



1、五年级人教新起点英语下学期填空题实验学校习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求填空。1dish(复数) _ 2best(原型) _3what about(同义词组) _ 4have(单三形式) _5do(-ing形式) _ 6left(反义词) _7doesnt(完全形式)_ 8I would (缩写)_9they are(缩写形式)_ 10well(同义词)_2. 用适当形式填空。1Who _ (be) swimming?2May I _ (have) some soup?3Mum? Mum? O

2、h, there you _ (be).3. 单词归类。A. September B. ninth C. snowy D. May   E. rainyF. Australia   G. sunny   H. winter   I. cloudy J. JuneK. twelfth   L. China   M. summer   N. October O. autumnP. twenty-third  Q. fifth   R. America S. England   T

3、. spring1Weather(天气):_2Ordinal Numbers(序数词):_3Months(月份):_4Seasons(季节):_5Countries(国家):_4. 用所给词适当形式填空。1Mr Chen will be our new _(China) teacher.2What do you have on _(Friday)?3What would you like _(drink)?4He can _(play) ping-pong.5There _(be) two bananas on the plate.5. 用所给

4、词的适当形式填空。1When should we _(brush) our teeth?In the morning and before bedtime.2My sister _(have) a good time at the party.3Lets _(drink) some warm water.4Wang Bing _(have) a bad cold.5Jack is very happy _(help) the old man.6Who _(want) to show you a new bike?7There 

5、;_(be) any juice in the glass.8My uncle is a _(drive).6. 填空题。1Why do you like autumn best?Because I can _ _ _ _ with my friends. 2Do you often make a snowman in winter, Tom?_, _ _ 3Which season do you like best?_ (spring). 4We often _&

6、#160;together in spring. 7. 按所给例词给下列单词分类。Monday strict music shy Saturday salad clever watchTuesday sandwich wash maths ice cream read science1old:_2Sunday:_3hamburger:_4Chinese:_5play:_8. 根据图意选择合适的内容填空。1. Mike is going to the _(airport / theatre).2. Don''t forget to bring your_(pa

7、ssport / ticket).3. Are you ready for the _(party / trip)?4. When are you going to _(get up / go to bed)?5. That''s a great _(idea / present).9. 根据图片提示,选择合适的内容,补全句子或对话。studied   grandparents watching   dancer clothes1A: Who are they?B: They are my _. 2Yeste

8、rday he _.  Now he is _ TV. 3She was a _ ten years ago. 4Why are they wearing these _? 10. 选词填空。favourite hungry   funny   beside   draw1I like _ teachers.2He often _ pictures on the weekend.3Sarahs _ food

9、 is noodles.4There is a table _ the bed.5Im _. Is there a restaurant?11. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1_ (not talk) in the library.2Sam _ (watch) TV tomorrow.3Paul likes _ (draw) very much.4Jane is _ (buy) a gift for her mother.5He always _ (read) in bed t

10、ill very 1ate.12. 写出下列单词的现在分词形式。talk play takewrite walk draw13. 读一读,选择正确的单词填在横线上。sports   have   weekend   go   finish1When do you _ to school?2We _ class at 1 oclock.3What do you usually do on the _?4I _ Chinese class every day.5I often play&#

11、160;_ on the weekend.14. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1Helen likes _ (make) clothes.2_ (be) there a dog and two cats under the tree?3We should _(brush) _ (we) teeth .4Why not go _ (swim) on such a hot day?5Im very sorry _ (hear) that. You shouldnt drink too 

12、;_(many) cold water.15. 选择正确的单词填写在横线上。A.T-shirt B. shorts C. chicken1Id like some_ for dinner. 2Is this your_?  Yes, it is.16. 用所给词的适当形式或根据中文提示完成句子。1Cinderella _ _(穿上)the new _(衣服)and new shoes.2She _(不得不)come back before 10 0clock.3Time _ (take) off the clothes and go to bed.4Dont eat too many _ (sweet). Theyre bad for your _ (tooth).5These mushrooms _&


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