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1、.20042005 第二学期四年级英语教案Primary English for China (Book 8)Teacher: 陈婉雯Overall planUnitFunctionsLanguage FocusKey wordsPeriodsTasks1Good habitsUsing the prepositional phrase in the morning/ eveningUsing the simple present tense to talk about habitual actionsTalking about frequencyTalking about sequenceH

2、ow often do you brush your teeth? I brush my teeth twice a day. What do you do in the morning? First, I get up early. Next, Then,After that, Brush my teeth wash my face comb my face finish my homework pack my schoolhang up my clothesoncetwiceearlylate8 Do a quiz about daily habitsListen and chant to

3、 practice talking about habitual actions2Good mannerUsing prohibitions and imperativesUsing should or shouldnt to talk about rulesUsing prepositional phrasesUsing adverbs of mannerYou shouldnt run in the corridors.You should be quiet.Be polite.Dont be rude.Be rude/ be politeBe noisy/ be quietThrow r

4、ubbish on the floor/ in the binRun/walk in the corridors7Make some signs of school rulesListen and chant to practice talking about rules.3 SeasonsUsing the preposition inUsing the pronoun itUsing the conjunction andUsing aderbs of frequencyUsing because to give reasonsWhere are you from?Im from Harb

5、in.Whats the weather like there in winter?Its cold. It often snows.When do you want to go?I want to go in summer.Why?Because I can swim then.Spring summerAutumnWinterWarmCoolRainSnow7Do a survey about favourtie seasonsListen and chant to practice talking about seasons.4 Feeling sickAsking Wh-questio

6、nsUsing should or need to talk about adviceUsing adverb tooWhats the matter? / whats wrong with him/her?I have a cold./ He/She has a cold.You/He/She should take some medicine.Have a coldhave a fever have a stomachachehave a headachego to a clinicgo to hospitalhave a resttake some medicine7Playing a

7、game by role playing a patient and a doctor Listen and chant to practice talking about illness and advice.5 Revision46 PlantsUsing the simple present tenseTalking about frequencyUsing simple future tense willUsing adverbs to describe verbsWhat does our plant need?It needs a lot of/ a little water.Wh

8、at will happen?It will grow slowly/quickly.Will this plant grow?Yes, it will./ No, it wont. it needs light. A little/a lot of lightA small/large potA little/a lot of waterSoilGrow quickly/slowlydie7Do an experiment by planting some seedsListen and chant to practice talking about plants.7 Future livi

9、ngAsking Wh-questionUsing the simple future tense to talk about the futureThere will be lamps.Will there be stairs?Yes, there will./ No, there wont.Will the robot clean the lamps?Yes, it will./ No, it wont.a DVD playerDVDs A lampA radioA telephoneA vaseA sofastairs upstairs7Write about a house of fu

10、ture. Listen and chant to practice talking about the future.8 Helping touristsAsking Wh-questionsUsing the adverbs right or left and the preposition beside to indicate directions and locationsWhich bus goes to the , please?Bus No goes to the Turn left/right at the Go straight down street.Its on the

11、left/ right. airport temple stadium train station hotel museum left right 7Play a guessing game about locationsListen and chant to practice talking about the places. 9 FestivalsAsking Wh-questionsUsing the simple present tense to talk about festivals.Which is your favourite festival?I like Dragon Bo

12、at festival.Why do you like it?Because we watch boat races.Easter eat chocolate eggs the Dragon Boat Festival watch boat racesHalloween go trick or treatChristmas get presentsChinese New Year get lucky money7Write a riddle about favourite festival.Listen and chant to practice talking about the festi

13、vals.10 Revision4:147全册教时安排第一单元 (Unit 12) 6+6+3(复习、测试、讲评)= 15 课时第二单元 (Unit 35) 6+6+2+3(复习、测试、讲评)= 17 课时第三单元 (Unit 67) 6+6+3(复习、测试、讲评)= 15 课时第四单元 (Unit 810) 6+6+2+3(复习、测试、讲评)= 17 课时其余为总复习时间景鹏小学课时计划课 题 Unit 1 Good habits ( Part A ) 教学目标1. Revision of the language focus “When do you”2. Asking and answe

14、ring the question “When do you get up?”教材分析重点1. Master the new words.2. Use the sentence “When do you get up?” correctly.难点1. Speak the new words correctly.教具a tape recorder, Transparency, word cards 设计意图教 学 过 程修改意见1. Use word cards to teach the new words.2. Ask the pupils to make sentences using “W

15、hen do you get up?”I. Warm up.II. Presentation1. Bring in a comb, a toothbrush, a face cloth, a clothes hanger and a schoolbag.2. Show the pupils the comb, toothbrush, face cloth, clothes hanger and schoolbag. Miming the actions of combing my hair, brushing my teeth, washing my face, packing the sch

16、oolbag and hanging clothes on the hanger. Teach the phrases for these actions. Write the phrases on the board.3. Revise the times with the pupils by drawing clock faces. Revise phrases like get up ,have breakfast/lunch/dinner, go to school, do homework and go to bed by miming them and asking the pup

17、ils to write them in the appropriate sections on the board.4. ask the pupils When do you? Using the new phrases on the board. Write some of the times on the board.5. Show Transparency. Play the Pupils Book Cassette and point to the speech bubbles. Ask the pupils to repeat after the cassette.5. Spell

18、 the new words.III. Practice1. Show Transparency. Ask the pupils Is it morning or evening? Explain this is Pats bedroom. Koko is coming to stay with Pat. Koko wants to know when Pat does the things in the small pictures at the bottom of the page.2. Ask the pupils When do you get up? When do you go t

19、o bed?IV. More to do1.Write a list of made-up times when Pat does the other things on the page. Show the pupils the list without letting then see the times. Ask the pupils to suggest times when Pat does the other things on the page. Give points for correct guesses.V. Do Workbook P1. Tell the pupils

20、to read the words in the box and look at the pictures of Johns habits. Then ask the pupils to complete the sentences by choosing the correct words from the box,布置作业1. Copy the new words.2. Copy the sentences in part A.3. Listen to and read part A 5 times.板书设计Unit 1 Good habitsA Listen, look and sayB

21、rush my teethWash my faceComb my hairFinish my homework Pack my schoolbagHang up my clothes教学后记My, your, his, her, How to use in phrases: comb my hair, brush his teeth, etc.景鹏小学课时计划课 题Unit 1 Good habits ( Part B1 ) 教学目标1. Asking and answering the question When do you get up?”2. Asking Wh-questions3.

22、 Using the prepositions “at” and “in” to indicate time.教材分析重点1. Go over the words2. Using the prepositions “at” and “in” to indicate time.难点Using the prepositions “at” and “in” to indicate time correctly.教具a tape recorder, Transparency设计意图教 学 过 程修改意见1. Ask the pupils to role-play Tim and Pat.2. Get

23、the pupils work in pairs or in groups of four to make a dialogue.I. Warm up Review part AII. Presentation1. Ask When do you get up? What do you do in the morning?III. Practice1. Show Transparency. Play the Pupils Book Cassette. Make sure that the pupils understand how to read the information in the

24、table.2. Read the conversation and ask the class to read it after me. Make sure that the pupils practice the third person singular of present tense verb.3. Demonstrate the same conversation with a confident pupil using the information about Sam.4. Tell the pupils to work in pairs to talk about the r

25、esults for Ann and Bob. They role-play Tim and Pat.5. Ask checking questions to find out if the pupils can answer How often does Ann/Bob?.IV. More to do1. Revise other phrases about helping at home from Book 6 like clean a room, make the bed, sweep the floor. Ask the pupils to work in pairs to ask e

26、ach other How often do you ?.2. Ask the pupils top work in groups of four to find out whether girls help at home more often than boys. 布置作业1. Copy the dialogue of part B1 twice.2. Copy “once, twice, week” two lines for each.3. Listen to and read this part three times.板书设计Unit 1 Good habits (part B1)

27、 How often does Candy brush her teeth? once a week twice a weekthree times a week教学后记Mix-used: one, one time: two, two times; Emphasize: once and twice 景鹏小学课时计划课 题Unit 1 Good habits ( part B2, B3 ) 教学目标1. Asking and answering “Yes/No” questions.2. Using the prepositions “at” and “in” to indicate tim

28、e.教材分析重点1. Master the phrases.2. Using the prepositions “at” and “in” to indicate time correctly. 难点Tell the difference between “How often do uou?” “How often does Candy?”教具A tape recorder, Transparency设计意图教 学 过 程修改意见1. Ask the pupils “What day is today?” to go over the seven days in a week.2. Ask t

29、he pupils “Whats the date today?” to practice the months and the ordinal numbers.I. Warm up1. Ask the pupils “How many months are there”? to review the twelve months.2. Ask the pupils “What day is today”? to review the days of a week.II. Presentation1. Find out the birthdays of a few pupils in the c

30、lass.2. Write the date of my birthday on the board, e.g. September 19. Point to the date and say This is my birthday. My birthday is on September 19th. Ask the pupils Whens my birthday? Check that the pupils are saying on rather than in and that the th at the end of the ordinal number is clear.3. Wr

31、ite the numbers 1 to 20 on the board in a row. Write th next to number 19. Tell the pupils that when we say the date we add th to most numbers. Add th to numbers 4 to 20.4. Point to number 1. Ask the pupils if they know what we add next to 1 when we say dates. Write st and say we have a special way

32、of saying number one when its a date. We say first. Write the word first on the board. Ask the pupils to say the word after me.5. Repeat the procedure to teach second and third. Continue by showing the pupils how the spelling changes for fifth, ninth, twelfth and twentieth. Write 21, 22 and 23 under

33、neath 1, 2 and 3. Ask the pupils to guess how we write twenty-first, twenty-second and twenty-third. Ask the pupils to guess how to spell thirtieth and how to change 31 into a date. Tell the pupils to count with me from first to thirty-first.6. Pick a pupils birthday. Ask the pupil to stand up. Then

34、 tell the rest of the class (Names) birthday is in (month). Invite the other pupils to guess when his/her birthday is. Model the way to ask by guessing myself, e.g. Is your birthday on June twenty-third? Repeat the procedure with other pupils birthdays.III. Practice1. Show Transparency. Explain that

35、 Koko is asking her friends about their birthdays. Read Koko and Kens conversation and ask the pupils to repeat it after me.2. Ask the pupils to work in pairs to role-play Koko and Ken.IV. Teach part B31. Show the pupils there are three dates next to the picture of each child. Tell the pupils to lis

36、ten. Play the Pupils Book Cassette.2. Ask the pupils to listen once more. Tell them to circle the correct dates this time.3. Check the answers with the pupils.4. Ask the pupils to work in pairs and ask each other Is your birthday on? Until they guess the date of their friends birthday. See if they r

37、emember the month from the More to do section of B1.V. More to doThe pupils make a book of their friends birthdays.VI. Do Workbook P21. Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and listen to the Workbook Cassette.2. Ask the pupils to write the correct months according to what they hear on the tape.布置作

38、业1. Copy the ordinal numbers from first to hundredth.2. Listen to Unit 1 three times.3. Learn the new words by heart.板书设计Unit 1 Good habits (Part B2, B3)Is your birthday in May?Is your birthday on May 17?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.教学后记How to use the four words to write a composition, first, next, after

39、that, then景鹏小学课时计划课 题Unit 1 Good habits ( Part C, D ) 教学目标1. Asking Wh-questions.2. Oral English形教材分析重点1. Review the sentence patterns.2. Review the present tense.难点1. The usage of the prepositions2. Using the prepositions “on” and “in”.教具a tape recorder设计意图教 学 过 程修改意见Ask the pupils to role-play the

40、 story of Part C to practice I. Warm up Ask the pupils the following questions:1. when do you get up?2. what do you do in the morning?3. How often do you brush your teeth?4. What time is it?5. Whens your birthday?6. What are you doing?II. Teach Part C1. Point to the characters in the pictures and re

41、ad their speech bubbles aloud. Ask the pupils to point to the speech bubbles as I read them. 2. Play the Pupils Book Cassette for the pupils and ask them to listen. Play the cassette again and ask them to say the sentences after the cassette.3. Ask the pupils to role-play the story in groups of four

42、 and to read the characters speech bubbles. Some groups may like to come out to the front and act the story.III. Teach Part D1. Ask the pupils to read the story again. Show them where to write their answers.2. Check the answers with the pupils.IV. Do Workbook P31. Ask the pupils to look at the pictu

43、res and listen to the Workbook Cassette.2. Ask the pupils to circle the correct answers. 布置作业1. Copy Part C three times.2. Listen to and read Part A, B, C three times.板书设计Unit 1 Good habits ( Part C, D )In hospitalSilly me.Come onHurry up.教学后记No school=No lessonsHurry upPutt on -take off景鹏小学课时计划课 题U

44、nit 1 Good habits ( Part E, F, G H ) 教学目标1. Recognize rhythm in simple rhymes or poems.2. Provide information by using graphs, tables and posters教材分析重点1. Teach the sound or. 2. Make a word train.3. Sing a song.难点1. Say the sound or correctly.2. Ask and answer Yes/No-question and When-question to pra

45、ctice the drills.教具a tape recorder设计意图教 学 过 程修改意见1. Do a group survey and make a word train to practice 2. Listen to and chant together.I. Warm upII. Teach Part E1. Play the Pupils Book Cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sound and the words.2. Say the words slowly and clearly. Check that t

46、he pupils are saying the sound correctly.3. Point to the pictures and check that the pupils can say the words without my model.4. Play the Pupils Book Cassette again. Ask the pupils to listen to the poem.5. Tell them to circle the same letters with the same sound. Get the pupils to repeat the poem.I

47、II. Do Workbook P41. Ask the pupils to look at the top of the page and listen to the Workbook Cassette. They need to circle the words with the same sound and the same letters according to what they hear on the tape.2. Ask the pupils to look at the bottom of the page. Tell them to look at the picture

48、s and fill in the blanks.IV. Teach Part F1. Tell the pupils to write the missing questions in the quiz. They can follow the steps given in the prompts on page 6.2. They also need to write the frequencies like never, once, twice, etc. which they think are appropriate for the actions. Tell them to var

49、y the frequencies to avoid other pupils not teading the choices carefully.3. Once the pupils have finished writing the questions, they can give 0-3 marks for each frequency. Make sure they realize that as the quiz asks about good habits4. Show the pupils the score sheet on page 7. Ask them go work w

50、ith their friends and to write their friends names on the score sheet.5. The pupils ask each other the questions and read out the given frequencies for their friends rto choose from. They write the marks on the score sheet.6. Tell the pupils to add up their friends marks in order 4 to find out which

51、 category in the comments they belong to. The pupils read out the comments to their friends.VI. Do Workbook P5 Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and read the sentences. Then tell them to complete the dialogues by writing the correct sentences in the blanks.VII. Teach Part G1. Play the Pupils Bo

52、ok Cassette for the pupils to listen to the chant.2. Play the cassette again and encourage the pupils to join in with the words.VIII. Do Workbook P6 Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and read the conversation. Then tell them to complete the dialogues by writing the correct words in the blanks.I

53、X. Teach Part H Ask the pupils how many hours there are in a day. Since the clock rings 24 times, it must ring once an hour.布置作业1. Copy Part F twice.2. Recite all new words in Unit 1.3. Listen to Unit 1 three times.板书设计Unit 1 Good habits (Part E,F,G,H)New words:Now for your homeworkPlease listen to

54、meFind another word for the Earth-the land and the sea.Write it downAnd show it to me教学后记Pronunciation of “or”景鹏小学课时计划课 题 Unit 1 Good habits ( Revision exercises ) 教学目标1. Have a dictation and review this unit.2. Do some exercises to consolidate what they have learned in this unit.教材分析重点Do some revis

55、ion exercises难点The revision exercises教具a tape recorder, the slide show设计意图教 学 过 程修改意见1. Have a dictation to check if the pupils master the new words and language focus of this unit.2. Do some exercises to consolidate what the pupils have learned in this unit.I. Have a dictation.Dictate the new words and some sentences of Unit 1.II. ExercisesA. 按要求改写句子:1. I get up at 7. (就画线部分提问)2. I play the piano onc


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