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1、Unit 19 Modern Agriculture 农产品农产品, 产物产物技术技术, 技巧技巧灌溉灌溉现代化现代化进口进口代表团代表团方法方法不足不足金色的金色的领带领带实际的实际的条件条件 produce product production technique technology technicalirrigation irrigatemodernise modern import exportdelegationmethod means manner wayshortage shortgolden goldtie tie to practical practicecondition

2、 conditional 移动移动, 搬开搬开日落日落依靠依靠就我所知就我所知历史悠久历史悠久造酒的说明造酒的说明违反违反, 不利不利紧挨着紧挨着这几年来这几年来对对造成破坏造成破坏在有条件的地方在有条件的地方removesunset sunrise depend on / upon rely on count on as / so far as I knowhave a long historyinstructions for making winego againstnext to next to nothing over the years cause / do damage to wh

3、ere possible if / when necessary1. too . to .1) too + adj. / adv. + to do sthYou are too young to understand such thingsThe problem is too difficult for me to work out.2) too + adj. + to do sth.表心情的表心情的 adj:ready, glad, pleased, surprised, delighted, happy, easy, thankful, eager, anxious, willing, e

4、tc.描述性的描述性的 adj:good, kind, true, etc.He was too surprised to see how angry Mary was.They seemed to be too nervous and were too anxious to leave.3) only / but / all / simply / just + too . to .They are all too satisfied to take the opinions of others.She will be only too pleased to help you.4) not /

5、 never + too . to . too . not to.She is too careful not to have noticed it.It is never too late to learn.English is not too difficult to learn.5) can never + v. + too + adj. + to do sth.(干某事)越干某事)越.越好越好You can never be too careful to ride in the street.2. as far as I can see so /as far as I know1. A

6、s / So far as I can see, thats highly unlikely.2. As / So far as I know, he has gone to town.3. Ive read as far as the third chapter.4. We didnt go as / so far as the others.5. We will help you as far as we can.3. over prep.1. Will you be at home over Christmas?2. Over the years hes become lazier an

7、d lazier.3. Our farm has consistently gathered in good harvests over the past few years.4. The girls sang over their work.5. Tom was so tired that he went to sleep over his work.6. Lets have a talk over a cup of tea.4. remove1. remove ones hat / shoes / coat 2. remove the dishes from the table3. Wha

8、t the boss said did little to remove the workers fears / doubts. 4. They have decided to remove to a warm climate.5. The manager removed him from the positiontake offtake awayget rid of movedismiss sb from a postHe intended to go home / intended going home.He intended his son to be a doctor.He inten

9、ded / meant to have told you about it, but I stopped it.We intend this room for you.The book is intended / meant for beginners.5. intendintend to do / doingintend sb to dointend to have done intend sth for sbbe intended for sb intentionwith the intention ofwithout intention6. It was _ our teacher ca

10、me that we _ our chemistry experiment. A. until; didnt begin B. not until; began C. until; began D. not until; didnt beginMr Flower left all his money to his wife in 1989. It was Mr Flower that / who left all his money to his wife in 1989. It was all his money that Mr Flower left to his wife in 1989

11、. It was to his wife that Mr Flower left all his money in 1989. It was in 1989 that Mr Flower left all his money to his wife.是我将于下周去北京。是我将于下周去北京。我想见的正是他呢。我想见的正是他呢。他是在第二次世界大战期间死亡的吗他是在第二次世界大战期间死亡的吗?昨天玛丽是在哪里碰到汤姆的昨天玛丽是在哪里碰到汤姆的?玛丽告诉了我她是在哪里碰到汤姆的。玛丽告诉了我她是在哪里碰到汤姆的。我们在聚会上玩得多么高兴啊我们在聚会上玩得多么高兴啊!It is I who am g

12、oing to Beijing.It is him who I want to see.Was it during the second World War that he died?Where was it that Mary met Tom yesterday?Mary told me where it was that she met Tom yesterday.What a wonderful time it was that we had at the party!1. Im _ too delighted to accept your kind invitation. A. ver

13、y B. fairly C. only D. rather 2. The new law will come into_on the day it is passed. A. effect B. use C. service D. existence 3. That man has waited for _, _ to see you. A. a long time, longed B. the long time, longing C. a long time, longing D. some long time, long4.Tom gave me some _ for_ cows and sheep. A. instruction; keep B. instruction; keeping C. instructions; keeping D. instructions; keep


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