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1、Everyday English1. Its terrible! 太糟糕了!太糟糕了!/ 太可怕了!太可怕了!2. Give me a break! 饶了我吧!饶了我吧!3. I cant help it! 我情不自禁!我情不自禁! Everyday Englishl1. Catch you laterl 稍后联系你稍后联系你l2. Between us!l 你知,我知你知,我知l3. Watch your mouth.l 注意言辞注意言辞1、captain 2、 sail 3、 harbour 4、 important 5、 performance 6、 occasion 7、neighbo

2、ur 8、 at present 9、 the Workers Club 10、as usual 11、 try to keep order 12、good luck 13、pop singer 14、 early in the morning 15、take part in the race across the Atlantic 16、 set out 17、 plenty of time 18、 say goodbye to sb. 19、be proud of 20、He will be away for two months.1、秘书、秘书 2、交通、交通 3、插话,打断、插话,打断

3、 4、交、交通违规罚款单通违规罚款单 5、 便条便条 6、 地段地段 7、 指示牌指示牌 8、 提示提示 9、 无视,失败无视,失败 10、 服从服从 11、 一个有礼貌的请求一个有礼貌的请求 12、 感到感到很紧张很紧张 13、 不能支付这么庞大的工资开不能支付这么庞大的工资开支支 14、 用微弱的声音说用微弱的声音说 15、禁止停车、禁止停车 16、好消息好消息 17、 从从抬头看抬头看 18、 一千英磅一千英磅 19、 欢迎你来到我们的城市欢迎你来到我们的城市 20、 他说生他说生意非常不景气。意非常不景气。 1、secretary 2、traffic 3、interrupt 4、tic

4、ket 5、note 6、 area 7、sign 8、 reminder 9、fail 10、 obey 11、 a polite request 12、feel nervous 13、can not afford to pay such large salaries 14、in a weak voice15、No parking 16、good news 17、look up from 18、a thousand pounds 19、 Welcome you to our city. 20、 He said that business was very bad.l 1. -Mum,may

5、I watch TV now? -Sure,but you _ help me with my English. l A. can B. may C. must D. could l 2. -_ I download the article again?l -No ,you neednt. A. Shall B. Will C. Must D. Can l 3. -Can you go skating with us this afternoon?l -Sorry,I cant.l I _ take care of my little sister at home. l A. can B. m

6、ay C. would D. have to l 4. -Must I hand in my exercise book today?l -No ,you _. l A. cant B. neednt C. mustnt D. wont l 5. -May I have a word with you?l -No,you _. Im busy today. l A. neednt B. wouldnt C. dont have to D. cant l 6. -_I have your English name,please? -Yes,Helen. H-E-L-E-N. l A. Must

7、B. May C. Will D. Need l 7. -Who is the boy over there?Is it John?l -No,it _ be him. John is much taller. l A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. neednt l 8. -Can you play it ,Jay?l -Yes,I _. Its easy. l A. must B. can C. need D. may l 9.-You must come back every month.l -Yes, I _. l A. will B. must C. sh

8、ould D. can l 10. She _ know the answer.l but Im not sure. l A. maybe B. may be C. may D. must He often does this. He用来指用来指Pets She 指指nation, mountain, river, tower,building.pblndl:dbilpublandlordbillNew words pub pb n. 小酒店小酒店 public house 酒馆酒馆 at pub我们去酒吧喝一杯吧!我们去酒吧喝一杯吧! Lets go to the pub for a dri

9、nk! pub club bar的区别lpub是专门酒店(一般带有西方风格)lclub专指有会员的俱乐部 bar形式多样,可以是咖啡吧,酒吧或水吧landlord lndl:d n. 店主,地主,房东店主,地主,房东landlady 女房东女房东我要当地主!我要当地主!I want to be a landlord !bill bil n. 账单,比尔账单,比尔Bill will pay the bill for me. 比尔会替我买单的。比尔会替我买单的。pub pb n. 小酒店小酒店landlord lndl:dn. 店主,地主店主,地主bill bil n. 账单,比尔账单,比尔He

10、指宠物指宠物、she 山川、湖泊、国家、建筑山川、湖泊、国家、建筑Have 三种常见用法三种常见用法 As. , . 正当正当的时候,的时候,发生了发生了 What we have learnt ,do you kown ?Key structures:Two different “had”sAfter I had had lunch ,I looked for my bag. had 1(past perfect)过去完成时的标志)过去完成时的标志had 2 吃吃 have dinner / lunch / a mealHave 的用法的用法 (1)perfect tense 完成时完成时l

11、Have you had lunch yet? l你吃过午饭了吗?你吃过午饭了吗?l现在完成现在完成 lHave/has + p.p.l过去完成过去完成 lHad+ p.p.Attention!表示表示“生病生病”不能用不能用own,possess!I have a stomachache =I have got a stomachacheHave 的用法的用法 (2)得病)得病 have=have gotHave 的用法的用法 (3)拥有)拥有 have=have gotl=own,possess 拥有拥有lHe owns a farm = He possess a farm =He has

12、 a farm =He has got a farmI have got a pair of small eyes.Eg:我有一双小眼睛我有一双小眼睛.Have 的用法的用法 (3)固定短语)固定短语lHave a bath/ drink/ look/ conversationl洗个澡、喝一杯、看一下、聊一会、洗个澡、喝一杯、看一下、聊一会、lHave a good time=enjoy oneself 玩得开心玩得开心Have to 不得不不得不Eg.:我不得不努力长胖我不得不努力长胖 I have to grow fathave to = have got tosummary1.现在完成时

13、现在完成时 “have + 过去分词过去分词” 过去完成时过去完成时 “had + 过去分词过去分词” 2.拥有拥有 have = have got = own = possess 得病得病 have = have got headache / fever /cough3.固定短语固定短语 a.have dinner / lunch / breakfast b.have a good time c. Have a bath/ drink/ look/ conversation d. have toLets play a guessing game.(animal)1.It runs very

14、fast, people used it as a traffic tool 1.It runs very fast, people used it as a traffic tool in the old days.in the old days.horse2.Its very clever, it likes eating peaches,and its good at climbing trees.monkey3.It has no foot,but it can run fast. It looks terrible , most of people are afraid of it.

15、snakesnake4.It likes eating and sleeping,4.It likes eating and sleeping, so its very so its very fat,butfat,but its quite lovely. its quite lovely.pigpig5.Its the largest animal on the land with a long nose.elephantChoosing petsl These days many Chinese people enjoy keeping animals for pets . l What

16、 animals do they usually keep ?good pet not sure bad petHave a short class discussion:Why do people have pets?1.Like animals; 2. lovely and beautiful; 3. look as members of the family; 4.go out for a walk with them; 5.can show how rich they are;6.help people guide the house7.make family enjoyable;8.

17、 help person feel less lonely; There is a famous saying: The dog is mans best friend. Do you agree?When we talk about a dog, what word will you think of?What did the dog do in this story?Is this dog good? Why?Where did the story happen?Did the writer have a good meal?Key phrases !look for beside the

18、 door came inpay the billwent out in a few minutes give it back to metake it into the garden寻找在门旁边近来负钱出去几分钟之后把它还给我把它带到花园里去了 After I had had lunch at a village pub , I looked for my bag . I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasnt there ! As I was looking for it, the landlord came in .

19、昨晚当我睡着的时候,一只小偷进来昨晚当我睡着的时候,一只小偷进来了。了。As I was sleeping, a thief came in.As, = While, 当当,发生了发生了beside and besidesBeside 介词介词 表表“在在旁旁”“”“在在附近附近”The car is parking beside the truck.We live beside the library.Besidesa. 介词介词 表表”除除之外之外(包括包括 还还)”E.g. Besides this subject, we have another two subjects. There

20、 are a lot of people at the party besides us. b. “而且而且”“”“并且并且”“”“此外此外” e.g. She has so much else to do besides. Im quite busy today. Besides, Ive got a bad cold. 1. football he plays tennis.l l2. Can you see that boy standing _ the tree?Besidesbesidebeside /besideslook for 寻找寻找我在寻找一个快速致富的我在寻找一个快速致富

21、的方法。方法。嘿,你在找茬吧。嘿,你在找茬吧。Im looking for a way to get rich quickly.Hey,youre looking for trouble.llook after 照顾照顾 l= take care ofl照顾自己照顾自己 Please look after yourself.l我会照顾(处理)它的。我会照顾(处理)它的。lIll look after it l= Ill take care of it llook forward to 期待期待 + n. / V-ingl我很期待国庆节。我很期待国庆节。lIm looking forward t

22、o the National Day.l我很期待见到你我很期待见到你lIm looking forward to meeting you. Did you have a good meal ? he asked . Yes, thank you , I answered, but I cant pay the bill .I havent got my bag . The landlord smiled and immediately went out .In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me . Im v

23、ery sorry he said . My dog had taken it into the garden .He often does this !Give的几个固定搭配的几个固定搭配Give 及物动词,后接名词作宾语。常表示及物动词,后接名词作宾语。常表示“给给予予”“”“交给交给”Eg. Give me the book. please give it to me.a. give back.“归还归还” Give it back to me.b. (1)give in. “投降投降 E.g. The enemy have given in to our army. Dont give

24、 in yourself to the difficulties. (2) give in “上交,呈交上交,呈交” Give in your homework.C. give away.”捐赠,赠送捐赠,赠送” E.g. He gave away all his money to the society.d. give up. “放弃,放弃, 抛弃抛弃” E.g. Never give up, you will finally succeed. Lucys father gives up smoking. (give up doing)l Will the person who took m

25、y ruler please give it _ to me.l 请那个拿了我尺子的人把尺子还给我。l When my children grew up ,I give all their toys _ .l 当孩子长大成人,我就把他们的玩具给别的小孩玩。l We were losing the battle but we did not give _ .l 我们已经输了战争,但是我们不会放弃。l When do we have to give our composition?l 我们什么时候必须交作文?backawayup用带give的词组填空in look for beside the door came inpay the billwent out in a few minutes give it back to metake it into the garden寻找在门旁边近来负钱出去几分钟之后把它还给我把它带到花园里去了1.我在一家乡村小酒店吃过午饭后,就找我的提包。2.但是我付不了帐,我的提包不见了.3.一会工夫他拿来了我的提包,把她还给了我.4. 我的狗把它弄到花园了去了.5.I have give


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