必修5 unit 4 making the news 单词讲解_第1页
必修5 unit 4 making the news 单词讲解_第2页
必修5 unit 4 making the news 单词讲解_第3页
必修5 unit 4 making the news 单词讲解_第4页
必修5 unit 4 making the news 单词讲解_第5页
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1、1. delightedeg. Im very delighted that you can come. I was delighted to be invited to her party.归纳拓展归纳拓展牛刀小试牛刀小试(1)We were all _ to receive your letter and read it _ delight.Adelight;inBdelighting;inCdelighting;with Ddelighted;with解析:解析:选选D。 be delighted to do sth.“很很高兴做某事高兴做某事”;with delight高兴地。高兴地。

2、2. assist : v.协助协助 同义句转换同义句转换 “你经常帮助妈妈做家务吗?你经常帮助妈妈做家务吗?”Do you often assist your mother with the housework?Do you often assist your mother _?=Do you often assist your mother _? 词形变换:词形变换:n. 助手助手 _ Lily is the assistant _ the manager.n. 帮助;援助帮助;援助_ to do the housework in doing the houseworkassistance

3、assistantadj. 副的副的: managerto3. Submitvt.递交递交;呈递;呈递(文件等文件等);使服从,顺从。;使服从,顺从。归纳拓展归纳拓展eg. We have submitted plans to the committee. I refuse to submit (myself) to his control.牛刀小试牛刀小试(2)你应把你的要求提交给委员会。你应把你的要求提交给委员会。You must _ the committee.答案:答案:submit your request to4. eager adj 热切的热切的; 渴望的渴望的 be eager

4、 for sth. (eg. success) 渴望 be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事 be eager that She is eager for success.eager pk anxiouseager强调强调“对成功的期望或进取的热情对成功的期望或进取的热情”含含有积极向上有积极向上anxious 强调强调“担心,或担心,或 焦急焦急 ”,表示对,表示对结果感到不安。结果感到不安。牛刀小试牛刀小试单项填空单项填空(1)Simon was an ambitious man, _for power and fame.Aeager BworriedCanxious Dsat

5、isfied解析:解析:选选A。句意为:西蒙是一个有雄心的人,。句意为:西蒙是一个有雄心的人,渴望权力和名声。由前面的关键词渴望权力和名声。由前面的关键词ambitious和搭和搭配的介词配的介词for可知应用可知应用eager。 The baby _. (这个这个婴儿正集中注意力听音乐婴儿正集中注意力听音乐) We should _ rather than spending it.(我们应该(我们应该更加注重省钱更加注重省钱而不是花钱)而不是花钱)is concentrating on listening to musicconcentrate more on saving money5.

6、concentrate on (doing) sth.归纳拓展归纳拓展高二检测高二检测Teenagers should by all means _ their studies though there are a lot of attractions around them.Adevote to Bfix onCconcentrate on Dkeep on解析:选解析:选C。devote后常跟宾语后常跟宾语energy,time等,再加介等,再加介词词to;B项若改为项若改为fix their attention on也可也可keep on doing sth.继续干某事。继续干某事。6.

7、 acquire vt.She acquired a knowledge of French by careful study. He acquired a bad habit of smoking at the age of 16.With the money he earned he had acquired lots of books he liked. 多用于通过不断地多用于通过不断地“学学”“”“问问”等慢慢地获取等慢慢地获取学问、技术等抽象的东西,也指养成习惯等。学问、技术等抽象的东西,也指养成习惯等。学到,掌握学到,掌握养成(习惯)养成(习惯) 获得,取得获得,取得牛刀小试牛刀小

8、试(1)(2011年福州高二检测年福州高二检测)It took her a long time to _ the skills she needed to become a famous player.Aacquire BinquireCrequire Drequest解析:解析:选选A。句意:为成为有名的球员而去。句意:为成为有名的球员而去获得所需的技术花了她很长时间。获得所需的技术花了她很长时间。acquire指慢慢获取技术等。指慢慢获取技术等。(2)Lucy has _ all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is

9、ready for new challenges at university.Aacquired BfinishedCconcluded Dachieved解析:解析:选选D。句意为:露西在高中已经实现。句意为:露西在高中已经实现了她为自己制定的所有目标,并准备在大了她为自己制定的所有目标,并准备在大学迎接新的挑战。学迎接新的挑战。achieve ones goal/aim “实现某人的目标实现某人的目标”。7. inform (L.20) 他把你的决定告诉了我。他把你的决定告诉了我。 He informed me_ your decision. 有什么变动,请务必让我知道。有什么变动,请务必

10、让我知道。 Do keep me _(inform) of any changes.of/aboutinformed inform sb. of/about sth. 通知通知/告知某人某事告知某人某事 keep sb. informed of/about sth.让某人了解某事让某人了解某事 1Thank you for keeping me_of everything thats happening.Dont mention it. Ainform Binformed Cinforming Dinformation【答案】B8. Meanwhile adv The mid-term exa

11、m is going to take place next month. Meanwhile,we have to get it well prepared. 牛刀小试牛刀小试(1)(高考浙江卷高考浙江卷)The incomes of skilled workers went up._,unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.AMoreover BThereforeCMeanwhile DOtherwise解析:解析:选选C。 meanwhile“与此同时,在此与此同时,在此期间期间”,符合句意。,符合句意。(2)The next programme

12、 starts in five minutes; _ you can listen to some music.Ain the meanwhile Bin the whileCat once Dat the time解析:解析:选选A。 in the meanwhile在此期间;在此期间;while常见短语有常见短语有in a while片刻之后;一会片刻之后;一会以后;以后;at once立刻;马上;立刻;马上;at the time在这在这时。只有选项时。只有选项A符合题意。符合题意。9. case (L.30)【猜测词义】【猜测词义】 This is a common case wher

13、e the word can be used. 这是这个单词运用的这是这个单词运用的 常见的例子常见的例子 。 The police were looking into the case. 警察正在警察正在调查调查 那起案件那起案件 。 I will take an umbrella in case it rains. 我得带把伞,我得带把伞,以防以防 下雨。下雨。 (注注: “in case”引导状语从句引导状语从句,则从句谓语用一般现在时,则从句谓语用一般现在时,不用将来时态不用将来时态) In case of fire, call 119. 如果发生火灾,拨打如果发生火灾,拨打119。

14、I will give up in no case. 我绝不会放弃。我绝不会放弃。改写:改写:In no case _. There is no point complaining now.were leaving in any case. 现在抱怨已经没用了,无论如何,我们要走了。现在抱怨已经没用了,无论如何,我们要走了。 You dont like your job. In this case why dont you leave? 你不喜欢这份工作你不喜欢这份工作, 既然这样,为什么不辞掉它呢既然这样,为什么不辞掉它呢? will I give upin this/that case 既

15、然这既然这/那样那样 in case in case of in that case in no case 1. _ an error, call me immediately. 2. _ he calls me, I didnt go out. 3. _ should the bird flu be spread.4.It might rain tomorrow. _ we will have to put off the sports meeting until next Friday.In case ofIn case In no caseIn that case【牛刀小试】 It mi

16、ght rain tomorrow, _ we will have to put off the sports meet until next Friday. A. in case B. if possible C. in which case D. in that case比较: It might rain tomorrow. In that case we will have to put off the sports meeting until next Friday. (2007年陕西卷年陕西卷)Today,well discuss a number of cases _ beginn

17、ers of English fail to use the language properly. AwhichBas Cwhy Dwhere 【解析】【解析】定语从句中有些特例,若定语从句中有些特例,若case,point,situation,position等词作先行词,等词作先行词,则引导词必须用则引导词必须用where / in which。10. accuse (L.32) 警察指控警察指控Tom偷窃偷窃(steal)。 The police _. 变被动句变被动句: Tom was _ by the police.【思考】【思考】 与与accuse sb.of .类似的搭配还有哪些

18、?类似的搭配还有哪些?accused Tom of stealingaccuse sb. of (doing) sth. 指控某人指控某人(做做)某事某事 accused of stealing归纳:结构类似的词组还有:归纳:结构类似的词组还有: _ sb.of sth.提醒某人某事提醒某人某事 _sb.of sth.抢劫某人某物抢劫某人某物 _sb.of sth.治愈某人某病治愈某人某病 _sb.of sth.警告某人某事警告某人某事 _sb.of sth. 告知某人某事告知某人某事 remind robcurewarninform 11. so as to do = in order to

19、 do(但但so as to do 不放在句首不放在句首) Eg. Tom kept quiet about the accident_lose his job. Aso not as to Bso as not to Cso as to not Dnot so as to 【解析】【解析】so as to表示目的,其否定形式是表示目的,其否定形式是在在to之前加之前加not。【答案】【答案】B12. demand (L.37)1)v. 需要;(强烈)要求需要;(强烈)要求 这工作需要细心和耐心。这工作需要细心和耐心。 This work _. 她从不向她父母要东西。她从不向她父母要东西。 S

20、he demands nothing _ her parents. 我坚决要求见经理。我坚决要求见经理。 I demanded _ (see) the manager. demands care and patiencefrom/ofto seedemand sth. 需要需要/要求得到某物要求得到某物demand sth. from/of sb. 向某人要求某物向某人要求某物demand to do sth. 要求做某事要求做某事 我要求你放学前完成作业。我要求你放学前完成作业。 I demand that you _ (finish) your homework before school

21、. 他要求他要求被告知被告知一切事情。一切事情。 He demanded that he_ (tell) everything.2). n. 需要;要求需要;要求 Teachers are in demand in this area. 这个地区这个地区非常需要非常需要教师。教师。 满足满足你所有的你所有的要求要求是不可能的。是不可能的。 It is impossible to _.3)adj. demanding 要求很高的;费力的要求很高的;费力的 (should) finish注:注:demand + that 从句,从句要用从句,从句要用虚拟语气虚拟语气, 即即: “ (should)

22、+动词原形动词原形” (should) be told meet/satisfy all your demands 13. ahead of1)在在前面,比前面,比早早 (表示在人或事之前)(表示在人或事之前)常用短语:常用短语:ahead of time 提前,提早提前,提早ahead of schedule (比原计划)提前(比原计划)提前Betty finished her test ahead of the others.The new building was completed ahead of time.2) 相当于相当于 in front of 表示方位表示方位Ahead of

23、 us was the road narrow and muddy.14. senior1)adj. 年长的,年纪较大的,与年长的,年纪较大的,与to 连用连用Bob is two years senior to me.2) 置于姓名后表示年长者,常大写,译为置于姓名后表示年长者,常大写,译为 “老老” “大大”John Parker, Senior is the father of John Parker, Junior.3)反义词:)反义词: Junior junior to 比比年轻,比年轻,比地位低地位低15. approve vt&vi1) vt. 批准,认可批准,认可The city co


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