1、*武汉信息传播职业技术学院大学英语 II任课教师:I. Liste ning Comprehe nsion ( 10 poin ts, 1 point for each) Sectio n ADirections: This sect ion is to test your ability to un dersta nd short dialogues.There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded questio n. Boththe dialogues and questi ons
2、 will be spoke n only on ce. Whe n you hear a questi on, youshould decide on the correct an swer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D give n in yourtest paper. Then you should mark the corresp onding letter on the An swer Sheet with asingle line through the center.1. A. He did ntlike that compute
3、r.C. The price of the computer was too high.D. That type of computer was sold out.2. A. Go to a lecture.C. Go shopp ing.3. A. Write a letter for the woma n.C. Drive the woma n home.4. A. She was tired of readi ng it.C. She didntthink much it.5. A. Whe n he can receive the order.C. Whe n he should se
4、nd the order.Secti on BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There,are 2 recorded conv ersati ons in it. After each conv ersati on, there are some recordedquestions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear aquesti on,
5、 you should decide on the correct an swer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) andD) give n in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresp onding letter on the AnswerSheet with a single line through the center.Con versati on 16. A. Three weeks ago. B. Last mon th. C. Last week.D. Last Mon day.
6、7. A. In stall more mach in es.C. Buy more machi nes.Conv ersatio n 28. A. Sightseeing around the city.B. Attending a meeting.C. Shopp ing in the city.9. A. This after noon.C. Tomorrow morni ng.10. A. At the party.C. In the office.II. Find the right definition in Column B that matches the words and
7、phrasesin Column A. ( 10 poin ts, 1 point for each)Colu mn Ba. to observe with cerem onies of respect or rejoic ingb. a cen ter if in terest or activityc. try to dod. an swer, react ione. to become livelyf. commonly known, familiarg. recog nize the differe nee betwee n two thi ngsh. to cause to happ
8、e ni. separate, split or break into partsj. to state, tell about, or make known in adva neeIII. Fill in the bla nks with the give n words or expressi ons. Change the form where necessary. ( 10 poin ts, 1 point for each)大学英语 II课程考试试题纸课程名称:考试方式:系(部):级年业专印刷份(A卷)2500 份闭卷英语系英语系教师专业班级:题号I10II10III10IV40V1
9、5VI15总分100阅卷 教师得分B. Go to a con cert.D. Go sightsee ing.B. Take the woma n to the office.D. Givi ng a party.B. This eve ning.D. Tomorrow after noon.B. At the meeti ng.D. In the hotel.Colu mn A11. live n up12. attempt to13. bring about14. household15. focus16. predict17. celebrate18. dist in guish19.
10、 resp onse20. divide各位考生请注意:听力 14: 10 开始,调频 85Hz.11级所有非英语专业班级得分得分得分21. Do you realize the_ (importa nt) of study?22. There were many in ternatio nally known_ (educate) at the conference.23. Mr. Ma is a strict and_(experie nee) teacher.24. He attributed his_(succeed) in bus in ess to hard work.25. Ch
11、i na had little_ (in teract) with the outside world before the ope ning up.26. This fur coat is a real_ (luxurious).27. To a certa in_(exte nt), I am resp on sible for the delay.28. He sent his_(greet) to you in the letter.29. The museum_(locati on) on main street.30. Exercise has made a_ (differe n
12、t) in her health.IV. Read ing Comprehe nsion (40 poin ts, 2 points for each item)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed bysome questi ons or unfini shed stateme nts. For each of them there are four choices markedA), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice
13、 on the An swer Sheet.Passage 1Trees are useful to man in three very important ways: they provide him with wood andother products; they give him shade; and they help to prevent droughts (干旱)and floods.Unfortunately, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important. Two tho
14、usa nd years ago a rich and powerful country cut dow n its trees to build warship,with which to gain itself an empire(帝国).It gained the empire, but, without its trees, its soilbecame hard and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the home country found itself facedby flood and starvation(饥饿,饿死).Even
15、 though a government realizes the importance of aplentiful supply of trees, it is difficult for it to persuade villagers to see this. The villagers wantwood to cook their food with; and they can earn money by selli ng wood.They are usually too lazy to pla nt and look after the trees. So, uni ess the
16、 gover nmenthas a good system of con trol, or can educate the people, the forests will slowly disappear.This does not only mean that the villagers children and grandchildren will have fewer trees.The results are eve n more serious, for where there are trees their roots break the soil upallowing the
17、rain to sink in and also bind the soil, thus preventing its being washed awayeasily but where there are no trees, the rain falls on hard ground and flows away from thesurface, caus ing flood.31. What is the most importa nt fun cti on of trees?A. Providi ng fuel.B. Offeri ng shade.C. Preve nti ng n a
18、tural disaster.D. Providi ng wood.32. What eve ntually happe ned to the empire in the paragraph?A. Its people died of hun ger.B. It fell to pieces.C. It became a gia nt empire.D. It built many ships with wood.33. It is implied in the passage that the villagers_A. want a ple ntiful supply of trees. B
19、. want firewood badly.C. just want to get mon ey.D. don realize the importa nce of trees.34. The role of trees is to_A. loose n soil B. keep soil in positi onC. harde n soilD. both A and B35. What is the passage mai nly concerned with?A. The ben efits of trees.B. Trees and soil protectio nC. The var
20、ious uses of trees. D. Differe nt attitudes toward trees.Passage 2Scie ntists find that hard-work ing people live Ion ger tha n average men and wome n.Career wome n are healthier tha n housewives. Evide nce shows that the job-less are inpoorer health than jobholders. Why is work good for health? It
21、is becausework keeps peoplebusy away from Ion eli ness. Researchesshow that people feel un happy, worried and Ion elywhe n they have nothing to do. In stead, the happiest are those who are busy. Many highachievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest whe n they are working hard.Work se
22、rves as a bridge between man and reality. By work people come into with each other.By collective activity they find friendship and warmth. This is helpful to health. The loss ofwork means the loss of everyth in g. It affects man spiritually and makes him ill. Besides,work gives one a sense of fulfil
23、lment (满足感)and a sense of achievemer(成就感).Work makes one feel his value and status in society. When a writer finishe hiswriting or a doctor successfully operates on a patient or a teacher sees his students grow,they are happy bey ond words.From the above we can come to the con clusi on that the more
24、 you work the happierand healthier you will be. Let us work hard and study and live a happy and healthy life.36. The underlined word“ average ” in Paragrap _ .A. healthyB. lazyC. ordi naryD. poor37. The reas on why housewives are not as healthy as career wome n is that_ .A. housewives are poorer tha
25、 n career wome nB. housewives have more childre n tha n career wome nC. housewives have less cha nce to com muni cate with othersD. housewives eat less food tha n career wome n38. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is TRUE accordi ng to Paragraph 2?A. Busy people have nothing to do at home.B. High
26、achievers don t care about their families.C. There is no frie ndship and warmth at home.D. A satisfy ing job helps to keep one healthy.39. We can infer from the passage that those who do not work_ .得分A. are likely to live a shorter lifeB. will lose everythi ng at homeC. can live as long as those who
27、 workD. have more time to make new friends40. The best title for this passage may be_ .A. People Should Fi nd a JobB. Worki ng Hard Is Good for HealthC. People Should Make More Frie nds by WorkD. The Loss of Word Means the Loss of Everyth ingPassage 3Im Jeffrey Bezos. When I first had the idea of se
28、lling books on the Internet, I went to myboss and said to him, “ Yoikno w, Im going to start this compa ny selli ng books online. ”This was something that I had already been talking to him about, but then he said, “ Letgaon a walk.” And we went on a two-hour walk in Central Park in New York City.Aft
29、er walking for a while, he said, “ Yoknow, this sounds like a really good idea to me,but it might be a better idea for somebody who didn have a good job.” He let me think aboutit for 48 hours before making the final decision.When I talked to my wife about this, she thought I was doing the right thin
30、g and said,“ Lookyou know I always support you, whatever you want to do. ” So it really was adecision that I had to make for myself. I imagined myself at the age of 80 and saying,“Okaynow Im looking back on my life. I hope that I have had as few regrets in my life aspossible. ”1 knew that when I was
31、 80 I was not going to regret having tried this. I knew that ifI failed I wouldn tregret it, but the one thing I might regret is not ever hav ing tried.41. Jeffrey Bezos went to his boss to talk to him about.A. quitti ng his jobB. hav ing a walk in Cen tral ParkC. selli ng books on the Internet D. o
32、pe ning a compa ny selli ng books42. Whe n Jeffrey Bezos told his idea to him, his boss.A. became in differe ntB. refused him with no reas onC. accepted it at onceD. asked him to give it a sec ond thought43. The boss believed that it was a good idea for somebody with_A. a good job B. no job C. curio
33、sityD. a lot of imag in ati on44. Jeffrey Bezos imagined that at the age of 80 the one thing he would regret is thatA. he had ever tried.B. he had n ever tried.C. he had failed his attempt.D. he had had only one job.45. What can you infer from the passage?A. Jeffrey Bezos decided to continue his job
34、.B. Jeffrey Bezos decided to carry out his idea.C. Jeffrey Bezoss wife made him carry out his idea.D. Jeffrey Bezos started to imagi ne his future.Passage 4Languagesare remarkably complex and wonderfully complicated organs of culture. Theycontain the quickest and the most efficie nt means of com mun
35、i cati ng within their respectiveculture. To learn a foreign Ianguage is to learn another culture. In the words c a poet andphilosopher,“ As many Ian guages as one speaks, so many lives onteculture and its Ianguage are as necessaryas brain and body; while one is a part of the other,neither can funct
36、ion without the other.In lear ning a foreig n Ian guage, the best beg inning would be start ing with thenon-language elements of the Ianguage: its gestures, its body Ianguage, etc. Eyeconta(extremely importa nt in En glish. Direct eye con tact leads to un dersta ndi ng, or, asthe English saying goes
37、, seeing eye-to-eye. We can never see eye-to-eye with a nativespeaker of En glish un til we have lear ned to look directly into his eyes.46. The best title for this passage is_A. Orga ns of CultureB. Brain and BodyC. Look ing into his eyesD. Lan guage and Culture47. Accord ing to this passage, the b
38、est way to lear n a foreig n Ian guage is_A. to read the works of poets and philosophersB. to find a native speaker and look directly into his eyesC. to begi n by lear ning its body Ian guageD. to visit a country where you can study48. Accord ing to this passage, gestures are_A. spoke n wordsB. a no
39、n-la nguage eleme ntC. pictures in a Ianguage D. written Ianguage49. As many Ianguages as one speaks, so many lives.means_A. if one lear ns many foreig n Ian guages, one will have a better un dersta nding of hisown Ian guage.B. life is richer and more interesting if one knows several languages.C. no
40、 matter how many Ian guages one kno ws, one can n ever know more tha n onesown culture.D. if a pers on speaks only one Ian guage, he will live a very happy life.50. Which of the followi ng does n share the same meaning with the others?A. sig ns B. gestures C. efficie ntD. body Ian guageV. Translation From Chinese into English with words or phrases g
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