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1、初二英语上学期期中试卷.doc初二(上)英语期中考试卷(2005,11,4)听力部分(20%)一、听小对话,选图片或回答问题。(每小题念一遍)10%( )1、What are they doing ( )2、Which is the farmers good friend?( )3、Where are the two speakers?( )4、What time are they going to the zoo?( )5、How are they going to the museum tomorrow?( )6、Question:Who is the tallest of the thr

2、ee?A、Lucy. B、Tina. C、Katy.( )7、Question:Whose bike is in front of the gate?A、Allans. B、Peters. C、Mikes.( )8、Question:Whats Peter doing?A、Taking a walk. B、Doing his homework. C、Going back home.( )9、Question:Which animal does the man like best?A、The elephant. B、The dolphin. C、The tiger.( )10、Question:

3、Why does the man sometimes ask a policeman for help?A、She likes traveling to cities.B、She sometimes forgets to take a map.C、She cant find every place on the map.二、听长对话,回答问题。(每小题念两遍)10%。 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第11和12小题。( )11、Where is the man going A、To the museum. B、To the hotel. C、To the hospital.( )12、Which

4、bus does the man need?A、 B、 C、听下面一段较长的对话,回答第13至15小题。( )13、What do they want to do tomorrow?A、Hiking. B、Climbing. C、Boating.( )14、When are they going to meet?A、At 1:20. B、At 1:30. C、At 1:40.( )15、How are they going there?A、By bike. B、By bus. C、On foot.笔试部分(80%)一、单词拼写。10%1、Dont (爬)the tree. Its danger

5、ous.2、In the country we can _(听到) the birds singing and sheep bleating.3、Lets meet outside the park _(大门).4、The elephant is the biggest animal on _(陆地).5、Walk _(沿着) this road.6、There are two _(博物馆) in our city.7、Work must come _(第一).8、The other students must keep their eyes _(闭合).9、The teacher usual

6、ly stands at the _(前面) of the classroom.10、I think my drawing is much _(好) than yours.二、选择填空。 20%( )1、I dont want this pen. Would you show(给看) me one?A、another B、other C、the other D、the others( )2、Lilys bag is bigger than .A、I B、my C、mine D、me( )3、What about going to the zoo by bus? .A、A little B、It

7、 doesnt matter C、Thats bad D、Good idea( )4、Would you like to go shopping with me? A、Id like B、Id love to C、Yes, please D、Yes, I will( )5、Wed better the work now.A、do B、to do C、doing D、does( )6、Shall we keep the window A、close B、closing C、to close D、closed( )7、There are people in Shanghai than in Fuz

8、houA、much more B、many more C、a little more D、many( )8、Im very hungry. I want to A、eat something B、drink some water C、have a rest D、give a talk( )9、I often hear Lucy English in the morningA、reading B、reads C、to read D、read( )10、There are twenty and thirty on the farm.A、sheep, deers B、sheeps deer C、sh

9、eeps, deers D、sheep, deer( )11、There is going to an English film this eveningA、have B、be C、give D、put( )12、My bike is than A、new, lily B、newer, lilys C、newer, lily D、newest, lily( )13、We live in a place _ Wangdian.A、call B、calls C、called D、calling( )14、Shall we _ fishing this Sunday?A、go B、goes C、go

10、ing D、is go( )15、_ the third turning on the left.A、Walk B、Take C、Go D、Turn( )16、I want to borrow your ruler. Please _ it to me.A、pass B、passes C、to pass D、passing( )17、Our English teachers home is about 200 metres _ from here.A、far B、away C、is D、are( )18、I sit next _ Han Mei.A、at B、in C、to D、behind(

11、 )19、Lin Tao is the tallest boy in our class, so he sits _ the back row.A、at B、in C、of D、with( )20、The six students pass the coin from _ to _.A、oneanother B、one the other C、the otherone D、anotherone三、口语应用,排列下列对话的正确顺序,把正确的序号写在横线上。 10%( )1、Good idea!What shall we do then?Lets go to the museumAre you f

12、ree tomorrow?Yes, I think so. _( )2、Yes, there along this road, and take the first turning on the left.Excuse me, is there a post office near here Youre welcome. Its about 100 metres along on the right.Thank you very much. _四、句型转换,按要求完成下列各句。10%1、I sit behind Wang Lu. (改为同义句)Wang Lu sits_ _ of me.2、Y

13、ou need a number 15 bus. (对句子划线部分提问) do I need?3. Ji Weis parents grow rice and wheat.(改为一般疑问句)_ Ji Weis parents _ rice and wheats have a picnic tomorrow.(改为同义句) What about a picnic tomorrow5、I dont know what I shall do next. (改为同义句)I dont know next.五、完形填空。10%Now let me tell you how _1_ the game “Wh

14、o has the coin” You can play it like this: Six students stand _2_ a row in _3_ of the classroom. You put your hands behind your backs, _4_ nobody can see your hands. I ll give one _5_ you a coin. You must hold the coin in your hand and do not let the others _6_ it. When I say “ One, two, go!” , you

15、pass the coin from one to _7_ quickly - first one way, then _8_. When you are passing the coin, the other students in the class have to keep their eyes_9_. They can not look. _10_ I say “Stop!”, you put your hands in front of you. At this moment, the other students can open their eyes and guess who

16、has the coin. They can ask questions like “David, is it in your right hand” They can have only 3 guesses.( )1、A、play B、plays C、to play D、playing( )2、A、in B、on C、at D、of ( )3、A、the front B、front C、a front D、an front( )4、A、because B、so C、for D、but ( )5、A、in B、on C、at D、of( )6、A、look B、see C、have D、do

17、( )7、A、other B、another C、the other D、the another( )8、A、other B、another C、the other D、the another( )9、A、close B、closed C、closes D、is close( )10、A、When B、Before C、Then D、Until六、阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(10%)Kate is an English girl. She lives in a tall building in the city of London. There are sixteen floors

18、in the building, and she lives on the tenth floor. She uses a lift to go up and down.Kate studies in a middle school near her house and she works hard. She goes to school early. Every day she leaves her home at half past six. She walks to the lift, and it takes her down to the first floor.There is a

19、 bus stop near the building. Usually she takes bus to her school, but sometimes she goes on foot. It is only four kilometers to her school from the building. She gets to school at about seven twenty. Classes begin at eight. She goes to play games at three forty. She gets home at a quarter past five.

20、 She begins to do her homework at eight and finishes it at half past nine.( )1、Kate lives in a tall building LondonA 、near B、in C、outside D、far from( )2、She goes up and down the building A、in lift B、by a lift C、by lift D、with a lift( )3、She leaves at six thirtyA、her home B、the building C、the lift D、

21、the bus stop( )4、She goes to school A、by bus B、by bike C、on foot D、A and C( )5、It takes her to do her homeworkA、about an hour B、about one hour and halfC、one hour and a half D、eighty minutes七、书面表达:看图写对话。10% 张先生刚到伦敦,要找一家旅馆,如果你是警察,按照图示的路线,请编一段对话。假设你们站在H点。 ( A:张先生 B:你 )_初二(上)英语期中考试卷答题卷(2005,11,4) 听力部分(2

22、0%)一、 听小对话,选图片或回答问题。(每小题念一遍)10% 1_ 6. _ 二、 听长对话,回答问题。(每小题念两遍)10%。 笔试部分(80%)一、 单词拼写。10%1_ 6. _ 二、 单项选择。(20%) 三、 口语应用,排列下列对话的正确顺序,把正确的序号写在横线上。 10%1. _2. _ 四、 句型转换,按要求完成下列各句。10% _ _ _ 4. _ _ _五、 完形填空。10%1_ 6. _ 六、 阅读理解。(10%) 1_ 七、看图写对话。(10%) 附加题试题一、写出下列单词的适当形式。5%1. I find it very hard _( work ) out thi

23、s maths problem.2. Our teacher asks us _(do) Exercise 3 in Lesson21.3. Now class is over. We all stop _(have) a rest.4. My father will go out when the rain(雨) _(stop).5. You must finish _(write) your composition(作文) today.二、句型转换。 5%1. Youd better catch the bus. (否定句) Youd better _ catch the bus.2. T

24、he cinema is about 3 kilometres from our school. (划线部分提问)_ _ is the cinema from our school?3. Jack studies the hardest in his class. (同义句)Jack studies harder than _ _ student in his class.三、阅读理解。 10%Some small children dont know its not polite (礼貌的) to laugh at others. Some of them often laugh at la

25、me(瘸的) or blind person, or someone in bad clothes. But as they grow up, they learn not to hurt peoples feelings by laughing at their problems. They learn to laugh at other things. Most important, they learn to laugh at themselves. For example, you make a mistake(错误) and lose in a basketball match. D

26、o you become angry(愤怒的) Or can you laugh at yourself and hope to do better next time If you can, youve really grown up. ( ) passage tells us to laugh at others problems is not _.A. bad B. polite C. easy D. difficult ( ) 2. When small children grow up, they learn _.A. to hurt peoples feelings B. not

27、to hurt peoples feelingsC. to laugh at blind persons D. not to laugh at themselves ( ) 3. If you dont win a basketball match, you should _.A. become angry with the winners B. laugh at the winnersC. hope to do better next time D. lose another next time ( ) 4. We know from the passage, not to hurt peo

28、ples feeling means _.A. small children have really grown up B. not do anything better next time C. often become angry with themselves laugh at others problems ( ) 5. The most important thing for children is learn to _.A. laugh at others problems B. laugh at themselvesC. win basketball matches D. get

29、 angry with others初二英语(上)期中考试听力材料一、 听小对话,选择正确的图片或回答问题:(其中1至5小题每题念一遍;6至10小题每题念2遍。)1. M: Han Mei, Look! Li Lei and his friends are swimming over there.W: Yes, they are swimming very well.2. M: Look! The dog is sitting under a tree and watching the farmer working.W: Yes, they are good friends.3. M: How

30、 many monkeys can you see over there on the hill?W: They are running and jumping all the time. How can I count them?4. W: What time shall we meet?M: What about 8:00?W: No, lets make it half past seven because the zoo is far away.M: OK. See you tomorrow.5. M: We are going to the museum tomorrow. Woul

31、d you like to go with us?W: Id love to, but how can we get there?M: We can go there in my fathers car.W: Great. See you!6. M: Katy is taller than Lucy.W: Yes, but she is a little shorter than Tina.7. W: Dont put your bike in front of the gate, Allan. Youd better put it behind the building.M: Its not

32、 mine. Its Mikes.8. W: Hello, Peter! Dont work too hard. Lets go for a walk.M: Id love to, but I must finish my homework first.9. W: Which do you like best, the tiger, the elephant or the dolphin?M: It can swim fast and walk on the water, can you guess?10. M: Why do you often take a map with you whe

33、n you travel in the city?W: I want to find every place on the map. But I cant. So sometimes I ask policemen to help me find small places.二、 听长对话,回答问题。 (每段对话念2 遍)听下面一段较长的对话,回答第11和12两个小题。 M: Excuse me. Is this the bus to the hospital? W: Oh, no. It goes to the museum. You can take the No. 3 bus to the hospital. M: How long does


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