1、配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 Unit1 Learning about Language & Using Language 配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 1local adj.本地的,当地的npl.pl.本地人He works at the local post office.他在本地的邮局工作。One of the locals showed me the way to the post office.一位本地人给我指点去邮局的路。单词扫描 配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 完成句子He works at the _post office and married a _
2、girl.解析:他在当地邮局工作,娶了当地一位姑娘。答案:local;local配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 2painting nU U,C C绘画;(一幅)画He took up painting as a hobby.他将绘画当成一种嗜好。There is a painting on the wall.墙上挂着一幅画。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 【归纳拓展】各种“图画”的表达配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 Franklins experiment proves that lightning and electricity are th
3、e same.富兰克林的实验证明闪电和电是一回事。The task proved(to be)more difficult than wed expected.这项任务比我们预想的难得多。【温馨提示】 prove作系动词时,不用于被动语态和进行时态。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 完成句子During the longterm cooperation,Mr.Li_a smart,honest and trustworthy man.解析:考查prove作系动词时,后面接表语的用法。答案:proved配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 4explode v.(使某物)爆炸;炸开The fir
4、ework exploded in his hand.那个爆竹在他手里响了。【归纳拓展】explosion n. 爆裂(声);爆炸(声);迸发explosive adj. 爆炸性的;易爆炸的;使人冲动的配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 英译汉They had planned to blow up the bridge but their bombs failed to explode._【答案】他们原本计划炸掉这座桥,但炸弹没有爆炸。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 5entrance nC C入口;进入;参加The entrance to the cave was hidden by t
5、rees.洞穴的入口被树丛遮掩。He supported that countrys entrance into the European Community.他支持那个国家加入欧洲共同体。 配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 【归纳拓展】entry n入口处enter vt.进入(某场所)配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 英汉互译_的入口处entrance free _make ones entrance _【答案】the entrance to免费入场入场配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 6debate n争论;辩论 vi.争论;辩论They are debating about th
6、e new laws.他们正在就新法律进行辩论。【归纳拓展】debate vt.考虑;思考He was debating whether to go for a walk or to visit a friend.他在考虑去散步还是去访友。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 【词句辨析】debate/argue/argue/discuss/quarrel(1)debate着重“双方各抒己见”,内含“交锋”的意思。(2)argue着重“说理”、“论证”和“企图说服”。(3)discuss讨论,重在交换意见,不含有说服对方的含义。(4)quarrel争吵,吵架,重在因生气同某人争吵。含有敌意的成分
7、。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 完成句子He_with his daughter for a long time.他和女儿争论了好久。The officials have been _about the solution.官员们一直就这个解决方案进行讨论。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 Those children are always _over toys.那些孩子们总是为玩具而争吵。They are _ about the problem.他们在辩论着那个问题。【答案】argueddiscussingquarrellingdebating配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 1ta
8、ke apart(1)apart adv.相距,相隔;分离,分开These lamp poles are 15 metres apart.这些灯柱的间距是15米。I cant get them apart.我无法把它们分开。短语释义 配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 (2)take apart拆开,拆卸The boy took the clock apart,but couldnt put it together again.这个小孩把钟表拆开,可怎么也安不到一起了。(3)tell.apart把区分开来(4)fall apart崩溃、土崩瓦解(5)apart from除了之外配人教版英语必修
9、配人教版英语必修2 完成句子They _.他们分开住好长时间了。The twins look the same,I cant _.这对双胞胎长得很像,我区分不开。_this young man,I can find no one to help you.除了这个年轻人,我找不到别人来帮你的忙。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 Hearing the news,he felt that_.听到那消息,他觉得他的世界坍塌了。Its much easier to _than to put it together again.拆开机器比组装起来要容易得多。【答案】have lived apart f
10、or a long timetell them apartApart fromhis world fell aparttake a machine apart配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 2think highly of 看重,器重【常用搭配】think highly/well/much of sb/sth对某人/某事评价高think badly/little/ill/lightly of sb/sth对某人/某事评价低(印象不好)think of sth/doing sth考虑;想起,记起;对某事物有见解;想出,想到think of as 把看作配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 Yo
11、u thought badly of him at first,didnt you?起初你对他印象很差,是吧?He often tells lies,which makes others think poorly of him.他经常撒谎,这使得别人看不起他。【归纳拓展】当think highly/well/much of 用于被动结构时,修饰动词的副词应放在thought之前,即be highly/well/much thought of。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 完成句子We all think _of his idea that the cultural relics shou
12、ld be protected at any time.解析:句意:我们任何时候都要高度重视保护文化遗迹的观点。答案:highly配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 3rather than 而不是;与其说不如说;常用来连接平行结构,即其前后必须是同类的句法单位。She is clever rather than honest.与其说她诚实不如说她聪明。I,rather than you,am to blame.是我,而不是你该受责备。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 【归纳拓展】rather than 连接两个并列成分,其连接的两个成分的形式应该一致。would rather than w
13、ould rather than 宁愿也不I would die rather than give in to him.I would rather die than give in to him.我宁可死也不向他屈服。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 【温馨提示】 rather than连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 英汉互译我决定写信而不是打电话。_她宁愿待在家里看书也不出去逛街。_【答案】I decided to write rather than (to) telephone.Sh
14、ed rather stay at home reading than go shopping.配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 4care about在乎,在意;关心指由于某事重要或由于责任而关心,计较,一般用于否定句;在接“疑问词从句或不定式”时,about可以省略。I dont care about your opinion.我不在乎你的意见。I dont care(about)what you think.我不在乎你是怎么想的。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 【归纳拓展】care for “喜欢”,常用于否定句和疑问句 “照顾,关心”,是较正式的用法。I dont really
15、care for tea.我其实不大喜欢喝茶。The nurse cared for the old man day and night.护士日夜照顾这位老人。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 完成句子她只为自己着想,并不关心他人。She thinks only of herself;she doesnt_other people.【答案】care about配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 1Some people may not agree with this opinion but they also cannot prove that they are right.有些人可能不同意
16、这种看法,但是他们也不能证明他们是正确的。句式突破 配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 agree with(1)同意某人的看法、观点或说的话(sb/what从句)(2)与保持一致(3)(气候、食物等)适合某人I agree with you/what you said.我同意你的意见/你所说的话。The verb must agree with the subject in person and number.动词在人称和数上必须与主语保持一致。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 【温馨提示】 “同意某人做某事”不能用agree sb to do sth,要用agree that 或agre
17、e to ones doing。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 完成句子She _ I was right.她认为我说的对。We agreed_ the meeting.我们就会议的日期取得一致意见。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 Why dont we _ recycled paper?我们为什么不同意使用再生纸?He has _ our proposal.他已经同意了我们的建议。【答案】agreed thaton the date foragree to useagreed to配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 2He/She only cares about whether t
18、he eyewitness has /She only cares about whether the eyewitness has given true informationgiven true information,which must be facts rather than opinions.which must be facts rather than opinions.他/ /她所考虑的只是目击者是否提供了真实的信息,它必须是事实,而不是看法。这是一个复合句,whether 引导的宾语从句中又存在which引导的非限制性定语从句。先行词为information,which在从句
19、中作主语。非限制性定语从句的显著特点是在形式上必须用逗号与主句隔开。非限制性定语从句只是对主句加以补充说明,没有这个定语从句,主句的意思依然完整、清楚。非限制性定语从句不能用that引导,当关系代词作宾语时不能省略。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 This gift was the Amber Room,which was given this name because almost seven thousand tons of amber were used to make it.这件礼物就是琥珀屋,它之所以有这个名字,是因为造这间房子用了将近7 000吨琥珀。Tommy,who is
20、one of my old friends,came to see me from London.汤米是我的一个老朋友,他从伦敦来看我。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 完成句子Chens restaurant on Baker Street,_used to be poorly run,is now a successful business.Her sister has become a lawyer,_she wanted to be.配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 解析:句意:陈先生在贝克大街的饭店过去经营得很困难,现在生意很好。本题考查定语从句。引导非限制性定语从句,应用whi
21、ch而不能用that,此处which在从句中作主语。句意:她姐姐成为了一名律师,这是她想做的工作。答案:whichwhich配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 3Nor do I think they should give it to any government.我也认为他们不应该把它交给任何政府部门。 该句中由于把否定词nor放于句首,所以使用了部分倒装语序(即谓语动词的一部分放于主语的前面)。这样的副词及短语有:never,seldom,neither,nor, little,not,hardly等等。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 Never shall I make such
22、a mistake.我决不犯这样的错误。Seldom does she go out alone.她很少一个人出门。Not a word did he say at the meeting.他在会上一句话也没说。Little did he care about his own safety,though he was in great danger himself.他很少顾及他自己的安全,尽管他自身处境危险。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 完成句子Maybe you have been to many countries,but nowhere else _such a beautiful
23、 place.(find)Mary never does her reading in the evening,_ (John)配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 解析:该题考查倒装语序。由于nowhere为否定副词,被放于第二个分句的句首,故该分句应使用倒装语序。此题考查倒装结构,由第一句中never一词可知,后一句也应是否定意思。否定副词nor在句首,使用倒装语序。答案:can you findnor does John配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 .选择合适的单词或词组,并用其适当的形式填空belong;culture;design;explode;in return;in sea
24、rch of;sink; evidence;style;survive;take apart;informal;think highly of;valuable;wonder1The ship,with more than 200 people on it, suddenly began to _,which made the captain extremely worried.2A_relic is often a thing that reminds people of stories that happened in history.配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 3The Grea
25、t Wall is one of the_ of the world.4Fortunately,everyone _the accident,even though it was terrible.5The architect(建筑师)spent half a year_that special building.6Im willing to share the food with him _for his help.7The police are_the lost child in the forest.配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 8We all_her for her braver
26、y in the face of danger.9Time is_to everyone,and it is a pity that many people still havent realized this.10That dictionary_to the library,so be careful when you are using it.【答案】1.sink2.cultural3.wonders4.survived5designing6.in return7.in search of8thought highly of9.valuable10.belongs配人教版英语必修配人教版英
27、语必修2 .用适当的介词或副词填空1His composition is_thought of by the teacher.2What should be done_the cultural relics?3If we can find _who it belongs_,we should return it.4Youd better write a short reply_his letter.5Your words r e m i nd m e t ha t I ne e d t o be careful_him.【答案】1.highly2.with3.out;to4.to5.with配
28、人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 .句型转换1I planned to ask my assistant to write the report.I planned to_the report_by my assistant.2The student spent many hours working out the maths problem.It _ _ _ _ _ _work out the maths problem.配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 3We dont have any doubt that our table tennis team will win the first place._ _ _ _that our table tennis team will win the first place.4We think highly of him because of his honesty.He_ _ _ _by us because he_ _.配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 5I didnt receive the managers reply until nearly a month later.Not until nearly a month later _ _ _the managers reply.It was not until _
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