1、Previously on "Falling Water".落梦若水前情提要She was abducted, and they found her dead.她被绑♥架♥了 等他们找到她时 她已经死了What was her name? Katrina.她叫什么? 卡特里娜Remember what you were dreaming about?还记得你梦到什么了吗?No. Well, that's too bad.不记得了 那太可惜了And Charlotte. Your mom?还有夏洛特. 你妈妈?She'
2、;s not. my. mother! Ooh!她不是.我.妈! 啊!Your old boss, Mr. Morrison.你之前的老板 莫里森先生.He was asleep the whole time.他当时就一直处于睡眠之中Thought he was having a nightmare.他认为自己是在做噩梦You look different.你在梦里看起来很不一样You're tall and skinny,很高 很瘦And your face is all stretched and broken.而且你的脸很扭曲Don't you worry.你不用担心No
3、 one backs out of a promise没人可以不遵守They make to Tom Dolan.他们对我的承诺Christy!克里斯蒂!They wanted to make her kill me他们想让她杀了我And then kill herself.然后再自尽It would've been domestic murder-suicide.制♥造♥她杀人后自杀的假象I love you.我爱你You're under arrest!你被捕了!You can't prove anything.你们什么都
4、证明不了We can prove you were violating我们能证明你违反了Your restraining order.你的限制令Boerg has stumbled博格偶然间发现了On the mother of all dreamers.所有梦境者的母亲Why would he hide anything from me?那他为什么不告诉我呢?Because he's working with Detective Matsuyama.因为他在和松山警官合作The buyer. it's Jeremy.买♥♥主.是杰里
5、米James' tutor from Maine.他是詹姆斯在缅因州的家教Sorry the doctor couldn't be here.抱歉 博士不能亲自过来Forget Bennett and her dreamer.别想着贝尼特和她的梦境者了Focus on finding Tess.专注在找到泰丝上吧Stanislaus Ginsburg was a dream research pioneer.斯坦尼斯洛斯·金斯伯格是梦境研究领域的先锋My parents contacted him, trying to help my sister.我父母联&
6、hearts;系♥过他 为了帮我姐姐Your sister was his patient?你姐姐是他的病人?She was going to be, and then he died.她本来会是的 不过他死了Somebody went to a lot of trouble有人花了很大心思To make us think he's dead.让我们认为他死了We get Ginsburg to New York by offering a new deal.我们给金斯伯格提供新交易 让他来纽约We're going to give the doctor
7、exactly what he wants.我们就把博士想要的给他.You mean who. Me.你的意思是谁吧 我She's so beautiful.她好美And she's going to change the world.她会改变这个世界的Only, there's a problem.只不过 有一个问题What problem?什么问题?We have no baby.我们并没有孩子Nonsense.胡说She never existed.她从未存在过This is not my fault.这不是我的错No. Nothing ever is.不 你什么
8、错都没有I still don't quite understand我还不是不能理解What it is you can do in America你去美国到底要做什么事情That you can't do here.为什么不能在这里完成呢Follow my own path.追寻我自己的旅途This is because I couldn't give you a child,是因为我不能和你生孩子吧Isn't it?不是吗?Please, Stan, don't make this拜托了 斯坦Any more difficult than it ha
9、s to be.别把事情变得更难解决了好吗I will always love you.我还是会一直爱你的Always.一直I'll give you that child one day.我们总有一天会有孩子的You hear me, Charlotte?你听到了吗 夏洛特?So. you found me.你终于找到我了Congratulations, Tess.恭喜你啊 泰丝You're growing stronger every day,你在一天天地变得更强大Just like your mother and I thought you would.正如你母亲和我所预
10、料的那样She's not my mother.她不是我母亲Isn't she?不是吗?Who are you?你是谁?Dr. Ginsburg?金斯伯格博士?We're beginning our descent.我们要开始降落了Please bring your seat to an upright position.请把您的椅子调整到直立状态What do you think it means?你觉得这代表什么?I don't know.我不知道I'm not even sure it was my dream.我都不确定那是我的梦You mean
11、 Ginsburg infiltrated your unconscious?你觉得金斯伯格博士侵入了你的潜意识?Yeah, that's exactly what I mean.对 我就是这么想的Maybe we could use it to our advantage.或许我们能利用这一点It's Woody.是伍迪Bennett says the buyer, Ginsburg, just landed.贝尼特说买♥♥主金斯伯格 刚下飞机The rat's about to spring the trap.鳖就要入瓮了
12、But who's the rat?但谁才是鳖呢?Those are the results from your DNA sample.这是你DNA检测的结果It matches the DNA we recovered和在莫里森阁楼中From Morrison's attic.发现的DNA相匹配Oh, there must be a mistake.肯定是哪里出错了You guys mess up those tests all the time.你们经常搞混这些东西的I saw it on TV. You were in that attic.我在电视上看到过 你当时就在这
13、个阁楼里And you drilled that hole in that floor.你还在天花板上钻了个洞Why would I do that? You know damn well why.我♥干♥嘛要那么做? 你♥他♥妈♥知道为什么.So you could get into Sam Morrison's dream.这样你就能侵萨姆·莫里森的梦境Well, that doesn't even make sense.这根本说不通啊How long d
14、id you work at Carter Mowers?你在卡特割草机公♥司♥工作了多久?15 years.15年Oh, that's a long time. Yes, it was.那还挺久的 是啊 挺久的Couldn't have been fun getting laid off, huh?那你被辞退的时候肯定很难过吧?No, but shit happens.不难过 这种事挺正常的And Sam Morrison was your supervisor, correct?萨姆·莫里森以前是你的上司 对吗?Sure
15、, but we hardly ever talked.是 不过我们都没怎么说过话He didn't come down to the floor much.他不怎么来我们那层楼的But it must have pissed you off但他告诉你你被辞退了的时候When he told you they were letting you go, huh?你应该感觉被激怒了吧?He never told me anything.他从没告诉过我任何事Just slipped a letter in my box.只是在我箱子里放了一封信This is your last payche
16、ck, the one you refused to cash.这是你最后一次领到的工资 你没去兑现的那份"Eat shit, Morrison.""吃屎吧 莫里森"I don't know, Detective Matsuyama.我不知道 松山警官That sounds pretty pissed off to me.我听着是感觉被惹到了What do you think?你觉得呢?Yeah, sounds like a man with major anger issues.听起来像是愤怒的感觉Me? No, I'm not ang
17、ry.我吗?不 我不愤怒You, on the other hand, have every right to be angry.相反 你才应该愤怒吧What's that supposed to mean?你什么意思?I read about your girlfriend in the paper.我在报纸上看到你女朋友的新闻了.What she did to your mother.她杀了你妈妈That would make anyone angry.这倒是挺值得愤怒的啊You made her do it.是你让她去杀的I don't think anyone can
18、make anyone我不觉得有人能让Do something they don't want to do.别人做不情愿的事情Are you sure she didn't want her dead?你确定不是你女朋友想弄死你妈妈吗?Are you sure you didn't want her dead?你确定不是你想弄死你妈妈?Shut up! Taka, come on.闭嘴! 孝 冷静You need to control your partner here, Detective.警官 你要控制一下你的搭档啊By the way,而且How's yo
19、ur girlfriend holding up?你女朋友怎么样了?You petty piece of shit!你♥他♥妈♥的真卑鄙!Alex, come on.亚历克斯 冷静The son of a bitch is just playing with us.这个傻♥逼♥就是逗我们玩呢He knows damn well他清楚地知道we'll never be able to connect him to the murders,我们永远不能把他和那些杀人犯To Chri
20、sty's attack on you, or to Taylor Bennett.还有克里斯蒂对你的袭击 或者和泰勒·贝尼特联♥系♥起来When Bennett finds out we're holding him, she's gonna.等贝尼特发现你把他关起来了 她会.They'll have him back on the street before the day's out,他们会在时间到之前把他弄出来and we'll be right back where we start
21、ed.我们的努力就会回到原点了No, we won't.我们不会的I won't let him hurt Christy again.我不会让他再次伤害克里斯蒂了Shit.妈的What is it? It's Burton.怎么了? 是伯顿Buyer's here in New York. They're taking the bait.买♥♥家现在在纽约 他们上钩了Billy!比利!Billy!比利!Hey, Billy!嘿 比利!It's okay, Billy.没事的 比利Don't b
22、e scared.不要害怕Katrina?卡特里娜?Kat!卡特!Is this real?这是真的吗?Are you really. Dead?你真的. 死了?What do you think?你觉得呢?I've spent my whole life looking for you.我花了一生的时间寻找你I had hope.我曾希望.That there'd been a mistake or a lie.这是个错误或是谎言Everything I've ever done, everything I've ever built.所有我做过的事情 所有我
23、创造的东西.Companies, the technology.公♥司♥ 技术.It was just all so that I could find you.都是为了找到你What is this?可结果怎样呢?I thought I was having a breakthrough.我以为我会有所突破Breakthrough?突破?Breakdown? Who knows?还是失败?谁知道呢?Either way, the big door, this morgue.不管怎样 这扇大门 这间太平间.Total cliché, Bil
24、ly,都是没用的 比利But I know it's the best you can do.但是我知道你已经做到最好了I'm dead, Bill.我已经死了 比尔And you're a terrible dreamer.而你是个很差劲的梦境者What's going on?怎么了?You look like you've seen a ghost.你看起来像见了鬼一样What are you doing here?你在这里做什么?Ginsburg just arrived in New York.金斯伯格刚到了纽约And we're gon
25、na take him down.我们要把他拿下And it's got a couple ways we can get out if things go sour.如果失败了 我们有几种逃脱的办法I can think of a dozen reasons我能想到好几个原因why Bennett and Ginsburg won't agree to make the exchange为什么贝尼特和金斯伯格不肯在这个地方进行交易at this place. for one, we chose it.第一 这地方是我们选的They might suspect we'r
26、e setting them up, which we are.他们会怀疑我们要陷害他们 而且我们确实要这么做No, I'm confident they'll do不 我坚信whatever it takes to secure Tess and James.他们会不顾一切保护泰丝和詹姆斯If I tell them that I need to feel safe, or no deal,如果我告诉他们我想有安全感 不然就取消交易They'll go for it.他们会努力争取的Okay, so, once Bennett and Ginsburg are ins
27、ide,所以贝尼特和金斯伯格一进去Burton will cut off their escape,伯顿就会切断他们的逃跑通道And what, you call for backup and arrest them?然后呢 你叫后援来逮捕他们?No, I can't ask for backup. Why?不 我不能叫后援 为什么?Uh, we ask for backup,如果我们叫后援的话Lieutenant kills this thing immediately. simple as that.中尉马上就会把那家伙杀掉的.就这么简单But you can bet, when
28、we catch但是你想想human traffickers in the act,等我们抓到人贩子的时候he'll be the first to take credit for it.他会是最先受益的人But Taka's right. we can't involve the department但是孝说的对.在证据确凿之前Until we have solid evidence.我们不能把警♥察♥局牵扯进来Like having them on video making the deal.把他们交易的画面录下来Exac
29、tly. That happens, Taka and I will cuff him对 等这时候 孝和我就会立马给他戴上手铐and call for backup immediately.并马上叫后援来Sounds like a plan.这计划听着不错Into the breach.挺身而出I will go set this thing up.我去安排这件事吧Mr. Dolan.多兰先生It's an honor.见到你很荣幸Heard a lot about you.我听说了很多关于你的事情And you are?你是?The person who paid your bail
30、.保释你出来的人Finally a live human being.终于见到个活人了I'm getting tired of talking to that goddamn speaker box.我都烦死那个破扬声器了I got a lot of questions for you.我有很多问题要问你I can probably connect a few dots.我也许可以帮你梳理清楚一些事情But I think I should clarify something.但是我还要澄清I don't work for your employer.我不是你雇主的手下Why
31、don't we take a walk so I can explain?我们边走边解释吧?So exactly what have you heard about me?你对我有多少了解?I know about your extraordinary abilities我知道你有非凡的能力and the work you've been doing.也知道你的工作What work is that?什么工作?Samuel Morrison.萨姆埃尔·莫里森.Kumiko Matsuyama.松山久美子.Nicholas Hull.尼古拉斯·赫尔.And
32、the others.还有其他人Let's talk over here.我们到这里来说吧Who are you working for?你为谁工作?NYPD? Woody Hammond?纽约警局?伍迪·哈蒙德?No.不是Then how do you know all that shit?那你是怎么知道这些事情的?I'm a dreamer, like you.我是个梦境者 像你一样There's a group of us.我们有个组织We've had our eye on you for some time.我们已经监视你一段时间了What
33、do you want?你想干什么?We believe that if we combine our abilities,我们相信 如果把我们的能力结合起来We can have a positive impact on this screwed-up world,我们就能为这个糟糕的世界做点儿贡献And we'd like you to join us.我们想邀请你加入Sorry, not interested.对不起 我不感兴趣I understand. You're well paid.我明白 你的酬金很高Don't want to walk away你也不想放
34、弃一件from what appears to be a good thing.看起来很不错的事情吧But do you have any idea who you're working for?但是你知道你在为谁工作吗?Tell me.告诉我Taylor Bennett.泰勒·贝尼特Ever hear of her?听说过她吗?Name sounds familiar.这名字很耳熟She's one of the most powerful venture capitalists她是华尔街上on Wall Street.最大的风险资本家之一Has a huge es
35、tate on Long Island.她在长岛有庞大的财产But, of course,但是you've never been invited there.你却从未受邀去参观过In fact, she's never agreed to meet you face-to-face.实际上 她从没有想要和你面对面接触Am I right?我说的对吧?Tell me, Tom.告诉我 汤姆.Does that sound like a relationship这种关系听起来Built on mutual trust and respect?像是建立在相互信任和尊重之上的吗?Thi
36、nk about it.想一想Does she ever bother to explain她有没有解释过why she wants you to carry out an assignment?她让你执行那些任务的原因?That reporter, for instance.比如说 那个记者Brent Jankowski.布伦特·金考斯基.Did she give you a reason why he was targeted?她有告诉过你攻击他的原因吗?Does she think you're too stupid to understand?是她觉得你太傻了以至于不
37、能理解吗?I'm not stupid. Of course not.我不傻 你当然不傻You're incredibly talented.你的天赋异禀We know that.我们都清楚But does Bennett?可贝尼特真的懂吗?Why don't you come with me?要不要跟我走?Give us a chance to explain exactly how we can help you.给我们一个能够好好向你解释 我们如何能帮到你的机会I'm not walking away from the best job I've
38、ever had我可不想就这样放弃现在这份好工作Based on some blue-sky promises from a stranger.就因为一个陌生人的天荒夜谈就做这种决定I'm disappointed to hear that, Tom.我对这个答复挺失望的 汤姆But perhaps we can talk again不过或许在不久的将来In the not-too-distant future.我们可以再讨论讨论Wait.等等How do I contact you?我怎么联♥系♥你?I don't even kno
39、w your name.我连你的名字都不知道It's Katrina,我叫卡特里娜Katrina Boerg卡特里娜·博格And you can find me anytime.你随时可以找到我.In your dreams.我就在你的梦里They've arrived.他们到了16 minutes late.迟到了十六分钟Relax, my boy.放心吧 小伙子They wouldn't dare dream of harming us,他们是不敢伤害我们的At least not until they get our money.至少在拿到钱之前不会Wh
40、y would I harm a paying customer?我怎么会伤害买♥♥主呢?We're not common criminals.我们也不是什么随随便便的小罪犯Common? No, I suppose not.随随便便?是不太随便What, Dr. Ginsburg, does that make you?那金斯伯格博士 你又是什么呢?My reasons for acquiring Tess and her son are pure.我要得到泰丝和她儿子的理由非常神圣Pure?神圣?I see. Interesting.好吧
41、 挺有趣的Well, now that we've exchanged pleasantries,玩笑也开过了Perhaps we should get down to business.或许我们该谈谈正事了Agreed.我同意First, I'd like to see some proof首先 我需要证据That you actually have Tess and her son来证明泰丝和她儿子In your possession.确实在你手中They are being kept in a secure location.他们被关在秘密的地方If you'll
42、 just give me a moment.你稍等一下Yeah, they're here.没错 他们在这儿Well, they want to be sure we're not bullshitting them,他们想确保一下我们没糊弄他们So put her on.让她听吧Right.好Is that you, Tess?是你吗 泰丝?Who is this?你是谁?It's lovely to hear your voice.能听到你的声音真好I've been looking forward to this conversation我期待这次对话F
43、or a long time.已经很久了What do you want from us?你想从我们这里得到什么?Yes, I imagine you have lots of questions,我明白 你肯定有很多疑惑Especially since we shared that dream last night.特别是在昨晚的梦境过后So it was you.所以真的是你Actually, I only did half the work, my dear.其实只有一半是我做的You have abilities你拥有着You haven't begun to tap or u
44、nderstand.你从未触及或意识到的能力But we will help you develop them soon enough.不过我们很快就会帮到你了By kidnapping me and my son?通过绑♥架♥我和我儿子吗?All will be revealed in due time.等时机一到 一切迷弟都会被解开Go to hell, you sick bastard!去死吧 你♥他♥妈♥的!Hey, you okay?你还好吗?Yeah.没事I will be
45、 once we finish this.只要我们能把这破事解决Emily.艾米丽What are you doing here, Dad?你在这干嘛呢 爸爸?I thought you were in. Jail?我还以为你在. 监狱里?No, they couldn't make it stick, just like I said.不 他们起诉不了我的 我说过了I don't believe you.我不相信你了You see me standing here, not in jail.你看到我现在站在这里了 我不在监狱What don't you believe
46、?你还有什么不相信的呢?I've done a lot of thinking.我想了很多.About everything.关于这一切How'd you get all this money?你怎么会有那么多钱的?I told you, I got a new job.我和你说了 我有了一份新工作Doing what?什么工作?You don't have any special skills.你什么特长都没有I do now,我现在有的And I've been working really hard at developing them.而且我很努力地在发
47、挥我的特长.Really?真的吗?So what are they?那它究竟是什么?What's the name of the company? Where's your office?你的公♥司♥名字叫什么?你的办公室在哪儿?Look, you're confused, scared.听着 你很迷惑 很害怕It's understandable, but once you get to NYU我都明白 可是等你去了纽约大学And gain a little perspective. I'm not goin
48、g to NYU.多了解一下各种. 我不去纽约大学了What are you talking about? They canceled my scholarship.你说什么? 他们取消我的奖学金了No, it must be some kind of mistake.不 一定是哪里搞错了No.没有The mistake was believing you in the first place.错的是我一开始居然相信了你You're a liar!你就是个骗子!Did you send me a fake email你是给我发了封假邮件To make me think that I g
49、ot it?让我以为自己被录取了吗?Of course not. Just. give me a couple days.我当然没有.你再给我点时间I'll fix this, peanut. Stop calling me that.我会把事情搞定的 小花生 别再那样叫我了No one's taking that scholarship from you.没人能把你的奖学金抢走的You'll see. Okay?你等着看吧In the meantime, take this, buy some clothes.还有 收下这些钱 多买♥&h
50、earts;点儿衣服.Stay away from me!你走开!I never want to see you again!我再也不想见到你了!So, when they arrive, they're gonna want to see me.好 等他们到这儿的时候 肯定会想要见我How about if Woody shows you off from this spot?伍迪从这里带着你出现We'll be able to keep you covered from here.然后我们在这里给你打掩护怎么样?Great.好Can't wait to look G
51、insburg in the eyes我都等不及要和金斯伯格对峙And shake some answers out of him.让他把真♥相♥一五一十地说出来了Yeah, okay, look, I've been thinking about that.我有一个想法We won't need you at the site to make this work.其实这个计划并不需要你真的在场You can get all your answers once Ginsburg's behind bars.你也可以等金斯伯格进
52、了监狱之后再让他坦白Tess, listen to me. it doesn't make sense泰丝 你听我说.To put you in harm's way我们没有权力为了一时痛快Just so you can have a moment of satisfaction.就把你置于险境If they don't see me,可是如果见不到我They won't step inside that warehouse.他们是不会踏进这个仓库的I can tell them I'm afraid of an ambush.我可以和他们说我怕有陷阱I
53、 don't want them我不想他们To steal the merchandise without paying for it.连钱也不付就把货品抢走Yeah, that could work. They know Woody's a coward.还真的能行得通 他们都知道伍迪是个胆小鬼And greedy and amoral.还很贪心 毫无道德Thanks, guys. That's.谢谢你们的评价.They'll believe he wants to make the deal他们会相信他是真的想做成这次交易And that he's
54、brought the merchandise, right?真的把货品带来了 对吧?I'm going to be there.我一定要在现场I planned this. I've got to see it through.这是我计划的 我得知晓事情的发展There are at least 50 ways this can blow up in our faces.有太多未知数了 可能会使事情不如你所愿的They might get lucky. Bottom line is.他们可能刚好走运 重点是.Are you willing to lose James agai
55、n?你想再失去詹姆斯一次吗?Let Bennett or Ginsburg get their hands on him?让贝尼特或者金斯伯格伤害到他?Of course not.当然不想Then don't take that risk.那就别冒这个险We don't need you there to bag him.我们不需要你在场才能抓住他的With everything we've got now,以目前我们所有资源来看If they show up with payment,如果他们在交易的时候现身了They're performing an ove
56、rt act那他们就是在公然越轨In furtherance of a class A felony.犯下一级重罪Human trafficking.买♥♥卖♥♥人口They're looking at 25 years二级合谋罪For conspiracy in the second degree, minimum.至少能判25年All we're gambling is ourselves,我们的赌注就是我们自己But if this goes south and takes you w
57、ith it,但如果事情发展得不顺利James is on his own.詹姆斯就只能依靠自己了God damn it.妈的If only people were more like you, Brutus,布鲁图 如果人们都能像你一样My life would be so much easier.我的日子就好过多了Sweet dreams.好梦Who's there?谁在那儿?We finally meet.我们终于还是碰面了What do you want?你想要什么?Why did you cancel my daughter's scholarship?你为什么取消了我女儿的奖学金I don't reward failure.我从不奖赏失败者What failure?什
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