



1、人教新起点四年级下学期英语填空题校外培训专项题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 读一读,根据图片补全句子。1I see two _. 2Her mother is a _.2. 根据提示将下列词语归类。fat,  under,  black,  young,  cute, near,  in,  dog,  pig,  yellow,two,  blue,   four, book,  three,  storybook, &

2、#160; English book1under_2fat_3black_4cat_5two_6book_3. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Liu Tao can _ (have) a picnic this Sunday.2A year has four _ (season).3There are seven _ (day) in a week.4Look at _ (Helen) _ (mother) dress. Its so beautiful.5My _&#

3、160;(glove) are too big.6Is that _ (Mike) sweater?Yes, it is.4. 根据句意补全句子。maths  English  music  Chinese  PE  art1We learn ABC in _ class.2We play football in _ class.3We sing songs in _ class.4We draw pictures in _ class.5We

4、study Chinese in _ class.6We learn numbers in _ class.5. 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1May I _ (come) In?Sure.2We often _ (watch) TV at 8 oclock.3Its 9 oclock. It is time _ (have) an English class.4Whose bag is this?It is _ ( I ) bag.5Do you want

5、60;_ (swim)?Yes, I like _ (swim) very much.6There _ (not be) any milk in the glass.7Are there two _ (match) on TV?8Jim _ (have) an apple a day.9Would you like _ (some) pies?Yes, please.6. 按要求写单词。1Id (完全形式) _ 2can(否定形式) _3short (反义词)

6、60;_ 4his (对应词)_5this (复数) _7. 按要求写一写。1these(对应词) 2first(基数词)3sun(形容词) 4sheep(复数)5you(名词性物主代词) 6we(宾格)7回家(汉译英) 8教师办公室(汉译英)8. 用合适的人称代词和物主代词填空。1_ am a bus driver. This is _ bus. _ like it very much.2This is Tom. _ has big eyes and long hair. _ am 

7、_ friend.3-Where are the apples from?  - _ are from Shandong.4-_ are a student. The schoolbag is for _.5_ is a dog. This is _ bell.9. 根据提示完成各题。1I can_(篮球打得很好).2Bobby_(会做这个).3_(多少个大球) do you have?4Mike can_(游泳和溜冰).5Can you_(和我们一起踢足球)?6We_(有十五辆玩具汽车).7Dont b

8、e sad. I can teach you. _8These hamburgers are nice. Can you eat them all? _10. 选择合适的单词填入横线上。and   snack   many   classroom study  knife   under  notebook hair   dinner1Whats in the _?2I lost my _.3My schoolbag is black _ white.4S

9、hes short and she has long _.5Would you like a _ and fork.6Im hungry. Whats for _?7How _ people are there?8Is she in the _?9Go to the kitchen and have a _.10Put your book _ your schoolbag.11. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We like _ (go) swimming in summer.2

10、It is a _ (sun) day today.3Su Yang _ (have) a new schoolbag.4_ (who) snowman is it?Its Liu Taos.5Here _ (be) your cap.6I like going _ (skate).12. 选词填空。have  look  go  close  come  try1Its seven oclock. Its time to _home.2Open

11、 your books. Dont _your books.3-Can I _a look?-Sure, here you are.4_here, Helen. Is this your rubber?5-_at my shoes.-Theyre nice!6Can you make a fruit salad? Have a_!13. 填空题。1I like _ (hamburger) and _ (hot dog).2I like _ (milk).3Hot dogs _ (be) my f

12、avourite.4Im thirsty. I want to have some _ and _. 14. 看图,读句子,完成句子。1Look and write: Lingling usually _ _ her toys. 2Look and write: Yesterday was _ _ . 3Look and write: They _ _ yesterday.  4Look and write: She usua

13、lly _ _ school. 15. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1I have five_(sandwich).2Id like some_(fish) for lunch.3-Do you have_(some) cats?-No, I dont have_(some) cats.4Heres_(a) ice cream for you.5-Can you_(jump)?-Yes, I can.6-Helen, this is_(I) sister, Su Yang.-Nice to meet you.7-How_(be) you?-Im OK, thank you.16. 读问句,看图回答问题(用完整的句子回答)。1Are they carrots? 2What are these? 3Are these potatoes? 4How many sheep do you have? 17. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。1Welcome _(to/at) our s


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