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1、一、选择(IS)(A )1the rutes? Wc can't talk kiudy in class.A.Vhhal are B.Vhat is C.Vbho is D.Vrtx> are2.Can the stucients mi in _.A.Ycs.they do B.No.they can't C.Yw.the/ can O.No.thcy don't3 I dent like_1310_cXA.to be.at B.bc.for C.lo bc.for D.to bong.at(C)4.We cen t lw& water_8kA.with.

2、or B.wnh.and C.Mthout.or D.wnhcus.and5.-Oo we haw Io war a uniform.A.Y«i.w« have B No.wa haven t C wnhoa.or D *tttx>ut.and(B.He_get Io school early today because he is on duty.A like to B.has 10 C.warx x> D.have to(D )r.We have rutes m our school.A.too much B much k>o C.meny too D

3、 >oo many 8.Can you come back home9:30?A.in B.by C.to Don (A9.What doo矿 "mean?A No idling B Not idlkC.No< 妙in。D.Don t 妙in。(A) 1O.Aticr I get up. I have to my bed.入 getB.UskeC.mafceD.haw(D )11.Each 5 f wdew Eng>«hA speakB.sayC.saysD.speaks(0)12 There 岫_tkne I'm too lateA-notB.n

4、oC.not some D.no any(C )13 V/e have no dassee MekendsA_sB.tor C.on D.oo(C )14.There ep" in the word.A anB./C.aO.me(BjlS.Let s go to the_Palace tomocrwr.OK?A Chldren B.ChMren s C CWdrens- D CM"(Bi 1.I stop he?No.qo on io the next paragraph pleaseA Wil 0 May C.Must O.Ought(0)2.I'm aifrai

5、d itrain Iccight.A can B coukl C mAy ba D m»gh<I D j 3.Need I start from the bcgmng?Yes .you.A need B.can C.may D.must(C)4.IIfce someone to take me to the theatre.Whom do you ike to 90 win?A.wil IB.may C.iwukJ D.shall(C)5.-W8 lale.lgo now.Ok.Youcome again tomorrow.A.on.musi B.msy .must C 2 .

6、may D,仇have 10(C) 6.-WoUd you come beck idler next time7No.l.A.shanl B.shouWnl C won't D.mustn t二、透择遥介洌坟空(2。)in. far. after. Io. ike. on. from, bllgo g school "on Mondayjo_Frt<jey.2. Don t eaCjn_d355.3 The boy iooUJW(e_hi$ mother4. The pen5.1 wait ododc.6.You tthcwW do ywr homewoctischoo

7、l.7 Den t gy 1 心k_28.He has to be m bed by 10 ockxA.9 You cntoo ou(_onwtxxM nighis.三、补全对话(K)AfJomhVhcro are you l.from?8:l am from ChinaA:2._Are_there many rutes n your school?B:Ye«.there 3.一are_.A:Can studentd eat 4 Jn_cl8887B:No.they 5._can't_.A.Do you 6 _have_io weer a urWkwm?B:Ycs.wq 7.

8、_do _.A:Do you Herve lo 8._we8r_ine8kcfS every day?B:tsto.wft 9. 如 1.But w® havo to www thorn for 10. _gym_d»sQ.HVt句子并修)L上课不要退到。Don't be late for scttod.2 Sff可以在外面听音冼0 Wesn l««n to music outsde3. 他不得不在周三清扫教室。He has to dean the room on Wednesday4你知道这些坂定吗?Do you know these rule

9、s?5 我寸电视不感兴趣oI'm not interested n gating TV.五、他读短文.判断正误.正确写T.错误的"00John Ikes chocdalm very much.but he moChef doesnl give him any.Theyy ace bad for bro lee<h.»ho tbWu$ But John h龄 a very mca granrfalhcr. Tha aid man k)vos his grandson vary mutfi and sometteneu; ha buys JE some choco

10、lates Than his mcflhec tets him e«&t ihE.Becduse she to mafcje the M man hsppyOn Sunday even ng,it is Johns seventh birthday. He says 'p/oasM.God. make them give mo a t«g box of choocAaWs for my t>rlhd&y. Ha nxrthec Mys/God Cdnl here you Dent shout ”1 know." suiy& t

11、he ctovnr boy eS a smite.*Bu gnandhKhfir s In the nort room and ho can° .(T)!.John» mother IhW chocolates are bad for John's kMKh.(F)2 Sometimes Jotm s mother lets Nm eat ch如aces because John stupes hard.(F )3.John shouts because God can bear him.(T)4 John is a clever boy(TjS.SuxJey is

12、 John s sevenih bilhday.、Wnte the English words accccdhg to tie wp<anat»on.1 _ qxam _ the act erf lestkng pup«$;9delicious hghty pfeasng Io the sense-s. esp.tasle or srred . very nice.2. _ 0«pon收 _ no< cheap, deerdiscuss consider or GKomme by argumerrt.3. _ vacagodd perkxJ o* su

13、spension / regular work, suxty.二、Fill in the HeX with lhe hqN form of the given words.1 At th.Mginn ot tho year. I metThank you for reading the tetter for me.(reM)3.IM pizza *tth oiim end pepper j$_ 睥.5.(be)4.Students went . to phy football yesterday.(go)5.1 woUd like U>ce you somethng atxxrt my

14、school (tel)He likes ptawg soccer wrh his father.(like, phy)7 They had a lot c< Ikinin the river .(®wim)a L«t's _*ngtie ABC &on0(sng)9.Csn I havetoXJ.VWiat about gong to the portc?(go)11.1( you wan! Io be a baskeCball pte),er.you should pcaclioe phYhflmoce.(ptay)12 sho/d wc do t

15、o make the roads suifc 1 gS)二、Change wntenow mo Engftsh:.你的朋友昨天做了什么?他去W和园了。皿做 dkl your fneod co ywefOdy7He Atm Id the Summcf Pahcc2.他刚刚看电彰了吗?是的。Did ha go to the mnv»s new?S.he dd3上星期日他彳g行了晚会。他们玩得很快乐。They had a party tas! Sunday._ They had a good time4你的五一“假期怎么样?好极了。我们一家去了海边。How was your May Day

16、 hoWsys?.Great, my famly went to ffin beaches _5做间燧的时间到了.让咱们去操场吧。Let s go to the playground.Rewnle the serOences.11 岫ten to the music every evening (用 yeswday evsng 改写)1 姑tenod to tie muac yesterday everw>fl.2 My uncle went to &&fy law summe"对斜体字提问)your undo qo last summor?.O.Otxre b

17、e W<e Enqlishl 用 Chines At选择疑问句)_ D* m 诲。Enfllh w Chin财He went to the movie wth his friend.( 般疑I可句)_ OW he 90 to the g您 with Ns rrml?_S.My* aster s vacation was zrMJ becaissc she bad to do the Acxgg*.(对案|体字提问)VWiy 心s y(xr 8喘8 vacaUon五、Choose the n(jN answers(C)1.l lv® In d ptocoShenyangA.gB

18、callngC.ceiledDeal*(C) 2.Look, ttoc arepeapic in the square.A.thouttand ofB.tiree thcxiMnifa dC lhou(dnd$ ctD.W时 ihouwnds3.The doctor saved many people s .A.irte B.iifes Clive Dikes(B4.There arc 20in this hospital.A.wonw doctor 0 women dociocs C.woman Ooctotd D women doctor(AjS.I'm » rncmbo

19、rtheir fan clubs.A.crf BinCon OJof(C)6me pooplftcfltetxato Ow Now Y«»r.A.on the wxxWB.in the worldC an over Jhe world D io th wortd(Djr.Vihere can you read about the Chineseteam?A.womanB.ivomem C woman 8 D.women's(C)B.Thc Steel Rosesa web site: teamchnaA.has B.hsd C.have0. having9.lmme

20、 school team.AonB.oiC8tD.with(A) IO.V/c wentlast weekendAtfwpB.shoppingC.shopsD.the uhopDivide the folkymng description weeds into Positive.NealNe and Neutral.amezino, dvAii. cod. bed. no< bed. OK. smen. cute, f boring, sweet, wd. rwre&uxj, exdtino, tofriWe. fantartc. lazyPositive _ Binding,

21、coo*. $en. cixe. mt创I町。<x. 8*wt. iwreng, exdhnfl, tentcNeo3tro:_ awful, badt boring, sad, tarrtria, lazyNeural: no( bad. OKII Fill in lhe btanks with the correct words.11m 0 tug kxxt»t_ fan _.2. What size 日zza would you *e?3, » went to the movies on Saturday.4.1 like ctossical muac and_

22、 pop/dancc/pzz/rock musk.4. KO818 beer8 are from_ AuMrelia _.5. Let's play focaball n thc_ park.6. The bank is_ behind _the supermarketB.Shc_ warmto be a doctor.9.Lef3 watch the Wk_ showtofleflhef.9.My_ 祯group 临 T膈 Smith FamlyHI Choose the best answer(A)1.Go straighl.and turn nghtthe)azz music.A

23、.atBonC.inDover(A2.7hc opposite oTnghf is.A.let and wrong B.Wl and yes C.easy and left D.hard and wrong(C )3 Judy tsPo9gy and Ltz.A.nextB.across C. between Dover(D)4 11 gift s Gvon盼 Sinoer i$ Jack Bteck Ho 嫁 gy.A.tembte B.awful C.badD.cod5 There you can see veOUonai 网mungQi Beishi A/ee DA.in.MKthB.a

24、t.with C.by.inD.on.by(B*.Amec3 and Japan are 如Wped.A.axintryB.ccuntnas C 8Q$D dub(“rd叫帽机武U下我(B)7.O»8ngcbun is,the p»t erf Chins.AwesfiemB.caslcm C.wcstD.cM(B )8 Hurry up1 Miss Lki » wailing fof youthe gate.A inB.dlC onO through(D)9.-Where's the dasstcai muse?itsthe second ngAmB.un

25、dcf C.atD.on(B )10 These are the 伽ecibnsr»e country CDs Ptesse Wlow them.AonB.toC.farD.lromIV Fill m the blanks wtih tht» ngh: forms of (he giv«n words.1Who can.sing(sing)lhi5 song for me?2. The wory is n<x incef»sono (tntyest).3. Whose pontng (pant's the best?4.1 Hke_ to

26、tlance_(dance)8t (he petty.S.Trocy can answer ihs qucstKm ca&ly(easy).6 l_v»8iled_(硕)my unde last weekHe ik«s to do jwnx»_wnong_(wrtt®)on Sunday7 They_(ihe<n;homewo<* overyB.Haw was(ba)ywr wcdccnd?K).How manyjibranwj(libcary)are there in ywr city?V .Rewrite the fdtawng

27、sentences.1.1 wecx X) the Western 8gon (对划线局部提问)_ Where 如 一 you go?2.You can visit the Csoe music &ecik>n (对划线局部提向)Whatgan I vsrt?3-Go upsrB.ptease (变成否认句)PpnTQQupstigpl 时父4 My fa*/ixhe muse is country muaicX改成同义句)I Jfce_ <xunt»y music_.5 Jazz is on the left of pep music and dance is on tie nght of pop mux(改 成同义句)Pop music id between jazz and dance.6.Mo smoking here.(改成同 N句)You _cennotwoke here.,.Wc make ctoctncff>" with water.(改成同义句)g use waw to _mmelectrtdty.VI.Fill m the blanks with the wordi given below.infterwting. in. tefl. slrccte. right, l


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