



1、六年级北师大版英语下学期填空题实验学校习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 填空题。1My mother is good at _ the dish. 2I _ _ _. So I didnt go to school. 3Sarah _ a _ with her friend last night. 2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1They are _ (cheer) for the party.2I _ (hit) the dog with

2、the stone just now.3They run to the classroom _ (quick).4I want _ (reach) the pears.5Wang Bing _ (write) an email to his friend now.6Hes _ (real) good at English.7I _ (go) to a shopping centre last Sunday.8We couldnt _ (find) our football.3

3、. 填空题。1She likes_(drink) juice.2I want _ (surprise) Li Ming.3In winter, I like _ (make) a snowman.4. 按要求给下列单词分类。A. hamburger B. apple C. juice D. cola   E. pear   F. sandwichG. rice   H. coffee I. water J. peach K. banana  L. egg1. bread _2. milk _3.

4、 grape _5. 按要求写单词。1well(比较级) 2have(-i n g形式)3ride(-i n g形式)4go(反义词)5big(反义词)6. 填空题。1_ (be) there many trees in this forest in the past?Yes, there _ (be). But now there _ (be) not many trees._ people _ (plant) more trees in the future?I don''t know

5、.2They _ (plant) trees tomorrow.3We _ (visit) the farm next week.4We''re going to _ (have) a picnic in the park.5When are you going to _ (play) chess?7. 用所给词的适当形式填空。ring   cry   but come watch1. My father is working on the computer, but my br

6、other starts to _.2. My mother is cooking dinner, but the bell _.3. “Come in,please!” I say. My friend Lucy _ in.4. Mr Smart is reading a book and Mrs Smart _ TV.5. Lin Tao is doing his homework, _ the phone rings.8. 语法填空。1'Don''t cry, boy!' th

7、e lady spoken _ to Sam. (gentle)2Our school garden looks different when there is a _ change. (season)3Which is more _, monkeys or dolphins? (intelligence)4This is my _ time to visit this city. (two)9. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Where _ you _ (go) yesterday?2J

8、ohn _ (hurt) his foot last weekend.3I often _ (go) to a forest park with my friends.4Look! Mike _ (ride) a horse now.5Come and look at my _ (photo).10. 根据提示完成单词或词组。1Where did you go _ (上周日)?2I _ (野营) with my friends last weekend.3Are you

9、60;_ (身体好)?4John _ (骑马) yesterday.5Mike _ (从跌落) his bike and hurt his foot.11. 填空题。1Li Ming fell off his bike and _ his _. 2Sarah _ (buy) a film magazine last Saturday.3Daming _ (take) a photo of his father yesterday.4I _ (ha

10、ve a cold) yesterday, so I didn''t go to school.5WuYifan _ (stay) at home last night.12. 用所给词适当形式填空。1Hi, Mike. How _(be) your weekend?2I watched some _(children) shows on TV.3How was your weekend?I _(drink) tea with my friends.4What _ you _(do) last we

11、ekend?5Im going to _(call) my grandparents now.13. 填空题。1Mon.  It will _ on Monday. Lingling is going to _.2Sat.  It will _ _ on Saturday. I''m going to _.3Tue.  It will _ _ on Tuesday. I''m going to&

12、#160;_.4A: Are you going to get a haircut?B: No, I''m going to _. 5Sam will _ (become) a teacher in the future.14. 填空题。1I want _ (surprise) Li Ming.2In winter, I like _ (make) a snowman.3I often _ (play) sports with my friends.4Li Ming someti

13、mes _ (teach) Danny _ (skate).5Tomorrow she _ (visit) her uncle.15. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Im good at PE. I can run _ (fast).2In public, you _ (must) smoke. You can smoke in the smoke room.3Follow the rules and stay _ (safe) on the road.4The yellow l

14、ight _ (mean) we must wait.5Look, the dogs _ (run) on the road.6This question is very _ (easy). I can finish it _ (easy).16. 选词填空(词汇运用)。1Sue and Mike have been _ (in/to) Ocean Park.2Would you like _ (meeting/to meet) my sister tomorrow?17. 填空


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