已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、第1页,共 7 页2018-20佃年五常市兴隆乡中心学校三年级上册英语模拟练习题无答案一、我会选一选(选择题)1 你想问对方好吗,可以说 _ .(3)Nice to meet you. B. How are you?C. What s your name?2.I_ fine.A . isB. am3.-What is this?A . It s a watermelonB . That s mine. C. It is red.D . That s green.4 . This is my father, my mother and_ .A . I B. me C. my5 . John 说:

2、I have a pencil.你也有”支 pencil,你可以说: _A. My name s Bai Ling. B. Me too.6 . The panda is_ fruit.A. eat B. eatt ing C. eati ng7 ._ I have some rice?A. HowB. AmC. Can8 . -Hello! I m Sarah.A . I m fine.B . Bye!C.Hi! I m Wu fang.9 . Let _a big kite.A . are B . draw C . have10 . I have a duck.A. Here you ar

3、eB. Me too11. The roots_ ong.A. amB. is12 . Here are your babies.A . Oh, tha nk you so muchB . It isC . OK13 . There is_elepha nt.A . an B . a C . two14 . This is_ .A. yourB. me15 .有人问你几岁了?你该说_A. Great!B. see you.C. ThanksC. areC. myC. Im ten.第2页,共 7 页二、想一想,填一填(填空题)第3页,共 7 页16 将下列单词连成一个句子,把序号写在横线上。1

4、. ILi Huaam2. Lookballa4. Nicetoyoumeet5. Hello!Lindaam117.选用 a或者 an 填空。1.skirt2.egg3.orange4.cap5.orange skirt 6.red egg7.white ice cream 8.doll18 按要求完成句子。(1) is , Guo Yan g, name. His (.)(连词成句)(2)many. have, How, you, canyons, do (?)(连词成句)(3)frie nd,is, She , my (.)(连词成句)(4)Whats the matter 翻译成中文)

5、(5)My sister is very young.(翻译成中 乂)19. Read and classify.单词归类,请把 12 个单词按所给的类别填到横线上,标上序号即可。 学习用品_ 身体部位_ 动物 _(1) facerulex(3) dog(4) glue(5) pandaCe) mouth(7 ) JWQUf() pen 10) bag(11) illl(12) leg20.选择合适的答语完成对话。A: Good after noon.B:_ .(1)A: What s your_ 2) ?B: My n ame is Gao Wei.A: Nice to_ (3) you.B

6、: Nice to_ (4) you,_ (5)A: Good bye!B: Bye-bye!too,najiifijmeetjGood.af tcan,meet21.情境交际,把正确答案抄写在横线上。12 分)第4页,共 7 页this is,that is, these are, those are(1)some childre n.(近)(2)a basketball.(近)(3)a beautiful house.(远)(4)some hills.小山(远)22.选词完成句子,将字母代号填写在横线上。this Are blackboardHow E. door(1) -Close th

7、e_ , please.-Yes, Miss Fang.(2) - Is_ your desk?-No, it is nt.(3) -_ much is it?-Four yua n, please.(4) -_ these your pencils?-Yes, they are.(5) Look at the_ , please.23.读一读,把句子中每个单词的首字母组合在一起,看看是什么?(字母均小写)Father and mother, I love you.24 回答问题1、what is the mom doing?2、What does Alice doing?3、what are

8、 you doing?25 比一比谁先完成。(计算)1. five three =_2. three two =_3. three + five =_4. eight four =_5. two + three=_ 6. eight five =_7. two + five =_第5页,共 7 页、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26.读一读,把下列句子与其相对应的汉语连起来。1. Hold the dolLA吹气球2. Drive the car.3 Fly the kite.C.抱布娃娃4. Bounce the ball.5* Throw the pa per plane.E.拍皮球&6

9、. Blow up the balloons. F.开汽车A Open the win dow.B Close the book.C Ope n the mouth.D Close the door.E Open the pencil box.29.从选项中选出与问句相对应的答语,并连线。(1)are theseA-NGJI eaii t.(2)Can I come in ?.1 m eating chips(3)tfhat is Amy doing ?C_ She is making a cakeCan you jump far?D- YeSj you canUhnt axw you mat

10、ing ?E.Ihuy 辽 u bcQk30.给下列单词找到正确的翻译,并连线。1. welcomeA .男孩(1) girl(2) boy(3) window(4) doorB.放风箏。D-扔纸飞机。27中英文连线。1.开窗户。2.关门。3.张嘴。4.合上书。5.打开铅笔盒。28.单词连线。第 6 页, 共 7 页2. boy3. girl4. firstB 第一c.九月D 欢迎5. September四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)E. 女孩31短语翻译1._八只鸭子2._ 六条狗3._五个苹果4._六个男孩5. 九个鸡蛋 _32根据汉语提示写单词。( 1) This is my _ (新的)

11、cap.(2)What _ (颜色) is my shirt ?(3)It is _ (红色的) .( 4) Look at my_ (夹克衫) .(5)It _ (是) a T-shirt.33汉译英1.早上好。2.谢谢你。3.再见!4.你怎么样?5.很高兴见到你。34早上好,同学们。 (翻译成英语) _35翻译下列句子。1.它是一只猫。2.看这只狗。3.它在货车里面。4.这是什么?5.这只熊猫很胖。五、我是小法官(判断题)第7页,共 7 页36.判断下列句子是否和录音内容相符(用 T 表示相符,F 表示不相符)(1) It s rainy. )(2) The boat is white a

12、nd blue.()(3) The ball is yellow.()(4) The kite is orange and green.()(5) They see many flowers.()37看图判断对(v)错(。()3.Touch your head.()4.Shake your foot.4. I have a desk and a chair.5. The birthday cake is for you.38.判断正误。()1.Touch your head.)1. My head hurts.2. Goodbye.3. The boys are cold.()2.Wave y

13、our arm.第8页,共 7 页39. Read and judge.读一读,判断句子与答语是否相符,相符的画 巴不相符的画B . How are you, Mike?B. Thank you.B . Good after noon.B . Nice to meet you, too.B. OK!六、阅读理解40.阅读短文,判断句子对错。I am 8 years old. I have 2 pen cils. I have 4 rulers. I have a friend. Amy is 9 years old. She has 9 pen cils and a ruler. Im eig

14、htyears old._I have 2 friends._I have five rulers._Amy has nine pen cils._Amy is nine._41阅读短文,判断句子是(T)否(F)正确.Hello, I am Alice. I am a girl. Im eight years old. Today is my birthday. I have a birthday party. I eat (吃) a birthday cake withmy good frien ds. I have two gifts. One gift is a pencil box. The other (另一个) is a book. I like them very much. I am veryhappy. I love my good fr


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