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1、L/O/G/OUnit Five Communication Service通讯服务通讯服务Unit Objectives (单元目标)(单元目标) After learning this unit, you should know how to ask for different kinds of communication services,such as how to make telephone calls, post letters and parcels, and etc. master the basic words and expressions about communica

2、tion service; get some practical knowledge about communication service; find ways to improve your writing skills about email.Background Knowledge 背景知识背景知识 When traveling, people are bound to use some means of communication to send and receive messages, or search for some useful information. Todays c

3、ommunication choices are varied: telephones, mobile phones, mails, e-mail, fax, internet, and more. They are very convenient and become an indispensable part in peoples life.Types of phone1. local call( 市内电话)2. IDD and DDD: International direct-dialed phone(国际长途直拨电话) and domestic direct-dialed phone

4、(国内长途直拨电话),long-distance telephone calls in which the caller dials the number directly without the help of an operator.3. the operator call ( the operator-assisted call): the call in which a caller telephones the operator for help instead of dialing the intended telephone number directly.4. collect

5、call (对方付费电话):a telephone call in which the calling party wants to place a call at the called partys expense. 5. person-to-person call (叫人电话):an operator assisted call in which the calling party wants to speak to a specific party and not simply to anyone who answers. The caller is not charged for th

6、e call unless the requested party can be reached. This method was popular when telephone calls were relatively expensive.6. station-to station call (叫号电话):a method of placing a telephone call, with or without assistance, in which the calling party agrees to talk to whoever answers the telephone. Pra

7、ctice Materials 实训材料实训材料 Listening Dialogue 1 a. Listen to Dialogue One and decide whether each of the following sentences is true (T) or false (F).1. _F_ The woman knows how to make an overseas call. 2. _F_ The cheapest call is a person-to-person call 3. _T_ The callers name is Xu Lily. 4. _F_ The

8、woman wants to make a call from China to Chicago. 5. _F_ The woman .will pay for the call. Dialogue 1 b. Listen to the dialogue and answer these questions. 1. How many types of calls are mentioned? Three. 2. Do charges vary according to the operator? Yes, they do. 3. Which type of call did the woman

9、 make? Collect call. 4. Whats the number of Xu Lily? 312-848-6253. 5. Will Mr. Xu accept the charges? Yes, he will. Dialogue 1 c. Listen to the dialogue again and supply the missing words.1. Id like to make an overseas call to China.2. The mini charge will apply for the first three minutes,then each

10、 additional minute will be charged. 3.- Please tell me whom you are calling. - Its Xu Ping. Mr. Xu.4. Area code 27, and the number is 8798 -6432 5. Hold the line please and Ill call you back in a few minutes. Dialogue 1参考译文参考译文A: 您好!国际电话总机。能帮您什么忙吗?B: 是的,我想打一个越洋电话到北京。您能告诉我怎么打吗?A: 当然,女士。能告诉我您想打哪类电话吗?B

11、: 我不知道,请给我介绍一下好吗?A: 好的。有几种不同类型的电话,费用根据您打电话的种类不同而有差别。最便宜的是叫号电话,其次是叫人电话。最低费用适用于三分钟,其后每多一分钟再追加一分钟的费用。您也可以拨打对方付费电话。B: 我想想。给我接对方付费电话好吗?A: 当然可以。 对方的姓名?B:对不起,能说慢一点吗?A:请告诉我您要打给谁。B: 徐平,徐先生。A: 您要拨打的号码是多少?B: 武汉的,区号27,号码87986432.A: 您的姓名和电话?B: 我叫徐莉莉,电话号码是312-848-6253A: 请别挂断,我马上打给您。(停了一会儿)您好,是徐先生吗?我是总机,您有从芝加哥胡莉莉那

12、儿打来电对方付费电话,您愿意承担费用吗?C: 我愿意。(电话铃响)B: 是我A: 电话已经给您接通了,请讲吧。B: 非常感谢。Dialogue 2 Dialogue 2 a. Listen to Dialogue Two and decide whether each of the following sentences is true (T) or false (F). 1. F Susan wants to chat online with his parents. 2. T Its free of charge to go online in the hotel where they s

13、tayed.3. F Richard and Susan have been to Hubei.4. F Richard bought a map of Hubei. 5. F Susan will search some information about Hubei before she send the photos to her parents. Dialogue 2 b. Listen to the dialogue and answer these questions. 1.Which room is internet available? Room 403. 2. Is Rich

14、ard an attendant of the hotel? No, he isnt. 3. Will they go to Hubei the day after tomorrow? No, they wont. There will go there tomorrow. 4. What did Richard do on the internet? He visited the net address and found .some information of Hubei. 5. What are Wuhans cuisine famous for? Wuhan is famous fo

15、r Wuchang Fish, Hongshan Vegetable Bolts, etc. . Dialogue 2 c. Listen to the dialogue again and supply the missing words.1. I surfed internet there last night.2. I was going the internet tour last night and found some very interesting places in Hubei3. Have you searched some information about hotels

16、 and the cuisine in Hubei?4. Oh, so many delicious foods. 5. You can put the key word in Google and search, and you may get more interesting information you want.Dialogue 2参考译文参考译文(两名游客同住一家饭店,他们正谈论从网上获取的一些有关湖北的信息。)A: 理查德,你知道哪里可以上网吗?我想现在给父母发些照片。B: 我知道,403房就可以上网,我昨晚就在那里上的网。我可以带你去。A: 谢谢。收费吗?B: 不收,免费的。A

17、: 那太好了。B: 昨晚我网上旅游了,发现了湖北的一些很有名的景点,像黄鹤楼、长江三峡。A: 真的?也就是说你在网上游览了我们明天要去的地方?B: 对,我访问了中国旅游指南网址http:/,找到了一张武汉地图。A: 言下之意你知道旅游线路了,是吗?B: 当然了。A: 你查询了湖北的饭店、菜肴方面的信息吗B: 查了,有很多饭店可供选择。武汉的武昌鱼和洪山菜苔很有名。A: 噢,这么多好吃的。我们明天可以一饱口福了。给父母发完照片后我还想再搜些信息。B: 是啊,你可以在Google里输入关键词搜索,或许会找到更多你想要的信息的。到时别忘了和我一同分享啊。A: 当然会和你分享的。A:好了,苏珊,403

18、房到了,尽情上网吧。A: 谢谢。B: 不谢。Reading The Future of Social Networking: Mobile PhonesThe Future of Social Networking: Mobile Phonesa. Answer the following questions according to the Passage.1. What is the next step after the explosion in internet-based social networking The next step is doing the same thing

19、in real life instead of in front of a computer._ 2. Whats the key of social network work?The key is the coming together of internet-connected mobile phones and location or proximity technology _3 What about being bothered by strangers?If people are bothered by the stranger they dont want to encounte

20、r, they can switch it off.” 4. How does business such as restaurants benefit from the network service?When a member walks in, the restaurants profile appears. The member chooses to add the restaurant to a list of favored brands and then may receive some special discount .The restaurant gets targeted

21、 “permission” advertising and more diners on a slow night. 5. Are mobile social networks not just a nerdy replacement for people simply talking to each other?No, they arent.The Future of Social Networking: Mobile Phones b. Translate the expressions into Chinese or English.1. seek to hide my views 企图

22、隐瞒自已的观点企图隐瞒自已的观点 seek after for 寻求寻求, 探索探索; 追求追求; 寻找寻找seek shelter from rain 寻找避雨的地方寻找避雨的地方 Nothing seek, nothing find 谚谚无所寻则无所获无所寻则无所获 2. enhance our competitiveness 增强我们的竞争力增强我们的竞争力enhance teachers professionalism. 提高教师的专业精神提高教师的专业精神 enhance the effect 增加效果增加效果 enhance ones political consciousness

23、 提高政治觉悟提高政治觉悟 3. Mass communications media 大众通讯媒体大众通讯媒体 A world communications network 世界性通讯网世界性通讯网communication gap 信息沟;信息沟; 通讯隔阂通讯隔阂 be in communication with 与与.通讯,通讯, 与与.保持联系保持联系 4. at long range 在远距离在远距离 ; 远程远程in the range of 在在. 范围内范围内; 在射在射 程内程内 a wide range of knowledge 广博的知识广博的知识 the annual

24、range of temperature 每年的温度变化每年的温度变化 范围范围 The Future of Social Networking: Mobile Phonesc. Choose an appropriate word or phrase to fill in each blank to make each sentence meaningful, and change its form where necessary.1. The factory launched on the production of mobile phones on a large scale.2. We

25、 encountered the enemies fierce resistance in that battle. 3. The device is small enough to wear on your wrist4. Privacy is considered important in Britain.5. He tried to ignore my remarks.6. The people who speak English today make up the largest speech community in the world with the exception of s

26、peakers of Chinese.7. We shall exploit our rich resource to expand the economy.8. You have to enter your password to access your account.9. He advocated(主张)the application of a new process to industry.10. John got a replacement while he was away on holiday.The Future of Social Networking: Mobile Pho

27、nes d. Translate the following sentences into English with words or phrases given in the brackets.1.进入这座建筑物的唯一通道是一条泥泞的小路。(access) The only means of access to the building is along a muddy track. 2.我花了几个小时翻阅她书架上的书。(browse) I spent hours browsing through the books on her shelf. 3. 为了保护这些令人敬畏的奇观,1890年修建了国家公园。 (awesome)In order to preserve these awesome wonders, the National Park was built in 1


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