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1、第1页,共 8 页2018-20佃年泰州市姜堰区港口中心小学三年级上册英语模拟练习题无答案一、我会选一选(选择题)1.Close your book.()A.合上你的书。B :打开你的书2.This is_ father.A. Wang FangB. Wang Fan gs3. How old are you?Im ten_ old.A. a yearB. yearC. years4.Xi Yan gya ng and Mei Yan gya ng are good_A. a friendB. friendsA. Bye!B. Sure.7. Here you are._A . Here yo

2、u are.B . Have some milk.6. -Tha nk you.B. lookC.duck8.你想告诉大家你有A.I have a nice doll.B.I have a nice ball.个好看的洋娃娃,应这样说9. Read and choose 根据情境,选择正确的答案。1.你想表达请给我些面包。”你应该说:A. I d like some bread, please. B. I d like some rice, please.C. I d like some cake, please.2.你想表达 请给我些鸡蛋好吗?”你应该说:_A. Me too.B . I d

3、 like some eggs, please.C. Can I have some eggs, please?3.当别人对你说 “ Thank you.时;你应该说:_A . Thank you, too. C.You re welcome.B. Yes!4.你想对你的朋友说 喝点果汁吧。”你应该说:_C. Wang fan gsC. friendC. You re welcome.第2页,共 8 页C. Have some juice.5.朋友递给你东西说_ “ Here youare!你应该回答:A . Here you are.B . You re welcome.C. Thank y

4、ou.10. _ you sing a song for me ?A . Are B . Can C. can11. I have five birthday_ .A. giftB. giftsC. Gifts12 .当你想要询问别人的年龄时,你会说: _A. Whats this?B. How old are you?C. Whats the matter?13 . Hello, Sam.A. Hi, Miss Li.14 . I have a ruler.A. Hello!B. Me too.15 . Look. The rabbits_red eyes.二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16

5、.根据问句选答句。How old are you?_Happy birthday ! _How are you?_Can I have some juice?_A. areB. haveC. hasB. Hi, Im Miss Li.C. Goodbye, Miss Li.C. Good morni ng.A. Im 10.B. Sure. Here you are.C. Thank you.D. Im fine, tha nk you.E. Ok.第3页,共 8 页Lets eat the cake.第4页,共 8 页(1)_is your birthday?(2)_it in May?(3

6、)What do you wear_ summer?(4)_your birthday in spri ng?(5)What do you want_ do today?19.用阿拉伯数字给下列句子排序。()Hellos MikeJ()Sure Here you are.() Look J I have a xaibbit.()Hij Chen Jie. How axe you1?()Fine, thank yciu. And you?()May I have a look?()Tiank you J()You re welcomeJ()Very veil, thanks.()Ohj xeal

7、ly?20.补全单词,并写出汉语意思。1. fd ()2. bf ()3. br一 d ()4. v_ etable (_ )5. n_ dl_(_ )6. sandwi_ (_ )21.给下面的对话排列顺序。A . Happy birthday to you!B.Thank you!C.Great!D.Let s eat the birthday cake!E. Nice to meet you, too.F. Today is my birthday.IntoIsWhen22填空题。1. I am 的缩写形式为: _。2. An apple in_bag. (用 a 或 an 填空)。3.

8、 根据给出的大写或者小写字母写出相应的大小写。第5页,共 8 页25 What is it? Its a.二、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26 选出所给单词的对应词。1. he2. brother3. this4. grandmaA sisterB sheC. grandpaD that23看图,写序数词。4._24 Whats this?3.27.读句子,选择相应的图片。连线1. I have an eraser.2. Open your book.第6页,共 8 页28.读一读,选择正确的答案,将字母代号写入前面的括号内。A.穿上29.请选出短语的意思,并连线。1. Touch your no

9、 se.2. Clap your han ds.3. Shake your body.4. Wave your arms.5. Show me your eraser.6. Pink, pink, sit dow n.7. Black, black, sta ndup.A 黑色,黑色,起立。B 拍拍你的手。C 让我看你的橡皮。D 粉红色,粉红色,坐下。E 摇动你的身体。F 挥动你的胳膊。G 摸摸你的鼻子。30.把相应的翻译字母代号填在括号里。连线Touch the gro und.Stamp your foot.Turn around.Wave your arms.Shake your bod

10、y.Show me your black pen.Touch your head.四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31.请根据所给语境写出正确的单词。1. Let s_ (喂) the ducks.2. I m hungry, I want to go to the_ 店)3. We will run a_ (赛跑),we ll be the_ (胜利者)4. I see one_ (男人) and two_ (女人) in the house.32.翻译词组1._我的爷爷3. Goodbye!C.4. Lets play.D.5. Close your eyes (眼睛)E.2put on3How

11、 manyB.多少个C.数一数 countA.跺跺你的脚。B. 让我看看你的钢笔。C. 摸地板。D. 转个圈。E. 摇摇你的身体。F. 摸摸你的头。G 挥挥你的手臂。第7页,共 8 页2. 你的姐姐_3. 高个子父亲_4. 矮个子母亲_5. 两个胖婴儿_6. 一个瘦老师_33 短语翻译1. 一个冰激凌_2. 一个苹果_3. 八个鸡蛋_4. 五个香蕉_5. 三件夹克衫_6. 六只母鸡_34.你叫什么名字?(翻译成英语) 35 根据汉语提示写单词。(1) This is my_ (新的) cap.(2) What_ (颜色)is my shirt ?(3)_ It is(红色的).(4)_ Loo

12、k at my(夹克衫).(5) It_ (是) a T-shirt.五、我是小法官(判断题)36 根据短文内容,判断正(“误(X)。Look! What s this? It s a diskman. Whose diskman is it? It s Ann s. What s that? It stwelve yuan. What colour is it? It s blue. Oh, there are so many Teddy Bears! How many are there? There ar(How much is the Teddy Bears? Twenty yua n

13、 for each.()1. It s Anns walkma n.()2. The toy car is twenty yua n.()3. There are 11 Teddy Bears.()4. Each Teddy Bears is twenty yua n.()5. The diskma n is blue.37.Carry your bag.我会判断。判断图片和句子是()第8页,共 8 页38 阅读理解,判断正误。正确的打“vf错误的打“乂I have a happy family. Today we are at home. My father and my mother ar

14、e talk ing in the liv ing room. My sister is watching TV. My brother is bath ing in the bathroom. I am eat in g. I have a cat. The cat is un der the desk in the kitche n.() 1.1 have a happy family.() 2.We are at home today.() 3.The cat is eati ng.()4. My sister is talki ng.() 5. My mother is watchin

15、g TV .39判断题,正确的在括号内写 T,错误的写 F.()1.小写字母 I 在四线三格中占中格。()2.大写字母 K 由两笔写成。()3.大眼睛可以说是:big eyes()4. Are you my mum?的否定回答是:No, I am .()5.描述自己的头发是长的,你可以说:My hair is long. _六、阅读理解40.阅读理解Wu Dong has a good friend. His name is Peter. He is from the USA . Wu Dong and Peter are in the same class. They go toschool

16、 five days a week. They stay at home on Sun days and Saturdays. Peter likes China and Chin ese food. He likes ricecakes very much. At school they play ping-pong ball after class.Wu Dong and Peter like making thin gs. Now they are making a model pla ne. They like flying model pla nes onSun day mornin

17、 gs. Peter speaks En glish and a little Chin ese. Wu Dong speaks Chin ese and a little En glish. They teach eachother.1. Where does Wu Dong s friend come from? )2.How many days a week are they at school?()3. What do they do after class?()A . They play ping-pong ball at home.B . They play pin g-p ong

18、 ball at school.C . They make things at home.D . They make things at school.5.A . He comes from the UK.B . He comes from the USA.C. He comes from China.D . He comes from Canada.A. Six.B . Seve n.C. Five.D. Four.3.I have a ruler.)Open your book.4.Goodbye! Bye!第9页,共 8 页4.What do they teach each other?()A . Wu Dong teaches Peter English and


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