



1、1 / 5滦南县姚王庄镇初级中学九年级英语学教案(教师版)课题 Unit 7Where would you like to visit ? Section A 3a 4702主备人:赵敬霞 课型:展示课(阅读课)学习目标知识与技能:1. Remember the key words and phrases:consider, lively , sight , including , tower , church ,convenient, underground, wine , translate, translator,pack, light con sider doing, in gen e

2、ra, be supposed to .2.Consolidate the sentences1) Why not consider visiting Paris?2) Paris is the capital of France and is one of the liveliestcities in Europe.3) Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money.4) France is quite an expensive place.5) Isnit supposed to be very hot?3. Train re

3、ading ability.过程与方法:1) Lear n by on eself and discuss in groups.2) Solve the problems using the reading strategies.情感态度与价值观:通过同学之间的相互交流,开拓视野,更多了解世界各地 的特点。教学随笔课堂环节及时间预设:1. Lead-in 22.Challe nge yourself 53.Lear n by on eself 154.Discuss 55.Presa ntatio n 96.Sort and summary 47.Test 5评价标准:1. 独学:注意双色笔

4、的使用,每组三分, 违规者酌情扣分。2. 展示:1)声音洪亮,2 分2)展示完整,2 分3)补充质疑, 每人2分3. 测试:全部止确,每人 2 分学习过程Step I: Lead-i n1. T: Where would you like to visit ? S: Id like to visit T: Why?Can you say someth ing about- ?2.Show the aims.Step II Challenge yourself (group leaders correct their answers)英汉互译(让我们快速写出下列词和短语吧)I.教堂(复数)2.塔

5、3 翻译 4 打包 5.充满活力的6包括动词)介词)7.地下的8. win e9. sight10.c onvenient_II. 大体上2 / 5Task3:考考你对课文的理解能力1)判断:People in Paris like to speak En glish.()译成汉语:2)Paris is the capital of France and is one of theliveliestcitiesin Europe.3) Traveli ng around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of mon ey.Task4: Kno wledge point

6、s1. Why not con sider visit in gParis?译为。Whyn ot=_ 示提建议,后接动词原形。con sider 相当于 th ink about 后接名词,代词,v-i ng,从句或“疑问词+不定式”做宾语Im con sideri ng_(go) to En gla nd.2、Paris is the capital of France and is one of the liveliestcities in Europe 译为。One of + +形容词_ +名词数,表示最之一。Mr li is one of _ (popular)_ (teacher)

7、in ourschool .3,Isn tsupposed to be very hot 译为be supposed to do 意思与_相近,“被期望,被要求做,应该” 变否定 be not supposed to doHe_ (应该)to get to school at 6:30 yesterday.(连词成句)are, you,to, supposed be, on,time, here4、 convenient, is,it, to, most, train,usually,take the,places,un dergro und, toPAIRSThings you likeTh

8、ings you don ike学法指导:阅读的方法:1. 扫读文章,获取大意2.细读并完成 Taskl3. 再次阅读抓细节,完成 Task3o问题预设:1. It+adj(n.)for sb to dosth.句型中 it 是 形式主语。For example:1)Itsour duty to cleanthe classroom everyday.2)It not easy to learn aIan guage.2.Doi ngmorni ngexercises is good forour health.此句是现在分词作主语,谓语要 用单数。For example:Is watchin

9、g TV toomuch bad for eyes?展点预设:Expla in the two sentences:Step III: Lear n by on eself(逐一完成以下几个任务,先独学,后对学、群学。)Taskl :以小组为单位 Talk about Paris and fill in the chart.Task2: Finish 3b on P543 / 55、cost, traveli ng, Paris, by, around, a lot of, can, taxi, moneyStep IV: DiscussDiscuss the four tasks and t

10、ry to find out the difficulties.Step V: Prese ntati onShow the com mon questio ns and error-pr one points in the tasksStep VI: Sort and summaryDescribe a place that you have ever visited. Show us what thing;you like and dislike there.Step VII: TestI. BeiJi ng is the c_ of China.2.She has a l_ son, s

11、he likes him very much.3.1 like a glass of red w_,please.4. There are ten people , i_ three boys.5. _ (一般来说), En glish is easier tha n math.6. He_翻译)the report into Chin ese last week.7. I have lots of homework_ (do)today8.How many_ (教堂)are there in your town?根据汉语完成英语句子。9.香港是一个相当拥挤的地方。Hong Kong is_p

12、lace.10. 今年暑假你想去什么地方度假?Where would you like_ thissummer?II.学习英语对我们来说很重要._ En glish_important_ us.1)Its best to travelwith some one who cantran slate thi ngs foryou.2) France is quite anexpe nsive place.课后反思:1.本课设计的理念是教材 的二次开发,即对关于 Paris 的名胜介绍的文章 进行问题的设置,加上 阅读策略的增加与指 导。2.扩展到现实生活练习句 型。增加趣味性。比如:在讲到交通工具时 可提至 U: Are there any taxis orun derg ound tains inTan


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