【最新】五年级英语下册 Unit 6 Work quietly Part B周末自主作业习题课件 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学五年级下册英语课件_第1页
【最新】五年级英语下册 Unit 6 Work quietly Part B周末自主作业习题课件 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学五年级下册英语课件_第2页
【最新】五年级英语下册 Unit 6 Work quietly Part B周末自主作业习题课件 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学五年级下册英语课件_第3页
【最新】五年级英语下册 Unit 6 Work quietly Part B周末自主作业习题课件 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学五年级下册英语课件_第4页
【最新】五年级英语下册 Unit 6 Work quietly Part B周末自主作业习题课件 人教PEP版-人教PEP小学五年级下册英语课件_第5页
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1、Unit 6 Work quietly!Part B周末自主作业 一、读一读,抄写下面的句子。Keep to the right. Keep your desk clean.略 二、给下列句子选择相应的图片。() 1.Tom is eating dinner. () 2.Mary is listening to music.() 3.Hes writing a letter.() 4.Talk quietly!() 5.My brother is reading a book.BEDCAHello, I am Tom. Today is Sunday. Look! My sister is 1

2、._(play) with her doll. My mother is 2._(wash) the clothes. My brother is 3._(do) his homework. My father is 4._(read) a book. My grandpa is 5._(watch) TV. I am 6._(draw) a picture. Im very happy. playingwashingdoingreadingwatchingdrawing三、阅读短文,用所给动词的正确形式填空。四、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。 Hello! I am Lar

3、ry. This is my family. Everybody is busy. My mother is cooking dinner in the kitchen. My father is writing a letter. He usually writes to my uncle. My brother Tom is doing homework in his bedroom. I am cleaning the room. My cat Coco is eating fish in the living room. () 1.My father usually writes to

4、 my uncle. () 2.My mother is cooking lunch now. () 3.My brother is in the study. () 4.I am watching TV. () 5.My cat is eating fish in the living room. TFFFT 一、快乐的一天Its Sunday today. Its a sunny day. Some students and teachers are in the park. Chen Jie is drawing pictures. Wu Yifan is reading a book.

5、 Mike is listening to music. Zhang Peng is flying a kite. Amy and Sarah are eating. Oh, please keep the ground clean. John and Mr Black are playing chess. They are working quietly. Some boys want to play with the toy cars. Miss White tells them to take turns. They are having a good time.阅读短文,判断正(T)误

6、(F)。() 1.The students and the teachers are in the zoo.() 2.Chen Jie is drawing pictures.() 3.Amy and Sarah should keep the ground clean.() 4.John and Miss White are working quietly.() 5.Some boys should take turns to play with the toy cars.TTTTF 二、可爱的猴子 Look at those monkeys! How lovely they are! A

7、mother monkey and a baby monkey are sitting on the hill.The mother is talking to its child.Some monkeys are jumping up and down.Some are swinging.I throw some bananas to them.One of them gets a banana.It runs away quickly and eats the banana behind the hill.I take photos of them.Suddenly I find two

8、of them picking up stones.What do they want to do? Ha! They are taking photos, too.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。() 1.The monkeys are lovely.() 2.A mother monkey is sitting on the hill.() 3.Some monkeys are jumping up and down.() 4.A monkey gets a banana.() 5.The monkeys want to throw the stones at me.TTTTF没有规矩不成

9、方圆。在我们的生活中有很多规则,正是这些规则使得我们的生活井然有序。请你写一篇文章来介绍一下我们学习和生活中的常见规则吧。要求:1.条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺。 2.不少于5句话。【信息解读】【要点点拨】参考词汇:talk, quietly, right, turns参考句型:We should We shouldnt 【实战整篇】_We should talk quietly in the library. We should keep our desk clean in our classroom. We shouldnt eat in the classroom. When we are waiting for a bus, we should take turns. We should keep to the right when we are walking on the road.美国公共场合的礼仪美国的公众场合相对来说比较安静,人们说话声音很轻,除非有紧急情况发生,一般不会开口大喊。见到熟人也是走近了才打招呼。在餐厅聚会,也以对方能听清为限,不大声喧哗。另外他们也尽量避免在公众场合谈自已的家务事或儿女私事。走在前面的人常常为后面的人开门,如果同时来到一个门口,男士一般都让女士先行。进出电梯,也是女士优先。同


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