1、AGREEMENT OF BOOK TRADINGParty A: Intern ati onal Book Tradi ng Corporati on Party B:Legal Represe ntative:Address:Postcode:Tel:Party B: In ter nati onal Book Tradi ng Corporati on Party B:Legal Represe ntative:Address:Postcode:Tel:This agreement is made by and between International Book Trading Cor
2、poration (here in aftercalled A) and (here in after called B), whereby accord ing to the prin ciple of mutual ben efit thetwo sides agrees on the terms and con diti ons stated as below:1. A agrees to sell to B through con sig nment foreig n Ian guage books published by pressesaffiliated to China Int
3、ern ati onal Press Group, in cludi ng Foreig n Lan guages Press, ChinaPictorial Publishi ng House, Sin oli ngua. New World Press, Dolphi n Books, New Star Pressand Blossom Press(Morning Glory Publishers); A agrees to sell to B through bought dealother books besides the books men ti oned above.2. Han
4、 dli ng and Retur ning of OrdersB should provide written orders to A if B wants to purchase books and orders placed by B areregarded as formal on es.For the books sold through con sig nment, A should write to B areceipt of the books have n bee n sold out; the books have not bee n sold out should bec
5、hecked up per year and the two sides should discuss separately the retur ning of those books.(2) Once the orders of books sold through bought deal are executed, retur ning of orders andbooks should not be con ducted. Whe n the books are damaged or cannot be sold out for thereas on of bad prin ti ng,
6、 binding or pack ing, B should in form A of the situati on in 30 daysafter receiv ing the books. After n egotiati on, A should re-se nd the books or con duct the returning of books accord ing to the circumsta nces.3. CatalogueA should provide B with a catalogue of all kinds of free books at regular
7、in tervals.4. Disco unt of Books(1) Disco unt of books sold through con sig nment: A gives to B a disco unt of 50 perce nt inthe origi nal price.(2) Discounts of books sold through bought deal: A gives to B a discount of 70 percent in theoriginal price.5. Ways and Cost of Transportation(1) B should
8、mark out the preferred way of transportation in the orders.(2) A should send off goods according to the way of transportation, time of sending off andaddress appointed by B and the resulting cost of transportation and other relative costs shouldbe paid by B. If B has special requirements for the pac
9、king, B should pay the cost of packing infull.6. Accounts of Settling(1) US dollar is used for settling the accounts of goods expenses and transportation costs.(2) For the goods ordered by B, A should write a receipt according to the middle exchange rateannounced by China Bank on the 1st day of the
10、month at which the receipt is written. B shouldpay the expenses of goods and transportation to A in 90 days after the receipt is written. As tothe expenses of goods and transportation of the first batch, B should pay 50 percent once itreceives the goods, and the balance should be paid in 90 days aft
11、er the receipt is written.(3) B should pay the expenses at due time. If not, A is entitled to stop the supply of goods andto pursue legal actions against B.(4) Mode of Payment:B can send the dollar bill of exchange through registered mail to A:B can remit money to As account:(5) B should inform A of
12、 the receipt number after paying the due expenses so that the runningaccounts between each other remain clear.7. The two sides can sign supplemental agreements if they are needed, but cannot revise themajor terms stated in this agreement.8. This agreement has two identical copies, with each party holding one. The agreementbecomes effective upon signing from both parties. The period of validity of this agreement isone year, from May 1st, 2012 to April 31st, 2012. If both the two sides have no dissent 2months prior to the expiration date, then the validity of this agreement will be prolonge
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