1、2019-2020 年七年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit 1 Changing our lives教案上海牛津版1Lan guage focus:Using conn ectives to link con trast ing idease.g. Im good at a lot of subjects, but Im poor at Maths.Using the simple past tense to talk about past activites.e.g. Long ago, there was a poor farmer called Fred.Using conn ec
2、tives to express tran siti on of meaninge.g.Although were old, we still work in the fields every day,said Doris.Lan guage skills:Liste ningUn dersta nd the connection betwee n ideas by recog nizing linking words and phrasesPredict the likely development of a topic by recognizing key words, andmaking
3、 useof con text and kno wledge of the worldSpeak ingMaintain an in teract ion by repl yingRead ingUn dersta nd the connection betwee n ideas by ide ntify ing linking words or phrasesRecog nize recurre nt patter ns in Ian guage structurePredict the likely development of a topic by recognizing key wor
4、ds and making useof con text and kno wledge of the worldSkim a text to obtain a general impression and the main ideasMaterials:Students Book 7B page 49Cassette 7B and a cassette playerPreparati on:Cue the cassette.Pre-task preparati onLan guage lear ning activity(Thissect ionaims at providi ngstude
5、nts withopport un itiesto practise theIan guage/vocabulary n eeded or bee familiar with the backgro und for the task that follows.1. Introduce: Although. Write a few sample sentences on the board to help explainingthe meaning, e.g. Although Mary is thin, she is healthy./Although Joh nis poor, heis h
6、appy./Although Un cle Tom is rich, he is un happy.2. In vite a few more able stude nts to make up some senten ces beg inning withAlthough. Ask them to write the sentences on the board. Offer help if necessary. Then go over thesenten ces with the whole class.3. Play the record ing: Look and read. Sto
7、p therecord ing after Picture 2. Stude ntsliste n and follow in their books.4. Ask the stude nts some questi ons to check their un dersta ndingof the story, e.g.What s the name of the farmer and his wife? /Where did they live? /Who visited them one win ter ni ght?/Did they still work in the fields?
8、Etc.5. Remind students that the story is not finished yet and will be continued on page 50 of the Students Book. However, you may encourage students to guess what is going to happe n pr or the ending ofthe story before you go on.Con solidati onGrammar Practice Book 7B page 382Lan guage focus:Using c
9、onn ectives to express tran siti on of mea ninge.g. Although they are poor, they do not want anyfrom me.Lan guage skills:Liste ningUn dersta nd the connection betwee n ideas by recog nizing linking words and phrases.Speak ingConnect ideas by using linking words or phrasesRead ingUn dersta nd the con
10、nection betwee n ideas by ide ntify ing linking words or phrasesRecog nize recurre nt patter ns in Ian guage structureRecog nize the prese ntati onof ideas throughhead in gs,paragraph ing,italics, bold print and pun ctuati onRe-read to establish and confirm meaningWritingDevelop writte n texts by pr
11、ese nting main and support ing ideasDevelop writte n texts by prese nting main and support ing ideas.Develop writte n texts by using appropriate linking words or phrasesMaterials:Students Book 7B page 50Cassette 7B and a cassette playerPreparatio n:Cue the cassette.Con solidati onGrammar Practice Bo
12、ok 7B page 793Lan guage focus:spacing,Using conn ectives to express tran siti on of meaninge.g. Although Kally has a little pocked mon ey, she is still very happy.Using the future tense to talk about future actionse.g. He will practise Maths more.Lan guage skills:Liste ningUn dersta nd the connectio
13、n betwee n ideas by recog nizing linking words and phrases.Speak ingConnect ideas by using linking words or phrasesRead ingRead writte n Ian guage in meanin gful chu nksUn dersta nd the connection betwee n ideas by ide ntify linking words or phrasesRecog nize recurre nt patter ns in Ian guage struct
14、ureWritingGather and share information,ideas and Ianguage by using strategies suchbrain storm in g, list ing, questi oning, and in terview ingDevelop writte n texts by using appropriate linking words or phrases.Develop writte n texts by express ing own ideas and feeli ngs.Materials:Students Book 7B
15、page 51Cassette 7B and a cassette playerWorkbook 7B page 25Photocopiable page 44Preparatio n:Cue the cassette. Make a copy of Photocopiable page 44 for each stude nt.Pre-task preparati onas1. Ask stude nt: Which subject are you good at? Which subject are you poor at? Whatwill you do about this? To e
16、licit:Im good at (a subject), but Im poor at (anothersubject). IllAfter listeningto the students answers, you can put them inanother way and say: Although ( the students name) is good at (a subject), he/she is poor at (anothersubject). He/ShellHave students work in pairs and talkin the same way abou
17、t the subjects they are good at and poor at and what they will do about it. Walkaround, offeri ng help and guida nee to the less able stude nts.2. In vite a few pairs to report their findings in class, e.gS1: Although S2 is good at_, he/she is poor at_. He/She willS2: Alt hough 51 is good at_ , he/s
18、he is poor at. He /She will3. Play the record ing: Think and say. Stude nts liste n and follow in their books.4. Play the record ing aga in. Stude nts liste n and repeat.Post-task activityWorkbook page 25Con solidati onGrammar Practice Book 7B page 404Lan guage focus:Using conn ectives to express tr
19、an siti on of meaninge.g. Although were old,Lan guage skills:Speak ingConnect ideas by using linking words or phrasesUse gestures and facial expressi on to con vey meaning and inten ti onMai ntain an in teractio n by con trolli ng participati on in an in teractio n or groupactivity such as taking ones turn at the right moment and recognizing othersdesire to speakRead ingScan a text to locate specific in formati on by using strategies such as look ing atheadi ngs and repeated words.WritingPla n and orga nize in formatio n and idea by decid ing on
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