



1、牛津六年级下学期英语语法填空周末专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选词填空。1_ (What/Where) is your dream then?2She_ (wants/want) to be a scientist.3It''s difficult_ (to/on) come true.4Sounds great. _ (And/But) it''s difficult to come true.2. 根据图片提示,补全单词。1I took some s_to my school. 2I went t

2、o the n_library yesterday. 3It took a Chinese t_into space. 4Im _, but the bell rings. 5The dog_ very loudly. 6Liliang is good at _, he won the competition before. 7_ everyday, it can make you healthy. 3. 读一读,按要求写出下列单词的变化形式。1she(物主代词) _2dress(复数

3、形式) _3what(同类词) _4his(主格) _5big(反义词) _6teacher(同类词) _4. 请从括号中选出正确的动词形式,并填入横线内。1He _ (am, is, are) from America. He and I _ (am, is, are) friends.2That cat _ (am, is, are) fat and lazy.3_ (Do, Does) Tom study in Shiyan Primary School?4We

4、0;_ (dont, doesnt) have classes on Friday afternoon.5There _ (am, is, are) a new bookstore nearby.5. 根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。1bus    train    plane    _2Qiqi is _ the box, 3What can you see?I can see a _.4I l

5、ike swimming. It''s _ (有趣的).5What''s Peter doing?  He''s _ (ride) his bicycle.6My mother _ (come) to my school last week.7Your bag is _ (broken).6. 根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。1There is a bus _ near my home. 2I _(从不) w

6、atch news show.3Lili often_ (爬) hills.4_(哪一个) bus can I take?5There will be a light _ (wind).6Five years ago, he _(walk) to school.7The Olympic Games take place every four _ (year).7. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1I want _ (find) out more about Australia.2This show is very

7、0;_ (excite).3Yang Ling cant wait _ (have) the picnic.4Ill learn about _ (cook) some day.5I _ (read) newspapers and magazines tomorrow morning.6My uncle went to many _ (city) last year.7There were many _ (visit) in the park last Sunday.8My mothe

8、r _ (make) some sandwiches for us tomorrow.8. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1_(not smoke) here. I''m sorry.Can you see a sign on the wall? It means “No _ ( smoke)”.2Their father _ (swim) very fast. Look, he _ (swim) in the swimming pool now.3Where''s my camera?I

9、t _ (is) on the table a moment ago.4_ (do) Nancys brothers usually get up at six?5There are a lot of books. Please put _ (they) into the library.6What can I do for you?I want to have two _ (glass) of milk.7My sister _ (have) many new books. But I don'

10、't have _ (some).9. 填空题。1Today is Lucy''s birthday. She is h_ a party with her friends.2My favourite season is_. 3That old man is my _. 4In spring it is often warm. In autumn it is_.5It''s very c_. Here''s your j_.10. 按照分类写单词,每类至少5个。1food and

11、 drinks:2clothes:3animals:4school things:5colours:6classroom:11. 根据中文提示写单词,每空一词。1I cant hear you. Please speak _(大声地).2Nick is great. He always _(完成)his homework before eight. He keeps his room clean and _(整齐的).3What do you want to be?I want to be a _(教师).4_ Day(国庆节)is on th

12、e first of October.5What do you like doing?I like _(跳舞)and reading _(故事).6Its _(有风的)today. I want to fly kites with my friend Anna.12. 按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。1. rain(形容词)_      2. swim(-ing形式)_3. man(复数形式)_    4. child(复数形式)_5. photo(复数形式)_   

13、 6. shine(-ing形式)_13. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1The children _ (play) table tennis tomorrow.2My grandpa likes _ (listen) to radio.3Almost all the boys enjoy _ (play) basketball.4No _ (park) here.5There _ (be) a tiger and a mouse in the forest long long ago.1

14、4. 填空题。1_ (be) there many trees in this forest in the past?Yes, there _ (be). But now there _ (be) not many trees._ people _ (plant) more trees in the future?I don''t know.2They _ (plant) trees tomorrow.3We _ (visit) the farm next w

15、eek.4We''re going to _ (have) a picnic in the park.5When are you going to _ (play) chess?15. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1There _ (be) a _ (little) juice in the glass.2Look! The baby _ (bite) the corn hard. But it doesnt help.3Please show us how _ 

16、;(draw) the elephant.4There are _ months in a year in China. December is the _ one. (twelve)5_ (make) your dream come true, you must work hard.16. 填空题。1The bag _ (have) got four wheels.2There are two pens on the desk. The blue one is _ (my).3That yellow p

17、icture is _ (you).4Tom is _ (twentieth) years old.5My cousin _ (speak) English every day.17. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Lets _(take) a taxi to the farm.2We should _(follow) the traffic rules.3Whats wrong with _(he)? He has a cough.4My father _(read) newspaper

18、s in the study now.5We _(go) to the park tomorrow afternoon.6My brother Jim laughs _(happy).7Mike wants to be a _(write) in the future.8You cant _(throw) rubbish in the river.18. 读句子,根据句意选择恰当的词汇。将标号填在括号内。A. hobby   B. station   C. umbrella   D. scarf E. cheese1You go to these place to catch a train or to meet people who have arrived on one. (_)2The food is often yellow a


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