1、Un it 2 HealthyeatingI.单句语法填空(导学号 02516102)1. Nowadays more and more people have come to realize the importanee of abala need(bala nee) diet to their health.and weak nesses.3. Those who enjoy eating wild animals say that they not only enjoy the taste4. Its a good choice to combine Chinese traditiona
2、lmedicine with medici ne.5. How was your recent trip to Sichua n?more pleasa nt (pleasa nt) one before.on alcohol and smok ing.gets paid.money.n.单句改错(每句一错)(导学号 02516103)1. Would you like some more chicke n?No, thanks.I am at a diet and Im trying to lose weight.加 toown strength.strengthTstrengths提素能课
3、时冲关层级训练巩固捉升基础回顾2. Being a good teacher , you should know your studentsstre ngths(strong)but also want to satisfy theircuriosity(curious)westernrve n ever had afirst.6. Tickets arelimited(limit) and will be allocated to those who apply7. The doctor toldBob his heart was in poor conditionand that he m
4、ustcutdow n8. Bills heavilyindebt at the mome nt ,but hopes to pay it off when he9. The policeman cant have the thiefgettingaway withsteali ngpeoples10. rm so sorry .I should nt have liedtoyou.atTon2.The len gth of the article should be limited 400 words or so.limited 后3.Harry has bee n out of work
5、for six mon ths,so he has difficulty earned hisliving.earnedTearning4.Happ in ess and success often come tothose who are good at recognizing their5. You are working too hard.Youd betterkeep balanee between work and relaxation.keep 后加 a川佳句写作(导学号 02516104)1下公共汽车时我的左腿摔断了。(have sth.done)答案:I had my left
6、 leg broke n whe n I got off the bus.2我一定做错什么了,因为他非常生气。(must have done)答案: I must have done something wrong ,for he is very angry.3没有比这更糟糕的了。(比较级用在否定句中 )答案: Nothing could be worse than this.4首先你应该想办法减少你的开销。(cut down)答案: First of all,you should think of ways to cut down your expenses.5那是那么好的一家旅馆,所以我把
7、它推荐给朋友。(so.that)答案: It is so good a hotel that I recommend it to my friends. 技能提升 I.阅读理解(导学号 02516105)Do you love holidays but hate the increase in weight that follows? You are notalone.Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foods.Many people ,however, are worriedabout the weight that c
8、omes along with these delicious foods.With proper planning,though ,it is possible to control your weight.The ideais to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much.You dont have to turn away from the foods that youenjoy.The followingsuggestions may be of some help to you.Dont miss meals.Before you lea
9、ve home for a feast (宴会) ,have a small , low-fat snack.This mayhelp to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods.Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables.A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel full.Use a small plate;a large plate will encourage you to have more t
10、han enough.Better not have high-fat foods.Dishes that look oily or creamy have much fatin them.Choose lean meat.Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables.If you have a sweet tooth , try mints( 薄荷糖 )and fruits.They dont have fat content as creamand chocolate.Dont let exercise take a break durin
11、g the holidays.A 20-minute walk after ameal can help burn off excess calories(多余的热量 ) 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。 文章就如何在假期里保持体重的问题给予了饮食方面 的建议。1 Holidays are happy days with pleasure but they may _ .A bring weight problemsB bring you much trouble in your lifeC make you worried about your foodsD make you hate deli
12、cious foods解析: A 细节理解题。根据第二段可知,节日是充满乐趣、品尝美食的快乐的日子, 但是很多人担忧随之而来的体重问题。 2In order to really enjoy your holidays without putting on weight ,youd betterA drink much water and have vegetables onlyB not eat too much food in high fatC not accept invitations to feastsD turn away from delicious foods解析: B 细节理
13、解题。根据第三段中的“ The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat toomuch. ”以及后文建议“ Better not have high-fat foods. ”可以看出,要想 假日快乐又不增加体重,最好别吃富含脂肪的食物。 3 According to the passage,_ is a necessary part to stop you fromputting on weight.A vegetablesB waterC calorie of energyD physical exercise解析:D 推理判断题。根据常识可
14、知蔬菜、水和热量不能减肥;结合最后一段“ Dontlet exercise take a break during the holidays.A20-min ute walk after a meal canhelp burn off excess calories. ”可知 D 项正确。 4 Many people cant help putting on weight after the holidays because theyA cant control themselvesB go to too many feastsC enjoy delicious foodsD cant hel
15、p turning away from the foods解析: A 推理判断题。 根据作者所提建议推理可知,许多人因为不能自我控制, 假期 过后增加了体重。 n.完形填空(导学号 02516106)(2018 莱芜模拟)Norman Cousi ns was give n a fewmon ths to live in 1974.He had1_ of the conn ective tissues.He was told by aFirstly , he left the hospital.He discovered that the culture of _7_ and over med
16、icati on in hospitalwere not good for his health.He found a doctor who_8_work with him as a team member in stead of in sisti ng on being in charge.Secondly , he got plenty of vitamin C injections.Thirdly , he got a movie projector , not easy in those days , and a pile of _9_ movies.He spe nta lot of
17、 time watch ing films and laugh in g.A ndhe did nt just laugh._10 being in constant pain , he made a point of laughing until his stomach hurt from it.Cous ins fin allydied on November 30,1990 , havi ng _11_ years Ion ger tha n hisdoctors12:10yearsafterhis firstheart attack,16 years after hiscollage
18、n(骨胶原)ill ness,and 26 years after his doctor first13his heartdisease.Canit beprove n that _14_added 26years to Norma n Cous ins life ?15,butwe see above thatit16theimmune system that fightsdisease.There can be_17_ real tests for this.They cant take two groups ofdying people and have one laugh and18
19、cry and see who lives.The ethicalproblems would be eno rmous and there would be too many variables.We will just have to_19_his word If laugh ing does nt exte nd life , would nt it be_20.to laugh an yway to make your last days more pleasa nt?”语篇解读Cousins 患了一种罕见的疾病一一强直性脊柱炎,他用笑作为良药,结果比医生预测的多活了好多年。1. A.
20、symptomB. eventAnkylosing Spondylitis, a raredoctor that he had a 1 in 100 cha nee of2_ .He was told toget his affairsBut Cous ins would have none of it.Because he was a journ alist,he was used todoing 4 and so he tried to finddisease and the medici ne were draining(He did three thi ngs that would b
21、ea solutio n.Heread and消耗) his body of vitam in C.5_that both his6_ today but were un heard of the n.C. elementD. disease解析:D 下文多次提到his disease ”,可知 Cousins 患有一种罕见的疾病- 强 直性脊柱炎。2 A.deathB survivalD success解析: B 由上文“ Norman Cousins was given a few months to live”可知这里指他只有百分之一的生存几率。 3 A.in timeBin detai
22、lCin dangerDin order解析:D 医生告诉他要把事情安排好。这是医生让病人面对死亡的委婉说法。in time及时; in detail 详细地; in danger 处于危险之中; in order 井然有序。 4A.reportsBinterviewsD exercise相反, 他一直在努力寻求适合自己的 所以选 C 项research 。 B imaginedD discovereddiscover 和 read 是顺承关系。 B expensiveD importantthen ”可推知他做的事情当时从未被听说过,因B defeatD distrust解析: B 他发现医
23、院治疗这种疾病失败的氛围和过度用药对他的健康不利。上文提到他只有百分之一的治疗希望,所以,这里应该是被疾病击败的氛围。8A.couldBshouldCmustDwould解析: D would 表示意愿。9A.thrillingBfunnyC failureCresearch解析: C 由下文可知他并没有听从医生的建议,治疗方法。 做记者的工作与他处理问题的方法最接近的是调查研究,5A.informedC agre ed解析: D 句意:他读了很多书并且发现6 A.usualCbeneficial解析: A 由“ but were unheard of 此现在的情况与当时相反,故选 usual
24、 。 7A.injectionCconflict10 A.Apart fromC In terms of解析: D make a point of doing sth.体一直疼痛,但是他努力笑,直到笑得肚子疼。由于;in terms of 就.而言;in spite ofB As a result ofD In spite of表示“重视做某事,努力做某事”。尽管他身apart from 除了. 之外; as a result of尽管。 2 A.deathB survivalCproperDhistorical解析: B 根据常识,能让他笑得肚子疼的一定是滑稽的电影。11 A.survive
25、dB sufferedD experienced解析:A survive 意为比.多活多长时间,对应第一句Norman Cousins was他比医生预测的多活了好多年。 15 A.Not reallyD No problem解析:A not really 不完全如此;no trouble 不麻烦;not at all 点也不;no problem没问题。 他的免疫系统。这样的测试。 18A.anotherCthe otherD the others解析: C one.the other.是固定结构, the other 指两者中的另外一个。 19A.takeB getCchangeD exp
26、lain解析: A 由下文可知这里表示我们要领悟 Cousins 下面这句话, take 表示“理解, 接受”。 Cwongiven a few months to live in 1974”,他比医生预测的多活了好多年。12 A.observBpredictedC curedDprepared解析: B 根据第一句“ Norman Cousins was givena few monthsto live in 1974”,13 A.ignoredBoperatedCattackedDdetected解析: D 在医生第一次发现 (detected) 他的心脏病的 26 年之后,他才去世。 1
27、4 A.treatmentB experimentC medicineD laughing解析: D 这里对应 Cousins 做的第三件事情: He spent a lot oftime watchingfilms and laughing。B No troubleC Not at all16A.destroysBformsCshortensDstrengthens解析: D 虽然不能完全证明是笑延长了他的寿命,但从他的情况来看, 笑确实增强了17A.noBalsoCevenDstill解析: A 由下文“ They cant take two groups of dying people.
28、”可知不会有Bothers20. A.easierB. betterC. saferD. worse解析:B 由句意“如果笑不能延长生命,那么笑能让你最后的日子更愉快,不是么?”可以判断只有 B 项符合语境。川.短文改错(导学号 02516107)Dear Alice ,I was delighted to receive your letter.Thank you on the English dietionary you bought it for me.Ireceived it this mornin g.There is no doubt which it is of great help to me.Im deep grateful for youradvice that I should pay more atte nti ons to practis ing my spoke n En glish .Ive made up my mind tospeak En glish both in and out of class.Ne
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