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1、chapter1 Business English Letters Writing 商务英语信函的写作 Prefaceq1.DefinitionQ:What does EBC refer to ? English business correspondence refers to the letters , cables, telexes, faxes and e-mails dealing in international business, as well as in domestic trade, of course.q2. Aim The purpose of this course

2、is to help you learn how to write good business letters by using up-to-date expressions in the simplest possible language.Q: What are the differences between EBC and other English coures? It has its unique language style and jargons(行话) It is full of business terminations(术语) and abbreviations1.Ther

3、e is a close relation between EBC and international trade 3. Features Examples: Try to explain the following underlined expressions. We are in the market for silk blouses and should be pleased if you could kindly quote us your keenest prices for the goods below Offer quotation order counteroffer let

4、ter of credit CIF FOB YL11/11RVD 4. Writing Principles Business letter-writing is an essential part of business.The letter is often an evidence of an arrangement or a contract, and must therefore be written with care. The aim of letter is to secure the interest of the reader and his cooperation. Wri

5、ting Principles of business Letters7 “C”s 1) Courtesy 礼貌礼貌语言要有礼且谦虚,及时地回信也是礼貌的表现。 2) Clarity 清楚清楚 意思表达明确,要注意: (一)避免用词错误:(二)注意词语所放的位置:(三)注意句子的结构: 3) Conciseness 简洁简洁 (一)避免废话连篇(二)避免不必要的重复 (三)短句、单词的运用4) Consideration 体谅体谅写信时要处处从对方的角度去考虑有什么需求,而不是从自身出发,语气上更尊重对方。5) Completeness 完整完整 商务函电应完整表达所要表达内容和意思,何人、何

6、时、何地、何事、何种原因、何种方式等。 6) Concreteness 具体具体 内容当然要具体而且明确,尤其是要求对方答复或者对之后的交往产生影响的函电。 7)Correctness 正确正确表达的用词用语及标点符号应正确无误,因为商务函电的内容大多涉及商业交往中双方的权利、义务以及利害关系,如果出错势必会造成不必要的麻烦。 Forms of Business Letters 商业信函的格式Four major formsFull Block Form 齐头式Semi-blocked form 混合式/半齐头式Indented Form 缩行式1.Simplified form 简化式Q:W

7、hat are the features of block style?全部左对齐Blyco Texile Grorp B Netherlands Tel:5387743Telex:45635Fax:5333117Your ref:C9246 Our ref:bwbw Date:April24,2004Xian Texile Import &Export Corp.108Lian Hu Road,Xian, Shaanxi,ChinaDear sirs,Thank you for your letter of April18,2004.We are a compny that is ,

8、for years already,engaged in importing clothing items from your courty, although not from Xian.We are interested in contacts as mentioned by you.Our purchasing manager,who is in Hong Kong at the moment,will contact you when he returns.With kind regards. Yours faithfully Blyco Texile GroupB.V. (Signe

9、d) J.kistemaker,Manager 日期偏右结束语和签名中间偏右Q:What are the features of semi-block style?日期靠右结束语和签名偏右首行缩进45个空格Q: What are the features of semi-block style?Blyco Texile Gro Ossterstra 2,7524DZ Enschedehe Netherlands Tel:53877Telex:45635 Fax:5333117April24,2004Xian Texile Import &Export Corp.108Lian Hu R

10、oad,Xian, Shaanxi,ChinaThank you for your letter of April18,2004.We are a compny that is ,for years already,engaged in importing clothing items from your courty, although not from Xian.We are interested in contacts as mentioned by you.Our purchasing manager,who is in Hong Kong at the moment,will con

11、tact you when he returns.J.kistemaker,Manager无结尾敬语无称呼Parts of a Business Letter 信件组成部分Essential Parts 必要部分1. The letterhead 信头2. The reference and date 编号及日期3. The inside name and address 收信人名称地址4. The salutation 称呼5. The body of the letter 信文6. The complimentary close 结尾敬语7. The signature 签名Optiona

12、l Parts 附加部分8. Reference No. 参考编号9. The attention line 具体收信人10. The subject line 事由11. The Identification line主办人代号12. The enclosure 附件13. The carbon copy notation 抄送14. The postscript 附言各部分写法 Please pay attention to the difference of the writing of address in English and Chinese.信头和收信人名称、地址 英语:名称在上

13、,地址在下 地址先小后大 中文:名称在上,地址在下 地址先大后小名称、地址A UK address: Air Environmental MechanicalEquipment Limited2076 West Main StreetDevon, EX14 0RAU.K. 公司名称门牌号街道城市邮编国家中文名称、地址举例河南科技大学林业职业学院中国河南省洛阳市中州东路2号单位名称地址由大到小中国地址名称用英文写Sinochem Jiangsu Import and Export CorporationJiangsu International Business Mansion,50 Zhong

14、hua Road, Nanjing210001, P.R. China 单位名称门牌号大楼名称街道邮编城市国家日期位置:美式:在信头和收信人名称地址之间英式:通常在收信人名称地址之下 均可以齐头,也可以靠右写法:美式:月-日-年英式:日-月-年美式日期举例Interstate Products, Inc. 511 Interstate Court Sarasota, FL 34240 USA Date: April 4, 20- Shandong Foreign Trade (Holdings) Corporation Limited 51,TAIPING ROAD QINGDAO, 2660

15、01 CHINA 日期英式日期举例OFFICE SYSTEMS PTY. LTD. 124 Oak Street Tel (61-2)419 3209 Chatswood Fax (61-2)419 4011 England E-mail .uk Aqueous Technologies 291 Caxton Street Sante Fe U.S.A 18 November, 20- Dear Sir or Madam, 日期日期写法注意事项 “月份”最好用全称,如: 1.2 May, 20- 2.2nd May, 20- 3.2 May 20- (Comma can be omitted)

16、 4.September 21,20- 5.September 21st, 20- 避免月份用数字,如11/12/20-称呼 位置:必须齐头 写法:对男士(正规):Dear Sir, 或Dear Sirs,或Gentlemen:对女士(正规):Dear Madam, 或Dear Mesdames,对关系密切的商业伙伴:Dear Jack,词首字母全大写,用逗号或不用标点符号Gentlemen后用冒号结尾敬语 位置:齐头式靠左对齐,混合式和改良式偏右,简化式省略。 正规场合下常用:1.Yours faithfully,2.Yours truly,3.Faithfully yours,4.Trul

17、y yours,第二个单词小第二个单词小写,用逗号或写,用逗号或不用标点符号不用标点符号称呼与结尾敬语的对应关系Salutation Close Occasion Dear Sir(s) Dear Sir or Madam (Mmes) Yours faithfully Faithfully yours Standard and formal closure Gentlemen Ladies/Gentlemen Yours (very) truly Very truly yours Used by Americans Dear Mr. Malone Yours sincerely/ Since

18、rely Best wishes (U.K.) Best regards/ Regards (U.S.) Less formal and between persons known to each other 落款Yours faithfully, Ciba-Geigy Chemicals Co. Pam LotisPam Lotis Pam Lotis Inspection coordinator Yours faithfully, Pam LotisPam Lotis Pam Lotis Inspection coordinator For Ciba-Geigy Chemicals Co.

19、 Yours faithfully, L. Van LindeL. Van Linde L. Van Linde Manager, QAD Software Co. 结尾敬语手写签名打印签名职务公司名称具体收信人(注意事项) 位置: 1. 收信人名称地址之下 表示的是承办本信件的具体个人或部门 1. Attention: Mr. H. A. Donnan, Export Manager 2. Attention of Mr. Cave 3. To the attention of Mr. Liu Ming 事由 位置: 1.称呼和正文之间 2.齐头式靠左,混合式和改良式居中 3.要加下划线 表

20、示的是该信函的主题 1. Re: Your Order No.463 for1,000 Wide-screen TV Sets 2. SHEEP WOOL 附件 位置: 落款之下,左对齐 说明该信件有附件 1. Enclosure 2. Enc. 3. Encl. As Stated 4. Enclosure: Brochure抄送 位置: 附件之下,左对齐 表示该信件同时抄送给他人 1. 明抄:cc Marketing Department 2. 暗抄:bcc Mr. Simpson Carbon copy,收信人知道被抄送Blind carbon copy,收信人不知道被抄送,只出现在发给

21、被抄送人的信件里附 言 1.补充说明内容 2.强调 P.S. The samples will mailed to you tomorrow.主办人代号主办人代号 这一项一般位于信纸的左下角,其内容是说明这封信的主稿人的姓和名的第一个字母再加上打字员或速记员的姓和名的第一个字母,姓和名是用冒号或一条斜线分隔的,主稿人或口述人在前,打字员或速记员在后。比如:“Bill Clinton/ Edward Nancy”或“B.C. /E.N.”。 这一项的作用便于发信人日后自己查对。CHINA NATION IMPORT & EXPORT CORPORATION SHANGHAI BRANCH

22、 112 Huai hai Road, Shanghai 200010 Tel.:0086-21-81234567 Fax:0086-21-812345689June 6,2006Our Ref.:June-008Your Ref.: AN-020Anderson Company12 Hollywood BoulevardLos Angeles, California 97452U.S.A.信头信头Letter Head2. 日期日期 Date8.参考编号参考编号Reference No.3.封内地址封内地址Inside AddressSampleAttention: Mr. John Smi

23、thDear Sirs,Subject: Iron NailsWe are interested to buy large quantities of Iron Nails of all sizes anDshould be obliged if you would give us a quotation per M/T CFR Lagos,Nigeria.We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possibleYours faithfully,Tom MansonPurchasing Department ManagerB.C. / E.

24、N.Enclosure :A copy of price listC.C.: Mr. Tony P.S. :Please call me9.经办人姓名经办人姓名 Attention4.称呼称呼Salutation10.事由事由/标题标题 Subject5.信的正文信的正文Body6.结束礼词结束礼词Complimentary Close7.签名签名Signature11.主办人代号主办人代号The Identification line12.附件附件Enclosure13.抄送抄送 CC14.再启再启Postscript 补充材料补充材料Envelope Addressing 信封格式写信人在

25、上,收信人在下根据收信人名称地址的写法分两种格式: 缩格式:收信人名称地址逐行右缩 齐头式:收信人名称地址左端对齐 Assignment: Complete the two envelopes in two styles.缩格式举例MESSRS WILLIAM & SONS 76 Lancaster House stamp Manchester, England Mr. Wang Kai-ming CHINA NATIONAL TRANSPORT CO. 120 Nanjing Road Shanghai, China Registered 收信人名称地址:逐行右缩写信人名称地址齐头式

26、举例写信人名称地址收信人名称地址:左端对齐邮寄方式 Via Air Mail ( By Airmail, or Par Avion)航空 Registered 挂号 Parcel Post 邮包 Express 快递 Samples Post 样品Remarks(备注)(备注):1.Private 私人信 2.Confidential机密信 3.Registered 挂号邮件 4.Express快递邮件 5.Ordinary Mail平信 6.Immediate (Urgent)急件 7.Printed Matter印刷品 8.Sample样品捎交Mr. Charles WoodKindnes

27、s of Mr. J. W. Smith 由Mr. J. W. Smith 捎交给Mr. Charles Wood转交 Mr. Part Davis c/o Mr. Harold Bean 32 Bright Street Rangoon, Burma Mr. Brian Tories c/o Overseas Trading Co. 153 Market Street London 最终收信人转交人转交人地址 20世纪90年代末,随着信息技术的普及和发展,电子商务得到迅速发展。电传、传真和电子邮件等通信方式被广泛运用于商务交往中。 传真传真 传真由两部分组成:传真头传真头和传真正文传真正文。

28、传真头包括收件人姓名、职务、公司名、发件人姓名、件人姓名、职务、公司名、发件人姓名、职务、发送日期、传真号码、主题和页码等职务、发送日期、传真号码、主题和页码等。传真正文的结尾要有发件人的签名。在撰写传真正文时,可以遵照正式商务信函的格局,但称呼和结束礼词可以省略。11/10/01 12:35:08 +39 70 300 689 ANTONELLA ZANETTI PAGE 1 OTTO ITALIA Via Toscana 1-20068 S.BOVID DI PESDHIERA AORROMED (MI)- Tel:02-75 393 1 Fax: 02-70 300 889 _FROM:

29、 Antonella ZANETTI DATE: 11 10 01TO: Korinna KRAEMERFAX: 02 7 0 300 889RE: Order for Faci (314739) & Cristi(315227) Skirts PAGE: 1 of 1_Dear Korinna,.Antonella传真传真(Fax)Sample(1)(1)电子邮件电子邮件电子邮件(Electronic Mail ,简称E-mail)是通过电脑和国际网络把信息传送给别人的通讯方法,广泛应用于商务通讯。电子邮件的格式简单明了,通行各国、各种语言,其构成包括以下部分:收件人;主题;抄送;暗

30、收件人;主题;抄送;暗送;附件;正文;回复。送;附件;正文;回复。外发的邮件收件人收件人被抄送人被抄送人被暗抄人被暗抄人事由事由主体部分主体部分添加附件处添加附件处 PracticingEx1. Arrange the following in proper form as they should be set out in a letter. 1) Senders name: China National Light Industrial Products Import &Export Corporation Shanghai Branch2) Senders address: 12

31、8 Hunan Road, Shanghai, China3) Senders Telephone: 021-547428564) Senders Fax:5) Date: June 12, 2006 6) Receivers name: AAC Company, Ltd. 7) Receivers address: 113 Roberts Street, Lagos, Nigeria 8) Salutation: Dear Sirs 9) Subject: Fertilizer 10) Message: We are interested to buy large

32、 quantities of fertilizer and should be obliged if you would give us a quotation per M/T CFR Lagos Nigeria. 11) Complimentary closing: Yours faithfully 12) Signature: your name 13) For the attention: Mr. JohnsonEx1 (齐头式齐头式) China National Light Industrial Products Import &Export Corporation, Sha

33、nghai Branch 128 Hunan Road, Shanghai, China Tel:Fax:une 12, 2006AAC Company, Ltd.113 Roberts StreetLagos, NigeriaAttention: Mr. JohnsonDear Sirs, Subject: FertilizerWe are interested to buy large quantities of fertilizer and should be obligedif you would give us a quotati

34、on per M/T CFR Lagos, Nigeria.Yours faithfully,XXXChina National Light Industrial Products Import &Export Corporation, Shanghai Branch128 Hunan RoadShanghai, China Mr. Johnson AAC Company, Ltd. 113 Roberts Street, Lagos, NigeriaRegistered Ex2. Address an envelope for the above letter.Stamp (1) T

35、he massage: Being one of the largest importers of Chinese Arts & Crafts in this city, we shall be pleased to establish business relations with you. At present, we are interested in your products, details as per our Inquiry Note No.618 attached, and shall be glad to receive your keenest quotation

36、 as soon as possible.(2) Senders name: Denis Smith (3) Date: May 15, 2007(4) Receivers name: Miss Wu xi(5) Subject: Establishing Business Relationships (6) Pages: 1 of 1(7) Receivers fax and phone:027-85784560(8) Receivers address: 128 Hunan Road, Wuhan, China(9) The name of receivers company: Wuhan Arts & Crafts Import &Export Corporation Ex3. Arrange the following in proper form


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