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1、2016年呼和浩特市中考真题1 .-What,want I do for you,sir?-1 want iPhone6splus for my wife as useful gift.A.an; a B.a,an C.an;the D.a;a2 .-There is no salt left.Jim,would you like to get?-OK,Mum.A. itB. one C. some D.any3 .-where are you going this month?-we go to Xiamen.but we 're not sure.A.needn'tB. m

2、ight C. mustD.mustn't1.1 'll go to visit my aunt in England the Summer holiday starts.A.whileB. sinceC. until D.as soon as5 .-1 have to be off right now.-What a pity!I you could stay a little longer with us.A. thought B. am thinkingC. think D.was thinking6 .He is very rich, but that day he b

3、ought bike to save money for the poor children.A. an expensive B.a more expensive C.the more cheaper D.the cheapest7 .-Did you watch the f ootball game yesterday?-Yes, I did. John is really a dark horse, nobody him to go so far.A.wantedB.encouragedC. expected D. hoped8 .Being blind is something most

4、 people can't imagine.A,不填 B.What C.Who D.Which9.I am looking after Tom today, he 's been in my house 8:00 this morning.A. At B.since C. for D.till10.-Jack, could you help me when the plane will take off on the internet?-I'm sorry, but my computer doesn't work.A. get outB. look outC.

5、take outD.find out11-I came first in the long jump.-,I'm so proud of you.A. Good luckB. Have funC. Well doneD.You're joking12-1 tried to make Alice her mind but I found it difficult.Well, I saw you that when I went past.A. changed ;do B. Changes;doing C. Change;to do D.change;doing 13.The ca

6、r looks nice,It's much greener because it uses electricity.A, however B, what's wor se C.even though D.besides14.Don't worry I'm sure you 'll your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them.A. catch up with B. be pleased with C. get on well with D. agree with, 15.There are s

7、o many foggy days recently, we all wonder.A. how is the air pollutedB. why the air is seriously pollutedC. what can we do to prevent that bad weatherD. what are the real reasons完形填空AStudents are always asked to do much homework, Have you read the following passages ?You'd better not work when yo

8、u're very hungry. If you 16 your homework right afterschool, You may have a snack before getting to work. Always do your homework 17 youget tired. 18 wait until very late in the evening, Or the homework will seem much 19 than it really is.Break your time into manageable (易处理的) period. If you hav

9、e more than 20, giveyourself a break after an hour.On the other hand, don't break it up 21 that you can't getanything done. You should be able to work at least after an hour at a time 22.Don't put it offuntil the last 23.If you put off doing your homework, You will always think of it, an

10、d youwon't enjoy your 24 so much.If you put it off until the end of the week or until right before a test, you will have too much work to do for the exam.A little bit each night, enough to keep up with what is happening each day in school, will take the fear out of tests and keep you on top of i

11、t all.Do your homework 25 every day.This willhelp you make it a habit. It will make it easier to do, and it will make free time more enjoyable as well.16.A.decide to doB.decided doingC.have doneD.did17.A.afterB. whenC.becauseD.before18.A NotB. PleaseC. Don'tD.Always19.A harderB. hardC.easyD.easi

12、er20.A. one hour workB.an hour workC. a work of an hourD.an hour's work21.A. so muchB. so littleC.so oftenD. so well22.A. with a stopB. without stoppingC. stoppingD. stop23.A. weekB.hourC.minuteD. day24.A. lunchB. free timeC. mealsD.snack25.A. at a timeB. in a short timeC.onceD. at the same time

13、BYou may think that English dictionaries have been used for many centuries.In fact,an English dictionary you 26 today wasn 't made until the Qing Dynasty( 清朝).Three men did most ofthe important 27 work on dictionaries. They spent nearly all their lives trying to28 words for their dictionaries. F

14、or them, It was a wonderful journey.The largest dictionaryin the world is the Oxford English Dictionary.The_29 for this dictionary came from an important meeting in Britain in 1857.Twenty -two years later, Oxford University asked James Murray to be the editor of its new dictionary,Murray had never b

15、een to 30.At the age of fourteen, He left his village school in Scotlandand taught himself while working in a bank,31 he became a great teacher.After Oxfordgive him the job, Murray had a small house 32 in his garden to do the work. Everymorning, Mary got out of bed at five o'clock and 33 in the

16、small house several hoursbefore breakfast. Often he would work into the night.Murray hoped to finish the new dictionary in ten years. But after five years, he was 34 adding words for the letter A”!he worked on thedictionary 35 he was very old.Forty- four years later, In 1928,other editors finished t

17、he dictionary.26.A. writeB. use C. copyD. miss27.A earlyB. boringC. easyD.difficult28.A spellB. collectC. inventD. make29.A.wayB. useC. ideaD. prize30.A. schoolB. cinemaC.villageD. college31.A. ever sinceB.since th enC.so farD. later32.A.builtB. soldC. brokenD. drawn33.A. readB. wroteC. workedD. tho

18、ught34.A.alreadyB. stillC.usuallyD. always35.A. ifB. becauseC. untilD. unless三、阅读理解AWhat do you often do when you wait for a bus or a train at the station ?Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus,The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting

19、in the station. Some were standing in line; Others were walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls.The teacher was trying to keep them in line.Tom looked around but there was no place for him to sit.He walked into the station Coffee. He looked up at that clock there.It was only twenty to twelv

20、e.he found a seat and sat down before a large mirror (镜子) on the wall.Just then, Mike, One of Tom's workmates,came in and sat with Tom. What time is your bus? ”asked Mike. " There's plenty of time yet. " Answerd Tom. " Well I ' ll get you moretea then said Mike.They talked

21、 while drinking, Then Tom looked at the clock again. Oh !it's going backward! ”he cried. "A few minutes ago,i t was twenty to twelve and nowit's half past elevenYou're looking at the clock in the Mirror " Said Mike.Tom was so sad, The next bus was not to leave for another hour,

22、 Since then Tom has never liked mirrors.36 .Tom went into the station Coffee because.A. Mike asked him to have a cup of tea togetherB.he wanted to have a drink with his work mate thereC.he didn't like to stay with the schoolgirlsD.It was quite early and he couldn't find a seat in the station

23、37 .What time was it in fact when Tom looked at the clock in the mirror?A.Half past eleven B.Twenty two twelveC.Half past twelve D .Half past one38 .From the story we know that when will look at a clock in a mirror, we will find.A. it's going backwardB. it's going slowerC.The time is rightD.

24、 it's going faster39 .Which of the following is true?A.Tom arrived in Paris on time that dayB.Tom looked at the clock in the mirror only onceC. After that Tom didn't like clocks any longerD.The next bus would leave in half an hour40 .Which of the following is the best title of the story?A. T

25、he Clock in the Mirror B. Not a Careful ManC.Being later for a busD.The Mirror of the StationTraveling is an exciting experience.It makes us feel pleased, and enjoy new wonders and new part of life that we ve never known.A single holiday trip can give you the freedom and the chance to make changes t

26、hat daily life does not allow.It matters little where you go on your holiday, It is all in what you make of it. Any travel can be interesting and attractive, and give you memories to last a lifetime.Having those memories is truly what travels are all about.Many people say that a bit of a planning an

27、d research before you leave can make sure of those long- lasting memories.But why not try something unexpected?In fact, The most unforgettable moments of a travel experience are the ones that you don't plan for. Yes, Maybe you ll experience a bad meal in an unfamiliar place.But this experience w

28、ill make sure you discover little-known shops or an open- air theater production that is only advertised in the local paper.You ll find the enjoyable moments happening all around you :a wonderful sunset or a small child playing in the puddles (水洼)of a cobble(鹅卵石)road.The magic will truly be in the t

29、rip youtake. Take time to go for a long walk for enjoyment when visiting a new place, Which will allow you to listen, smell, and see the different culture and sights that your busy life may stop you from enjoying.Simple things such as a leaf from a tree you sat under can keep the memories of your tr

30、avel alivefor years to come, Collect small things such as leaves, stones, or feathers, which can be turned into memorable worksof art when you get back home.41 .What can we learn from the passage?A.There is no need to choose where to go on holiday B.Plans can make travelingbecome uninteresting.C.Sma

31、ll things around you always looks simpleD.Traveling is a good way for people to understand life.42 .According to the writer, traveling is all about.A. having unforgettable experiencesB. having a healthy lifeC.enjoying natural wonders of the worldD.visiting places of interest43.If you want a most unf

32、orgettable travel experience, you could.A. learn much about the new placeB. research into all the possible ways of travelingC.find out as many local activities as possibleD. try something and unplanned44.What is really magical in the trip?A.The beautiful local sightsB.The enjoyment around youC.The d

33、ifferent cultures and places D.The enjoyment from a long walk 45.What does the passage mainly tell us?A. traveling can make youtired but happy.B, traveling should be unexpected.C. traveling is a wonderful experience.D, traveling may change your life.CIt was a great pleasure for the family to move to

34、 a house with a very big garden.Betty and Tony could climb up trees, grow flowers and even play badminton.They liked to watch the birds flying among the trees in the garden.They even started to put food out to attract more birds.Everything was fine for a few days untilone afternoonthere was a strang

35、e bumping noise on a window.Betty went outside and found a small birddead on the grass. its neck seemed to be broken.“Itmust have flown into the window“ Tonysaid when his sister Betty called him to have a look Ah, yes look here, You can see the markwhere it hit the window. There are a couple of tiny

36、 feathers stuck on the window.”Poor things!” Betty sid.During the next month, Five more birds died in the same way “ Why would they fly to the windows?” We wonderecFinally, they knew the truth. When the birds were flying, they couldn't see into the rooms. All they saw was the reflection of the g

37、arden, They thought that they were flying into treesbecause they saw trees reflected by the window,“Something has to be done to save the birds“ The parents decidedAt first, the family tried keeping curtains (窗帘)across the windows, but this made the room dark.Then they bought some strong black paper

38、and cut out the shape of a hawk.They made six hawks-one for each window.They stuck the hawks to the windows. They looked pretty and did not keep out much light, When the birds saw the hawks, they would fly away.After that, there were no more dead birds. The family were much happier.46.They put food

39、out to attract birds because they.A. had a special garden for birdsB. had too much bird food to feed the birdsC.wanted to see more birds flying in the gardenD. wanted to catch some birds in the garden47 .birds died in the garden.A. Six B. Five C.Four D. Seven48 .The bird flew to the windows because

40、they.A .found the windows very big and clean.B. wanted to fight for more foodC.thought there were more trees aheadD. wanted to go into the room49.The underlined word " hawk" meansA.丛林 B鹰C.山脉D.燕子50.The story is mainly aboutA. why those birds died in their gardenB. Betty and Tony were good a

41、t paper- cutting.C.how the family saved the birds in the gardenD.the family had a new house with a big gardenDAre you happy most of the time?Or do you easily get angry sometimes?Everyone has a different temperament(脾气)。It is usually believed that both genes (基因) and environment may influence people&

42、#39;s temperament in different ways. Scientists have found that the season of the birth also plays a role.Scientists from Budapest,Hungary,Studied 400 university students.In the study, The students needed to finish some questions to know which of four kinds of temperamentthey most had.From the quest

43、ions,Scientists found that the students always answered something like my mood often changes for no reason"and f love to deal with new projects, even if it is risky “these answers were then connected with their birthdays.They discovered that people born in summer easily changebetween sad and ha

44、ppy moods compared to people born in winter.Those who always feel positive are mostly born i n spring and summer.The study also found thatthose born in fall less probably had a mood ofdepressionwhich may easily drive them to cry, while those in winter were not easier to be angry.Scientists said that

45、this was probably because the seasons had an influence on certain chemicals in the human body.And the chemicals are important to control people's moods even in adult life. "It seems that when you are born may increase or decrease your change of developing certain mood, disorders " scie

46、nxesnia Gonda toldthe Telegraph.根据上文内容判断正(T)误(F)51 .Ages probably may influence people's temperaments according to the Paragraph 1.52 .The underlined the word “ depression " most probably means . sadness53 .The answers to the questions of the study were matched with their birthdays.54 .Peop

47、le born inwinter get sad or happy more easily.55 .The best title of this passage is The Influence of Gene s".E日常对话Tom:Hi ,Paul. I haven't seen you for years.56 Paul:Sorry I don't know you. who are you?Tom:I'm Tom, Your cousin.57Paul:Let me see oh you are tom, I heard you were in tem

48、perate university.Tom:Yes but now, I have finished the university.Paul:58 But now you are thin and tall, , so I couldn't.Tom:Really? I used to have sweet food.I ate too much.So I was very fat. Paul:59Tom:Yes I still wear glasses.Paul:Where are you working now?Tom:I'm in Fudan university, I h

49、ave been a teacher of the university.Paul:You are great.60 I can treat you to dinner.Tom:Thank you, But I have a meeting.Paul:All right.See you next time.Tom:See you.A.You used to be short and heavy B.What do you feel like eating C.Don't you remember me?D.You used to like sports, didn't you?

50、E. What happened to you?F. OK,I'd like to.G. Did you use to wear glasses?第二卷(非选择题,共计 35分)IV.用所给词或短语的适当形式填空:(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)61-70小题in person;celebrate;turn down;all alone;not accept;prepare for;spend;safe;develop;from time to time61.With of modern science, our life is becoming more and more co

51、mfortable.62.in the dark forest, Goldilocks suddenly found something shining.63.-Your shoes are so old ,why don't you buy a new pair?-Because I all my money on an MP5.64 .Will you ask for the job or by letter?This will influence the decision of the boss.65 .The students'at school is what we

52、should pay more attention to.66.I'm trying to sleep, Would you mind the music?67 .The World Book Day, the bookshop sold books at a lower price on April, 23 rd.68 .These days the students of Junior Grade 3 are very busy and hard -working, They theentrance exam.69 .My friend and I go to museums to

53、 learn what we can't get from textbooks.70.In my opinion, his suggestion about going camping at tomorrow's meeting because ofthe high cost.阅读理解填词Many years ago, in a small village, an old man was hired to clear the spring (泉水)up on the mountain.He took care of the spring every day, and s 71

54、away all the leaves and other thingst 72 would make the water dirty.Soon, beautiful swans (天鹅)came to the clear spring ,andthe village became a popular attraction for visitors.Years passed, One evening the town leaders, held a meeting, As they looked at the salary list,one of them said “ Why do we k

55、eep these old o an 73 year after year, I don ' t think we needhim or his work. " Later, the old man was4 to leave.For several weeks, nothing changed. When early a 75 came, the leaves began to fall off thetrees, and the spring was covered with leaves. A few days later, the water was much darker. Only a few months a 76 the old man left, all the swans left, and the t 77 didn ' tcome ,either.Then they r 78 their mistake an


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