



1、三年级外研版英语下学期填空题知识点专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用“can” or “cant”填空。1The dog _ fly.2I _ eat a plane.3The fish _ swim.4Sam _ run fast.2. 选词填空,每词限用一次。What''s  Which   How  have  Do1_class are you in?2_ old are you?3_ your name?4I _

2、0;three hands.5_ you like meat?3. 根据所给提示完成下列句子,每空一词。1Look, the ducks are _ (玩耍) in the rain.2They are playing _ (捉迷藏).3They are hiding _ _ _ (在树下).4Those are _ _ (绿树).5These are hiding _ _ _ (在花下面).6Those are _ 

3、;_ (龙舟).4. 把下面的单词分类并送回家。bird I fox you pig am dog   are1是   _2人称   _3动物   _5. 读一读,给下列单词分类。写序号。A. white   B. plane   C. teacher   D. bus   E. shipF. driver   G. black 

4、;  H. train   I. postman   J. green1颜色:_2职业:_3交通工具:_6. 回答下列问题。1Sunny and hot. We go swimming. Sometimes(有时)it rains. What season (季节)is it? It is _2Yellow and orange. Its cool. What season (季节)is it? It is_3White and white(白). Its snowing. What

5、season (季节)is it? It is_4Green and green(绿). Its warm. What season (季节)is it? It is _7. 选择恰当单词补全句子或对话。1_(A/An)ice cream, please.2_(Who/What)is that?Thats my uncle.3Show me your _(father/fathers)photo.4I like _(honey/honeys).5_(Are/Is)that your zip?8. 写出下列数字的左邻右舍。1_ eigh

6、t _ 2_ five _3_ seven _ 4_ four _5_ two _ 6_ nine _9. 根据所给提示完成下列句子,每空一词。1Look, the ducks are _ (玩耍) in the rain.2They are playing _ (捉迷藏).3They are hiding _ _ _ (在树下).10. 想一想,选一选。careful plus parrot quietc

7、lever   nice   bit helpful1Hes very _.He can make e-cards.2Shes very _.She always helps people.3Be _.(小心)4Be _(安静)5Whats _like?6Whats seven_two?7Sam is a _shy.8Dogs are _for people.11. 找规律,将相应的选项写在横线上。A. ten   B. eleven  C. twelve  D. thirt

8、eenE. fourteen  F. fifteen  G. sixteen  H. seventeen  I. eighteen1. seven, nine, eleven, _, fifteen, _2. one, three, six, _, _3. two, five, eight, _, _, seventeen4. twelve, fourteen, _, _, twenty5. three, six, nine, _, _, eighteen

9、12. 根据提示补全句子。1The bear is very b_. 2Drink some m_.3How old are you? Im _.4I can see two p_. 13. 从括号中选出适当的词填空。1Would you like _ (a/ an) red apple?No, thanks.2Look at _ (this/ these) pictures.How nice!3_ (Where/ What) are my pencils?They are on the desk.4What ar

10、e those?They _ (is/ are) chickens.5Make a cake _(for/ to) our father.6What is it?_ (Its/ Theyre) an orange bag.14. 根据汉语提示补全句子或对话。1-Whats this?-Its an _(苹果).2-What are these?-Theyre _(鸭子).3-Are these apples?-Yes, _(它们) are.4(谁) _is this?15. 根据中文或图片提示,完成单词。1Wher

11、es my jacket? Its on the _ .2The _ is in the tree.3My schoolbag is under the _.4The ball is _(在下面) the door.5The toy tiger is in the _(盒子).16. 根据图片选择合适的单词补全句子。tall   short   fat   thin1The panda is _.2The cat is _.3The mother giraffe is _. But the baby giraffe is _.17. 我会写。根据图片,选出正确的单词写在四线格上。1The elephant has a short  . ( tail / nose)  2Look at that giraffe. Its so  (short / tall).


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