



1、科教版人教PEP版四年级下学期英语填空题过关专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用方框中所给的疑问词填空。Where How old How many Who What How much1_would you like, Yang Ling?An ice cream, please.2_is your sister, Mike?She is ten.3_is the fan?Its fifty yuan.4_apples do you have, Liu Tao?Five.5_is the boy?He is my brother.6_is my jacket?Its on the sofa.2.

2、 背诵课文,填写对话或句子。1A: How are you?B:_2A: Nice to meet you.B:_3Steven,_. His name is Danny. Her name is Kim.3. 选择正确的单词填空。A. Whose B. wears C. meet D. funny E. bedroom1Nice to_you.2Look at this monkey. Its_.3-_is this? -Its Annes key.4She_a white skirt.5Welcome to our home, this is my_.4. 选出适当的词填空。A. any

3、B. some C. and D. But E. very1I can play footballswim.(_)2They arebeautiful.(_)3Do you haveapples?(_)4I cant swim.I can skate.(_)5Look, I havegrapes.(_)5. 选择正确的疑问词填空。how much how many how old how how about1_is your sister?She is ten years old.2_scarves do you have?I have four.3_are these socks?Theyr

4、e fifteen yuan.4This black dress is too expensive._that one?Its cheap.5_do you like this skirt?Its very pretty.6. 选词填空。Where Whose Who What How Whats1-_shoes are these?-Theyre Nancys2-_are you?-Im hungry.3-_is this?-Its a mango.4-_is the book?-Its on the desk.5-_this?-Its a fridge.6-_is she?-Shes my

5、 sister.7. 选词填空。1Let_(I/ me) clean the floor.2Its_(a/ an) eraser.3Whats_(he/ his) name?4I can use_(chopstick/ chopsticks).5Where_(is/ are) the crayons?8. 选择正确的单词,写在横线上。1She_short then and now she_tall.2They_young then now they_old.3It_sunny yesterday. It_windy.4They_dirty then.They_clean.5He_tall th

6、en. He_short.9. 根据图片或汉语提示,选词填空。horses world homework forks1Id like four, please.Here you are.2Is this your?Yes, it is.3Are these?Yes, they are.4Look! A big(世界)map is on the wall.10. 用How, an, at, in, What填写句子。1Its_ English book.2Whats_ your school bag?3_ many subjects do you have?11. 给下列单词分类。A. thir

7、teen B. elephant C. monkey D. grape E. bananaF. sixteen G. dog H. mango I. horse J. nineteen1数字类:_2水果类:_3动物类:_12. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Ican_(use)chopsticks.2Help_(you).3Pass_(I)theknife.4Where_(be)thekeys?5Issheinthe_(live)room?13. 根据语义和提示,填入正确的单词。1I have two_.2The cat is playing with the_.3This is my new

8、toy_.4Draw a_on the_.5Yao Ming is very_.14. 选择正确的单词,将其序号填入横线上。A. warm B. cold C. cool D. hot1Its_. So I put on my sunglasses, T-shirt, skirt and shoes.2Its_. So I put on my hat, scarf, sweater, coat, jeans, socks and shoes.3Its_. So I put on my shirt, pants, socks and shoes.4Its_. So I put on my jac

9、ket, sweater, jeans, socks and shoes.15. 用a, an, a glass of或a cup of填空。1_egg 2_orange3_juice 4_milk5_coffee 6_tea7_hot dog 8_apple16. 选词填空。A. are B. on C. for D. too E. at1Look_that dress. Its very cheap.2We have many colours_you.3These sunglasses are¥200. Theyre_expensive.4The gloves_nice.5Its cold today. I can put_my


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