2015年高考英语一轮总复习 综合仿真测试一(含解析)牛津译林版_第1页
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1、综合仿真测试(一)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节:(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?ASaleswoman and customer.BCustomer and waiter.CBoss and employee.2When did the movie actually start?AAt

2、 8:00 pm. BAt 8:30 pm. CAt 7:30 pm.3What can we learn about the woman from the conversation?AShe hates snakes.BShe is just back from a tour.CShe likes swimming most.4What do they think of Jim?AHe gets nervous very easily.BHe is an inexperienced speaker.CHe hasn't prepared his speech well. 5Why w

3、ill Ted be invited to the party?ABecause the woman likes Ted.BBecause the man's mother wants him to come.CBecause Ted is the man's good friend.第二节:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6Whe

4、n does the conversation probably take place?AIn the morning. BIn the afternoon. CIn the evening.7How does the man usually get to work?ABy taxi.BBy underground.COn foot.8What does the man think of his journey to work?AThe fare is reasonable.BThe traffic is always terrible.CIt takes too much time and

5、money.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9Who is answering the phone?AJudy's brother. BSusan's cousin. CJudy's cousin.10What has happened to Susan's bat?AIt's stolen. BIt's lost. CIt's broken.11What does Susan ask Judy to do tomorrow?ATo bring the book and the extra bat.BTo call Susan and h

6、er cousin back.CTo play table tennis with her brother.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12What are the speakers mainly talking about?AHow to fall asleep. BHow to get relaxed.CHow to keep healthy.13What did the man do yesterday?AHe went to the gym with the woman.BHe took a walk in the country with Lucy.CHe did some e

7、xercise in the morning.14What does the man like to do to solve his problem?ATake a quick shower.BDo some exercise.CListen to music.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15What is Betty's problem?AShe doesn't know what kind of college to go to.BShe doesn't know what kind of job to take.CShe doesn't know h

8、ow to communicate with her parents.16What is Betty's opinion?AShe wants to go to business school.BShe wants to go to medical school.CShe's not sure.17Why does Mr.Black suggest an arts college to Betty?ABecause students don't have to pay.BBecause students study all subjects.CBecause stude

9、nts are free to choose a major.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18What is the actual reason that Kong Xiangdong had his hair cut off?AHe thinks it is environmentally friendly.BHe doesn't like to use shampoo or a hair dryer.CHe started to lose his hair.19What is Kong Xiangdong running now?AA school. BA band. CA

10、 theatre.20What advice does Kong give parents whose children are learning the piano?AAsk their children to practice playing the piano more.BTell their children to play the piano as a career.CDon't force their children to learn it.听力原文Text 1W:Is there anything I can do for you?M:Well,I'd like

11、 to buy some socks and a white shirt with short sleeves,please.Text 2W:Did you go to the cinema yesterday evening?M:Yes.It was supposed to start at 8:00,but it was delayed half an hour.Text 3M:What did you do in Hainan?W:Oh,quite a lot.I played tennis,went swimming,and even took pictures with a snak

12、e,which I once hated so much.Text 4M:Jim looks very nervous,doesn't he?W:Yes,I'm afraid he is not used to making speeches.Text 5W:I really don't like the way Ted controls the conversation all the time.If he is going to be at the Christmas party,I won't come.M:I'm sorry you feel t

13、hat way.But my mother insists that he come.Text 6W:Would you like some more coffee,James?M:Oh,yes,please.Another day's work.I like the job,but I hate travelling around London.W:Oh,come on,James.How do you get to work?M:I walk to the station and take the underground.And sometimes I'll take a

14、taxi if I get up late.W:How long does the journey take?M:It takes about 45 minutes on a good day.It's just awful.W:Well,how much does it cost?M:It's twenty pounds a week.I think that's quite a lot.W:Oh,James.Stop complaining,and hurry up.You'll be late.Text 7M:Hello!W:Hello,Susan'

15、;s speaking.May I speak to Judy,please?M:I'm afraid she is not here at the moment.I am her brother.Shall I take a message?W:Yes,you see,Judy and I plan to play table tennis tomorrow,but my cousin has broken my bat.I think Judy has an extra one,so please ask her to bring it for me.M:So,Susan call

16、ed,her table tennis bat broke,hope Judy bring an extra one.W:Yes,thank you,er.One more thing,I lent her a book a couple of weeks ago.I think she has probably forgotten it all together.Could you possibly ask her to bring along that book as well?M:OK,bring along Susan's book.Anything else I can do

17、 for you?W:No.Thank you very much!Bye.M:Bye!Text 8W:Hey,Ben,what's the matter with you?M:Well.I'm stressed out.W:Oh,I see.Why don't you get some exercise?When I'm stressed out,I go for a run.M:I don't know.maybe.W:Come on,Ben.You have to focus!I know you're stressed out.M:Wel

18、l,I did go for a long walk yesterday.with Lucy in the country.But then I had trouble sleeping and I woke up this morning with a headache.W:That's too bad.What about going to the gym?You could work out and get rid of your stress.M:I don't think so.It's too hard.I think I'll just get s

19、ome sleep.W:That's a great way to relax.M:Yeah.And listening to music helps,too.When I listen to music,I usually fall asleep.And I want to take a hot bath and relax.W:That sounds good.Text 9M:Betty,have you decided what kind of college you are going to apply for?W:Not yet,Mr.Black.My father want

20、s me to go to business school but my mother wants me to go to medical school.What do you think?M:That is the question I want to ask you.What's your own opinion?W:I don't know,and neither do my friends.I like both but I would like to become a chemical engineer also.M:In that case,I would advi

21、se that you enter an arts college first.W:What do students in an arts college study?M:Arts students often do not have a major in the first two years and are free to choose a major any time during their studies.W:That sounds interesting.I'll discuss that with my parents.Thanks for your advice,Mr.

22、Black.Text 10When the well­known pianist Kong Xiangdong first made it big in the city in the early 1990s,he was called the“piano prince”His smart looks and passionate music won the hearts of many women fans.Now the“prince”has a new lookwith hair cut off.“It is very environmentally friendly,”Kon

23、g said,smiling.“I never need to use shampoo or a hair dryer!”The real reason for the change is that Kong started to lose his hair.From an ordinary piano student to an internationally famous musician,the 38­year­old Shanghainese pianist is now president of a piano school that has accepted m

24、ore than 20,000 students during the past nine years.Kong pointed out a common mistake for parents who were eager for their children to learn the piano.“Don't push your children to learn the instrument as a career unless the child feels he couldn't live without it,”Kong said.He guesses that S

25、hanghai has hundreds of thousands of children studying the piano seriouslyPerhaps strangely for the president of a piano school,he adds,“Learning the piano is so hardit means a child has almost no childhood.”答案1.A2.B3.B4.B5.B6.A7.B8.C9A10.C11.A12.B13.B14.C15.A16.C17.C18.C19.A20.C第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35

26、分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21This has been reported in a newspaper.One must remember, however,_newspapers are not always true.Athat Bwhich Cwhether Dwhy答案Athat引导的从句作remember的宾语。22The price system is a complex network composed of the prices of all the products boughtand

27、 sold in the economy as well as _ of a great number of services.Athe one BthatCones Dthose答案D句意:价格系统是一个复杂的网状系统,包括经济生活中一切产品买卖的价格,也包括各种服务的价格。those指代the prices,故选D。23With his attention _ on the magazine,he was almost _ by a passing car.Afixed;knocked down Bfixing;knocked overCfixed;knocked out of Dfixi

28、ng;knocked against答案Afix one's attention on.意为“把注意力集中在”,attention前置,所以用过去分词表被动;knock down意为“撞倒”,故选A。24The teacher,_it clear to us that he didn't agree with us,left the classroom.Amade Bhaving madeCwho has made Dmaking答案B句意:这位老师向我们表明他不同意我们的意见后,就离开了教室。25The win in the 100­metre butterfly

29、gives the American swimmer Michael Phelps eight gold medals in Beijing,_the record set by American legend Mark Spitz at the 1972 Munich Games.Abreaking BbrokenCto break Dbeing broken答案A现在分词短语作结果状语。26The manner in which a telephone is answered gives the image of the organization, so _ polite and plea

30、sant when answering the telephone.Abeing BbeCto be Dhaving been答案B空格处为祈使句,应用动词原形。27Professor Johnson is said _ some significant advance in his research in the past year.Ahaving made BmakingCto have made Dto make答案C句型“主语be said”后接动词不定式,根据句中的时间状语in the past year,用不定式的完成式表示已经发生的动作。此句相当于:It is said that

31、 Professor Johnson has made some significant advance in his research in the past year.28Mike is often absent from class.Tell him he_answer for it if he goes on behaving like that.Ashall Bwill Cshould Dcould答案Ashall为情态动词,用于陈述句中表示允诺、告诫、警告、威胁、命令、规定、必然性等(可用于各种人称)。29It's dark and little Anne can'

32、t find her way home.She really doesn't know _.Awhen to leave Bwhat to doCwhether to go Dwhich to choose答案B句意:天黑了,小安妮迷路了,她实在不知道该怎么办。30Once your business becomes international,_constantly will be part of your life.Ayou fly Byour flightCfly Dflying答案D动名词flying在此作主语。31The home team is _ to win the g

33、ame over the guest team.Really? But I don't think so.Aeasy Bdifficult Cpossible Dsure答案Deasy和difficult后接不定式时,其主语(或逻辑主语)通常应是it,而不能是具体的人或物,除非这个主语与其后不定式有动宾关系。32Close friends are those _ you feel so close that it is hard to imagine life without them.Ato whom Bwith whomCby which Din which答案A考查定语从句引导词

34、。根据句意,those指人,可排除C、D。介词to与形容词close构成短语be/feel close to(sb/sth),故选A。33A chance conversation with a stranger _ lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions.Amay Bshould Cmust Dshall答案A句意:与陌生人的一次随意谈话可能会使人认识到自己是多么的浅薄。religion此处意为“大事”。根据句意,此处语气较弱,表示“也许,可能”,故选A。34Before the meeting the

35、y exchanged views on the question of_.Awhom to be elected Bwho has electedCwho will elect Dwhom to elect答案D句意:会议开始前,他们就谁会当选的问题交换了意见。whom to elect是疑问词加不定式,动宾结构,不用被动形式,是the question的同位语。35How did it come about that they regarded the disagreement _ without further discussion?I am not sure.Abeing settle

36、d Bto be settledCas settled Dhad been settled答案Cregarded the disagreement as settled意为“认为分歧被解决了。”第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Last spring,I was fortunate to be chosen to participate in an exchange study program.In my application letter,I was careful to _36_ how mu

37、ch I wanted to see France;evidently,my excitement really came through in my words.Once I _37_that I was going,all I could think about was the fun of foreign travel and making all sorts of new and_38_friends.While traveling was inspiring and meeting people was_39_,nothing about my term in France was

38、what I_40_.The moment I arrived in Paris,I was _41_by a nice French couple who would become my host parents.My entire experience was joyous and exciting_42_I received some shocking news from my program coordinator(协调人):there had been a death in my host parents'extended family.They had to travel

39、outside France for several weeks.That afternoon,I had to_43_out of one family's house and into another.The exchange coordinator told me I'd have a_44_this time and asked whether I could share a bedroom with an English speaker.To avoid the temptation(诱惑)to_45_my native language,I asked not to

40、 be_46_with an English­speaking roommate.When I got to my new room,I_47_myself to my new roommate Paolo,a Brazilian(巴西人)the same age as I,whom I was surprised to find playing one of my favorite CDs!In just a few hours,we knew we'd be good friends for the rest of the_48_.I left France with m

41、any_49_,so when people ask me what my favorite part of the trip was,they are always_50_to hear me talk about my Brazilian friend Paolo and the scores of weekdays in class,weeknights on the town,and weekends_51_France we enjoyed together.I love how people_52_seem so different,but end up being so_53_.

42、The most valuable lesson I gained from studying in France wasn't just to respect the French people_54_to respect all people,for your next best friend could be just a continent away.I would recommend an exchange program to anyone who wants to experience foreign cultures and gain meaningful_55_.【语

43、篇解读】本文为记叙文,题材为人物故事类。讲述的是作者因交换学习去法国的一次经历。36A.discuss BexpressCannounce Dargue答案B在我的申请信里面,我小心谨慎地表达了自己是多么想去法国看看。37A.approved BknewCwarned Ddenied答案B一旦我知道我要去法国,我所能想到的都是国外旅行的有趣之处和交各种各样有趣的新朋友。38A.stubborn BanxiousCuniversal Dinteresting答案D有趣的。解析见上句。39A.boring Bupsetting Cexciting Dpromising答案C虽然去国外旅行很让人欢欣

44、鼓舞,遇到一些人也让人激动不已,但是在我在法国学习的那一学期里所发生的事是我从没预料到的。40A.expected Bliked Cdoubted Dfeared答案A解析同上。41A.sponsored BwitnessedCgreeted Dsupported答案C我一到法国,就有一对友好的法国夫妇过来迎接我。42A.until Bwhen Csince Dwhile答案A我在法国所有经历都很愉快和令人激动直到我从我的项目协调人那里得到了令人震惊的消息。43A.move BtravelCwalk Drush答案Amove表示搬家。由于第一个住家有亲戚过世了,那天下午我不得不从一个家庭搬出去

45、再搬到另一家。44A.housekeeper BleaderCroommate Dcolleague答案C我的交换项目协调人告诉我这一次我会有一个室友。45A.learn Bappreciate Cspeak Dmaster答案C为了避免自己说母语,我要求不要和一个说英语的室友安置在一起。46A.combined BfittedCinvolved Dplaced答案Dplace安置,安顿。47A.added BintroducedCdevoted Dadapted答案B我向我的新室友介绍自己。48A.term Bweek Cmonth Dvacation答案Aterm学期。仅仅几个小时的时间,

46、我们就知道彼此会在接下来的一学期里成为好朋友。49A.presents BsuitcasesCstories Ddreams答案C我是带着许多故事离开法国的,这里应该表示我在法国交换学习期间体验了许多,就像是一个个故事一样。50A.surprised BdisturbedCembarrassed Dconcerned答案A每当有人问我去法国的这一趟我最喜欢的是什么,他们总会很惊讶地听到我说。51A.analyzing BexploringCdescribing Dinvestigating答案Bexploring在这里是探索,探险,由于我们对法国很好奇,在周末的时候我们应该很享受一起去探索法国

47、的事情。52A.need BshallCmust Dcan答案D人们看起来很不一样,但是最后却是如此相似。对于这一点我很喜欢。53A.generous BindependentCsimilar Ddistant答案C与前面的different对应。54A.and Bbut Cor Dso答案Bnot.but.我在法国学习期间学到的最有价值的不仅仅是尊重法国人,而是尊重所有的人。55A.instructions BfriendshipsCfacts Ddata答案B我会推荐一个交换项目给那些想要体验外国文化和获得有意义的友谊的人。第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读

48、下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ASweet potato makes a comeback as a popular food (it's healthier, too!)Once considered a fringe(非主流的) food by the US.dinner table mainstream,sweet potatoes are fast becoming popular everywhere from fast food chains to expensive restaurants and the White House ta

49、ble.Three years ago, the “Wall Street Journal” wrote in a front page article that except for their use in a Thanksgiving dish, sweet potatoes were a wholly uninteresting food.Yet over the past two years, the number of restaurants offering a sweet potato­based side dish has increased 40 percent.

50、Food giant ConAgra just spent $155 million to open the world's first plant devoted entirely to frozen sweet potato products, and US.farmers are planning to harvest a record­setting 2 billion pound crop.“It's not something we believe is a fashion, ” said Andy Johnston of ConAgra Foods La

51、mb Weston.According to research conducted by ConAgra, 30 percent of sweet potato eaters report consuming the vegetable several times per month.Only 12 percent eat them only during the Thanksgiving and winter holiday season.Analysts believe the sweet potato's growing popularity in large part is d

52、ue to sweet potato fries, which account for the majority of the vegetable's presence in US.restaurants.In fact, Google searches for “sweet potato fries” increased 40 percent over the past year.Sweet potatoes have also become popular among more conscious eaters,however, in part because they are h

53、igh in vitamins and have a low glycemic(血糖的)index in spite of their sweetness.Both Weight Watchers and the South Beach Diet have recommended sweet potatoes, roasted in a little oil rather than fried, and doctors are recommending them for diabetics.“Within the diabetic community, it's become pret

54、ty common knowledge that sweet potatoes are good for you, so there's a great appeal because so many people have diabetes now,” said Chef Michel Nischan,who helps host a TV show for people with diabetes.【语篇解读】红薯作为一种健康食品又重新走进了美国的千家万户。文章主要介绍了以红薯为原料的各种食品风靡美国的原因。另外也讲述了红薯因它独特的魅力将给糖尿病人带来福音。56This passa

55、ge mainly wants to tell us that _.AAmerican high officials have started to eat sweet potatoesBExpensive restaurants have begun to serve costumers with sweet potatoesCSweet potatoes are becoming a popular food in the United StatesDThe habit of eating sweet potatoes was formed a long time ago答案C主旨大意题。

56、根据第一、二段可知,红薯作为一种健康食品又得到了美国民众的欢迎。故C项正确。57From this reading passage we infer that ConAgra _.Ais one of the biggest food­making companies in the USBis one of the richest food­selling companies in the USChas asked American farmers to produce more sweet potatoes this yearDhas produced large quantities of sweet potato­based side dishes答案A推理判断题。根据第三段中“Food giant ConAgra just spent $ 155 million to open the world's first plant devoted entirely to frozen sweet potato product


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