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1、第1页,共 8 页2018-2019年太原市杏花岭区胜利西街小学三年级上册英语模拟练习题无答案、我会选一选(选择题)你想请同学吃苹果,可以说:This is an apple.Have an apple.to the wi ndow.3.I have fourA. a cray onB. cray on4.选出类别不同的单词()1. A. basketballB. footballC()2. A .redB. blueC.()3. A .pan daB. ballC .()4. A .boyB. dogC.()5. A .headB. gin gerC.A.PointC. cray onsri

2、cesevenliongirlonionSit B. LookC.5.A. I like blue.当你想告诉别人你喜欢蓝色时,会说:B. This is blue.6. A: Let s paint !B:_A. Great.7. Here youA. isB. Lets paint.C. Its blue.D. What colour do you like?C. Sure, here you are.C.B. amC. are给下面的单词选择正确的译文。1.your2. name3. my4. Miss5. what你想知道新来同学的姓名,你可以问:Whats your n ame?rm

3、 Lisa.A .你;你们A .你好A 我的A .女孩A .什么B.你的;你们的B .名字B .我B .小姐B .是My n ames Li Yan.10.给下列图片选择恰当的语句,并把序号填在括号里。第2页,共 8 页第3页,共 8 页I. Show me your pencil.4. Carry your bag.II.2. Open your pen cil box.5. Show me youreraser.3. Goodbye.6. Show me your pen.A. Thank you.B. You re welcome.C. Sure, here you are.12._我有

4、一个绿色的书包。”用英语应该这样说: _A.I have a red bag. B. I have a green bag.13.这是吉姆。()A. My n ame is Jim.B. This is Jim.C. I m Kate.D. What s your name?14.This is my friend._n ame is Lucy.A. She B . His C. Her15你向别人介绍自己的妹妹时,可以说: _A . She is my sister. B. He is my sister.二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16看图片,你能找到什么?分别都有几个,写一写你的答案。(

5、-Mom, can I have some milk?第4页,共 8 页6._17. 请写出下列单词的小写字母。1._DEER2 丄 EOPARD _3 丄 OVELY _4._ WHAT18. 根据图片提示,填写单词,补全句子。1. This is my f2. This _ _ m_ .3._ _ _ b_4._ _ _ s_19.连词成句,将序号写在横线上。1. you are How2. What s name your3. after noon Lin gli ng Good,4. I m fine too第5页,共 8 页A ballB bikeCbookD dollE ruler

6、F shipG pencilHbagI eraserJ kite21. H_ are you? rm f_22选出与所给例词同类的词,填入线上。hi see two small swim sister biscuitsrm Sally. Im thi n and_ . I can sing and_. Every mornin g, I say hello to my classmates and theysay_ to me. I like to look and_ with my eyes. I like nu mber three and_ . This is a picture ofm

7、y family. Shes my mother and shes my_ . They like eat ing cakes and_.23. 补充缺少的数词。ten_six _four_two_24. 读一读,将下列句子排成一段顺畅的对话。A . Nice to meet you too.B.Hello, I m Mike.C.Nice to meet you, John.D.What s your name?E. My name s John._ ? _ ? _ ? _ ? _ ?25.小朋友快来猜一猜。(根据英文句子的描述,猜一猜是哪种小动物。请画图并在图下写上英文单词)(1) I h

8、ave long ears and two red eyes.(2) I have got a very long no se.I can run fast.My nose is big.(3)I have two gree n eyesam black.I like ti eat mouse.20.读一读,将与图片对应的单词的序号写在图片下面的括号里。(7)()()第6页,共 8 页、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26.将下列英文单词和相对应的中文用线连起来。Tnonkayyellov3.pplechairlubberbook苹果书橡皮27.将单词与对应的图片连线。1 girl2. eight3.

9、 boy4. July28.为下列词组选择对应的图片,连线。(1) two dogs(2) five eggs第7页,共 8 页(3) four rulers(4) one mouth(5) seven pens29 选择与汉语意思想对应的单词连线。1. Good morning.A 遇见2. Goodbye.B 早上好。3. meet4. come5. I mD 再见E 我是30.选择正确的答语的序号,连线 Look at my new cap. What color is it? This is my brother, Tim. Are you Bobby?. Goodbye.四、我是翻译

10、家(英汉互译)31 .这是我的 T 恤衫。它是绿色的。A. Hello, Tim.B. How n ice!C. GoodbyeD. Yes, I am.E. Its red.(翻译:)_32.英汉互译How old_July_第十四_33. 写出短语的中文意思1. at the airport2. swim in the sea_3. ride a bike_4. liste n to music5. watch TV34. 翻译下列句子(1)我有一支蜡笔。(2)我有两支铅笔。(3)我有三个橡皮。C.D.第8页,共 8 页第9页,共 8 页(4)我也是。(5) 我有一把尺子。35.翻译下列句

11、子。(1) 让我们去学校吧。(2) 我很好,谢谢。(3) 给我看你的书。(4) 我有一只黄色的钢笔。五、我是小法官(判断题)36读短文,判断正(V)误(X)。Hi, I m Peter. I m a pupil. I m ten years old. I often go swimming at the wevkeCtdnehe and Maths at school today.I have a brother, Ben. He sight. He often goes swimming at the weekend. He has PE, Music and Chin ese today.

12、 We arehappy at school.38.Listen and tick.(判断你听到的内容与图片是否一致? 一致用“V表示,不一致用“X表示。)(1)Peter is six years old.(2)Peter ofte n goes swimmi ng at the weekend.(3)Peter has Maths, Music and Chin ese today.Ben ofte n goes swimmi ng at the weekend.BenhasPE,()37.(5)是我吗?(图片和词相符的画3.ruler4.crayon第10页,共 8 页第 11 页, 共

13、 8 页39. Hello! My name is Tom. I m a boy. This is my class(0 教室) . And this is my desk. I have five books, apen cil-case, an eraser and three pen cils. That woma n (女人) is my teacher. Her n ame is Lin da. The window is big. Thedoor is small.根据短文内容,判断对错。1.Tom is a boy.()2.Tom has three books.()3.Lind

14、a is a teacher. ()4.The door is big. ()六、阅读理解40. 阅读理解。Hello,Im Panpan. Im a panda. Im black and white (白色的) . Im a chameleon. Now Im red.Hi, Im a dog. Im yellow. And its my friend (朋友) . Its a blue cat.Im Tweet-tweet. Im a green bird.根据短文内容选择正确答案。()1. The panda is _ .()2. The chameleon is _.() 3. Th

15、e dog is _ .()4. The cat is _.() 5. The bird is _ .A . yellowB . greenC. blueD. redE. black and white41.阅读理解Mike is a good student. He gets up at six thirty every day. He likes to wear his blue sweater. He goes to school at sevenfifteen. He has English class at eight o clock.He likes English very much. He has lunch at home. In the afternoon, healways plays football on the school playground. He doe


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