已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第1页,共 9 页2018-20佃年承德市围场满族蒙古族自治县围场镇第一小学三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案、我会选一选(选择题)1.你想祝朋友生日快乐,你应说什么?()A. Merry Christmas!B. Happy birthday!2.她是A.hesB. hisC. shes3.How many?A.boyB. boysC. boyes4.is a girl.A.thisB. ThisC. What5.发生火灾了,形势很紧急, 你应该拨打:A.oneoneone B. oneonenine6. Good morning, boys _girls.A. tooB. andC. are7

2、.看我的新短裙。()A. Look , this is my skirt.B. Look at my new skirt.8.We live_ Can ada.A. in B. a C. /9.Look at this jacket. Its_ .C. Look at my skirt.A. bigB. fat10.Mix red and gree n. Its_ .A. brow nB. orange11. 黄色的_A. yelowB. yellow12. how many _A.几岁B.多少13. Have some_.-No, tha nks.A . juice B . juices C

3、 . a juice14. Hi,Sam ! This is my friend ,Amy .C. thinC. blackC. rellowC.怎样D. yeloowA . Thank you B .Good morning C . Nice to meet you15 .选择正确的译文。_Me too!A.我是!B.我有一个!C.我也是!二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16 .(你愿挑战吗?)放学了,字母宝宝们要排队回家呢。请你在第一行给他们重新排排队,并在第二行写出相应第2页,共 9 页第3页,共 9 页17根据图意,写出相应的单词。This is my fathers father. He

4、s my_18 看图写饮料单词,并根据句子给相应的饮料涂色1. Pour the blue _L2. Smell the brown_.3. Taste the yellow _.4. Drink the orange _.19 将句子重新排序,连成一段完整的对话。() Good morning.()I m n,thank you.()How are you?()Let s go to school.()Good good morning,()OK!20 选择填空。Whats right November our time1. Its_for lun ch.2. Youre_ .3. _ th

5、e ten th mon th in En glish?4. Its_ .5. October 1st is_Natio nal Day.21 请将下列的字母重新组合成新的单词,并写出它们的意思的小写形式。十胜用0第4页,共 9 页1. r a b i b t_3. d a r c_22.写出下列字母相对应的大写或小写形式(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)23. 请写出下列单词的大写形式。1. good _2. Meet _3. uncle _4. Morni ng _5. after noon _24.按照字母表顺序

6、用手写体书写字母Gg 到 Pp 的大小写。、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)2. d a d_4. u m m25.根据提示找出单词,并写出汉语意思。仁 A 2=B3=C4=D5=E6=F7=G17=Q18=R19=S20=T2 仁 U 22=V8=H23=W9=110=J1 仁 K 12=L13=M14=N15=O24=X25=Y26=Z16=P(1)2,15,4,25(2)12,5,7 (3)6,1,3,5(第5页,共 9 页26.看一看,连一连。第6页,共 9 页27.在右栏中找出左栏中每个句子的答语连线。A. bookB. bagC. crayonD. pencil-boxE. penF. e

7、raserG. rulerH. pencilI. MikeJ. Sarah第7页,共 9 页1) Good afternoon.(2)What?s youx nane?A. Good moiiimg JB.It is in the(3) HelloiC.IJinfine, thank you4) GoodbyeJD.It i? a book C 5)How old are yob?E. No,: Lt isn t.|:G.)Good niorningJF.My name is John.IF) How aie you?GaBye-byeJ(8) WhereJs my book?H. Good

8、afternoon.(9)Is it red?I;Hi(10) vhat?s Hiis?:L 1 am ten.28.将下列单词与相应的句子相连接。AIt s an eggB.This is a tigerC.Fly like a birdD I ha-e an eraserE.Lookl Five flowers.29.把相应的翻译字母代号填在括号里。连线Touch the gro und.Stamp your foot.Turn around.A.跺跺你的脚。B. 让我看看你的钢毛。C. 摸地板。Wave your arms.D.转个圈。第 8 页, 共 9 页Shake your bod

9、y.Show me your black pen.Touch your head. 30选择正确的译文。连线1goodA .上午2morni ngB.好的3IC.你好4youD .我5helloE.你四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31.小小翻译官(1) 早上好,格林小姐。(2) 这是琼斯先生。(3) 你叫什么名字?(4) 这是怀特小姐。32.翻译下列词组1. 在公园里 _3. 红白相间 _5. 买一个粉色的风筝 _7. 想要一些气球 _9. 去超市 _33.The sun is red in the morning. (翻译成中文)34.根据中文提示完成填空。1. This is my _ (爸爸

10、) .2. This _ (是) my sister.3. This is my _ (家庭) .4. This is _ (我) .5.Shes my _ (妈妈) .35.把单词补充完整。1)d_ g (狗)2)c_t (猫)3)_ppl_(苹果)4)h_ _ ll_ (你好)5)y_ (你)E. 摇摇你的身体。F. 摸摸2. 看着小船 _4. 一张购物单 _6. 许多玩具 _8. 制作音乐 _10. 许多美丽的 _第9页,共 9 页五、我是小法官(判断题)36.读句子,在使句意完整通顺的单词后面打(4). Can you helpmeI(1)Its a tree.()(2)It has

11、many small flowers.()(3)It has many leaves.()(4)It has a big trunk and some branches.()(5)It has some roots. The roots are thin and short.(38. Readand circle.圈出不合群的小青蛙。(圈出不同类的单词)39 .读一读,看一看,图文相符的打V不相符的打x(1). I haveaanapple.(2).What colourareisyour pen?(3).My bag is purpleandorbrown.37.读一读,判断下列句子是否符合

12、图意1. oneA. waterA. redA. sixA. duckB. bookB. yellowB. riceB. sevenB. twoC. tenC. tenpC. birthday* * C. plateC. mon key“V。第10页,共 9 页1. This is L.六、阅读理解40 读对话,判断句子正误。(正确打错误打“X”)M=Mike L=Liu Tao W=Waitress (女服务员)M: Would you like a hot dog?L: Yes, Please. How about you, Mike?M: rd like an egg

13、 and a pie.W: OK! Here you are.M: Wow! A red egg.L: Yes, and a gree n pie.W: And the hot dog is oran ge. Its n ice.(1)Mike would like a hot dog.()(2)Liu Tao would like a cake and an egg.()(3)The egg is red.( )(4)The pie is blue.()(5)The hot dog is orange.()41 阅读理解。Hello! I m Mike m ten I havea sister. Her name is Kate . She is nine . I like cats and dogs . She doesn them. Shelikes birds. But we both (都)like bananas.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。() 1.has a sister.2. Nice to meet you.3. N is in(


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