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1、第1页,共 9 页2018-20 佃年杭州市上城区教育学院三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案一、我会选一选(选择题)1.How many ani mals do you know?I know all the animals.B . I don t know.你要告诉别人你有一支蜡笔,你应该说I have a ruler. B . I have a cray on.has B . have C . are你想问陌生的男孩是不是 Joe,可以说:You are Joe. B . Are you Joe?-Are these your books?(做肯定回答)Hi, Im Bobby.A. Look

2、B. Look at11. -What_a pie ?-Yes ,please .A.colour B . is C . aboutHow manydo you have?A. mon key4.C. ruler()(1)A.Good morningB. Good after noonC. Goodbye()(2)A.Su HaiB. Yang LingC. Miss Li()(3)A.SheB. HeC. I()(4)A.ThisB. IsC. Sister()(5)A.bdeB.dbeC.bdg5 . Shes myteacher.B. Math_a big ballo on.Yes, t

3、hey are.B . No, they aren t.Yes, it is.Hi, Im SamB. Good morning10._its nose.B. pen cils选出你所听到的内容,将序号填入括号中。LilyA. En glish6.第2页,共 9 页12 . This is_friend , Kitty.第3页,共 9 页A. IB. Im13. Are you Liu Tao?_ ,I am.A.YesB.NoC.not14. 把同类词的序号写在对应的横线上。A. penB. faceC. rulerD. eyeE. mon keyF. cakeG. tigerH. eggI

4、.waterJ. Coke1. pencil_ 2. nose_ 3. panda4. bread_ 5. juice_15. What_ t?A.am B. is C. are二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16. 根据图片(从左到右),用数字为下列句子排序。()1.She is my mother.()2.Hes my grandpa.()3.Shes my grandma.()4.Hes my father.()5.And thats me.17.根据图片写句子。1.C. my第4页,共 9 页18.Its summer. Its_. We_ ice creams. We go swimmi

5、ng. We like summer.19.Listen and write.听写字母(大小写)和单词。2.3.4.(1)_(4)(5)_第5页,共 9 页20.按照字母表顺序用手写体书写字母Gg 到 Pp 的大小写。5. mother this Is yourooJ_LQ_0rL0_0n0Qn0rL_Qj22.用所给单词的正确形式填空1. Hes_ (do) his homework.2. Shes_ (sleep).3. Daming is_ (swim ).4. My father is_ (run).5. My sister is_ (drink).23.读一读,将图片排列顺序。1.N

6、o park ing.2.That s our school.3.Let s go to the playground.4.No smok ing.21 连词成句。(每节车厢填写一个词)1. a doctor Hes3. That my isgran dpa第6页,共 9 页24.-Hi, LiuTao.-_,Wang Mi ng.25.Complete the sentences.完成句子,每格一词:1. She is_ Zhang. She is my teacher.2. Sam, how are you?_ , tha nks.3. Whats this? Its an_ .4. Tw

7、eet-tweet. I hear a_ .5. I m hungryvant to eat some_.6. I_draw a dog on the paper and_ it white. What a lovely dog!二、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26.对应词匹配。连线hot black happy openA. sadB. whiteC. closeD. cold27.将下列图片和句子配对。连线切b s SA. two bags.B. four pies.C. ten apples.28小小翻译家,连线它是什么?我也很难过。它是嘴。它是手。A. Its a hand.B. Its

8、a mouth.C. What is it?D. Im sad, too.29句子搭配。你能给下列句子选择适当的答语吗?试试看!(1)Hi!(2)Good morning!(3)Bye-bye!(4)How many(o) How are you?A.Hello!B.I m fine, thank you.C+Goodbye:D FourE, Good morning!30.将单词和汉语意思连线。第7页,共 9 页teacher女孩女孩book铅笔铅笔boy椅子椅子marker水彩笔水彩笔chair课桌课桌pen钢笔钢笔desk男孩男孩pencil学校学校girl教师教师school书书四、我

9、是翻译家(英汉互译)31 翻译短语1. 红色的苹果_2. 红灯_3. 绿灯_4. 黄灯_5. 蓝色的雨伞_32 根据汉语意思将正确的单词填在横线上。妈妈给我买了一个新(1) _(书包),书包里有一本(2) _ (书)和一个文具盒。文具盒里有一支(3) _ (铅笔)、一块(4) _ (橡皮) 和一把(5) _(直尺)。33.他是谁?_is he?34.翻译下列句子1. 这是什么动物?2. 这是狗。3. 它生活在水中吗?4. 它会爬吗?35.小小翻译官(1)早上好,格林小姐。(2)这是琼斯先生。(3)你叫什么名字?(4)这是怀特小姐。五、我是小法官(判断题)36.看图,圈出正确的答案。(1)- H

10、ow many dogs?第8页,共 9 页-Seve n. / Eight.37 圈出相对应的大小写字母。1. AagO2. dBDR3. fTFE4. LIli5. QPqS38.读对话,判断下面句子的陈述是否正确,正确的打“错误的打“XMike: I have a pan da.Joh n: May I have a look?Mike: Sure!John: Oh, it s lovely.Mike: Tha nk you.Joh n: Look at my duck.Sarah: Oh, it s nice. This is my elephant.Bai Ling: I have

11、a rabbit.Chen Jie: Me too.()1. Mike has (有) a pan da.-Eleve n. / Twelve.-Two. / Three.(2)- How many cats?-Four ./ Five.(3)-How many pencils?第9页,共 9 页()2. The panda is lovely.第10页,共 9 页()3. John has a rabbit.()4. Sarah has an elephant.()5. Chen Jie has a rabbit.5. This is juice.一()六、阅读理解40阅读理解,选择正确答案

12、,将其编号写在前面的括号里。I am Jack. I live near our school. So I can go to school on foot. But sometime s I go by bike. Because it s so mMy father works in our school. We go to school together. On the weeke nds, I ofte n play with my friend, Mike. We usually playping- pong, sometimes we play chess. This weeken

13、d, I m going to visit my grandparents. Becausgrandma s birthday.(1)_Jack usually goes to school.A. on footB. by bike(2)Jack s mother lives .A. in the school B. n ear the school(3)_ Jack goes to school with.A. his father B. his frie nd, Mike(4)_ Jack and Mike usually .A. play chess B. play pin g-p on

14、g(5)Whose birthday is this weekend ?A. Grandfather s3. Grandmother s41 阅读理解。Hello, my name is Kitty. I m a student. I have a new classmate .Her name is Alice . She is a gfrbiSIShiianghai.She is tall and thin. Her eyes are not big. Her hair is long. She can dance well. And she can run fast. But she cannot fly a kite.We often(经常)play together (一起).We are very happy. We are friends now.()1, Who is new ?A. KittyB. AliceC. Joev,不相符的打Xo1. This is L.2. Nice to meet you.第 11 页, 共 9 页() 2,Alice s eyes a_r_e_ .A. big


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