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1、Unit 3 Travel jour nal Secti on II Warming Up & Read in g-La nguagePoi nts即时训练i.单词拼写1.Fin ally , rd like to tha nk all those people who helped make the conference such a success.2. He received his degree at eighteen , the youngest graduate in Oxford University.3.He is so stubborn that no one can

2、 persuade him to change his mind.4.Dont let yourself be persuaded into buying things you dont really want.5.The captain kept a journal when he was at sea.He wrote down everything thathappened.6.How much is the train fare from Beijing to Shanghai?7.These gates regulate the amount of water flowi ng in

3、 to the canal.8 . All these goods will be transported(_ 运输)abroad by ship.9 . Does environment determine( 决定)on es character?10 . I like the way you organi _ 组织)the information in the report.1 .单句语法填空1. The problem is hard for the young girl to_solve(solve)_2 . The chair is comfortable to_sit(sit)on

4、._3 . After graduating/graduation(graduate)from the college , wefinallygot the chaneeto take a bike trip.4 . I pla n to_ ke(take)adva ntage of this trip to buy the things we n eed.5 . Mother tried to persuade him out of giving_up(give up) the pla n but it did ntseem to help.6 . I dont care about the

5、 price so long as the car is in good con diti on.7 . I am determin ed(determ ine) to go and nothing will stop me.8 . He has made up his mind to_ end(attend) the meeting.9 . Please give your homework in before Mon day.10 . Her father insistedthat she (should learn(learn)music after she leaves schoole

6、very day.川.阅读理解Some years ago , writingin my diary used to be a usual activity.I wouldreturnfrom school and spend the expected half hour recording the days events , feelings , and impressionsin my little blue diary.I did not really need to express my emotions by way of words , but I gained acertain

7、satisfaction from seeing my experiences forever recorded on paper.After all , isnt accumulatingmemories a way of preserving the past?WhenI was thirteen years old , I went on a long journey on foot in a great valley , well - equippedwith pens, a diary ,and a camera.During the trip ,I was busy recordi

8、ng every incident , name andplace I came across.I felt proud to be spending my time productively , dutifully preserving for futuregenerations a detailed description of my travels.On my last night there, I wandered out of mytent,diary in hand.Thesky was clear and lit by the glare of the moon, and the

9、 walls of the valley lookedthreatening behind their screen of shadows.I automatically took out my pen.At that point , I understood that nothing I wrote could ever match or replace the few seconds Iallowed myself to experience the dramatic beauty of the valley.All I remembered of the previous fewdays

10、 were the dull characterizations I had set down in my diary.Now, I only write in my diary when I need to write down a special thought or feeling.I still love torecord ideas and quotations that strike me in books, orobservations that are particularly meaningful.I take pictures, but not very often onl

11、y of objects I find really beautiful.Im no longer blindly satisfied with having something to rememberwhen I grow old.I realize that life will simply pass me by if I stay behind the camera, busypreserving the present so as to live it in thefuture.I dont want to wake up one day and have nothing but a

12、pile of pictures and notes.Maybe I wonthave as many exact representations of people and places ; maybe Ill forget certain facts , but at leastthe experiences will always remain inside me.I dont live to make memories I just live ,and thememories form themselves. 语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。 题材为个人情况和日常活动。 本文讲述了作者对写

13、日 记循序渐进的认识。 过去写日记仅是记录过去的事, 现在写日记就是记录自己的思想感情和 对生活的感悟。 这一切的变化取决于去山谷的一次旅行,在那儿, 作者被美景深深吸引和触动,彻底改变了对写日记的认识。由此告知我们:生活要有意义,必须去亲身体验,感悟人 生。1Before the age of thirteen ,the author regarded keeping a diary as a way of _A observing her school routineB expressing her satisfactionC impressing her classmatesD pres

14、erving her history 解析:细节理解题。第一段,特别是最后一句 After all , isnt accumulatingmemories a way of preserving the past?可知,在 13 岁之前,作者把写日记作为记录过去的一种方法。答案: D2 What caused a change in the authors understanding of keeping a diary?A A dull night on the journey.B The beauty of the great valley.C A striking quotation f

15、rom a book.D Her concerns for future generations. 解析:细节理解题。由文章第二段可知,作者 13 岁去一座山谷旅游,被当地美丽的景色所 吸引,所以作者情不自禁地拿出笔想记录下这里的美丽画面,并由此产生了一些感悟。答案: B3 What does the author put in her diary now?A Notes and beautiful pictures.B Special thoughts and feelings.C Detailed accounts of daily activities.D Descriptions of

16、 unforgettable events. 解析:细节理解题。第四段第一句Now, I only write inmy diary when I need to writedown a special thought or feeling. 可知,作者现在的日记只记具有特殊意义的思想感情。 答案: B4 The author comes to realize that to live a meaningful life is _ A to experience itB to live the present in the futureC to make memoriesD to give a

17、ccurate representations of it解析:推理判断题。由文章最后一段,特别是.maybe Ill forget certain facts, butat least the experiences will always remain inside me和最后一句可知,作者逐渐意识到:要想生活过得有意义,你就得亲身体验生活。答案: AIV.完形填空I had ever been invited to see a performance.That day I met a boy I would never4. A.terribleB. healthyThe young mu

18、sician , Mr Patrick Henry Hughes , was rolled onto the stage in hismadebeautiful _3_. He then began to sing as he played , and it was even more _4_. Iwas see ing somethi ng _5_ on his face .It was someth ing that I _6_ cant expla in ,and his smile was magic!He was born with no _7_ and a pair of para

19、lysed(was fitted with artificial eyes and _8_ in a wheelchair.Today junior.His father _9_ classes with him and hes made n early all As.But more tha n hisJO_ musical tale nt , it was Patricks “ attitude ofgratitude( 感激)” that _11_ my soul.On the stage , between songs, he talked to the _12 abouthis li

20、fe and about how grateful he was.He said , “ God made me blind and unable to _13_ . BIGDEAL He gave methe musical _14, the great opportunityto meet new people. ”Life is not about wait ing _15_ the storms to passits about lear ning to _16_ in the rainI thought thats it ! We all _17_ difficulty in our

21、 life.However, its notthe difficulty , but how we react to it that will decide the joy and _18_ in our _ life.During hard times ,do we spend too much time _19_ sorry for ourselves or can we , with gratitude , _20_ how todance in the rain?1. A.forgetB. showC. disagreeD. admit解析:由下文可知,作者被这个男孩的事迹深深震撼了,

22、所以说男孩让作者无法“忘怀”。答案:A2. A.chessB. pianoC. gameD. violin解析:由下一句中的琴”。His fin gers danced across the keys可推知,这个男孩是在弹“钢答案:B3. A.timeB. musicC. lookD. action解析:男孩在弹钢琴,弹出动听的“音乐”。答案:Bwheelchair and bega n to play the _2His fin gers danced across the keys as he瘫痪的)legs.As a child , he,Patrick is aI thought of

23、 a quoteC. beautifulD. popular解析:由上一句中的妙”。beautiful以及该空所在句中的even more 可知,此处指他的歌声更“美答案:C5. A.usefulB. strangeC. specialD. com mon解析:由下一句中的I _6_ cant explain, and his smile was magic可知,作者在他脸上看到的东西是“特别的”。答案:C6.A.hardlyB. usuallyC. reallyD. always解析:作者在男孩的脸上看到了特别的东西,而那是作者“确实”无法解释的。答案:C7.A.eyesB. earsC.

24、feetD. hands解析:由第 8 空前的 artificial eyes可知,此处指他生来没有“眼睛”。答案:A8.A.hurtB. placedC. heldD. caught解析:根据第 7 空后的 a pair of paralysed( 瘫痪的)legs 可知,他被“安放”在轮椅上。答案:B9.A.visitsB. watchesC. teachesD. attends解析:此处指他的父亲陪他上课。答案:D10.A.unbelievableB. totalC. possibleD. plain解析:由上文可知,他的音乐才能是“令人难以置信的”。答案:A11.A.beatB. to

25、uchedC. fedD. spoke解析:此处指他的“感激的态度”触动了作者。 touch 意为“感动;打动”。答案:B12. A.familyB. classmatesC audienceD friends解析:由前面的 On the stage , between songs 可知,他面对的是“观众”。 答案: C13 A.walkB playC sleepD talk解析:由第 7 空后的 a pair of paralysed(瘫痪的 )legs 可知,他不能“行走”。答案: A14 A.giftsB chancesC wishesD decisions解析:由第四段第一句中的答案:

26、 Amusical talent 可知,此处指上帝给予他音乐“天赋”。15 A.inB onCatDfor解析:此处指生活不是等待暴风雨过去。wait for 为固定搭配,意为“等待”。答案: D16 A.runB jumpC singD dance解析:由最后一段最后一句中的 dance in the rain 可知,此处应指要学会在雨中“跳舞”, 即坚强乐观地面对生活。答案: D17 A.faceB findC keepD leave解析:根据常理可知,我们都要面对生活中的困境。 face 在此意为“面对”,符合语境。 答案: A18 A.honourB senseC happinessD

27、 pride解析:此处与 joy 并列,故应该用 happiness 。 答案: C19 A.sayingB feelingC watchingD knowing解析:由该空后的 sorry 可知,此处应该指花太多时间自哀自怜。 feel sorry for oneself 意为“自我怜悯”。答案: B20 A.learnB understandC. remind解析:根据第 16 空前的 itsabout learning可知,此处指学习”如何在雨中跳舞。答案:AV.语法填空Wang Kun and Wang Wei are brothers and sisters.They have dr

28、eamed of1. taking(take)a great bike trip.2. Itwas Wang Wei who first had the idea to cyclealong the Mekong River.They3. rode (ride)bicycles to travel along the Mekong River ,4. whose source is in Qinghai Province.5. When it enters Southeast Asia , it travelsslowly through hills and low valleys and t

29、he plains where rice grows. 6. Despite the difficulties ,WangKun and WangWei were 7. determined (determination)tobegin theirjourney at 8. an altitudeof more than 5, 000 meters in Qinghai Province.Duringtheirjourney , they enjoyed the 9. continuous (c ontinu e)cha nge of the weather.F in ally,they re

30、ached Dali in Yunnan Province , 10. where Dao Wei and Yu Hang joined them.The four of themwent on with their great bike trip.W.短文改错Mikes father is a doctor and he wants Mike to become doctor, too.However ,Mike would rather to be an artist.He loves to draw and pai nti ng.Mikes pare ntssayit would be foolishto be an artist , because artist dont makee no ugh mon eyto supportthemselves.Mike is now study ing in a medical school , but he is pretty sadly.He does nt mind hard


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