy- l*n huvc ua “F 丁口g“brrthiT becaiiM my rwMher ifioiiLA. Look iitH. InukMC,g必 upD.
12、Iwkkrs4,卜依m. wh n 加 you think uf Muutil叫jing,Xcry «x)l I lhen? OflCC. Cd lik-e go tlicie again, n.完形填空ce分1A lias beenB. have Ixcn35. C'rtuki yciu tell cix ?AbflWl WU kiloincters.A, lldiv fir it is FbeTm/e in Gui yang llirv k?Up it lakes to gt?l lu CimywisC have 梆2亡D X gonem. How iari> n
13、fmmTongrtn k> tiuiyangIX How long ckx;s it tnlc to E loGuiyartg解读卜面就文,蛾成根幅理文内,从幅立后各式所价的二个选事中逢择餐填入相应空 门处的第隹选填,并在件(g柠的相应位贸林H涂料*ictf uliiH'ist wctii rmd when hb chin hralhrr was killed hi a car m-m He refused toptay 拓 9Mtr « *、to cho ics with friends Iml0d he jusl M in his bedroam and Lhiln
14、't U|k h>_ 37 . hi» parents. Jell fell llu1 the *«ld m那 招 Hu 聃踮 quit lllgry 3油 19bee加* h,cr h” his brother, even ii as nn 涮;。kni Ailer_40r mon由5. k"41 urdcrcind it wi? irsiclcss tn- b<?而巴> Now be still misses hs42 hrtkieMi l hdlc ihc driver my 44 一 Hu is hegiiiitii噌 k>
15、 talk to hi, paicut-s <iml lha44 lhcn huppy 1如K He no longir sJ;iys in his fooin by 工 - lrxi?n<1. ic gt心 to the 0:上:)'£ sporti uiihhis friends. He is fecliTig btfttf now.M A0, tiKCa37. A. sonxhMKB, anyoner none38 A. happyH fairC. unfkk39. A tfis driverB. his parentsL 屈曲4a A a linkH. a
16、 IrwC. fe*4,. KjjjieiB. beginC. begirii42, A. butR jindC nr43, A longerH, worseC. better44. A. kisR. makesC. helpfii45. A. hisH. himC. hinweirIII.情景交际05分)从方里中送;|:沛&回答4*小鹿的直警语,井在鲁K标的相同也置蔚乩源照£5分)Nice tu iM?ct yci1t lot*'B, Yrs, Lil likit CO.C 1'm.iust looking. Oi:iTik>'D. I lii
17、w 必 you Jo''E SiMiy, he iui't in.46. H<jw 而 you dv,-17. t an I help yW?4K. Muy 】即6k k>KargkEing?41r Wcmkl you like lo have durwr wilh me "5L NiM ,hilF your12)从“枢中求界能填入讨认相同空门处的适当设期片力书电卡的相应付愣将苴徐T rm分)A: HL Lucy N】x t« mt you.H: Huy. XiiioMing. I'm gmmg m机肥 hm? lu «
18、pcr)d tfi。Mid唱uhirmval. 5LA: 52 Tlic Mid iiuluniri FesihM ah*,nys(xwil-s on ch? IS11 rfilw 而曲曲 lunar moniha; 53、; In OUT Ctiirc trailItlon, it is the liine for die family m (gc-tlicr. Peupk st mooncakes and cjiju> lh亡卜比3t full HKW1I on thu day.B:_ 54 1 tun'E wail fsr Hit mjiciirty of that <
19、;kiy f nli. y<nt tmn comeiHcdchnalc ii wilhmy finniSy.B; Can 1? 55 &一 giuuii* grtatrR. Thai、very ki闻 ol ywuC Can .mi tell me sonMChinfl about i(?IX With plcasuje.F. How de vum BlcbrM* it? 阅读理解(40幺:1 .阅读理解(洲分)闵建i和标均管材料,从先的每小新的的透阑中选出怪答案,井比答电卡的州 应位置将其律率.Hyi q Pmt" III 14:INI Zk<10S'i
20、ewct FiciHinNw “wry Pofirr Inc bm口 in the wizardry liool fbr three yuaib Hv bepn a nr* liieHuw is ccT>thing gt'E#ttuh Hnur I LOO 14:DAActual MovieDo ym like I址("hail" RmIi Mtwt is Hnothcr movie of hl kN mo deiting. Come iind have tvn_ . 一, 一56 也 but kiml N n»、w is M YA'uri
21、?MOVIE GUIDE 1 I41DAYB-一一Mr Bean Ml 1B;IOCpncdyRqwiti AtkinfiOfl 15 a 期m actor His iw* ic Mr6mM is<uauti, It's very fbamy. Dmibt muis iiI he Mftnkt*5 Kinj; 22:00CiirliiKiiiLt is picked Ii i»*n Jurttey tv /hr *壮蔺 % HMivic dxriXss « brnve hero who i* fearless to fgln HgaiTiNi all 5>
22、;一 < hildrcii* 3nnu 囹毋 secM-A. Cimiedy.R Science Fkriwi C. Canwn,IX AEm immih57 ik 闺 likMy to he pcuLir with ch;ldwn between 3 and 工 ”u仆 M.A.耳的yill 氏跖一 BiwC. K“,h HourD-而 帆5艮 After 1 Hmshed my sunrcf at 7-10 的 Friday, I EuMhous亡 to 制第 -A. f/w .UoflfrtT King or Mf &<jwC. Hurry Porrrr J"
23、;w The A3隔卡内叫$9is then闻n chiinKEtf ot Km心 fMur.A. RowanH. Hjit> Paihr6ft. You cw】fwt Nsf Potter ft J xlA LMpmB. 2:<X) amB, "itM/B IfiE PrrrUJD,忤动 HWW M'Wc, JackK Own D. The Mcrkty K*星C, 4:01) amD.比如 M iHd值 rvrn»ix! I'd hkv tn icll you swriething about R 如no口岸 3ml版 sicd Qiw Xu
24、<&cn. He bom iti Htin/kcm- ZJiejiang PnA'inw nn etcnihCT 11 '( 1911- *FIe he gnuluaiW froni Shanghui Jiws Tcmg Ufiiverniiy in l勺VU Ik 第E a clyinoe to study in USA. After lip gratiui'Licd, lx hoesrne “酒 wc-11 nw u rcscjst'i;het /h“ Situdicil fOCk( 3rMi iibiHikcihccriesWhen he w
25、um 44, be rcuirnad to hit m&herlml,“,the wwitryH 印加亡 nr*0rdi ms almost 4 bh+nk In 1小h hw 5cl up the lirM teseurvl itwtiluir of nxkcLs HIMI miHsileK. 1 lc hkhN英编K题需5夏f共科瓦)11 In Sg侬#C In Beijih2.Ik In HiLrt p./hou,A. In Sdzhtxi.62 W l-icn di<J Qian rccum m%咕 nh >ihcrlandfC In 194XB. h l<?
26、SCA In 1955.D. his hnhhy.C. incmey*A. family nsmi英南试IS率后贝(井MWB. Qim Xuum - The FMhcr MChg、Mesto 口 Qian XiKRcnChildhn<Hi in H和phcML65. What > the best ilc of Ihe paMg? A. Qian Xuewns Lift in Airmen C. Qian Xvcsen's Life hi ShanghaiD. giviMi name.SULli tinpoTtuiii k-iinlribuuon tn the Ei”ik
27、iinii spate piv>gTiini Ujul he 相as锵'"ThrFjllwruf Chinu Missiks11. The C'Fntiesc ptiupk HE 口nnid /himHe pnKNtxi m”叫 Lin 0Vh曲er J. 2IHI9 m lh< age l»F QS. bul Ml the Chinese will rcrrwmbcr him fbKvci. His devonon k« tiisicHimry <KpresKedin hi、saying, "Mi, is tn Chi
28、n;i4 my uccw is in Chinn mid my des4i rant inn is in China When sorn 削 m 刈 d he couW make mucli rtiove mcNwy IflK stayed nn the United SiaIes he laughed atuj uid." My hunily iiaiue ui Qnn hut I don'I like ffffwr/ Hi* spinl <?n i. unit ages u> in love iwr «mn!i> nnd ilrvoic om
29、selves tn fel. Wlwire 晒、Qian Xiiewn bom?63. H hw± of (he folk* mg is TRUE Kcvndmg to lhe passage?A I k' gniiiiintc:d from Zhc|iang Vnivcreity inI! He g<ii ;i chuntf in s:jdy m bnMml irk 1934C. He sd up the? final icMth in>iuncc nf nock cis -wi missile in 1956, |) He passed any mi Dece
30、mber 31, 2O1)9.H. Whiil <!nes Hw underlined wo<d "§山川 in Pjr-igmph 1 n>can!IL阅课判断W分根据如2内乩 半陷g7口小题甸于的正0M应以 ,并在杵虺#的小府付甘将其亦拚,Cbjtic r>nw, hviiij. in R昭 1小亭 bhu c3trtc g Chiiid .d the ng< ul When she caiiu?”、hc vise11 very happy. Then all tlie toe be r? tmd her clasinMteH were v
31、ery kind in her Jud helped 履匚 Now Uic can sfuk Chuz very ec】L t>m live yeiiri ago, when shv tlrs* enrne, she kmUI only speak H 耳 I idle Slw can perform kung fu u hilk no 叫,hui she u>uldn't 山】ii hsi 门匕 Yesterday was her birthday. StK relcbrjtttl ii ui【h X elassimtes al honic. Carrie's &
32、#39;ftirrafc gflVE her muiy p归6Mits like llcwcis and wni、,and she bought a big cake ;mi lots of drinks for the party. They diinctd k> i iusk. siir wngs .ltm! p :iyed gjmcN. Carrie sang 霹(htncsc Ming und everyone Uked bl v<:r muth "11 of ihcm hd n jniL time last night.66 <_ nrric camt t
33、o live ui Bcij irig .it the ag。5.用.Carnt; is 12 jurs old nim,&K- Mm Currie can pci【mrm ChiiKeKuiig fu cry wellAt the birthday piirly. Iirri<'s fncrwh lanced to mi闻二小 siigs an(5 pl吧 ia!津i版工 70. C/ari ic is happy to Ine iti Hcijnig Iimw.卷II耐力口什芬)听K而一IBM文.根据所听捌的时又为再填二米格.邮空限填一"%性疆势必丛书对然岂
34、H隹n齐小延暝止的读第.W/青两嫉 TSoi»c 4加0独刎 loamingHrvtHuc soitk kiniing 川 比Qr:mJWvCmdMake nurr 1 ic以匚9 is CMijkTiiLbk vnlh eiwHJgh '上 .I rtmcrsilly '便止口"上 you'd better 73 clMsinil rrosic.ThirdAfter lean king an h 而(hAvc: a feat ibr _4 rninutef.1 hope tn> 3dvr£i2 uiiryou a hl日i?_H.任
35、野型圆流U1S>)魁谟上面如文.整据闻工内容光就76-W小粮r*空 岬L样奖畀密封书写广琴 卡糖E1井小理假定的仲置.11«|* <v Mercia WdlW*rm up. Ei 也 impenant cd warm up before you uicciris上一 Yau xd la srmch yotrr lcgsh nn但 hack and nee* heFnre 州u dii iny 4liQlruli 衽li,lie* like TunningFind gotd phifEJ la kM£Civh«. You det no4 need los
36、peiHi a Lolnf irueicy cNcrviin. ¥i»i 睁n run or pla 第皿归 m a paik. or in =讣皿 泡Ynti dun ) ”cd ic My exercise cquipnicnL Ibr y<uir wniv Juin gC your Iwdy nwi irg,Don'l *iirh iiMb kurd< Ctioosc spoilbud yixiinieie>Lctl hi 4nli 曲61 your exercise will be fiiii instemt of work. Also,
37、yuu un1> ittfcd io «xeroiBe -n Few times each uceJi. If you ckecem: forjij minute cada lime. j*ou will sta Ik而的,nrili 4M0ugh Y)*rc Il i* ivnporLnn io drink uihicr wlien yn dwrtiw. Ytvur hedy tweds ihe wetuT lor entryy and for keeping axA.Be carrhik! f 广川 hurl yoursalf whiIe ymi arc ccnHsifi
38、rest uatil ym feel brttcr I wrv w唱 “Ik” you mv liuii w bi>d M your lw:ih胆会以i迪宝内进一 定城卜切/体n中二闾一Up.Yen izd cci76 y<mr legs. amis, hnrk revk befi*TV ymidu ciny ihMituli ;iL-iivii 1 山* hhiil»h.r._Find 咨kid |iIhc( Mi txt're tu'Y*hl 兽ri mo hm play77 in a pt* k or in ynur school pyniDm J
39、work io* buxLCk'ihC a spciFt thji ynn I* and (h?n your eirrrise will be dmiiu*rli._ _ .Orink rminfh Miter.,Yvur _ 7*品(he 明hff亡”亡f四r 倒】d flor keepingceL_ _ _,Bi m rcful 1rIf 5'tJLi linn jbOiiiMrlfWOi:cajttirut uiiLil ym frr1hrtter书面表达4。分J1 .造崛附鬲111分1口)相据插号内的凯讲在成句手、特案费写在答制惘番II作小题规定的伸SI- Oig 如v
40、!工1 timrt' und save inorc. 1 hr firsl ritiy in 福 Cvk i& t V 刷大 I黄的江旨!等丁典1共R天国王( A. h earning. L:v<ryihiiig corner Ed OHEe34 . March i the (7; J iriEiih “1 iIk yviir.35 As Nl know; |MMinI 刊超)inN靖吗i(动喉祸首字修炭句息克成硝三的炎肉。也茁茗X性II为小随江的位鹏X6 'lh live ;s litw-carbHn X 他破li隘 wMiulrli ufFthe lifhM
41、whs w* lea” 山* nooiihY【M<3 (.'hiiMML thmk ihi.b Nor t iy Uk syrnbol uf guod luck.XX ciin'i make a fnreM:* mi we nicd 帕mwnrlc89T TJiRwi啤 tbv litkr h and itifrvig a hud Hihn.Ml W甘IieH,I H f Ec each other bcduc wu 3壮 hrollvf5 and sisttra.fl.姆文M锚口而5一一F列瞅文的触魄喙酶谢怖 请改构HE*A井室相笃在普嗯卜国【1耳小幽氏出的(工置. T
42、ht %ummr holiJiyI qaji"t wait ta nuking 旦5凶d plan for a. 阴.Fi(s. 1 will lake huurs <m iny &Uid)y、ery day Rcudin£ more hDoks92.一nd prsetirin &Tiliiig will be gpod wa, Va ynpmvc mysek'. Second,修工一in order io keep 旧 J will ri& any spons wirti mv 而trrufc.04.surh Ijtc playiri
43、g htiskcrthall and 3*»1巾【力在 This, aummer holiday mH he95_a pood Time tbr 面.so 1 plm w 科uicti inuvieshave punics whli 醒 96.family. WhM潮 nwrt. 5exppnerwe 山滁rEy culture* m uthciBill he 3.m口喻 iinpvftMt p#Humy pltin.UWAll of thoEC will mc help Cui for rn> ftiluit life, t am的.hiukitig 孙iwN III* J
44、rkitfa.itiiLgfuI 版麻卜*,1CKI.ML写作U0H)全建新就岐惘依然严娘,而技僧的监楠的柠成就令川HII.全国万欲一一结惊段 的匐沟。我们水沙军忠.他的英闻息A M0ad如解怖对此的所里所闻将所眼所想.畸 你粗弼F面的提示内脚.同一晔件提位所见所帕】我怕靠照呆顿了 ALg拉施.独打gny©叫端曲qmraipig用卓(reamenH 的政第tpalk>t联埋(build)许学琳除的(ipvcWA赋*许多优秀的 4eeILend国护人员 口ISh'ohjrrtwri J,牌防突区iditl tnuhcMMkU柞为学步,我如要保护好门口.比如再一甫如希 W
45、生世界人KdMLtfk Ie惧uih.1: me mort |i、es)戏LMtlM左右,开头骷跟已给内外土入名词歌二 工句子初顺.谢意还打.希公遗留狂 【必祖色舍所打舱东内胖.讨母国蜀色郦玷一支棒L 4外也”正聃蜕傩检而懦H*Lk-,it MkI m glad iopcc<vc youj e-mail, 'Now rd like qo <h:nc my opinions wi巾 方】!】Siner COVJI>J9bn±c out, ow gpycmuKnl has lukcn muny mmura. FiralBrM wi4ics! Yuuia-, Li
46、 Mmg(知土书+同居IS舒胜H配足的归力.)英遇京黑« s ft : Ahi听力材料听力1 3分,I-看图圻五个句子,选择与所听句子内容*的的图片,并在答题卡的木腑位置将其字母序号涂黑o每个句子读两遍电。分)1. There is a river md some trees near my home2. We can make snowmeii in winter.3. They ar 亡 hero<svho pul themselves in harm's w”.4. Students give some cards to theii teachers on Tea
47、r hers7 Diy.5. It is our duty to protect all thu wild animals.H .听五个句子,分SJ选择苴相应的应答语j并在答题卡的相应位置将其字母序骂涂黑。每 个句子读两遍口(5分)c5. Thank yon far your help.7 GoM luck to you!£ are vou cing to do during this summer。9AVha/5 tbf 心长 toay?lOAVhai is your father like?in.听五段对话,根据其内容及台题的问题选择正确选项,并在答题卡的相位用将其字母 序号涂黑
48、每段对话读两遍。(5分)11 .W:韦力四 viill we arrive in TongrcnM: Let me see. It'5 half p®Our pl ant 11 land1口 twenty mmulrw.Q : When, will the ttvj per som get to Tongren?12 W : Could you please email vaur menu to mu? My address is Mariag M; Of c&uise. Pkasc 邛、也 a miouw. 1:11 email the menu to you.10
49、Learning is a lifelong joiiniey. He all want to knowhow to leam belter. I hope my advice can help you a little.First, some learning plans before exams. Thu could be from one month to six months. This rime length depends on rhe importance of the exam. If you are learning for the finai txam7 youJ d better maJje a one-montiiplanS nd, tail atout yput gvnoamuui. Make a* thf pkk 1力可。you are goiag 的:earn is comfortablft with enough li§ht.Howe-er; if you aie that kmd. of person tha
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