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1、小学英语同音词、近义词、反义词归纳一、小学英语同音词Bbeebe noknow Cseesea hihighIeye forfour Rare sonsunTtea ourhour Uyou pairpearYwhy herehear totwotoo theretheirbybyebuy rightwrite arentaunt fatherfarther whoswhosec-see(看见)-sea(海洋) b-be(是;成为)-bee(蜜蜂) y-why(为什么) for(为)-four hi(喂)-high(高) no(不)-know(知道) by(通过)-bye(再见) son(儿子

2、)-sun(太阳) our(我们的)-hour(小时) right(对的)-write(写) meet(遇见)-meat(肉) hear(听见)-here(这儿) there(在那里)-their(他/她/它们的) dear(亲爱的)-deer(鹿) pear(梨)-pair(一双/副) father(父亲)-farther(较远地) weight(重量)-wait(等待) it's(它是)-its(它的) who's(谁是)-whose(谁的) 二、小学英语近义词 toilet WC listen hear class lesson everyone everybody gl

3、ass cup large big glad happy like love little smallphoto picture purse wallet start begin homehouse learnstudy beautifulpretty usually often look see cycle bikenear beside hi hello quick fast garden park desk table speak say talk river lake go home come home a moment ago just now a lot of lots of ma

4、nybe good at do well in of course surebe from come from take a walk go for a walktake a bus by bus would like want look for find 三、小学英语反义词 big(大的)- small(小的) bad(坏的)- good(好的)bright(明亮的)- dark(黑暗的) black(黑的)- white(白的)beautiful(美的)- ugly(丑的) cold(冷的)- hot(热的)cool(凉爽的)- warm(温暖的) come(来)- go(去)cry(哭)

5、- laugh(笑) clever(聪明的)- stupid(笨的)different(不同的)- same (相同的) difficult(难的)- easy(容易的)dirty(脏的)- clean(干净的) day(白天)- night(夜晚)early(早的)- late(迟的) fast(快的)- slow(慢的)glad(高兴的)- sad(悲伤的) inside(里面的)- outside(外面的)in(里面)- out(外面) large(大的)- little(小的)left(左)- right(右) quiet(安静的)- noisy(吵闹的)new(新的)- old(旧的

6、) loose(松的)- tight(紧的)like(喜欢)- hate(厌恶) open(开)- close(关)quick(快的)- slow(慢的) stand(站)- sit(坐)short(矮的)- tall(高的) short(短的)- long(长的)thick(厚的)- thin(薄的) thin(瘦的)- fat(肥的)up(向上)- down(向下) wrong(错的)- right(对的)weak(弱的)- strong(强壮的) young(年轻的)- old(年老的 练习:一、找出划线部分读音不同的单词 ( ) 1. A. clock B. box C. go D.

7、doctor ( ) 2. A. computer B. much C. subject D. Sunday ( ) 3. A. Tuesday B. Saturday C. today D. Thursday ( ) 4. A. this B. they C. Maths D. there ( ) 5. A. Friday B. like C. Science D. trick ( ) 6. A. have B. about C. Maths D. Saturday 三、按要求写单词 1.have(现在分词) 2.one(序数词) 3.new(反义词) 4.this(复数) 5.this(反

8、义词) 6.have(第三人称单数) 7.interest(形容词) 8.many(比较级) 9.we(宾格) (所有格) 10.I(宾格) (所有格) 11.you(宾格) (所有格) 12.they(宾格) (所有格) 13.she(宾格) (所有格) 14.he(宾格) (所有格) 15.boy(复数) 16.family(复数) 17.do(第三人称单数) 18.study(的三人称单数) 19.two(序数词) 20.three(序数词) 21.hot(反义词) 22.minus(反义词) 23.I(同音词) 24.you(同音字母) 25.Theyre(完全形式) 四、根据要求写句

9、子 1. Its Sunday.(对画线部分提问) 2. I like English.(对画线部分提问) 3. We have eight subjects this term.(对画线部分提问) 4. We have Chinese, English, Maths and Science every morning.(对画线部分提问) 5. the, lesson, it, on, first, is, Monday . (连词成句) 6. Miss Li and her students are having a lesson.(改为一般疑问句,做肯定、否定回答) 7. do, and,

10、 like, my, not, I, PE, brother.(连词成句) 8. we, a, lessons, in, we, more, Maths, hope, have, week.(连词成句) 9. He often reads English in the morning.(改为否定句) 一、找出画线部分读音不同的一个单词 A B C D ( ) 1. over some mother puzzle ( ) 2. after class start Saturday ( ) 3. photo of note telephone ( ) 4. orange clock today m

11、odel ( ) 5. wrong Wednesday week with ( ) 6. family why happy sorry ( ) 7. hear near heart earache ( ) 8. tea great speak see 三、按要求写单词1.stay(现在分词) 2.wrong(反义词) 3.bad(反义词) 4.good(比较级) 5.got(原形) 6.Im(完全形式) 7.Ive(完全形式) 8.hear(同音词) 9.class(复数) 10.take(现在分词) 11.open(反义词) 12.fine(反义词) 13.fat(反义词) 14.monke

12、y(复数) 15.lets(完全形式) 16.brother(对应词) 17.mother(对应词) 四、根据要求写句子1. This is Helen speaking?(对画线部分提问) , 2. I can get some fruit for you?(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答) 3. I play football after school.(分为两句话来表达) 4. I feel ill.(对画线部分提问) 5. I hope you get better soon.(改为否定句) 6. Ive got a headache and a bad cough.(对划线部分提问) 7

13、. dog, wrong, your, with, is, what(?)(连词成句) 8. get, sister, hope, better, your, soon, mother, I, your, and(.)(连词成句) 9. Chinese, got, fever, our, a, teacher, high, has(.)(连词成句) 四、辨别下列各组单词划线部分的发音,相同的打(),不同的打(×)。 1 collect hobby ( ) 2 ship in ( ) 3 take after ( ) 4 photo cold ( ) 5 grow how ( ) 6

14、animal bad ( ) 5、 选择填空。( )1 Do you have any ? Yes, I do. A hobby B hobbies C some hobbies ( )2 I like goldfish. A keeping B keep C keeping with ( )3 He making model planes. A like B liking C likes ( )4 Do you like growing ?No, I dont A flower B flowers C a flower ( )5 Wang Bing, where are you? Im th

15、e garden. A in B on C at ( )6 I like drawing pictures. They interesting. A are B is C am ( )7 Show us these flowers, please. A Here you are. B Yes, I do. C No, thank you. ( )8 My aunt cooking and growing trees. A like B likes C is ( )9 His hobby is football. A play B playing C plays ( )10 What are y

16、ou there? Im making clothes. A do B does C doing B. 用给出的单词的适当形式填空。1. They are _ .They can sing _. (beautiful)2. We are _ (sit) quietly in the classroom.3. My father likes going _ (fish) ,but I dont.4. Sometimes my mother _ (go) shopping and _(wash) clothes on Sundays.5. Please dont catch _ (dragonfl

17、y).三、选择。 (10%)( )1.Does Mr Hill often _ housework on Saturdays? A.do B.does C.to do( )2._ is your English teacher. Please listen to _. A.He, he B.She, hers C.She, her( )3.There _ some patients in the hospital. A.are B.have C.is( )4.The teacher is helping _ with _ English. A.he ,his B.she, her C.them

18、, their( )5.Hes got a fever.那么s相当于_. A.is B.has C.us( )6._ to draw the lovely birds. A.I can B.Id like C.Ill( )7.Look, my brother _ in the classroom. A.reads B.read C. is reading( )8._ her parents go to the cinema every Sunday evening? A.Does B.Do C.Are( )9.Mr Li _ two lessons every morning. A.has B

19、.have C.is having( )10.How many PE _ Mr Ma have every day? A.class do B.classes do C.classes does四、选出与另一栏相应的答句。 (5%)( )1.Wheres the cook? A.Here they are.( )2.Why are you absent? B.Sorry, I cant. Im ill.( )3.Touch your toes with your hands. C.Sorry, I dont know.( )4.Where are the books? D.Im ill.Im

20、staying in bed.( )5.What time is it? E.Its three.六、连词成句。 (12)1.with your you toes five can hands times your touch (?)_2.duty I today Mike and on are (.)_3.they about are Japan French listen in talking (.)_4.learn lesson on we Monday six (.)_5.by goes Mr day work every Green to car (.)_6.now friends

21、making Liu Tao model and a are his plane (?)_笔试部分(40%)一、请你根据句子意思,在方框内选择适当的答语。(8%)A. OK. Lets go. B. Im thirsty. C. Sure. Here you are. D. Thank you. E. No, it isnt. Its Helens. F. Its a car. G. Look, its over there. H. Its Mikes, I think.( ) 1. May I have a copybook for Su Yang ? ( ) 2. This pen is

22、for you. ( ) 3. Is this your umbrella? ( ) 4. Wheres my storybook? ( ) 5. Whats this in English? ( ) 6. Whose jacket is that? ( ) 7. Shall we go to the cinema by bus? ( ) 8. Whats the matter? 二、请你选择正确答案。(10%)( ) 1. Shes _ a picture in the study. A. writing B. drawing C. looking( ) 2. This is _ bear.

23、 Thats _ elephant. A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a( ) 3. Tom _ a toy car. Toms parents _ two cars. A. have; has B. have; have C. has; have( ) 4. Are there _ swings in the garden? Yes, there are. A. a B. any C. one( ) 5. Please show _ how to make the kite. A. we B. us C. our( ) 6. _ a pumpkin on the desk?

24、No, there isnt. A. Is there B. Are there C. There is( ) 7. Wang Bing is looking _ his book. A. at B. for C. to( ) 8. What _ she have? She has a violin. A. do B. does C. has( ) 9. What _ I doing? Guess! You _ playing the guitar. A. am; / B. /; are C. am; are( ) 10. _ are they singing? Theyre singing

25、in the music room.A. What B. Where C. Who五、请你根据对话内容,选择正确答案。(6%)It is Su Hai and Su Yangs birthday (生日) today. All their friends are in their home. They are having a birthday party together. All: Happy birthday to you, Su Hai and Su Yang. These presents (礼物) are for you. Su Hai and Su Yang: Thank you

26、 very much.Su Hai: Which box is for me? This one or that one?Mike: The red one.Su Hai: What is in it? Let me open it and see. Oh, a music box! How nice! I like it very much. Ill put it on my desk. Su Yang: So, the green box is for me. Let me have a look.Yang Ling: Wait a moment (等一下). Please guess (

27、猜).Su Yang: All right.Yang Ling: It is fat and lovely. It has two black eyes and two black ears. It looks like (看起来像) a bear. We all like it very much. What is it?Su Yang: I know! Its a toy panda!Yang Ling: Youre right. Hope (希望) you will like it.Su Yang: Sure, I will. Su Hai: Its time to have the c

28、ake. Come on (来啊), everyone!Nancy: All right. Lets sing the song “Happy Birthday” together now.All: Good idea. Happy birthday to you. ( ) 1. The children are _.A. in the classroom B. in the park C. in Su Hais home( ) 2. Which box is for Su Yang?A. The red one. B. The green one. C. The blue one.( ) 3

29、. Where will Su Hai put her present?A. In the desk. B. On the desk. C. Beside the desk.( ) 4. What is Su Hais present?A. A music box. B. A toy panda. C. A toy bear.( ) 5. Su Hai and Su Yang _.A. want some presents B. like their presents C. give some presents( ) 6. From the dialogue (对话), we know Su

30、Hai _.A. likes music B. likes toy bears C. likes cakes一、我会判(不同N,相同Y) 1.hellocough( ) 2.sorry hope( ) 3.feel see( ) 4.how now( ) 5.with thank( ) 6.what why( ) 7.brother monkey( ) 三、我会写 1.Ive(完整形式) 2.bad(反义词) 3.wrong(反义词) 4.good(比较级) 5.got(原形) 6.take(现在分词) 四、我会变 1.This is Helen speaking.(对画线部分提问) 2.Wh

31、ats wrong with you?(写一句意思相近的话) 3.sorry, that, I, hear, to, am(.)(连词成句) 4.my, I, love, fat, brother, that, and, monkey(.)(连词成句) 5.Ive got a bad cough.(把主语I改成she) 6.I feel ill.(对画线部分提问) 7.I play football after school.(改写成两个句子) 二、根据要求写单词1.play(第三人称单数) 2.write(现在分词) 3.small(反义词) 4.study(第三人称单数) 5.good(副

32、词) 6.go(第三人称单数)五、按要求写句子1. She often play with her dog. (改错) 2. Can he has an apple? (改错) 3. We usually play football on Saturdays. (对画线部分提问) 4. He often goes to school by bike? (改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答) 二、按要求写单词 1. try (现在分词) 2. give ( 现在分词) 3. foot (复数) 4. up (反义词) 5. left (反义词) 6. them (所有格) 7. big (反义词) 8.

33、 my(主格) 9. lets(完整形式) 10. right (同义词) 11. put (现在分词) 12. carefully (形容词) 三、连词成句 1. follow, the, to, students, are, the, trying, orders (.) 2. toes, times, your, fingers, touch, with, five, your (.) 3. lift, legs, eight, up, your, on, lie, times, bake, your, and (.) 4. big, on, you, mouth, grapes, yo

34、ur, can, this, put (?) 四、根据要求写句子 1. The students are in sports hall. (对画线部分提问) 2. They are having a PE lesson. (对画线部分提问) 3. Put you hands on you head. (改成否定句) 4. I feel tired. (改为一般疑问句) 5. The waiter and the waitress play table tennis every day. (对画线部分提问) 5B(Unit1Unit5) 一、选出划线部分读音与其余三个不同的一个单词,填上序号(1

35、0分) ( ) 1. A. clock B. coffee C. doctor D. collect ( ) 2. A. computer B. use C. music D. umbrella ( ) 3. A. much B. school C. China D. chicken ( ) 4. A. think B. those C. father D. brother ( ) 5. A. stamps B. flowers C. clothes D. coins ( ) 6. A. PE B. week C. lesson D. see ( ) 7. A. medicine B. els

36、e C. like D. vest ( ) 8. A. school B. foot C. food D. moon ( ) 9. A. down B. grow C. town D. how ( )10. A. many B. animal C. stand D. hand 三、按要求写单词(10分) 1. can not(缩写形式) 2. write(现在分词) 3. different(反义词) 4. does(否定形式) 5. careful(副词) 6. study(第三人称单数) 7. stay(现在分词) 8. many(比较级) 9. U(同音词) 10.hobby(复数) 四

37、、选择题 ( ) 1. There arent eggs in the basket. Would you go and buy , please? A. some, any B. any, some C. any, any D. some, some ( ) 2. some orange juice in the bottle. A. There are B. Cheap C. There is D. Small ( ) 3. What Miss Li on Sunday? She does some washing. A. do, do B. is, doing C. does, do D

38、. does, doing ( ) 4. We go to school Monday Friday. A. from, in B. from, to C. from, on D. from, at ( ) 5. Do you want orange? No, Id like bottle of orange. A. a, an B. an, an C. the, an D. an, a ( ) 6. Hello! 8864569. Is that Sam? No. Jim speaking. A. This is B. Im C. He is D. That is ( ) 7. would

39、you like breakfast. A. What, with B. What, for C. What, at D. How, for ( ) 8. My father likes to play badminton and my mother likes to play guitar. A. the, the B. /, / C. /, the D. the, / ( ) 9. four seven? Eleven. A. Whats, is B. What, and C. Whats it, is D. Whats, and ( ) 10. are you, Kate? Its a

40、secret. A. How old B. What secret C. Where D. How 五、连词成句 1. collecting, Chinese, Toms, stamps, hobby, is . 2. nice, she, food, every, cooks, day . 3. does, what, at, school, he, study, subject ? 4. his, is, to, he, showing, friend, his, stamps . 5. the, hobby, have, same, we . 八、按要求写句子(10分) 1. My mo

41、ther watches TV every day.(改为否定句) 2. Today is Saturday.(对画线部分提问) 3. I go to school from Monday to Friday.(改第三人称单数) 4. Mike usually takes photos on Sundays.(对画线部分提问) 5. I have a PE lesson on Monday.(改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答) 九、完形填空(10分) Kate 1 a happy family. She lives in London 2 her parents. She 3 a schoolgirl. Today is Kates birthday and shes fifteen years old. Her father is 4 teacher. He works in a school. Students think he is a good teacher. 5 mother is a nurse. She is a very good nurse. Kate has a brother 6 a sister, and they study 7 China. Her brother speaks Chinese very well and ha


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