1、Previously on "Falling Water".落梦若水前情提要.For most citizens of the world,对世界上大多数人来说they're either dreaming or awake.他们要么在梦中 要么醒着You, though, have the rare ability而你 有着罕见的能力to spill your waking into your dreaming能够带着清醒的意识进入梦境中so that they overlap and mix together.它们会交织在一起Where do you go wh
2、en you're not with me?你不和我在一起的时候 会去哪里?What lie do you want me to tell?你想让我撒什么样的谎呢?Tess. My mother has been catatonic for seven years.泰丝 我妈妈患精神病已经七年了Your boy has the power to wake her up.你的孩子有能力唤醒她There's an old friend of mine who works at the firm.我有个老朋友在那家公♥司♥工作He want
3、s me to meet with him.他想和我见一面I want to protect you. I care about you.我想保护你 我真的很在乎你Everyone always says they care about me每个人都说他们在乎我right before they start to lie.但后来就开始对我说谎了You bought that boy, didn't you?你把那个男孩儿也带来了是吗?You don't buy and sell people.你不是人贩子You're his mother.你是他妈妈Until he g
4、rows up, he's always一直到他长大成人gonna have people after him.身后总会有人跟着他的We're an invisible army. You can never outrun us.我们是一支无形的军队 你永远不可能从我们手中逃脱He's a very special boy.他是一个非常特殊的男孩In the wrong hands, your son's powers are a danger to us all.如果落到其他人手里 你儿子的能力就会变成巨大的麻烦Three individual lives,
5、one path.三个独♥立♥个体 重叠到同一条轨迹What seemed a random, chance encounter看起来好像是随机的巧合ultimately proved itself to be an inevitability,最终却发现 那是我们不可逃避的a certainty, fate.命运But to what end?尽头在哪里呢?To what purpose?有什么目的?If any of the three of us had known the answer to that,如果我们三人中有一人能知道答案it wo
6、uld be the end of the story.这个故事也就结束了But it turns out, it was only the beginning.但事实证明 一切才刚刚开始Medic! Medic!医疗兵!医疗兵!Medic!医疗兵!Medic!医疗兵!Go away. You don't belong here.走开 你不属于这里You can't save them all, my love.你救不了所有人的 亲爱的I need to try.我要试试I need to try.我总要试试I can't just let go.我不能就这样忘记The
7、n you'll be stuck in the hell you've created那你就会被困在自己亲手创造的地狱中for yourself for the rest of your life.度过余生Okay, okay.好的 好的Wow.哇哦That's an interesting way of getting my attention.这种引起我注意的方法还挺有趣的Must have dozed off.我刚刚睡着了吧Uh, yeah.是的More coffee?还要咖啡吗?I think you know the answer to that by no
8、w.答案很明显了吧Thanks. And if I could get one. Get one to go?谢了 我再要一个. 打包带走?Way ahead of you, Burton.我已经猜透你了 伯顿Hey. Hey!嘿!Sanjay.桑杰Hey, Alex, long time, no see.嗨 亚历克斯 好久不见How you been? Uh, good, yeah.最近怎么样啊? 挺好的How's the family? Good.家人怎么样? 也挺好的Raj is ten now. Can you believe it?拉杰已经十岁了 你敢信吗?Oh, my Go
9、d. Ten? Crazy, right?我的天 已经十岁了? 时光飞逝啊Oh, yeah. Sanjay, this is my new partner, Taka.对了 桑杰 这是我的新搭档 孝What's up? Hey, how you doing?你好? 嗨 你好Heard a lot about you. Homicide now.久仰大名 你现在来负责杀人案了啊Weren't you in special investigations or something?你之前不是在一个什么特殊的调查机构吗?Special Intel Unit.是网络专案组You know
10、, phased out. Got reassigned to the 51st.后来慢慢无用武之地了 就被重新分配到第51局了Alex is showing me the ropes here.亚历克斯正带我熟悉这里的规矩呢Let me tell you, you got lucky.跟你说 和她搭档真的是很幸运Eh, you know. Eh.是呀 是啥是How's it in there?里面什么情况?Some messed-up shit in that bedroom.卧室里面一团糟Awesome.真棒Enjoy.慢慢看吧Thanks. Guess you know ever
11、yone on the force.谢了 你应该认识在现场的所有人吧No.不是Well, yeah. I mean, everyone in the 51st for sure.每个51局的人我肯定都认识了It's the only precinct I've ever worked.我就在这一个地方工作过Kind of grew up there.也算是在这里成长的吧Holy. Shit.我去. 靠Sanjay was not exaggerating.桑杰还真是一点儿没夸张啊What do you got?你翻到什么了?Multiple weapons.很多凶器Lamp o
12、n the bed stand.床头灯Letter opener.拆信刀Five iron.高尔夫球杆Shit.我去Taka, you okay?孝 你还好吗?Taka?孝?Yeah, I'm fine.还好Mr. Morrison?莫里森先生?I'm Detective Matsuyama. This is Detective Simms.我是松山警官 这位是西姆斯警官Hello.你好We understand a terrible thing has happened,我们理解发生这样的事对你来说是巨大的冲击and we're here to get to the
13、bottom of it,我们来这里就是要查清♥真♥想的so if you can, you know, try and help us help you希望你能尽力配合 让我们帮助你and tell us everything you can about.告诉我们所有关于.Met at Stevenson High.我们都曾就读史蒂文森中学Football game.相识于一场足球比赛I was working the concessions.我在小卖♥♥部工作She was a cheerleader.
14、她是啦啦队队长She loved the way I made snow cones.她喜欢我做的冰淇淋I was heavy with the syrup, she said.她说我总是加特别多的糖浆Oh, Lord. We know how tough this is.天啊 我们知道你很难接受But we need to ask a few questions.但是我们需要问你几个问题I've never loved anyone else.我从来没有爱过别人We understand that, sir, but we need to know what happened.我们理
15、解 但我们需要知道究竟发生了什么 先生Was there a break-in?有人非法闯入吗?A break-in? No. There was no break-in.非法闯入?没有 没有人来过Where were you, then?你当时在哪儿?In the bathroom. I had a bad dream.我在浴室里 我做了个噩梦Crazy dream. What kind of dream?一个很可怕的梦 什么样的梦?I don't know.我不知道Lots of bugs crawling all over me.有好多好多虫子爬在我身上So do you hav
16、e any idea你认为谁又可能who might have done this, Mr. Morrison?下此毒手呢 莫里森先生?I do.我知道Absolutely I do.我当然知道You know who did this? Yes.你知道是谁? 是的I did.是我I killed my wife.我杀了我的妻子My sweet, lovely Annette.我可爱的安妮特I killed her, but, God help me, I don't know why.我杀了她 可是 我真的不知道为什么Order up.上菜了Come on, Vi. We got a
17、 packed crowd today.快点儿啊 小维 今天这么多客人This isn't my order, Bill. What's that?不是我下的单 比尔 什么?Not my order.不是我的客人Don't worry about it, Vi.不要担心 小维Old coot's gotten confused again.老厨师又糊涂了By the way, he's back.对了 他回来了Who is? Old puppy dog eyes.谁? 一双眼睛跟老狗似的看着你呢What the hell? Why me?什么鬼?为什么找
18、上我了啊?'Cause you're the prettiest thing that's walked因为你是这镇上十多年来into this town in, like, a decade.最好看的小姑娘了呀Now go warm up that boy's coffee.快去给那个男孩儿续咖啡吧Mm.恩Nice to see you again, Vi.很高兴再次见到你 小维You done with that toast there?你的事儿办完了?Yeah. Sure.是呀So you grew up around here, I'm gues
19、sing?你是在这里长大的吗?No. How'd you end up here, then?不是 那你怎么来到这里了呢?Just did.想来就来了呗New here myself. Two months in.我也刚来这里两个月Got the old Brocton place up on Muston Lane.我以前住在布罗克顿老城的麦斯顿街Don't know it. Uh, well,没听说过 好吧it's a little north on Main and.从梅因再往北一点儿就是.Can I get you something else or just
20、the check?要再点点儿吃的吗 还是结账?Uh, yeah, the check, I guess.结账吧You got it. Thanks.马上来 谢了Our position in the gold market has taken a nosedive.我们在黄金市场中的地位正在直线下降Yes, the international markets suck right now.国际市场现在确实很糟糕Yes, the dollar is like toilet paper being wiped美元现在就像厕纸一样一文不值on the ass of the Nikkei right
21、 now,根据现在的日经指数and yes, China is holding precious metals hostage,中国正掌控着贵金属的筹码but I don't give a shit.但是我就是不信这个邪Place everything on the floor, including your cell phones.把所有东西放到地上 包括手♥机♥Everyone outside now, please. What the hell's going on?请所有人现在立即离开 这他妈要干什么啊Search warra
22、nt.搜查令And a warrant for your arrest, Mr. Hull.和你的逮捕令 赫尔先生I should have guessed this was coming.我早该想到会发生这种事了Did we not put enough in your Christmas stocking last year?是给你的福利没给够吗?You hired me to fix problems for the firm.你雇了我是要解决公♥司♥问题的Consider this simply an extension of that se
23、rvice.权当这是项额外服务吧Pretty good trick here.小把戏耍得不错Didn't realize this was possible.我没想到真的能实现这种事Ah, you know, we all have our special talents.我们都有自己特殊的天赋And just to beat a metaphor into the ground,以大地给你打个比方you're right on the edge of disaster,你现在已经处于灾难的边缘了and you don't even realize it.而你完全没有意
24、识到I have a pretty good idea of what I'm doing.我很清楚我在做什么Mm. You don't. Not really.你并不清楚There are big players here,幕后有很多狠角色bigger than I think you realize.我觉得你并没有意识到有多狠The Firm is just the first thread.黑色豪门企业只是第一个线索Tug a little, and more will be revealed.抽丝剥茧 我一定能揪出更多藏在幕后的人Whatever.随便你怎么说吧You
25、need to do what you need to do, right?你该做的总是要做 对吧?And by the way, have you seen her lately?对了 你最近有见过她吗?Who? The woman of your dreams.谁? 你梦里那个女人Has a thing for red? What about her?有红色的东西吗? 她怎么了?It would just be a shame if something happened她那张漂亮的小脸蛋要是出了什么意外to that pretty little face of hers, don'
26、t you think?那多羞耻啊 对吧?You're welcome.不必谢我了Thanks.谢谢No worries.小意思You want something to drink with that?你想喝点什么吗?Milk or something?牛奶或者别的饮料?Sure.可以So milk?那就喝牛奶咯?James?詹姆斯?James, did you draw that?詹姆斯?这是你画的吗?Shadowman.暗影人Shadowman?暗影人?I saw him.我在梦里In my dreams.看到过他He scares me.他吓到我了Does he talk to
27、 you?他有和你说话吗?No.没有He doesn't even know I see him.他不知道我看到他了But he's very angry但他当时很生气and wants to do bad things.准备做很坏的事情To you?对你吗?To everyone.对所有人Wish they could all be this easy.真希望所有案子都能这么简单The Morrison case? Easy?莫里森的案子简单?Think about it.你想想啊This tool stabs his wife to death,这是他刺死妻子的凶器leav
28、es bloody fingerprints all over the place,周围还留下了带血的指纹and then admits he did it.他又承认了是他杀的人Something about it that feels, you know, too easy.这整件事总让人感觉 太简单了Evidence is evidence, Taka.证据就是证据 孝Guy works at the same company 30 years,这个人已经为一家公♥司♥卖♥♥命了30年raises tw
29、o children, has tickets on his desk抚养着两个孩子 桌上还放着他两周前to go on a cruise with his wife that he bought two weeks ago.买♥♥好的马戏团门票 要和妻子一起去看Then he kills her?然后他就把她杀了?Doesn't add up.这不合情理Retirement does strange things to people.退休会让人的性格变得古怪的Take care. Alex.保重 亚历克斯I'm not sure w
30、e're dealing with the same thing here.我不确定我们在处理的是不是同一件事I think we should talk to Morrison等莫里森的案子走完流程once he's gone through processing.我觉得我们需要和他谈一谈We have a stack of pending cases on our desk.我们手头还有一堆案子没解决掉呢Boss man wants those cases closed ASAP.老大说要尽快把这些案子都解决掉的Yeah, I get that. It's just
31、. Let's go home,我明白 可是. 回家吧kiss our respective girlfriends, get a good night's sleep,各自亲亲自己的女朋友 好好睡一觉and we'll revisit this in the morning, yeah?明天早上我们再来处理这件事 好吗?Yeah. All right.好的Okay.好Hey.嗨Hey, Violet. Jeremy.嗨 维奥莱特 杰里米How you doing?你最近怎么样?Good.挺好的Captain Jeremy. Hey, Space Cadet.杰里米队长
32、 嗨 空军预备生What's the word from Jupiter?木星有什么消息吗?Well, it's just a big old hydrogen gas ball,还是那个旧旧的大氢气球about 483,682,810 miles away from the sun.距离太阳483,682,810米远Ganymede may be the largest out of its 63 moons,木卫三可能是63个卫星中最大的一颗but I would live on Europa但我会选择住在木卫二上'cause I could go swimming
33、 every day这样我就可以在它那片秘密的海洋里in its secret ocean.自在畅游了Wow. Wow is right.哇 你是该惊叹Very impressive, my young space explorer.做得非常棒 小小太空探索者Galileo would be proud.伽利略都会为你感到骄傲的Can Jeremy stay for dinner?杰里米可以留下来吃晚餐吗Of course. If he can.只要他说可以就可以Can you? Um. yeah, sure.可以吗? 当然Yeah, if it's okay with your mo
34、m.只要你妈妈答应就行We just have leftovers.我们只有剩菜可以招待你了Sounds good to me.听起来不错Sorry, I got to take this. No worries.不好意思 我接个电♥话♥ 没事儿Come on, James. It's puzzle day.来吧 詹姆斯 今天是拼图日哦Hey. Everything okay?一切还顺利吗?Just checking in on you, Tess.看看你有没有事 泰丝It's violate now.挺惨烈的Believe it o
35、r not,不知道你相不相信life in a witness relocation program of your own making生活在自己制定出的证人迁移计划中isn't always as romantic as I thought it would be.好像并不像我设想中一样浪漫We raided The Firm today, Tess.泰丝 我们今天突袭了黑色豪门企业Did you find what you were looking for?找到你要找的东西了没?Didn't really expect to, but I will.还没 但我肯定会找到的
36、And when I do, hopefully that will end等我找到了 希望可以让你和詹姆斯the danger to you and James.从目前的危险状况中脱身Will it really ever end?真的能永远结束吗?Yeah, that's what I thought.我心里确实有这种怀疑I don't have much credit left on this phone.我现在也不太信任这个手♥机♥了I'll trash it and send you the number我会扔掉的
37、等我换好新的号♥码when I get a new one.再发给你I know it's a hassle.我知道这一切让你很困扰This is my life now.这就是我现在的生活啊It took me eight years to find James,我花了八年时间去找詹姆斯to even convince people I had a son.甚至还要说服别人我是有个儿子的I'll never let anyone take him away from me again.我不会再让任何人把他从我身边抢走了Which is why I wan
38、t to make sure这也是为什么我一定要确定the bastards go down for good.要彻底解决掉这些混♥蛋♥I made you that promise six months ago,六个月前 我对你做出过承诺and I intend to keep it.我会遵守诺言的I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound ungrateful.对不起 不是我不懂得感恩I appreciate what you and Taka have done.我很感谢你和孝为我所做的一切It'
39、s just. No. Look, I understand.只是. 我明白Let me know if you need anything, okay?如果你需要什么只管开口Money, whatever.不管是钱还是别的And don't forget.别忘了.Hey, Sabine.嗨 萨宾Hello there, you.你好啊Thanks for doing this.谢谢你做了这么多Doing what? You know, this.做了什么? 这一切啊Coming to see her.来看她And as I've said about, oh, a thous
40、and times,我已经说过上千遍了I don't mind.我不介意的Still, I'm not sure I'd have the patience or the.我都不确定我是不是还对她的情况desire, for that matter.有耐心或是热情了I talked to Dr. Assad this morning.今早我和阿萨德医生聊过And?结果呢?Your mother's platelet count.你母亲的血小板数it took a big dip.下降得很快It could indicate. Cancer.也就意味着. 癌症He
41、 wants to run a bunch of tests,他想再多做一些测试rule out as much as he can.尽可能排除掉这种可能性Can't say I'm surprised.其实我也不惊讶I'm sorry.抱歉It is what it is.命运自有天注定I'm not sure she'd care all that much.我都不确定她是不是会在乎活着Just like everything else, including her son.就像她也不在乎别的事情一样 连儿子也不在乎Hey, um, how woul
42、d you feel about takeout tonight?你今晚想不想出去走走?You know, from Buona Notte?去意式小馆吃个饭?That's weird. What?真是好奇怪 什么?I've had a craving for their shiitake ravioli我今天一整天都特别想吃in truffle sauce all day.他们店里沾着松露酱的香菇煎饺You're pretty good at this.你还挺擅长做家务的Youngest of eight, you learn to clean up after ev
43、eryone.我是八个孩子里的老幺 每次吃完饭刷盘子的都是我Hmm, I know a little about that.这种心情我还真的有点了解Had an older sister who kind of treated me我姐姐一般都是like her own personal slave.把我当成奴隶对待的Mm, so you know what I'm saying.所以你能懂我的感觉咯So where'd you grow up?你在哪儿长大的?New York.纽约You?你呢?Maine, born and bred.一直都在缅因州I don't k
44、now if I'll ever get used to not having any noise.我不知道我能不能习惯这种没有嘈杂噪音的生活It's kind of spooky.怪吓人的Spooky?吓人?Most people find it peaceful.多数人都会觉得这种生活很祥和呀So how'd you end up here, then?那你是怎么来到这儿生活的呢?Got divorced and.离了婚needed to get as far away as fast as possible.需要尽快离开那个地方So.所以kismet, then.
45、就是天命咯Kismet? Uh, fate.天命? 命运吧See, if that hadn't happened,如果没有发生那些事then you never would have come here,你业就永远都不会来到这里and I never would have met you.我也就不会遇见你了Hmm.嗯Mom.妈妈Mom.妈妈Mom!妈妈!Mom!妈妈!Are you all right?你还好吗?Yeah, everything's fine, sweetie.没事的 亲爱的You can go back to bed.回去睡吧Maybe you'd
46、like me to stay here with you.要不要我在这儿陪着你睡In case you get scared again.省的你再害怕Come on.过来I was hoping you could give us希望你能再跟我们再a few more details, Mr. Morrison.多说一些细节 莫里森先生I'll try.我尽量I don't know what more I can tell you.我不知道还能告诉你们什么了I loved my wife.我很爱我的妻子I don't know why I did what I di
47、d.我也不知道我为什么要那样做You must have had some reason, no?你这么做一定有原因 对吧?No.没有We spoke to your next-door neighbor,我们也跟你的邻居Mrs. Beatrice Mantoni.比阿特丽斯·曼托尼太太谈过了Yeah, sure. We've been neighbors for years.我们做邻居好多年了She said she's been hearing you two fighting她说在过去的一个月中pretty violently for the last mont
48、h or so.经常听到你们俩发生激烈的争吵True? Okay, look.是真的吗? 好吧Annette and I have had a rough time lately.我和安妮特最近是有点小摩擦That's what happens after 25 years of marriage, you know?25年的婚姻 会这样很正常It doesn't mean I didn't love her.并不代表我不爱她了What about the weird dream能说说你那晚提到过的you were talking about that night?你做
49、了一个很怪异的梦吗?Can you recall any more details?你还能回想起其他细节吗?I'd been having a lot of bad dreams.我最近一直做噩梦I still am.现在也还有They're getting worse and worse.而且梦境变得越来越可怕Like what?比如说?My wife, Annette, she's in them.我的妻子安妮特 她也在梦中All of them. Doing what?所有的梦里都有她 在梦里做什么?I don't know. It's weird
50、 stuff, you know.我也不知道 都是很奇怪的事情I'll sit down to dinner, and she'll put我坐下来吃晚饭 她会给我端上来一盘菜a plate in front of me, and it's our cat. dead,是我们家的猫.的尸体covered in bugs, like cockroaches and stuff.浑身爬满了蟑螂之类的虫子And then another time, I come upstairs,还有一次 我上楼去and she's having sex with the mailm
51、an.却发现她在和邮递员做♥爱♥Okay, I think we're done here.好了 今天就到此为止吧What the hell was that all about?你刚刚是要干嘛?Trying to find a motive, same as you,试图寻找作案动机啊 你不也是something that can explain a man killing his wife为一个男人杀掉他结伴25年的发妻after 25 years of marriage.找到一个合理的解释啊And somehow, asking him
52、 about his dreams does that?问他做了什么梦就能找到吗?We're homicide detectives, not shrinks.我们是凶杀案探员 不是心理医生There are documented cases of people walking in their sleep,是有人在睡眠中梦游committing murder. Damn it, Taka.然后自杀的先例的 靠 孝How about we leave his defense该为他辩护的up to his lawyers?应该是律师吧?You're right. Yeah, I
53、am.你说的对 我当然对了You know, everyone warned me about you.每个人都提醒过我要小心防着你But I said, "No.但我说的是 "不""Taka seems a straight-up good guy."孝看起来是个正直的好人""Yeah, sure, I know all about his intuition bullshit,"当然 我也知道他老用直觉那一套""But at the end of the day, his record sp
54、eaks for itself."但每次他的记录最终都能证明他的清白""No, I think I can work with him."不 我觉得我可以和他搭档"I do. I really do.""我真的可以"I'm beginning to have second thoughts, Detective.警探 我现在感觉我要三思了He seems happy.他看起来很开心It's hard to tell sometimes.有时候我也很难分辨他开心与否It'll get bett
55、er, little by little.一切都会一点点好起来的Kids are amazingly resilient. I mean, look at us.孩子的恢复力是惊人的 你看看我们We didn't exactly have the most normal childhood,我们的童年也不见得多正常吧and we sort of turned out okay.现在不也活得挺好的Well. Right.这个嘛. 好吧Okay, maybe not best example.我们也不是什么好榜样啦I'm actually happy with the life w
56、e have here.其实我对现在的生活还挺满意的Being a waitress? Not the most stimulating thing服务员不算是我做过的所有工作中I've ever done,比较刺♥激♥的but it's not as bad as I thought it would be.但也没有我想象的那么糟糕吧Really? Really.真的吗? 真的Now, what I don't like is all the sneaking around,我现在不再想要那种鬼鬼祟祟的lying,日日撒谎staying on high alert.时刻高度警觉的日子了That part's exhausting.活得太累了I bet.肯定的I mean, here I am, making you我让你大老远drive all the way up to New Hampshire.从新罕布&
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