1、学术论文写作方法与工具概论学术论文写作方法与工具概论YMethods and Tools of Scientific PaperL o g oL o g op英文论文写作前的准备工作英文论文写作前的准备工作p英文论文写作内容英文论文写作内容p注意事项注意事项p案例分析案例分析L o g oL o g op寻找创建模板论文寻找创建模板论文l发表于国际知名期刊;l最近35年内发表;l至少有一位英语母语的作者p创建模板(日常积累)创建模板(日常积累)l句子的结构、长度、句式变化;l动词、转接词、介词的使用;l 动词时态;l 怎样开始和结束;L o g oL o g op阅读阅读“作者须知作者须知”或
2、或“投稿指南投稿指南”l刊物的宗旨和范围;l各栏目论文的长度、章节的顺序安排, 等;l采取何种体例格式? 如: 页边距、纸张大小、参考文献的体例、图表的准备、等;l履行何种形式的同行评议?l多长时间后能决定可否录用L o g oL o g oL o g oL o g oL o g oL o g oL o g oL o g oL o g oL o g oL o g oL o g op论文题名论文题名+眉题眉题 (Title+ Running title)*p作者姓名作者姓名+通讯地址通讯地址 (Author+ Corresponding address)p摘要摘要+关键词(关键词(Abstrac
3、t & Key words)*p引言引言(Introduction)p理论与假设(理论与假设(Theories and hypothesis)p数据与方法数据与方法(Data and methods)p结果结果(Results/Findings)*p讨论与结论讨论与结论(Discussion & Conclusion)*p致谢致谢 (Acknowledge)p参考文献(参考文献(Reference) L o g oL o g op综述研究背景:概述本项工作的研究或观察的理论基础,综述研究背景:概述本项工作的研究或观察的理论基础,给出简明的理论或研究背景,一定要列举重要的相关文给出简明的理论或研
4、究背景,一定要列举重要的相关文献;献;p指出存在问题:说明为什么要做这项工作;指出存在问题:说明为什么要做这项工作;p阐述研究目的:说明有别于他人的阐述研究目的:说明有别于他人的“主意主意” (Write for a range of interested scientists)“引言引言”要与要与“讨论讨论”形成形成“呼应呼应”关系关系 (Use your Discussion as a guideline)L o g oL o g op注意事项注意事项l应引用“最相关”的文献以指引读者. 力戒刻意回避引用最重要的相关文献;l避免不恰当地大量引用作者本人的文献;l解释或定义专门术语或缩写词,
5、 以帮助编辑、审稿人和读者阅读与理解;(Multinational Corporations, MNCs)l叙述前人工作的欠缺以强调自己研究的创新时, 应慎重且留有余地(避免“首次提出”(few if any;little if not none)、“重大发现”,等)L o g oL o g op词汇选用词汇选用l用来描述调查、方法的动词:examine; investigate; explore; study; analyse/analyzee.g. Yang (2012) examined the problem of l用来报告“发现”的动词:find; reveal; determin
6、e; discover; establishe.g. Yang (2012) discovered thatl用来讨论结论/结果的动词:observe; note; hold; believe; demonstrate; contend; assert; argue; claim; maintain; consider; statee.g. Yang (2012) claims that 选择的词汇体现了作者的态度:选择的词汇体现了作者的态度:-Yang (2012)has demonstrated that the main cause of (Positive)-Yang (2012)st
7、ates that the main cause of (negative)-Yang (2012) claims that the main cause of (negative)L o g oL o g op时态选用及内容时态选用及内容l介绍研究的主题,描述目前的问题、论点、现状:一般现在时、现在完成时一般现在时、现在完成时l简单介绍目前这领域的研究成果:现在完成时现在完成时(目前的研究)、一般过去时一般过去时(较老的研究)l指出目前存在的问题/研究空白(Gap):一般现在时一般现在时l指出本文的研究目标:一般现在时、现在完成时、将来时一般现在时、现在完成时、将来时l论文的研究框架:一般现
8、在时、将来时一般现在时、将来时L o g oL o g op时态选用时态选用l提及目标、方法:一般过去时一般过去时e.g. Yang (2012) conducted/ analyzed/ measured/ attempted to/ surveyed l提及结论:一般过去时、过去完成时一般过去时、过去完成时In an early study, Yang (1980) discovered thatIn a series of studies, Yang (1999, 2002, 2010) has found thatL o g oL o g op时态选用时态选用l提及结论、观点:一般现在
9、时一般现在时e.g. In the light of his findings, Yang (2012) believesL o g oL o g op介绍本研究所基于的理论介绍本研究所基于的理论p凸显本研究的意义凸显本研究的意义p是是Introduction的深化与挖掘的深化与挖掘p在介绍的同时给出假设在介绍的同时给出假设L o g oL o g op明确描述实验对象和方法的选择明确描述实验对象和方法的选择p详细描述研究方法、步骤详细描述研究方法、步骤;p列举建立方法的参考文献,并做简要描述列举建立方法的参考文献,并做简要描述(但不需全部重但不需全部重复描述复描述);p如果对已有方法进行了新
10、的或实质性的改进,就要清楚如果对已有方法进行了新的或实质性的改进,就要清楚地说明改进的理由地说明改进的理由p对调查性研究,样本的大小和范围应在论文中给予明确对调查性研究,样本的大小和范围应在论文中给予明确说明说明L o g oL o g oStep1 数据的收集过程(Data collection)step2 数据的有效性(Data validity)Step3 方法的介绍 (Method Introduction)Step4 方法的有效性(Method Validity)Step 5 公式及计算过程(Function and calculation)L o g oL o g op对实验或观察
11、结果的表达要高度概括和提炼对实验或观察结果的表达要高度概括和提炼 (按逻辑顺按逻辑顺序描述或总结重要的观察结果序描述或总结重要的观察结果);p数据表达可采用文字与图表相结合的形式数据表达可采用文字与图表相结合的形式 (避免使用文避免使用文字、图、表重复同一数据字、图、表重复同一数据);p尽可能列出尽可能列出“结果结果”的原始数据,而不能只报道统计处的原始数据,而不能只报道统计处理后的数据理后的数据L o g oL o g o注意结果与讨论和总结的区分注意结果与讨论和总结的区分Step1 Introduce the theme of the sectionstep2 Refer the read
12、er to the table, chart, graph, etc.Step3 Report the main/significant/interesting findingsStep4 Interpret the findingsStep 5 Make claims about the findingsL o g oL o g o注意结果与讨论和总结的区分注意结果与讨论和总结的区分pThe results section contains more than just a simple description or reporting of the findingspThe key poi
13、nt is that writing results sections involves selecting, organizing, summarizing, comparing and highlighting key results. In other words, we need to interpret our results for the readersL o g oL o g o注意结果对假设的支持注意结果对假设的支持p29% of the subjects find it easy to write the introduction to an assignment, 26%
14、 find it difficult, while 45% find it neither easy not difficult. The mean for this item is 3.02 and the standard deviation is 0.88.pIf we assume that a mean of 3.5 or over indicates some degree of ease, it would appear that the subjects generally have little real confidence in their academic writin
15、g skills: with one exception (3.02 for writing introductory sections) the means are under 3.00, ranging from 2.98 (referring to sources) to 2.63 (using an appropriate academic style)L o g oL o g op对于图、表的选择对于图、表的选择l表格:很方便地列举大量精确数据或资料;l图形:直观、有效地表达复杂数据,尤其是不同组数据间的比较、关联、趋势等;l表格和图形应具有“自明性” ;l 图表题名:准确而清楚地表
16、达出数据或资料的含义, 切忌简单地描述数据L o g oL o g o Type of attackClassical PopJazzEcho addition0.0%0.1%0.27%Noise Addition1.2%1.42%1.6%Band equalization2.31%2.5%2.73%Type of attack Classical (%) Pop (%) Jazz (%)Echo addition 0 0.10 0.27Noise addition 1.20 1.42 1.60Band equalization 2.31 2.50 2.73L o g oL o g op对于图
17、对于图l不要因追求美术效果而将图形做得过于花哨(如增加不必要的阴影或立体效果等); l坐标图的标值应尽量取0.11000之间的数值;坐标轴的说明应清楚, 量和单位缺一不可l照片图必须具备高清晰度,显微照片的放大倍数应使用图示法(标尺刻度)表示,照片中的符号、字母、数字等,必须在图注中详细说明L o g oL o g op词汇选用词汇选用l用来描述图、表的词组 according to; on the evidence of ; on the basis of; based on; L o g oL o g op词汇选用词汇选用l用来描述图、表的动词 show; provide; give; p
18、resent; summarize; illustrate; reveal; indicate; display; depict; list; report; demonstrate; contain; suggestTable 1 _ the findings relating to written business communication in English【指示性总结】The findings in Table 1 _ that Hong Kong professionals need to write frequently in English at work【信息性总结】L o
19、 g oL o g opHedging Techniques(委婉的技巧)(委婉的技巧)l动词suggest; indicate; estimate; assumee.g. The results indicate that the situation in which tertiary students use English least is in interactions with their grandparents.appear; seem (distance himself/herself away from the findings;避免做出强烈的论断)On the eviden
20、ce of the findings presented in Fig. 1, it would appear that L o g oL o g opHedging Techniques(委婉的技巧)(委婉的技巧)l情态动词may; might; could; cane.g. In the case of younger relatives, it is possible that they have no knowledge of Cantonese, which older relatives may feel more comfortable using their adopted l
21、anguage.L o g oL o g opHedging Techniques(委婉的技巧)(委婉的技巧)l副词probably; apparently; possibly; seemingly; perhaps; presumably; maybe; conceivablye.g. The finding is perhaps not surprising as census data indicate that the overwhelming majority of people l形容词probable; possible; uncertain; unlikelye.g. One
22、possible factor behind the use of English in this situation is that their relatives live in an L o g oL o g opHedging Techniques(委婉的技巧)(委婉的技巧)l名词probability; possibility; assumption; evidence; likelihood; claime.g. The evidence suggests that undergraduates rarelyL o g oL o g opBoosters Techniques(强化
23、的技巧)(强化的技巧)l动词believe; conclude; confirm; convince; demonstrate; determine; expect; find; know; prove; show; support; validatel副词always; certainly; clearly; conclusively; convincingly; definitely; doubtless; evidently; necessarily; never; obviously; particularly; surely; unambiguously; unarguably; u
24、ndeniably; undoubtedly; unequivocally; unmistakably; unquestionablyL o g oL o g opBoosters Techniques(强化的技巧)(强化的技巧)l动词believe; conclude; confirm; convince; demonstrate; determine; expect; find; know; prove; show; support; validatel副词always; certainly; clearly; conclusively; convincingly; definitely;
25、 doubtless; evidently; necessarily; never; obviously; particularly; surely; unambiguously; unarguably; undeniably; undoubtedly; unequivocally; unmistakably; unquestionablye.g.: Indeed, students from Chinese medium schools experience a wider range of language problems than those from English-medium b
26、ackgrounds, particularly in the area of academic listening. This will almost certainly give rise to an urgent need L o g oL o g o注意结果与讨论和总结的区分注意结果与讨论和总结的区分Step1 Introduce the theme of the sectionstep2 Refer the reader to the table, chart, graph, etc.Step3 Report the main/significant/interesting find
27、ingsStep4 Interpret the findingsStep 5 Make claims about the findingsStep 6 Indicate the limitations of the study“In the discussion section, writers generally stand back and take a broad look at their findings and the study as a whole. In this section, writers move from specific to general and attem
28、pt to connect their study to the wider research world”L o g oL o g o“讨论讨论”的重点在于对研究结果的解释和推断的重点在于对研究结果的解释和推断, 并说明作者并说明作者的结果是否支持或反对某种观点、是否提出了新的问题的结果是否支持或反对某种观点、是否提出了新的问题或观点等或观点等p对结果提出说明、解释或猜测对结果提出说明、解释或猜测; 根据这些结果根据这些结果, 能得出何能得出何种结论或推论?种结论或推论?p指出研究的局限性以及这些局限对研究结果的影响指出研究的局限性以及这些局限对研究结果的影响; 并并建议进一步的研究题目或方
29、向建议进一步的研究题目或方向; p指出结果的理论意义指出结果的理论意义(支持或反驳相关领域中现有的理论、支持或反驳相关领域中现有的理论、对现有理论的修正对现有理论的修正)和实际应用和实际应用L o g oL o g op对结果的解释要重点突出对结果的解释要重点突出, 简洁、清楚:着重讨论本研简洁、清楚:着重讨论本研究的重要发现,以及由此得出的结论,不要过细地重复究的重要发现,以及由此得出的结论,不要过细地重复引言或结果中的数据或资料;引言或结果中的数据或资料;p推论要符合逻辑推论要符合逻辑, 避免实验数据不足以支持的观点和结避免实验数据不足以支持的观点和结论;论;p对结果的科学意义和实际应用的
30、表达要实事求是对结果的科学意义和实际应用的表达要实事求是, 适当适当留有余地;留有余地;p讨论的最后最好是论文的最重要的结论讨论的最后最好是论文的最重要的结论(take-home-message)L o g oL o g o“结论结论”有时也可将单独列为一节有时也可将单独列为一节 (通常可包括在通常可包括在“讨论讨论” 或或“结果与讨论结果与讨论”中中); p“结论结论”中的基本内容中的基本内容: l作者本人研究的主要认识或论点; l总结性地阐述本研究结果可能的应用前景、研究的局限性及需要进一步深入的研究方向;l结论中不应涉及新的事实, 也不能简单地重复摘要、引言、结果或讨论等章节中的句子L
31、o g oL o g op词汇选用词汇选用l用来在discussion中解释finding的常用语句 can be explained by (the fact that) can be attributed to (the fact that) may be due to (the fact that) can be accounted for by (the fact that) one possible explanation for is that the reason for is that stems from results from L o g oL o g op词汇选用词汇选
32、用l用来表示总结的常用语句In the main In general Overall Taken as a whole On the whole Generally speakingL o g oL o g op词汇选用词汇选用l用来表示相似观点的动词accord (with); bear out; cohere (with); conform (to); correspond (to); corroborate; echo; equate (to/with); mirror; parallel; substantiate; support; underpin; verifyl用来表示相似观
33、点的形容词(be) analogous (to)(be) comparable(to)(be) equivalent (to)(be) identical (to)(be) similar (to)(be) consistent (with) L o g oL o g op词汇选用词汇选用l用来表示相反观点的形容词contradictcontrast (to/with)deviate (from)differ (from)differentiate (from)diverge(from)vary L o g oL o g opGeneralization Techniques(概括(概括/广义
34、化的技巧)广义化的技巧)l副词generally; largely; primarily; for the most part; predominantly; mainly; usually; to a great extente.g.: This largely stems from the fact that the provision of l其它tend/(have/be a )tendency (to)most; the majority ofapart from; except for; with the exception ofL o g oL o g op时态选用时态选用l过去
35、时l现在完成时 L o g oL o g op题名题名l以最少数量的单词来充分表述论文的内容p题名的作用题名的作用l吸引读者. 题名相当于论文的“标签”(label), 题名如果表达不当, 就会失去其应有的作用, 使真正需要它的读者错过阅读论文的机会;l帮助文献追踪或检索. 文献检索系统多以题名中的主题词作为线索, 因而这些词必须要准确地反映论文的核心内容, 否则就有可能产生漏检 L o g oL o g op题名的基本要求题名的基本要求l准确(Accuracy):准确地反映论文的内容;l简洁(Brevity):中文最好不超过20个汉字,英文最好不超过10 12个单词;l清楚(Clarity)
36、:清晰地反映文章的具体内容和特色, 力求简洁有效、重点突出尽可能将表达核心内容的主题词放在题名开头; 慎重使用缩略语;避免使用化学式、上下角标、特殊符号(数字符号、希腊字母等)、公式等; 避免使用Thoughts on ., Regarding , Study, 等 L o g oL o g op题名的基本要求题名的基本要求l准确(Accuracy):准确地反映论文的内容;l简洁(Brevity):中文最好不超过20个汉字,英文最好不超过10 12个单词;l清楚(Clarity):清晰地反映文章的具体内容和特色, 力求简洁有效、重点突出尽可能将表达核心内容的主题词放在题名开头; 慎重使用缩略语
37、;避免使用化学式、上下角标、特殊符号(数字符号、希腊字母等)、公式等; 避免使用Thoughts on ., Regarding , Study, 等 L o g oL o g opRunning Title (眉题眉题)l用于论文的页眉l是论文题名的缩写,一般不超过40个字符l应包含论文中最核心的内容l期刊的习惯 L o g oL o g op题目:题目:WAF1: p53肿瘤抑制作用的一个可能介导因子肿瘤抑制作用的一个可能介导因子Title: WAF1:A potential mediator of p53 tumor suppressionRunning title: WAF1 as a
38、 mediator of p53 functionp题目:淋巴细胞再循环和白细胞迁移中的路径信题目:淋巴细胞再循环和白细胞迁移中的路径信号号: Title:Traffic signals for lymphocyte recirculation and leukocyte emigration: the multistep Running title: Traffic signals for leukocyte circulation L o g oL o g op作者姓名的拼音表达方式作者姓名的拼音表达方式l国家标准(GB/T 16159-1996) : 汉语人名按姓和名分写, 姓和名的开头
39、字母大写, 如: Wang Jianguo (王建国), Dongfang Shuo (东方朔), Zhuge Kongming (诸葛孔明), 等;l“中国学术期刊(光盘版)检索与评价数据规范” :姓前名后, 姓氏的全部字母均大写, 复姓应连写. 名字的首字母大写, 双名中间加连字符; 名字不缩写. 如: ZHANG Ying (张颖), WANG Xi-lian (王锡联), ZHUGE Hua (诸葛华) L o g oL o g op作者姓名的拼音表达方式作者姓名的拼音表达方式l国外期刊一般会尊重作者对自己姓名的表达方式(但大多倾向于大写字母只限于姓和名的首字母);l发表于“Natur
40、e”(2002, 415: 732)的一篇短文中3位作者姓名的表达分别为 Shengli Ren, Guangan Zu, Hong-fei Wang (任胜利, 祖广安, 王鸿飞) 缩写: Ren S, Zu G, Wang H F (Ren, S., Zu, G., Wang, H.F.)l应尽量采用相对固定的英文姓名的表达形式, 以减少在文献检索和论文引用中被他人误解的可能性 L o g oL o g op作者地址的标署作者地址的标署l尽可能地给出详细的通讯地址;l如果论文出版时作者调到一个新的地址, 新地址应以“Present address”(现地址)的形式在脚注中给出; l如果第一
41、作者不是通讯作者, 作者应按期刊的相关规定表达, 并提前告诉编辑. 期刊多以星号(*)、脚注或致谢的形式标注通讯作者或联系人 L o g oL o g op摘摘 要要:l以提供文献内容梗概为目的, 不加评论和补充解释, 简明、确切地记叙文献重要内容的短文;p摘要的类型摘要的类型:l报道性摘要报道性摘要: 全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论。【结构式摘要】l指示性摘要:只简要概括论文的主题l报道-指示性摘要: 以报道性摘要的形式表述论文中的信息价值较高的部分, 以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分 L o g oL o g op摘要的内容:摘要的内容: (1) 目的(Objective)
42、: 研究的问题、目的或设想等;(2) 设计(Design): 研究的基本设计, 样本的选择;(3) 单位(Setting): 开展研究的单位;(4) 对象(Patients, Participants): 研究对象的信息;(5) 处置(Interventions): 处置方法;(6) 主要结果测定(Main Outcome Measures): 实验过程;(7) 结果(Results): 研究的主要发现;(8) 结论(Conclusions): 主要结论及其潜在应用 L o g oL o g opKeywords (关键词关键词)l不要使用过于宽泛的词做关键词(例如:有机化合物,生态科学,等等
43、),以免失去检索的作用;l避免使用自定的缩略语、缩写字作为关键词,除非是科学界公认的专有缩写字(如: DNA); l关键词的数量要适中L o g oL o g op科技英语科技英语l文体特点: 词义明确、结构严谨、文风比较朴素和单纯;l非英语母语作者的表达问题:句子内容的连贯性论述的逻辑性语法的正确程度作者熟练使用语言表达论点的能力论文中各部分的组织结构是否层次分明L o g oL o g op英文表达注意事项英文表达注意事项 (1)lIn English, the main idea and each supporting idea is typically written in separ
44、ate sentences.lOne can usually recognize a very long sentence by its length sixty words or more. However, sentences of smaller lengths can also be too long if they contain multiple statements that confuse the main idea. L o g oL o g op英文表达注意事项英文表达注意事项 (2)lBring the main idea to the beginning of the
45、sentence stating any purpose, locations, reasons, etc., afterwards. Incorrect: To ensure sheet metal quality as well as assembly quality, CMMs are widely used in automotive industry production.Correct: CMMs are widely used in automotive industry production to ensure sheet metal quality as well as as
46、sembly quality.L o g oL o g op英文表达注意事项英文表达注意事项 (3)lIn some papers written by Chinese, these phrases can occur as much as twice per page. In papers written by native English writers these phrases are reserved for primarily two uses.lActually, the reader is aware that the work presented is by the auth
47、or (unless the author states otherwise) so there is no reason to repeat these phrases.lThe study (or research) is the work the author(s) did. lThe paper is the mode to present this work and is what the reader is holding/reading. (This paper present) L o g oL o g op英文表达注意事项英文表达注意事项 (4)lInternational papers should not use location dependant terms such as at home, abroad, here, our country because the reader most likely is not Chinese and not in China. at home, our country = in Chinaabroad = outside Chin
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