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1、Unit 7 Internationalcharitiesespecially adv.特另U,尤其basic adj.基础的,基本的educati on n.教育equal adj.平等的right n.权利spread n.扩散;分布;展开in terviewer n.采访者mostly adv.主要地,大部份地case n.病例;案例cure vt.治愈medical adj.医学的,医疗的treatme nt n.治疗patie nt n.病人afford vt.买得起;能做operate vi.做手术proud adj.自豪的,骄傲的medici ne n.医学;药22reader

2、n.、+-4V.读者develop vi. &vt.发展;加强treat vt.治疗;处理leaflet n.传单;散页印刷品hold vt.举行set vt.& vi.创建,建立in cludi ng prep.包括,包含war n.战争orga nize (=orga ni se)vt.组织pale adj.苍白的matter n.事情,问题check n.检杳secretary n.秘书In dia n.印度officer n.官员bli nd adj.失明的medici ne n.医学;药44、重点词汇1. especially adverb /?pe? ?l.i/ve

3、ry much; more tha n usual or more tha n other people or things特别,尤其,格外;专门,特地例句:Shes n ot especially in terested in sport.她对体育运动不是特别感兴趣。2. cure verb /kj ?r/1) . to make some one with an ill ness healthy aga in治愈,治好例句:The medici ne wont cure her - it merely stops the pain.这种药并不能治好她的病-只能止疼。2) . to solv

4、e a problem解决(问题)例句:The preside nt and his advisors meet this week to discuss how toin flati on.cure财政部长们本周将举行会晤讨论如何解决通货膨胀问题。1661) . to be able to buy or do someth ing because you have eno ugh money or time买得起;(有时间)做,能做例句:I dont know how he can afford a new car on his salary.我不知道他靠工资怎么能买得起新车。2) . fo

5、rmal to allow some one to have someth ing pleasa nt or n ecessary提供;给予例句:Her seat afforded her an unin terrupted view of the stage.她的座位很好,可以一览无余地看到整个舞台。【拓展】can afford例句:We could nt afford to pay the lawyers fee.我们负担不起律师费。4. proud adjective /pra ?d/1). feeling pleasure and satisfaction because you or

6、 people connected withyou have done or got someth ing good自豪的,得意的例句:3. afford verb /? ?d/2) . havi ng or show ing respect for yourself有自尊心的,自尊的,自重的例句:He might be poor but hes also proud, and he wont be pushed around by anyone.他可能很穷,可是他也有自尊心,他不会受任何人摆布的。3) . feeli ng that you are better and more impor

7、ta nt tha n other people骄傲的,傲慢的,自负的例句:She knows shes lost, but shes too proud to admit it.她知道自己失败了,可是她太自负了,不肯承认。5. mostly adverb /?r?st.li/main ly通常;大多数例句:In the smaller tow ns, its mostly (= usually) very quiet at ni ghts.在小村庄里,晚上通常很安静。You must be very proud of your son.你一定为你的儿子感到非常自豪。168The band a

8、re mostly (= most of them are) tee nagers.我想这支乐队的成员大多数是十几岁的青少年。三、必背短语四、经典句型1. Eddie, more money is n eeded for charity.艾迪,做慈善还需要更多的钱。2. However, many people dont have money for medical treatme nt.然而,很多人没有钱接受医疗。3. Many of our patients cant afford to go to hospital, so we have to go to them.很多我们的病人无法承

9、担医疗费,所以我们要帮助他们。4. On the pla ne, volun teer doctors do operati ons.义务工作的医生在飞机上做手术。5. Whats the matter?发生什么事情了?6. Take this medici ne after meals three times a day.饭后服用这种药,每天三次。心足三点剖析一、考点被动语态on board在飞机(船、火车)上hand out分发;提出carry on继续开展,继续下去set up建起,设立make up on es mind决定go to hospital去看病16101概念:表示动作与主

10、语之间是被动关系的句子是被动语态。被动语态(passive voice)是动词的一种形式,用以说明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。英语的语态共有两种:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。 被动语态常用于陈述事实,一般用在科技文章或新闻报道中。2.主动语态与被动语态之间如何转换主动语态变被动语态时,主动语态句中的宾语变成被动语态句中的主语,主动语态句中的主语成为被动语态句中的动作的执行者。3.被动语态的构成:助动词be+及物动词的过去分词。助动词be有人称、数和时态的变化。4.一般现在时被动语态的谓语结构及各种句式:1) .谓语结构:is/ am/ ar

11、e+.及物动词的过去分词2) .各种句式:肯定式:The classroom is clea ned every day.教室每天被打扫。否定式:The classroom isnt clea ned every day.教室不是每天被打扫。一般疑问句:Is the classroom clea ned every day?教室是每天被打扫吗?特殊疑问句:What is clea ned every day?什么每天被打扫?5.一般过去时被动语态的谓语结构及各种句式:1).谓语结构:was/ were +.及物动词的过去分词2).各种句式:肯定式:The ruler was found un

12、der the desk.否定式:The ruler was nt found un der the desk.的。般疑问句:Was the ruler found un der the desk?吗?特殊疑问句:Where was the ruler found?尺子是在书桌下被找到的。尺子不尺子是尺子是在哪儿找到的?6.使用被动语态需要注意的几个特殊问题。1).带介词的不及物动词在变为被动语态时,介词不能漏掉。2) .当动词由不带to的动词不定式作宾补时,在被动语态中,应加上动词不定式符号“to”。3) .当动词带双宾语时,在被动语态中,将其中的一个宾语作主语,另一个不动;如果是将指物的作

13、主语,则在另一个指人的宾语前应加上介词“to”或“for,具体用哪一个根据动词来确定。、易错点1. be used as; be used for; be used by1) . be used as意为“被用作;被当作. 使用”。例句:Last Sun day our classroom was used as a meeti ng room.上个星期天我们的教室被用作了会议室。2) . be used for意为“被用来做.”。介词for后常接名词或v.-ing例句:A knife is used for cutti ng thi ngs.刀子被用来切东西。3) . be used by意

14、为“被.使用”。例句:En glish is used by travellers and bus in essme n.英语被旅行者和商人使用。16122. build; put up; set up抽象事物。例句:We are buildi ng a bridge now.现在我们正在建一座桥。2) . put up意为“搭建”,强调盖一些临时性的房屋,在现代英语中与build可以互用。例句:Several hotels will be put up in the city.这座城市要建几家旅馆。3) . set up意为“成立;建立”,强调机构及相应设施的建立,不强调施工建筑,尤其指商店

15、、医院、学校、纪念碑等。例句:Many schools have bee n set up in the city.这座城市已建了许多学校。题模一:Un it 7词汇应用例1.1.1tThe Apple Watch is very beautiful, but it it.s too expensive. So I canA.saveB.supportC.offerD.afford例1.1.2根据汉语完成句子。16131) .我们可以帮老师分发试卷。We can help the teacher_the exam paper.2) .他们已经决定为这位有眼疾的病人做手术了。They_ to o

16、perate on the patie ntwith eye problems.题模二:语法-被动语态例1.2.1As China grows stro nger and stron ger,Chin esein more and moreschools out of our coun try.A. teachesB.is taughtC.has taughtD.was taught例1.2.2将下列句子改为被动语态。1). Millie pai nted this picture.2). He sells Coke in a small shop.3). People grow rice i

17、n China.心建随堂练习随练1.1- En glish is widely spoken in the world, is nt it?-Yes. Its spoke n_millio ns of people all over the world.A.forB.asC.withD.by随练1.2 Helpi ng others makes us very_A.Ion elyD. harmful随练1.3 This kind of computer is made_Shen zhe n.随练1.4根据汉语完成句子。1.我太累了,不能走更远了。我们休息会儿吧。B.proudC.lA.byB.

18、withC. inD.of作业2-Do you know anything about the players of our school football team?-Yes. They are_ young boys betwee n the age of thirtee n and fiftee n.A. mostB.mostlyC.almostD.at most作业3 -What should we do for the disabled children?I am_ . Lets have a rest.2.中国西部很多地方需要老师。Teachers_ in many places

19、in Western Chi na.3.培养学生基础的阅读、写作以及交流技能很重要。Its important to develop students _ of reading,and com muni cati ng.4.每年政府都会花很多钱来防止这些疾病蔓延。Every year, the gover nment spe nds lots of money_5.春蕾计划致力于确保每个女孩都享有受教育的权利。The Spring Buds Project works to make sure every girl_to receive educati on.writing随练1.5-all

20、the wi ndows?-Yes. I did it just now.A.Do; closeB.Did; closeC.Were; closedD.Are; clos ing随练1.6 The match_because of the bad weather. What a pity!A.will cancelB.has can celledC.was can celledD.is can cell ing厶上_自我总结心课后作业作业1 -Why dont you buy the bike, Mary?-Its too expe nsive. I cant_ it.A.sellB. len

21、dC. keepD.afford例1.1.11215-You shoulda study group to help them.A.take upB.set upC.look upD.put up作业4按要求改写句子。1. Japa nese cameras are sold in this shop.(改写成否定句)Japa nese cameras_ in this shop.2.1 was told to take my own food.(改写成一般疑问句)_ to take your own food?3. Many animals fur is used for making cl

22、othes. (_对画线部分提问)_ani mals fur_ ?4. The pig called Strong Pig was trapped under the bricks for 36 days. ( _分提问)_the pig called Strong Pig _under5. Princess Laura was caught by an evil witch.(改为主动语态)An evil witch_ Prin cess Laura.6. People play basketball all over the world.(改为被动语态)Basketball_all ove

23、r the world by people.7. He told us a funny story yesterday.(改为被动语态)A funny story_us by him yesterday.对画线部the bricks?作业5 -Your bedroom is so clean.-Of course. It_ every day.A.clea nsC.is clea nedB.clea nedD.was clea ned作业6 -You dont look well.with you?-1 have a fever and cant stop cough ing.A.Whats

24、happe ningB.What is itC.Whats onD.whats the matter答案解析心思题模精选题模一:Un it 7词汇应用例1.1.11216【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析,save节约;support支持;offer提供都不符合句意。买得起,符合题意,故选D。例1.1.2【答案】1). ha nd out2). have made up their mind【解析】考查本课词汇的应用,需注意联系语境、时态、人称的数及名词的单复数。题模二:语法-被动语态例1.2.1【答案】B【解析】考查被动语态,句意:随着中国变得越来越强大,国外越来越多的学校教汉语。主语Chine

25、se与谓语teach之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,因句子的时态时一般现在时,be动词应用is。故选B。例1.2.2【答案】1). This picture was painted by Millie.2) . Coke is sold by him in a small shop.3) . Rice is grow n in Chi na by people.【解析】考查本课语法的应用,需注意联系语境、时态、人称的数及名词的单复数。厶壬一随堂练习随练1.1【答案】D【解析】 考查介词,在被动语态中,动作执行者前面应用介词affordby。故选Do1618随练1.2【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析,句意:帮助别人使我们非常自豪。表示“自豪的”应用proud。故选Bo随练1.3【答案】C【解析】考查介词,Shenzhen是一个地名,不是动作的执行者,所以不可用by,而应该用in,be made in表示“在.制造”。故选G随练1.4【答案】1. too tired to walk any further/ farther2. are n eeded3. basic skills4. preve nti


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