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1、Unit 3 Ships in the Desert by Al Gore Teaching Objectives To understand the writers viewpoints To learn the words and phrases about environment To be able to talk about environmental issue I have a dream one day we stop worrying what our future will be like.1) The authorAlGorewasbornin1948inWashingt

2、onD.C.,U.S.HehasbeenaSenator(1984-1992)representingtheStateofTennessee,andU.S.Vice-President(1992-2000)underPresidentBillClinton.HeranforthePresidencyagainstGeorgeW.Bushjr.butthelatterwonthecloselytiedelectionandhasbecomethe43rdAmericanPresident.ThetextistakenfromAlGoresbookEarth in the BalanceAl Go

3、res viewpoints AlGoresprofoundanalysisofwherehumanityhasgonewrongrangesacrosshistory,politics,science,economics,psychology,philosophy,andreligion. Goredemonstratesthatthequalityofourairandwaterisurgentlyatrisk.Heclearlyillustrateshowproblemsthatoncewereregionalhavenowbecomeglobal.Gorearguesforaworld

4、widemobilizationtosaveusfromdisaster. Structure AnalysisPara.1:Effectsofenvironmentalcrises(TheAral)Paras.2-20:Causesofenvironmentalcrises A.Thedestructionaroundtheworld -Antarctic,theArctic,theequator,aroundus B.Classificationoftheimagesofdestruction -Local-Regional-Strategic/globalcontext C.Thedom

5、inantcauseofthechange -HumancivilizationParas.21-26:Solution A.Recognizingthestarlingimagesofdestruction B.Understandingthetwoaspects C.Changingtheviewoftherelationship-Educatepeople2. Detailed study of the text QuestionsWhatsthemeaningofthetitle?Whatdoestheauthortrytotellusthroughhisarticle?Whydidt

6、hewritergototheAralSea?Whatdidheseethere?Para.1 typical example of environmental destructionTheAralsea TheAralSea:*locatedinUzbekistanandKazakhstan*historicallyasaline(盐水 )lake*In1960theworldsfourthlargestlake,thesizeoftheentiretyofSouthernCalifornia*inthecenterofalarge,flatdesertbasinaprimeexampleo

7、fadynamicenvironmentAmericasGreatLakes*thegroupoffivefreshwaterlakes,centralNorthAmerica,betweentheUnitedStatesandCanada, largestbodyoffreshwaterintheworld Fromwesttoeast,theyareLakeSuperior,LakeMichigan,LakeHuron,LakeErie,andLakeOntario HOMESHstandsforHuron,OforOntario,MforMichigan,EforErieandSforS

8、uperior.Para.1 His visit to the Aral SeaWhydidthewritergototheAralSea?Whatdidheseethere? Past: most productive fishing site; gentle green waves lapping against the ship; 4th largest inland sea. Present: hot dry sand; ships anchored permanently here; fishing being bleak; water continuously disappeari

9、ng due to ill-considered irrigation; fish being canned shipped from thousand miles away What caused this fact?Language point But it was not a good day The prospect of a good catch looked bleakPara. 2 Thesis statement:Mysearchfortheunderlyingcausesoftheenvironmentalcrisishasletmetotravelaroundtheworl

10、dtocheckandstudycasesinordertofindoutthebasiccausesbehindtheenvironmentalcrisis Para.Two: His visit to the Trans-Antarctic Mountains in 1988 Imagination: His talk with the scientist: extremely cold, glaring midnight sun, the annual layers of ice being thinner, less emissions far away from here visib

11、le in the sample Language point:About the tunnel he was digging through the time Here is where the U.S. Congress passed the Clean Air Act. 19:07 part 1Trans-AntarcticMountains Antarcticaisicycold. Trans-AntarcticMountainsdivideditintotheEastAntarcticandWestAntarcticsubcontinents.thesunglaringatmidni

12、ghtthroughaholeintheskythesunshiningatmidnightthroughtheozonedepletiona hole: ozone depletion 臭氧层空洞CleanAirAct: AmericanCongresspassedtheCleanAirActin1970,whichisoneoftheoldestenvironmentallawsoftheU.S.aswellasthemostfar-reaching,thecostliest,andthemostcontroversial.Para. 3 the global warming seen i

13、n the AntarcticPresentation next week Steve Jobs :Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish 求知若饥,虚心若愚 十七岁那年我读到一则格言,大意是“把每一天都当成生命中的最后一天,有一天这一天真的会到来。”这句话让我印象深刻,过去33年里,每天早上我都会对镜自问:“如果今天是生命最后一日,我愿意去做今天我将要去做的事情吗?”每当我连续多日都得到否定的答案时,我就知道我应该有所改变了。 Lecture 2 10.10 Give a description about the past and present of the Aral Sea

14、? What caused the desertification here? Images of environmental destruction What was “the tunnel through time” the scientist was digging? What was responsible for the inexorable change in the global atmosphere?Para. 4 His visit to the Arctic Ocean (in 1991) What were scientists doing in the Arctic O

15、cean? Why would the thinning of the polar ice be disastrous to the world? sleeping in tent; travelling by snowmobiles; visiting the nuclear submarine; finding out the ice thinner as a result of global warming; CO2 levels here still rising rapidly as other places Conclusion: The consequences of a thi

16、nning cap could be disastrous because the polar cap plays an important role in the worlds weather system.Translation: I was standing in an eerily beautiful snowscape, windswept and sparkling white, with the horizon defined by little hummocks or pressure ridges of ice that are pushed up like tiny mou

17、ntain ranges when separate sheets collide.我站神秘可怕的美丽的雪景中,雪原上寒风劲扫,银光闪耀,其边缘则是一道由连绵起伏的小冰丘或冰席相撞,相互挤压而成的小型山脉的冰层“压脊”勾勒出的地平线。oxymoron:conjoining of two contrasting and contradictory terms to produce a special effect.eerily beautiful: loving hate, painful pleasure, joyful painCruel kindness; 悲观的乐观主义者;痛苦并快乐着P

18、ara.5Factstoprovetherisingtemperatureoftheearth.Consideringsuchscenariosisnotapurelyspeculativeexercise:ThinkingabouthowaseriesofeventsmighthappenasaconsequenceofthethinningofthePolarcapisnotjustakindofpracticeinspeculation,ithasgotpracticalvalue.earlierspringsnowmelt Other scientists visits to the

19、NP proved the north polar cap has thinned by 2 percent in the last decade(10 years) as a result of earlier snowmelt in spring and rising temperature in the tundra below.TheArcticCircle animaginarylinedrawnroundtheworldatacertaindistancefromthemostnorthernpoint(theNorthPole),northofwhichthereisnodark

20、nessforsixmonthsofeachyearandalmostnolightfortheothersixmonths.cf.theAntarcticCircle tundra:anyofthevast,nearlylevel,treelessplainsoftheArcticregionsPara.6TheimagesofdestructionattheequatorAmazonrainforestTheBrazilianAmazoncontainsaboutathirdoftheEarthsremainingtropicalforestandaveryhighportionofits

21、biologicaldiversity.Onehectare(2.47acres)ofAmazonianmoistforestcontainsmoreplantspeciesthanallofEurope.Yetstillitisbeingdestroyedjustlikeotherrainforestsaroundtheworld.Para.6 His visit to the Amazon rain forest (one of the most disturbing images at the equator) What is the equator like in Brazil (be

22、tween the North and the South Pole) in your imagination and according to the text? billowing clouds of smoke _, the rain forests being burned to _, the fires being set _, the fires silencing thousands _. billowing clouds of smoke blackening the sky, the rain forests being burned to create fast pastu

23、re for grazing animals, the fires being set earlier and earlier, the fires silencing thousands species of birds Figure of speech fast pasture 快速养殖牧场 Transferred epithet 转类形容词:A figure of speech in which an epithet (or adjective) grammatically qualifies a noun other than the person or thing it is act

24、ually describing. (Grammatical and semantic)restless night The night was not restless, but the person who was awake through it was. happy morning Mornings have not feelings, but the people who are awake through them do. The ploughman homeward plods his weary way -Thomas Gray, the way is not weary, b

25、ut the ploughman. Sleepy cornerSleepless night Happy ChristmasLecture 3 10.13Para. 7 Ghostly image; ghosts in the sky 空中幽灵空中幽灵,夜光云团夜光云团 What is “noctilucent clouds”? Where: When: What: Why: Upsetting the balance between daylight and darkness; adding up to global warming;changing the chemistry of the

26、 upper atmosphere.“noctilucent clouds” This“luminouscloud”occasionallyappearswhentheearthisfirsthiddenintheeveningdarkness;shiningunsteadilyaboveuswithapartiallytransparentwhiteness,thesecloudsdontseemnatural“noctilucentcloud” “noctilucent clouds”: Where: in high northern altitude When: in the eveni

27、ng darkness; on some clear nights, after sunset What: shimmering, translucent whiteness, unnatural cloud Why: a huge gathering (buildup) of methane gas (natural gas) (colorlss, odorless) carries more water vapor into the upper atmosphere and condenses (become thicker) to form more clouds that the su

28、ns rays still strike after sunset in the atmosphere: released from landfills, coal mines, termitesIllustrate how this strange cloud is formed:suncloudscloudscloudscloudscloudsLand fills,coal mines,termitesMethane gasWater vapor Consequences: Adding to global warming:methane gas being one of the fast

29、est-growing green house gases;secondary to carbon dioxide and water vapor;changing the chemistry of the upper atmosphere。Para.8 Humankinds possible response to the ecological unbalance What is your response to humankinds assault on the earth (upset the balance between the daylight and darkness)? sim

30、ple wondering; feeling awe; getting accustomed to it; ignorant of the threatening power; upset the balance between daylight and darkness Translate the last sentence and make commentsPara9.Comments on humankinds responses to the ecological unbalance (whys) Eventhoughitissometimeshardtoseetheirmeaning

31、,wehavebynowallwitnessedsurprisingexperiences: tounderstandthethreatoftheseclouds Using 3(rhetoric)questions to air his voice: to those equally other dramatic images, we have done a lot, but to the ecological unbalance , we did not respond effectively. Unusual temperature; burning sun; mountains of

32、wasteOrganizationPara.10Theimportanceoforganizingourthoughtsitmaybehelpfultoclassifythemandthusbegintoorganizeourthoughtsandfeelingssothatwemaybeabletorespondappropriately: toarrangethemintodifferentgroups sothatwewillbeabletotakethemostsuitableaction.Paragraphs 11-14 1. Organization of these paras.

33、 (figure of speech) 2. Topic sentence There are local skirmishes, regional battles and strategic conflict. Analogy is also a form of comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses a comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have sev

34、eral common qualities or points of resemblance. It is used for persuasion or for the explanation or exposition of an idea. For example: The chess-board is the world; the pieces are the phenomena of the universe; the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature. The player on the other side

35、is hidden from us. We know that his play is always fair ,just and patient. But also we know ,to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance.Para.11-14 Analyze the seriousness of the environmental damage analogically Local skirmishes: Water pollution, ai

36、r pollution, illegal dumping of waste Regional battles: Acid rain, contamination of underground aquifers, large oil spills Strategic conflicts dramatic increase of chlorine leading to the increase of the ultraviolet radiation levels and threatening the survival of all animals and plants. chlorine, c

37、hlorofluorocarbontoo much ultraviolet radiation animal and plant life Global warming: increase in heat threatening the global climate balance patterns of winds, rainfall, ocean currents and sea level location of vegetative and animal life.Para. 14 Global warming is also a strategic threat The 600 pe

38、rcent increase of chlorine disrupts the global process (ultraviolet radiation increase) will cause a new threat to the survival of animal and plant life, which is a strategic threat. In addition, it also includes Global warming . Increase(25 percent) of carbon dioxide, methane gas seriously threaten

39、s the global equilibrium: winds, rainfall, surface temperature, ocean currents, sea level= distribution of vegetative and animal life= location and pattern of human societies. Conclusion: To help the readers better comprehend the images of the environmental destruction, the writer uses an analogy (a

40、 term from the military) to classify the threats, explain the following terms: local skirmishes; regional battles; strategic conflicts.Causes and EffectsAcid rain, water pollution, waste dumplingtoo much chlorine 600%Global warming unbalance of the global climate Causes and EffectsAcid rain, water p

41、ollution, waste dumplingAffected Locallytoo much chlorine 600%Animal and plant life to be threatenedGlobal warming unbalance of the global climate effect pattern of winds, rain fall ocean currents and sea levelPara.15 ,16 Prehistoric time and modern timeExample:Prehistoric time: burning vast areas,

42、causing little effect on the earth. Little effect on the earthModern time: building houses, tending rice paddies, pastures, wheat fields, more croplands, which equals to the strength of the moons pull on the oceans ,the force of winds against mountains and changes our relationship to the earth.Concl

43、usion: To use that power wisely and appropriately, but we are still unaware of the earths fragility. Phrase:Be oblivious of Lecture 4 10.17Paras.17-19 Factorsresponsible for the environment change: What are the two key factors that define the physical reality of our relationship to the earth? What d

44、ramatic changes have occurred in these two key factors?200.000-Julius Caesars time(40BC ) 250million(2亿五千万) 1492年 500million1776年 1 billion1945年 2 billion 2000年 5 billion one human life time ,the population rises from 2 billion to 9 billion, now 5 billion, affecting the world by burning, cutting, di

45、gging, moving, changing the physical matter that makes up the earth.The last sentence in par.19. TranslationParas. 20,21 The ongoing scientific and technological development is also affecting the environment New and important discoveries of the last ten years is equal to that of the entire previous

46、history of science. Analogy to illustrate the common points (power) between the nuclear weapons and the achievement of science and technology, what are they?Ways of his development: Development by Example or Generalization This century has witnessed.population and technological revolution. For examp

47、leThe consequences of unrestrained exploitation of nuclear weapons is as unthinkable as that of the earth Nuclear weapons have changed our relationship to the warfare, for modern war means complete and simultaneous destructions for both sides. Achievements in science and technology have destroyed th

48、e balance between human civilization and the earth, causing global warming, ozone depletion, loss of living species, deforestation.Para 22. Solutions to the problem: Two aspects How to solve these environmental problems, such as global warming, ozone depletion, the loss of living species, deforestat

49、ion, desertification? Realizing that our power to harm the earth is global and permanent and we are co-architects of the nature; Requiring a careful assessment of humankinds relationship to the earth. Translate the last sentence of para 22.Paras.23,24,25 Analogy: The consequences of environmental de

50、struction is as serious as that of nuclear weapons The possible consequences of all-out war between nations armed with nuclear weapons are:_ The nuclear arms race of the superpowers is not primarily caused by technology but by_ The possible consequences of all-out war between nations armed with nucl

51、ear weapons are complete and simultaneous destruction. The nuclear arms race of the superpowers is not primarily caused by technology but by the relationship between the superpowers.Para. 25-26. What are the eventual solutions to the arms race and environment problem? The eventual solution to the arms race is a new understanding of the warfare itself and the relationship between states.Whatistherealsolutiontotheenvironmentaldestructionaccordingtotheauthor? Therealsolutionwillbefoundinreinventingandfinallyhealingtherelationshipbetweencivilizationandtheear


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