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1、A SUCCESSFUL FAILUREWhat information can you get from the advertisement?It was posted p by _p for _.Ernest Shackleton,a famous British explorer an expedition/a dangerous journeyConditionsRequirementssmall wagesbitter coldlong months of complete darknessconstant dangersafe return uncertainnot care mu

2、ch about moneyaccustomed to the extreme weather conditions, healthyshow perseverance, not afraid of lonelinesshave courage, cooperate with others, be experiencedbe optimistic, be positiveFigure out its requirements according to the conditions.1.According to the advertisement, what kind of men was Sh

3、ackleton looking for?Men with great perseverance who were not interested in money and comfort but in honor and achievement.2. Would you like to join an expedition like this? Why or why not?Yes. Because I love adventures and challenges,and I can win honor if successful.No. Because I dont like taking

4、risks and besides, I value my life.After watching the video,can you understand the meaning of the title A Successful Failure? As an expedition,it was a _.But it was a _ survival story. failuresuccessfulStudy the structure of the text. Introduction to the diary entriesThe diary of October 32, 1914The

5、 diary of November 11, 1915The diary of August 29th, 1916Pere Blackborow joined an _.Blackborow managed to board the _.One ship was stuck in the _._ times on Elephant islandexpeditionshipiceHardTime DestinationLeader The authors nameThe shipBasic information about the expedition1914.10.31- 1915.11.2

6、1-1916.5.20To AntarcticaSir Ernest ShackletonPerce BlackborowEnduranceDiary Date Main idea11914.10.31 The first diary is about how _21915.11.21 The second diary is about how _31916.5.20The third diary mainly describes _ the author joined the Endurance expedition/ became a crew member on Endurance.Sh

7、ackleton and his crew abandoned the ship Endurance. the crew members life on Elephant Island. Figure out how Blackborow came to join the expedition.p At the very beginning, Perce Blackborow _ _.p Then he_.However, he _.p Later he _, but _.p Finally he _.bought a newspaper and read the advertisementa

8、pplied to join the expeditionwas turned down because he was secretly went aboard Endurance was assigned to be a steward and serve meals for the crew about the expeditionwas too young and wasnt qualifiedhe was discoveredDiary 1How did Blackborows feelings change?pAfter reading the advertisement about

9、 the expeditionpAfter being rejectedpAfter being assigned to be a steward. this is the adventure that I have been dreaming of.I am fit and full of vigour.excited, full of expectations. But I was so enthusiastic about the idea of going along with them that I secretly .enthusiastic, determinedHow ever

10、yone will envy me when I come back and tell them about the amazing .satisfied, excited, hopefulDiary 21. What happened to Endurance? What did the crew members have to do?2. Why did Shackleton throw away all his gold?3. Why did he allow Hussey to keep his banjo?4. What threat did their camping place

11、face?1.What happened to Endurance? What did the crew members have to do? Endurance got stuck in ice as it approached Antarctica. The ship got crushed and the crew had to abandon it. The crew had to collect essential supplies and camp on the ice.2.Why did Shackleton throw away all his gold? Because t

12、hey needed to rescue the most essential suplies and had to give up their personal belongings.He did so to set an example to others.3.Why did he allow Hussey to keep his banjo?4.What threat did their camping place face?To keep up the crews spirits by having his banjo played.The ice they camped on wou

13、ld soon melt with spring coming.How did Blackborows feelings change?p When Endurance sankp When the ship was abandonedp While camping on the iceAnd when the ship sank, our hearts sank with it. terrified,in panicThere was no time to panic.a little calm and we have been managing to survive, but spring

14、 is coming, and the ice will soon begin to melt.a little relieved,worriedDiary 31. What did Shackleton do to make sure all crew members could survive?2. What did the crew members have to do to make sure they could survive?3. What do you think would happen next?He left to find help on a 1,320-kilomet

15、er-away island.They had to catch seals or penguins to feed themselves.All the crew members might be rescued.How did Blackborows feelings change?p After Shackleton left to find helpp When he thought about the living conditions on the islandp When his happy memories were interrupted by a sudden cold r

16、ush of airp After Frank Wild replied to himIf Shackleton fails, will we have any hope of rescue? No. worried, uncertainI feel low. Its cold and windy.The island has no plants. Otherwise, there is no food.low, miserable, the kindest man after our leader Without , wed all be dead by now. Their , their

17、 , and their fill me with hope.angry, impatientI shouted, “Shut the door!”gratefulhopefulFigure out Shackletons personal qualities from the three diaries.1. Shackleton allowed Blackborow to stay on the ship and gave him a job.2. He asked the crew to collect essentials.3. He left all his gold behind

18、when abandoning the ship.4. He allowed Hussey to keep his banjo when abandoning the ship.5. He set off to find help for the rest of the crew.kindcalmselflessconsideratebrave & responsibleWhat do the highlighted words mean? use you own words to explain them. 1. At the age of 19, I am fit and full

19、 of vigor.2.Shackleton turned me down 3. We saw the ship get crushed.4. Hussey often plays it to keep our spirits up.5. We are now crowded together under one of our boats on the rocky shore of this miserable place.6. I try to think of happier things: decent food, warm and dry clothes, a cosy bedroom.energyrefuseddestroyed and b


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