



1、中考英语专题复习一:名词考点讲解和训练【与虫n击】1. 可数名诚和不可数名询的用法3名同所有格的构戒及用法:2. 近义名词的析析.【名倬点BJ】一、名何的败I.单故和簇1R可数名词希w数Hit代料种形式.更致形式通常是在小数形式后加询域“-bus. cla-cLixscs. box-boxes. witch-f#lcb brush-*bvslici.(3) cc.se,re, (S fit 的名诃加们 例0】:orunjeoranges以圳吾时11】y 必尼的诃麦,矿 为i,再加 v.tllll: city-*citics. (acton*factonM, country-ountric*.

2、tamily-liimilie*.句要注点的是以元备字付加y格厄的名词的V数形式只如boyfoy* day-days.(4) 仪。焙岫的3J多炊部加Y例也:hero henx*. potato potnlocs. tomato ,smMoc缶(Hi4末为两个元 音字母的何*10例询:zoo-*zo 例如:knifc-*kniM. Icf-*lcavcs. half-4uilvcs.(或8)的谀奇方法W表所示.% (或b)的博音方法(7)少 tt 名诃有不垸那么的町敦形式.例如 nunincn. uximinwxtmen. tooth-* tee th. fbot-*ft.况读法例HJShlcu

3、ps. hMt. cake%11page%, orane. buses, waichehctfittlbHdHl|vl浊蛹音折UlboK Afis.ciiKs. kniveschild-children- nxuxe-*micc.【注】0 own利woman构成的台成W,其级数渺次也M-mcn fl-women*例灿an Englishman* i*x Englishmen, pl Gernun不足合故以敛形式为Germans: man, wnnum等作定诒时,它的单红数以JU* 恰怖的名问的单殳故而定.411: num wockcn. women texbern.个JK名说爪样.俐如Chin

4、ese. Japanese. sheep, tor. fish *f.机当fhh衣示不FJ神类的卸札 可以加殳敷洌用,()诳益形rttHtte为Q政的&诃帘:pcwIc.mIKc等(9)!inj4.名诃作定倡时.这个名诃 舶.中间M连字符.苗如:tciwninirt. glk. iin 8ycZdjirl. a icn*inilc sulk,10) ii:右些名i4仗有岌救形式 llh rouwn. cloiHe%. chopMicks. fhiucs. J ; phj-sic. nKilhenialk-tniallvt苗戏名林I bo* h专有 Vi M: the UnnM Slates.

5、N&am Falk其他名何:neu-%. falls2.不可故名词5r的汲示方法在英语中不可歆名浏切果发表示的m*.可以用以下网种力法:111 HI much, a little, u lot of.Iocs of. socnc. any 等农示多少.例M:The rich man has a lix money.There k wme milk m (he beetle.k ihcre uny water in the gUs&!HI a lot of Jou of mhik. *ny. much 等桨tXttu二、名御的所有格名问所J*表示人或物的所有.以及筑8(关系.1. 赢示有生命的名

6、伺的所0格Kn形式是tn a只夏故形式是$.机虬aMudenr.room.Mtudenh-rcofiis. fMhcr shoes,ftjJttt W不是的夏致形式仍加%如:Childrens Day.2. 在表示叫间,X油,长吸、旅* 价格,世界、国家号名何的所打格要用,. M0(k atwemyminwalk. (cn miles* journey. a boMa lEgih. wo pounds* woghL icii dollars* wonh.4 无生命/词的所*格那么。条 JH of Wit. Mil hiof China, (he end of ihi term. lhe cap

7、iuil of our country*the color of the flower%.5. 以质所钓格.Mtth u friend of my father*.注意1如果两个名诃并列并11分别有稣邯么表M吩别俨,例灿:W*sdMMy*rcKm (约!和月丽各 有一同.共两间):Tam and bike%酉人各口的臼行丰I两个名讽井冗.只有个E那么应示“共有MWt MmandMySrwm (拘秘0建闾共竹一间) Toni 5d Mm4 mahcr I UP Tom 七 Mwy 是兄g) t突例俐析J1 Thesehave saved many childrens l.A. wonun doc

8、torsB. women doctorC. women doctonD. woman doctor答案:C.谊1考知的压名词作定帽时的变化.woman作定语的呕向被恢怖的名讽保持饮的一致.2 Ih*$ tsbedroom. The twin $Kter$ II眺 it very mv5.A. Anne and JaneB. Anne*s and JanesC. AnneS and JneD. Anne and Jane*s答案,D.,该题阿察的也并刊名诃的所,格.沔人共营一个瑞间时.只在后钏的名洞旧加&3. Are there anyon the farm?Ytesz there are so

9、me.A. horse 8. duck C. chicken D. sheep答案,0.该慰孑枣的堪特殊名何的V数形式,从iHifl动洞来队新.主语晚该是V数名同.sheep 411! (1&敢名河.4. Wht would you like to drink, _or orange?Orange, please.A hamburger B chp C tea答案:C.邮考察的足名诃的类别.三冲豪睇中只有tw 6珂.【中侦I瞬】一.他琐地空1. Where tuve you been. Tim?1b bn to.A. ihc Hery home B. the Hairy familyC. Th

10、e Henrys home D llcnry*$2. In Englund, ifit in the middle of the diy. the evening meal ii called (upper.A. IcMxl B. lunch C. breakfiiM D. dinnerYou locked tb K (wk*, but you havent found k Why no tryA. ibrcc limes B. ii third time C. the third linic D. once4 They are thinty. Will you pk*e give them?

11、Certainly.A. sone kwiks of B. some boules of wMcrC. Mime bottle of uxer D. wow bottle af waten5. Mike hurt one of hixin the acckJenl 炉心场.A. tooth B. (?A. Children% gy B ChiUrwtt DayC. Chikig Day D. Children Day10. Where are lhe tudentx? Arc they in?A. the Room 406 B. Room 406 C. the 406 Rixun D. 406

12、 Ruom楸姻以下句了的情景及所拾汉语注牺,5出所跳兑列.1. Wo*w got 2 lot o/ new(奈8) in our school libraryPlease turn to another (Wifi) z I donrt like this show.2. Yestetdav the航班J to London was pul oH beause of the twd weatherAutumn is my favourite(手3. - How many小刀)d。you Zve?Three.4. are widely used s the modern world.5. Min

13、e 1M (儿 flU Day.6. Mary; would you please tell me your new(地址)so that I can write to you.7. Does this piece of乐)sound roce?g Its wondMuHMay 12* it the Intcmaborxal(护 士)Diy. Lctt uy。hanks to them for their worfc.二. 棋报句色向所份句字砰写出所缺的以诃.1. WhatS your nV*U lei/2. How many ddoes your uncle have?3. Please d

14、ose the w.心 cold outsideif you want study English well, you must pay mention to your p.4. A computer t$ one of the greatest iin the world.5. Zhong Hui a very eweited. He will go to Japan wnh his pduring the Spring festival.6. At the aof even, the londy girl hdd to work to make living.7. Its only about an hflight from Qingdao to Beipng by airHealth is more important to me than m.8. Be careful! ItMto run across the street now.【习答案】I.D2.B 3.B4.B5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.C I0.C I


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