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1、邢唷? ?np?m欹? 餜?lhbjbj鎳鎳#v#w#?4$6$B$T$t$v$?%&(&-&.&C&E&?镨秣秣秣 h3( 5乗? h3( 5乗乷( h3( o( h3( X?P?P?Pb$P? #D#?B$T$&? 剉 WD,剉劋 刓D8劋刓? 勔 WDd 勔劋WD? 劋剟 剟 ? ( (%(&(8(9(D(E(K(N(V(X(?F)I)w)y)? *#*$*?+ +, ,b,d,?z-|-.B.g.?0 0 0J0L0N0X0?6181V11r1x1?2M2t2?4 4秣稂鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽黠鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽黠 h

2、3( 5乗乷( h3( o( h3( ? (8(?)o)? *8*y*?* +1+ ,?&F&F&F&F&F 劋WD? 劋 ,.B.g.?/ 0?2M2r2?3 4.7?lL禠*MtM哅凱籔? ?勦勦 4? 55 5 5P5R5?$6.62646? 77,727?8LlL禠*MtM哅LNNN蠳襈O*OFOHOzO侽碠禣躉轔&PPPdPePwP丳侾凱哖漃籔糚縋蔖蜳譖躊轕隤霵 Q$Q)Q1Q7Q9QDQLQkQ|Q圦睃鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽遴冱鼽渣鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽鼽帱鼽 h3( * h3( 5乗? h3( 6? h3( 5?乗? h3( 5乗乷 ( U h3

3、( o( h3( Ti sf a t h e rt ot e l e p h o n et h et e a c h e rf o rad a y sl e a v e . A T r u e B Fa l s e5 0 .J a c kw a s n ta nh o n e s tb o ya n dh ed i daf o ol i s ht h i n g . A T r u e B Fa l s e韜噀 t 銐6T h eF r e n c h m a nw a ss i t t i n gb yt h ew i n d o wo far e s t a u r a n ti nL o

4、 n d onw h e nh eh e a r dav o i c eL o o ko u t ! H ep u th i sh e a do u to ft h ew i n d owt of i n do u tw h a tw a sh a p p e n i n g.J u s tt h e nab a s i no fd i r t yw a te rp o u r e d (黮 m)o v e rh i sh e a d ,t h e na n o t h e r.D a m ny o u(鍕k剉) ! S e ew h a ty o uh a v ed o n e ! h es

5、 h o u t e da n g r i l y .A n o t h e rm a nl a u g h ed and the Frenchman got even angrier. One of the men said to him, 揧ou must be a foreigner. Look out in English means Be careful.?51.The Frenchman put hisout of the window.headB handCfoot52.How did the Frenchman feel when another man laughed ?Sa

6、dB happyCangry53.What does Look out mean in English?Look outside.B Be careful.CBe happy.54.Where was the man sitting in?Arestaurant.BAshop.C Ap a r k .韜噀 t 銐7M o r ea n dm o r ep o s to f f i c e sa ndb a n k sh a v eb e e ns e tu pi nC h i nab e c a u s eo ft h eq u i c kd e v e l o p m en to ft h

7、ec o u n t r y .W ea l lk n o wth ep o s to f f i c e sa n dt horeigners come to China to travel orwork, and many Chinese people go abroad to study or visit. Most foreign friends in Chinaand Chinese abroad speak English. So English is just like a bridge between China andother countries in the world.

8、58. China is a developed country, it is open to the world now.True.B FalseCIt doesn 抰 say.59. Every year many foreigners come to China to study and visit.A True.B FalseCIt doesn 抰 say.60.Mostforeignf r i e n d si nC h i n aa n dC h i n e s ea b r o a ds p e a kE n g l i s h . A T r u e. B F a l s e

9、C I td o e s n ts a y .鶺x 駛韹 2 e?YN 諎槝 THh, N 钀 RUSy?愰 bCCACCBBACCDDADB,孨钀 R孾 b_kXzzBACBABBCBC, N 钀 R桘?t 銐蛬韹-dM?GFDCB韜噀 t 銐AAB 頱餬ccnc刢瞔萩鑓鯿hEhFhHhIhKhLhNhOhQhRhhh?刪刪 匄 ? &#$ 刞 WD?刞 gdbm5 gdbm5 剎 WD?剎 gdbm5gdbm5 $a$gdbm5勔WDd 勔刢癱瞔篶綾詂鎐鯿dhEhFhGhIhJhLhMhOhPhRhShYhZhhhhdhehfhghhhjhkhlh煦燔燔谲沂剖剖剖萍都恫级姬级财?

10、hbm5 0JmH nH u h , h ,0J j h ,0JU h 觷? j h 觷? U hbm5 hbm5 o( U hbm5 CJo( hbm5 5丆 J? hbm5 5丆 J乷( hbm5 hbm5 o(! B AB A B C CA A B B BA B B B AA C B A BA B B B A PAGE PAGE 6hhhhihjhkhlh? 勔 WDd 勔刪刪 匄 ? &#$ :0 01?2P P傲( 皷 9!皀 皀 #恘 $恘 %? 癝 班惄?J?Jck 噀 $ 1$ a$CJKH_H aJmH nHsH tH: :bm5h 槝2 $ 剎&WD?剎CJ$ A? $貫祂=刉SOF i? Fnf 恏?h:V ?4?4? l a?k?鄀 Rh? ?= i?2N?(Hk?7? )l?-Ci?u!? 9s?b$? %?嘞 騻. FT 诂 觏


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