



1、2020年职称英语理工类完形填空冲刺模拟试题(5)Avalanche and Its SafetyAn avalanche is a sudden and rapid flow of snow,often mixed with air and water,down a mountainside,Avalanches are1the biggest dangers in the mountains for both life and property.All avalanches are caused by an over-burden of material,typically snowpac

2、k,that is too massive and unstable for the slope2supports it,Determining the critical load,the amount of over-burden which is3cause anavalanche,4acomplex task involving the evaluation of a number of factors.Terrain slopes flatter than25degrees or steeper than60degrees typically have a low5of avalanc

3、he,Snow does not6significantly on steep slopes;also,snow does not7easily on flat slopes,Human-triggered avalanches have the greatest incidence when the snow s angle of rest1 is835 and45 degrees;the critical angle,the angle at which the human incidence of avalanches is greatest,is38degrees,The rule o

4、f thumb2 is : A slope that is9enough to hold snow but steep enough to ski has the potential to generate an avalanche,regardless of the angle,Additionally3,avalancherisk increases with10;that is,the more a slope isdisturbed by skiers,die more lijkely it is that an avalanche will occur.Due to the comp

5、lexity of the subject,winter travelling in the backcountry4 is never 100% safe,Good avalanche safety isa continuous11,,including route selection andexamination of the snowpack,weather12and human factors,Several well-known good habits can also13the risk,If local authorities issue avalanche risk repor

6、ts,theyshould be considered and all warnings should be paid 14to,Never follow in the tracks of others without your own evaluations;snow conditions are almost certain to have changed since they were made,Observe the terrain and note obvious avalanche paths where plants are15or damaged,Avoid traveling

7、 below others who might trigger an avalanche.词汇:avalanche / ?v?l?nt?,-lsnowpack / sn?p?k / n.?n? / n.积雪场雪崩terrain / tere?n / n.地形,地势steep / sti?p / adj.险峻的,陆峭的trigger / tr?g?(r) / v.引起,激发incidence / ?ns?d?ns / n.发生( 率) ski / ski? / v.滑雪complexity / k?mpleks?t? / n.复杂性注释:1. angle of rest:这里指积雪保持静止的角度

8、。2. rule of thumb:指“ a broadly accurate principle,basedon experience or practice rather than theory”,即“通用法则, 经验法则 3. Additionally:是一个副词,用来引人新的事实或论点,意为“此外”。4. backcountry:人烟稀少的地区练习:1,A among B of C to D in2.A when B that C who D whose3.A mostly B likely C clearly D surely4.A are B will be C is D was5

9、.A weight B form C risk D work6.A fall B flow C roll D gather7.A fall B flow C roll D gather8.A among B between C with D for9.A thick B thin C flat D rocky10.A use B time C snow D rain11.A journey B trip C fact D process12.A conditions B reports C forecast D event13.A increase B reduce C improve D r

10、emove14.A price B effort C attention D money15.A missing B grown C big D fresh答案与题解:1.A 表“雪崩是山上可能发生的危险之一”的意思,所以应该选择 among(在之中 ) 。2.B 从该句的语法结构上来看,此处需要一个关系代词,代替slope ,所以 that是选择。选项 A、C、D均不符合语法。3.B 选项 A 不合语法, C和 D符合语法,但不符合常识:过度的雪的积压可能导致雪崩,而不是必定导致雪崩。所以,B 是答案。4.C 该句的主语是 Determining the critical load,从上下文

11、来看应该使用一般现在时,所以 C是准确答案。5.C 要确定本题答案的一个有效的方法是排除法。a low weight/form work of avalanche都不合逻辑,只有 a low risk of avalanche 符合上下文的意思。下面的句子解释了low risk of avalanche 的道理,更证实了选 risk是准确的。6.D 第 6 题和第 7 题能够一起考虑。整个句子的意思是:在较陡峭的坡面上,雪不会大量堆积。在较为平坦的坡面,雪不会轻易滑动。7.B 见注释 6.8.B 理解了句子的意思就不难判断选项:雪在静止状态下,角度在 35 45 之间,最可能发生人为触发的雪崩

12、。between:在之间。9.C 这个句子说明的是什么样的山坡最易发生雪崩,即A slope that is flat enough to hold snow but steep enough to ski.flat在此作“平坦”解,与后面的 steep 形成反义。10.A 句中的 that is表明,后半部分是对前半部分的进一步说明。所以,这里的选择要根据下文的意思判断。use 是选择,整个句子的意思是:山坡被滑雪者使用得越多,雪崩就越有可能发生。11.D 即使选项 A、B 和 D都能和 continuous搭配,从全段的内容判断,只有 process 是选择,因为该段描写的是如何防备雪崩以

13、及如何做好安全措施等一系列问题。12.A 选项 A、B、C都能够与 weather 搭配,但是根据上下文,只有 A 最为符合文章的内容。13.B 选项 A 不符合句子的意思 ;C 不能和 risk搭配;D 也不符合句子的意思,因为不可能完全消除雪崩的隐患。14.C 该句主句使用的是被动语态,第二个动词是pay attention to 的被动形式。选项 A、B、D 均不符合句子的意思。15.A 该句是作者给出的一系列忠告之一,即认真观察地形,注意明显的雪崩路径:没有植物或植物被毁坏的地方。选项B、C、D均不符合句意。译文:雪崩和安全问题雪崩是雪掺杂着空气和水沿着山体突然迅猛地滑动造成的。雪崩是

14、造成山区人们生命和财产安全的危险之一。所有雪崩都是因为物质的过渡负荷造成,通常是积雪堆积过厚, 很不稳固,超出了山坡面的承载水平。要确定山坡的临界承载量,可能造成突然雪崩的负荷量是一项很复杂的任务,需要衡量多个因素。通常倾斜度小于 25 度,大于 60 度的山坡发生雪崩的危险要小一些。积雪不会在陡峭的山坡上大量堆积,同样也不会在平缓的山坡上 快速滑动。当雪在静止状态下的角度在35_45 度之间,最可能发生人为触发的雪崩。人为引发雪崩的临界角度是38 度,是最易人为引发雪崩的角度。常规经验是:一个平缓的足以堆积积雪,同时陡峭的适合人们滑雪的山坡,无论角度如何,都有可能产生雪崩。此外,雪崩的危险随着使用的增加而增加,换言之,滑雪者活动得越频繁,雪崩


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