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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上英文自荐信高中范文英文自荐信高中范文篇一:英语自荐信范文高中 高中英语作文范文:英文求职信样例 april 7, 201X mr. ra hanks manager of human resoures ane investments, in. 1023 entral avenue tempa, fl122 dear mr. hanks: i am riting to appl for the lient aount oordinator, hih as advertised ma 4th ith the areer servies enter at florida s

2、tate universit. i have enlosed a op of m resume for our revie. i believe that i have the training, experiene and qualities that ou are looking for. our job desription suggests that our relationship ould be mutuall benefiial. i am onfident that i an perform the job effetivel, and i am exited about th

3、e idea of orking for a dnami, nationall reognized investment management firm.i look forard to disussing m bakground and qualifiations ith ou. if ou ould like to shedule an intervie or otherise disuss m interest in the position, i an be reahed at 365-3333. sinerel, tom sherman篇二:英文自荐信范文 如何写英文自荐信 无论英文

4、求职信还是中文求职信,都有其正规的写法.任何国内, 外大公司, 大企业都喜欢看到正规严肃的求职信, 代表你尊重对方.一份正规的英文求职信,其目的也在于获得面谈的机会. 写英文求职信的内容: 格式与态度: 写英文求职信时,开头写每段第一句话时, 要顶格写, 一定不要空两格. 这点很重要, 请你注意; 不要用开玩笑的口吻与对方套近乎, 要严肃,认真地写.这能使对方感觉你很重视这件事情; 简短介绍自己的专业与才能. 重点写清楚你的能力可以满足对方公司的需要. 各人资料: 写英文求职信时,写信人应述明自己的年龄或出生年月,教育背景,尤其是和应征的职位有关的训练或教育科目、工作经验或特殊的技能;如无实际

5、经验,告知对方你正在学习经验! 写英文求职信要点: 篇幅不易过长, 简短为好;态度诚恳, 不需华丽词汇; 让对方感觉亲切, 自信,实在即可;不要误看其他错误的写作方法, 以免耽误了你的求职机会. 纸张的选用: 建议你用灰色,黄褐色或米色纸作最终打印信纸. 要配合信封的颜色. 书写:字体要写得整洁可辩,使用打字机把信打出来.具有专业感. 附邮票:英语求职信内需附加邮票或回址信封. 语法: 准确无误的语法,标点拼写使读信人感到舒畅.错误的语法或拼写则十分明显,一望即知.且不可把收信人的姓名或公司地址拼错了. 英文自荐信范文 elaine jennifer mdoell 2423 blue aven

6、ue n.e.blue sk, oh 00000 ma 16, 201X ms. elizabeth trivitts vie president, marketing able insurane, in. 4388 golden hollo road, suite 320 apitol it, oh 88888 dear ms. trivitts, i ill be moving to apitol it upon reeiving m bahelors degree in businessadministration from duke universit this june. a fri

7、end of mine, poll norton,advised me to ontat ou. she met ou at the last meeting of the omens netorkfrom m attahed resume. i understand ou need people ho are both aurate andm ork. i kno able insurane is a leading plaer in regional insurane. i exelled in m ourseork in insurane matters at duke, and m t

8、hesis projet entered on thefrom ou soon. ou ma ontat me b alling 555-1058. sinerel ours, elaine jennifer mdoell 一.自荐信、申请信、求职信写作要点:介绍消息来源 表明感兴趣 说明优势 请求答复联系 表明感激之情 二.开头经典例句:1. id like to appl for the job post position advertised in having knon that our offie needs a , i m riting to appl for thepositio

9、n. 3. i learned from our advertisement that ou are in need of a 三.结尾经典例句:1. i shall be muh obliged if ou ill offer me an opportunit for an intervie. please onsider m request and im looking forard to our earl repl. 3. i ould greatl appreiate it if i ould have the hane. 四.自荐信、申请信、求职信整篇文章格式:dear sir ma

10、dam, im riting the letter to appl for the position that ou have advertised in息来源. as a an _, i have been _. besides, i on _in _. if ou onsiderm appliation, please all me at _. thank ou for onsidering m appliation and im looking forard to ourearl repl.ours sinerel, li hua 五.背诵范文假设你是新华大学的学生李华,得知某英文报招聘

11、兼职记者,你有意应聘,请按下列要点给报社写一封自荐信。 1表示感兴趣; 2说明优势:知识面、英语水平、合作精神、相关经历; 3希望得到回复。篇二:高中英语自荐信范文 求职信假定你是李华,将于今年七月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知bb公司要招 聘一名英文秘书,你很感兴趣。请给该公司写一封求职信,包括下列要点:1.年龄; 学习情况和英文水平; 3.兴趣特长;4.性格特点。 注意:1.词数100左右。 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入词数。 dear sirmadam , _ i m looking forard to our repl . sinerel our

12、s, li hua dear sir or madam, 单词、短语、句子积累:1 seretar n. 秘书 2 assistant n.助手 3 eas-going adj.随和的 4 outgoing adj.外向的 5 in m spare time 6 broaden m horizons 7 appl for the job8 have a gift for 在有天赋 9 do ell in be good at 10. i major in english. 我主修英语。 11.im li hua, a eighteen-ear-old bo, studing in xin xi

13、ng foreign shool. 1as for hobbies, reading is m favourite. 13.i have a ide range of hobbies, suh as singing, daning, riting and so on. 14.i easil. 16.im interested in the position, hoping that i an ork for ou. 17.as an outgoing bo, i think i an get along ell ith m olleagues.求职信假设你是新华中学的学生李华,得知某英文报社招

14、聘兼职记者,你有意应聘,请按下列 要点给报社写一封自荐信。 1. 表示感兴趣; 说明优势:知识面,英语水平,合作精神,相关经历; 3. 希望得到回复。 注意:1) 词数100左右。可适当增加细节以使行文连贯。 2) 开头已给出,不计 入总词数。 dear sir or madam,im a student from xinhua middle shool. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 范文 dear sir or madam, im a student from xinhua middle shool. i learnfrom the nespaper that ou an

15、t a fe part-time english reporters.as a student, ive read a lot, hih . english, espeiall spoken english. besides, being an outgoing student, im eas to get along ith and alas have above all, i one orked as a reporter for m shool broadasting station, and therefore i have aumulated muh experiene. siner

16、el ours, li hua 词汇、短语和句子积累n. 记者 n. 主持面试者;采访者n. 参加面试者;接受采访者 3. fluentl adv. 流利地; 流畅地 frequentl adv. 频繁地 4. be fit for the job 广泛的知识 10. i partiipated in some related ativities, from hih i realized the importane of orking ith others. 求职信你校英语外籍教师 emesto and stasi 暑假期间准备在本地开一家西餐小店,要找若干 名高中生为无酬打工人员。下面是招聘

17、启事:anted4 middle shool studentsdo servie ork and at as translators health and helpful 假定你叫李华,愿意应聘。请写封电子邮件,介绍自己,并说明你愿意应聘的理由。 词 数110左右。开头已写好,不计入总词数。 dear emesto and stasi, i happened to have read our advertisement and deide to appl for the job. ours sinerel, li hua 范文:i happened to have read our adver

18、tisement and have deided to appl for the job. the folloing is m self-introdution.b ating as a translator for ou, unpaid as it is, not onl ill it eih m life, but also be of great benefit to me in the long run. apart from gaining the opportunit to pratise m spoken english, i an aumulate some valuable

19、job experiene. id appreiate it if ou ould take m appliation into onsideration. looking forard to our earl repl!ours sinerel, li hua 词汇、短语和句子积累:1. serve v.服务 servie n.服务 arm-hearted,eas-going, outgoing,optimisti, 3. do ell in, be good at 4. be equal tobe fit for 5. serve asat as充当 6. in m spare time,

20、 i often do some exerise and take part in man ativities, hih builds up mstrength. 7. being an ative person, im eas to get along ith and alas read to help others in trouble. 8. hats more, being an ative oung person, i like sports and outdoor ativities, so im health. 9. i used to do a part-tim某国际动物关爱协

21、会面向全球中学生招募“动物代言人”,希望申请者选择一种自己喜欢 的动物,为之代言 请在答题卡规定区域内作答; 词数100左右; “申请陈述”的第一句已经给出,不计入总词数。 范文:im a student from xinhua middle shool in hongqing, hina. i learnfrom the internet that ou ant some students to serve as spokesmen for the animals the like. im reall interested in the position and ould like to a

22、ppl for it. id appreiate it if ou ould take m appliation into onsideration. looking forard to our earl repl! 词汇、短语和句子积累:1. arm-hearted 热心的 endangered animals 濒危动物 3. be loalfaithful to humans 4. raise the XXreness of proteting animals 提升保护动物的意识 5. appl for the job 6. ill make ever effort to all onap

23、peal to people all over the orld to love and help the endangered animals. 7. i love animals, espeiall pandas.pandas in partiular. 8. e are supposed to have a sense of responsibilit to love and protet animals. 9. hen i as a hild, i used to go the animals shelter, hih ontributes to m love for animals,

24、 espeiall dogs.篇二:高中英语自荐信申请信万能句型整理好的 自荐信或者申请信作文:开头:1. im a student from xinhua middle shool.im a student ho is studing in xinhua middle shool. im glad to learn that ou ant a 我 很高兴得知你们需要一名 3. i am riting to appl for the jobposition. 我写信 的目的是申请这个工作职位。 4. im quite interested in this job. 我对这个工作非常感兴趣i t

25、hink im fit for the job. 我认为我很适合这份工作。 我有先前的经验,曾 经担当过?职务。 i think that im qualified for the position . 我认为我有资格胜 任这份工作。 如果我得到这个职位,我确信我能做好 4. if ou need to kno more about me, please ontat me at an time at. 如果您附送:专心-专注-专业英文论文读书报告英文论文读书报告中,且数据一致)。不要重复题目,给出文中的主要信息、关键步骤或数据,以便于检索;篇幅:600字左右,缩写词首次出现时请给出全称。(字体

26、:宋体,10.5号,单倍行距) 关键词:列出35个关键词(字体:宋体,10.5号)。关键词之间用分号相隔,结束处不用标点符号;缩写词请给出全称。 (正文201X字左右,宋体10.5号字体,单倍行距;请使用法定计量单位。) 0 引言 引言部分的内容可包括目的、意义、方法、范围和背景等,应以第三人称撰写,避免使用“”、“作者”等词汇。应开门见山,言简意赅,不要与摘要雷同或成为摘要的注释,避免一般性的方法介绍。(宋体,英文用“Times Ne Roman”,10.5号,不列入编号,首行缩进两个字符)。 1 一级标题,12号,宋体加粗,英文和数字用“Times Ne Roman”,左起顶格,单倍行距,

27、段前段后间距0.5行 (标题不得排在页末。模板中的各级层次标题为建议名称,作者可以根据自己的论文内容做相应的修改。) 1.1 二级标题,10.5号,黑体加粗,英文和数字用“Times Ne Roman”,左起顶格,单倍行距,段前段后间距0.5行 正文部分(宋体,英文和数字用“Times Ne Roman”,10.5号,首行缩进两个字符)。 1.2 1.1三级标题,10.5号,宋体,英文和数字用“Times Ne Roman”,左起顶格,单倍行距 正文部分(宋体,英文和数字用“Times Ne Roman”,10.5号,首行缩进两个字符)。 1.2 1.3 . 2 XXX 正文部分(宋体,英文用“Times Ne Roman”,10.5号,首行缩进两个字符)。应简洁明了、条理清楚、层次分明。 表格:采用三线表,必要时可加辅助线,表题(表


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